Ton Zijlstra Avatar
Ton Zijlstra
opengov, opendata, networked agency, indieweb, distributed digital transformation, ethics by design, IoT

Ton Zijlstra

I finally got around to, and succeeded in updating my and E’s VPS-hosted Mastodon instances. For about half a year I wasn’t able to update Mastodon, because the automatically generated back-ups before the update were too big for the allocated disk space on the VPS. My VPS runs Yunohost, but the options in...

Ton Zijlstra

Back to School

Ton Zijlstra

Week Notes 32/33/34-24

Ton Zijlstra

Week Notes 31-24

Ton Zijlstra

Week Notes 30-24

Ton Zijlstra

Great Olympics opening show in Paris last night. I thought I’d have a quick look on tv, and then kept watching to the end at midnight. Impressive celebration of French cultural identity in a hugely inclusive way and embedded in the wider European context. Reactionary heads around Europe and the world must ...

Ton Zijlstra

Me, During a Starry Night

Ton Zijlstra

Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon

Ton Zijlstra

Week Notes 29-24

Ton Zijlstra

Week Notes 28-24

Ton Zijlstra

Do you sometimes buy both the digital and physical nonfiction book version?

Ton Zijlstra

The European AI Act Is Now Published

Ton Zijlstra

In reply to a bookmark by John Johnston The templates contain what I want to have inside a blogposting for a reply, favourite, bookmark, rsvp or check-in. I apply them before I submit something to WordPress, so they are fully outside of my blog and get send as HTML to my blog. Two main ways: if I type something in my editor (e.g. WordPress back-end or in my local text editor) I have text expansion snippets that paste the right template into my text. The little header above this post with the SVG image and the bit that contains the right microformat, I add by typing .ureply, and I have similar set-u...

Ton Zijlstra

In reply to a reply by David Shanske No worries, David. I think we had some exchanges about it at the time (2021) in the IndieWeb IRC chat. A migration tool would be useful for others I’m sure. In my case, I used the opportunity to style things differently too. So it wasn’t just a migration out of the plu...

Ton Zijlstra

Week Notes 27-24

Ton Zijlstra

Week Notes 26-24

Ton Zijlstra

Disabled PostKinds Plugin

Ton Zijlstra

Bookmarked Ich hatte nie Angst um mein Leben, das begann erst mit Vucics Machtübernahme (interview with Marko Vidojkovic by Evelyn Schalk) Interesting interview from last year about Serbian author and journalist criticaster Marko Vidojkovic being threatened since the populist president Vucic took power. ...

Ton Zijlstra

Week Notes 25-24

Ton Zijlstra

@pratik with 'apply to new features too' I mean not the features but the way that iOS interacts with them, the DMA obligations rest on iOS and its interface with whatever runs on top of it.


Ton Zijlstra

@pratik pretty much, except that all new features are under the DMA because iOS (whatever version) is since Sept 2023. So the gatekeeper obligations in Art 5-7 apply to new features in iOS too (mostly wrt tracking, unbundling, not favoring own services above others on a platform etc). Art 8 provides Apple the means to discuss with the EC upfront whether new features are implemented in ways that are compliant. The DMA is an anti trust regulation, not a tech reg, and as such written to reduce uncertainty for all market actors. As you say that all doesn't mean it's compulsory to roll out features in the EU indeed, but if it's said to be based on uncertainty or risk assessment then that is not at all a believable story from Apple.


Ton Zijlstra

@pratik there's not much vagueness in the DMA in my reading. It's pretty short and not a tech but a market regulation. It's also always clear up front whether the DMA applies to you and concerning which platform services. (For Apple it's Safari, iOS, iPadOS and their App Store). If you bring a new platform service to the market and it grows big you'll know some 3 years in advance if and how the DMA will be applicable to you. Circumvention as in 'malicious compliance' is covered in the law and specific too (Art 13) (cc @pwinn)


Ton Zijlstra

Magpie Visit

Ton Zijlstra

@frank Je hebt gelijk Frank, voorbereiding is nodig. Tegelijk zou ik geen demo-vault willen hebben, want dan is het te makkelijk om te laten zien hoe je zou willen dat je het deed, ipv hoe je het echt doet met alle geploeter en frictie erbij. Maandag merkte ik dat ik bij sommige vragen wat voorbeelden in mijn systeem opzocht die laten zien hoe iets bij mij werkt. Misschien is het al voldoende om daar tijd in een programma voor te maken.


