
{micro pan}

📹 🎣 Fishing in Chengdu 339.


Sara Hendren

Part 4 of my thinking through the college search alongside my teenagers. This one is on the architectural spaces on campus: sarahendren.com/2024/07/2…


Pete Moore

“Got milk?”

Nope. Got beard, tho.

Selfie of me with my long ducktail-style beard. Thankfully my bed beard was finally coaxed out of existence after copious amounts of brushing, hoping, and blood sweat and tears. Wearing my specs and shaved head.

João Almeida

Lunching by a lake, on a summer day, while listening to even softer versions of soft rock. Yeah… Feeling lazy.


Henrik Carlsson

Does anybody know how to export my iTunes Music purchases (non-DRM) as .wav or .aac or similar? I want to listen to it outside of the Music App.


Christopher Wilson

Would anyone want an ebook with my sketches collated together? Perhaps my series on mental models with descriptions along side? $5? (Feel free to say if you’d have a slightly different request i.e. different sketchnotes/ how many etc)


Chris Aldrich

A crystal old fashioned glass of bourbon on the rocks next to a Royal HH standard typewriter

Forget gasoline. Dismiss lighter fluid. Let slip the idea of lacquer thinner.

When I clean my type slugs, I only use bourbon.


كتابات عبدالرحمن الشنقيطي

لماذا أتواجد رقميًا باسمي وهويتي الشخصية عوضًا عن «براند» مستقل؟

لأنني في رحلة استكشاف. أستكشف ذاتي وتفاعلها مع العالم من حولي، وأندهش لما ينتج عن هذا التفاعل الفريد كما يندهش أي إنسان آخر.

أراقب ذاتي، أشادها وأشهدها، وبين حين وآخر أشارك أجزاءً من الرحلة.


Jay Sitter

Web 2.0 was any site that had the word “folksonomy” on it.


Andrew Catellier

i just plugged my bike helmet into my couch to charge in case you’re wondering what stage of civilization we are currently in


Rich Brown

duolingo screenshot: "The cave painting was actually painted by our baby"

999 days and I'm finally learning the useful stuff!


كتابات عبدالرحمن الشنقيطي

بعض الناس يمكلون الكثير من الأموال، وبعضهم تحفّهم العلاقات الداعمة والدافئة، غيرهم الصحة، أو المعرفة، أو العقل، أو هدوء البال، وآخرون وُهبوا الجمال. أما أنا فثروتي تجاربي. قصتي هي رأس مالي.


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Someone moved his box so he’s holding my favorite shirt hostage.

An orange cat laying on a blue button-up shirt on a kitchen table.


Robin Rendle — The computer is a feeling:

Everything behind glass here was pushing towards a future they couldn’t see, but they had to feel instead.

Such a beautiful reflection on a visit to the Computer History Museum, a place I have only been to once but sits high on my list of favorite places ever. I felt it when I walked into the Wikipedia room.


John Chandler

A quick update on how my home barista training is going with my 16 year-old son…

Strewn coffee equipment next to wet grounds and coffee on countertop

Odd-Egil “Oddzthrash” Auran

I thought about reading some good romance novels, and wondered if anyone has any recommendations? (I’ve never read any).


Kalena Langford

From Sunday 😎💖

A girl in a pink dress and sunglasses

David Walbert

Took several tries to work out this design and I’m still not sure I’m fully happy with it, but it does have a title: “How Shines the Sun,” a line from Goethe’s “Mailied” (May Song). So it may not be perfect, but it has pretensions.

relief carving of a bird perched among flowers gazing at the sun; green frame carved with weaving triangles


Adam Tinworth


A large shark sculpture appears to be embedded headfirst into the roof of a residential building.

maique madeira

💺 On the way over.

Flight #11 for this four year old girl!

A child with long dark hair, wearing a dress with strawberry prints, is sitting on an airplane seat and looking out of the window. A seatbelt is fastened around their waist, and there is a water bottle and a napkin on the tray.


كتابات عبدالرحمن الشنقيطي

أكتب لنفسي أولًا، قبل أن ألتفت للآخرين. أكتبُ لي لا ليراني الناس ويبجلوني، ولا لأحصل على أموال أو هبات، ولا لهثًا وراء الشهرة، ولا أيًا من هذا وذاك.

أكتب لأصنع شيئًا من نفسي، ولنفسي.


Brad East

Clive James:

Writers don’t read just for the story: they read for the way the story is written, and the way the sentences are put together is the information that sticks. It helps, however, to have been taught in the first place what a sentence is: something that conveys information only by the rules it keeps. Grammar is a mechanism for meaning one thing at a time. Without it, you can’t even manage to be deliberately ambiguous, although to be ambiguous by accident is a result all too easily attained.


carol o (micro.blog)

in for routine mammo and the tech compliments me on my chest wall.. so I got that going for me, which is nice

more srsly, niche comments from folks with very specific expertise might actually be my fave


Michael Bogdanffy-kriegh

… really nice thing happened… as i was walking up the street to my house, a neighbor was driving down the road… he made a point of stopping, rolling down his window, and telling me he thought i was really rocking my outfits lately… hadn’t noticed he’d been noticing… made my day…


Anton Zuiker

Big rains = turtle sightings. This male Eastern Box Turtle was in the gravel road as I drove the recycling bins to the street. He has been through trauma. Amazing that he survived.

Turtle at eye level

Jatan Mehta

Lovely gift from a new friend and reader. A view from the Atacama desert in Chile that looks like it’s from the Moon.

An image with filename: moon-like-view-from-atacama-desert-chile-by-alexandre copy.jpg


The pond is a peaceful place https://aeryn.me/uploads/2024/20240724-pond-reflections-abney.mp4

Morning coffee in the park, soaking in the sun.


Youhei Takeguchi

🍿 鑑定士と顔のない依頼人 (2013)


The Best Offer poster



Sometimes, to get back on the right path, you have to circumnavigate the globe.


Manuel Riess

Sportfreunde Stiller, live at Freilichtbühne Killesberg, Stuttgart

I love it when you can feel that the band has as much fun playing their music, like everyone else has listening and singing with them. Great atmosphere, great concert, lots of my favorite songs and a good friend. Great evening 👌🎸🎶

A crowd is gathered in front of an illuminated stage at night, watching a live music performance by Sportfreunde Stiller.

Ton Zijlstra

Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon zylstra.org


It’s been a tough, emotional, overwhelming day.

I was gonna self-soothe with some unhealthy takeout food tonight but I decided to make a better choice for my body.

I feel a little bit better about making this small positive step forwards, even when I feel self-destructive.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

I’ll be moving in roughly 3-4 years. I know what city, but not which suburb or neighborhood. What are some things I could be doing right now to establish a social circle in what will become my new home?


Ricardo Mendes

Plus que 3 jours de taf et puis vacances du 29 juillet au 16 août !

Ça va faire du bien de débrayer, déménager, aller peut être un peu à la mer si il fait beau, rien faire.., ou essayer de rien faire 😅


Shiori Reads

想读But Some of Us are Brave

But Some of Us are Brave



📷 Working from the office today.

A cozy, sunlit office room features a dark couch with pillows in front of a large window with vertical blinds partially open.

Daniel Rose

What are some of your foundational principles?

For me, integrity is crucial.


Lisa Sieverts

My husband’s son is visiting from the Netherlands. We’re having lovely summer weather. There’s lots of swimming and hiking and eating of summer fruits. Overall, a good time is being had by all.


Emma Cragg

The unexpected benefit of re-employment (and an office in town) is that my use of the library has exponentially increased 📚🐛

Rows of library shelves in the fiction section.

吉田 敏幸( Toshiyuki Yoshida )

This strange song, which follows the end of “Cry Baby Cry” on the Beatles' White Album, isn’t even named on the album. However, it has stayed in my ears for many years, so I tried playing it on my guitar🎸 myself!


View of earth ever so slowly rolling away from sun
View of earth ever so slowly rolling away from sun

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

I have this ongoing mental list of minor, non-spectacular, somewhat mundane things that I think would change the world. One I added today was “eliminate pop-ups”.


Zak Brown

I pretend these are boosters from Mario Kart. Pew pew.

Cyclist symbol and forward arrow painted on road

Lisa Sieverts

Finished reading: Titanium Noir by Nick Harkaway 📚A very fun sci-fi / detective noir read. Interesting world building, fun characters and a good story. Highly recommended.


R Scott Jones

This place officially socks (OTD in 2008)

Highway sign that reads Fort Payne: official sock capital of the world

Chi Señires

Monthly, daily, hourly reminder to self that I want to do so many things yet I am only me



photo of blue sky almost covered with clumpy and wispy clouds from pale to medium grey, with peach and orange highlights, and a bird flying toward the bottom left corner of the image.

Sky from home (6).



Nu tänker jag inte längre respektera den här molande huvudvärken som har plågat mig i en vecka. Ikväll går jag till gymmet.



Hellooo world


Michael Bogdanffy-kriegh

Love and abuse cannot coexist. Abuse and neglect are, by definition, the opposites of nurturance and care. (bell hooks, All About Love)