Ton Zijlstra

Zesde Nederlandstalige Obsidian Meet-Up

Ton Zijlstra

@robertbrook cool shot of Rotterdam!


Ton Zijlstra

I flipped the switch yesterday on my one remaining Twitter account, @tonzylstra, my original one. I registered in December 2006, so the account didn’t quite make it to 18 years. My Mastodon activity started spring 2017, so let’s see where that will be 11 years down the road. I had stopped using my Twitter account (posted a redirect to my Mastodon account in 2018) and a year ago deleted the other ones I had (including that of my company), but held on to this one for nostalgia I think. Because even if at the end of 2006 I felt I was late to Twitter (I was an avid Jaiku user, a European better alternat...

Ton Zijlstra

Week Notes 24-24

Ton Zijlstra

Een goede maand voor open data met nieuwe Wet Hergebruik en High Value Data

Ton Zijlstra

Week Notes 23-24

Ton Zijlstra

@writingslowly Thanks! Yes, TiddlyWiki aligns nicely with atomicity imo.


Ton Zijlstra

@robertbrook what a cool image!


Ton Zijlstra

@writingslowly wrt to wiki and public facing or not. For a number of years, 2004-2012 thereabouts (preceded by The Brain, and followed by Evernote) I used a wiki privately on my laptop for all my notes. I also had a public facing wiki, but it was a different instance, and served a different role, alongside my blog. The public one was also for collaborative notes. I moved material from my personal wiki to my public one but not by default.


Ton Zijlstra

@frank Al je ja-maar punten gaan over functionaliteit en dingen binnen de grenzen van de tool / het platform. Terwijl het probleem zit buiten die primaire context. WhatsApp, Twitter en whatnot zijn allen problematisch op systemisch niveau: adtech manipulatief, ongezond en sinds 2018 illegaal (maar de molens draaien langzaam). Je kunt wel zeggen als gebruiker dat al je vrienden in die radioactief besmette club zitten en je daarom zelf ook geen stralingsvrije plek opzoekt, want dat is dan niet gezellig. Maar feit blijft dat die gezelligheid plaatsvindt in een radioactieve omgeving. Niemand had vrienden en kon niemand vinden op Twitter in 2006, want het ging per bloody sms! Er was geen mobiele interface want smartphones bestonden niet. Dat was krachtig genoeg kennelijk om mensen aan te lokken. Ik ben gestopt met ja-maar aanhoren, en gestopt met accomoderen. Er verandert namelijk alleen iets als je niet meer mee doet, want al dat geja-maar impliceert dat er alleen iets verandert als iedereen in consensus naar de next thing overstapt, en dat is een onredelijke eis. Dus als iemand ja-maart in mijn richting is het enige wat ik zeg dat dat niet de tegenwerping is die die persoon denkt dat het is en als ik in een vervelende bui ben dat het een smoes is om niets te doen aan iets wat die persoon zelf ook wel weet dat niet goed zit. 'Ja ik zou eigenlijk ook moeten stoppen met xyz'. En dan zeg ik ja dat is zo. En laat het daarbij.


Ton Zijlstra

@AndySylvester do note that what it sends to the micropub client / / markdown notes is hardcoded to follow my personal templates for such postings and notes. It is a personal tool in the sense it follows my own peculiarities hardcoded, and isn't set up with settings etc.


Ton Zijlstra

@AndySylvester I have been using this for a while now btw, pretty soon after I created that micropub client. Dave's post resulted in me polishing it a bit.


Ton Zijlstra

@AndySylvester Sure, thanks for the nudge Andy! I posted the code at In the background it uses my tiny micropub client that you mentioned.


Ton Zijlstra

@dave only seeing this now. What was the error? My hoster sometimes has expectations wrt requests I'm not aware of.


Ton Zijlstra

@frank A friend some twenty years ago phrased it as "I don't mind that you can find out a lot about me online, but it has to take effort." There needs to be some friction: if you want to know more, that is possible but you have to spend some time digging and reading. To me this relates to the role of social distance and esp asymmetry (I can know a lot about you, even if you don't know I exist), and these days to 'reverse Turing testing'. Friction may reduce the social distance and the asymmetry the 'knower' feels because of their own effort investment. Longer time visibility may also serve as proof you are human in these algogen times. That said, if I don't want something known I go for better opsec/infosec in parallel to my more public activities. Also see and


Ton Zijlstra

@pratik that looks amazing


Ton Zijlstra

@KimberlyHirsh Sometimes :D. My partner and I are both mostly working from home since 15+yrs, we have a 7yo daughter. It got better to organise as she became older. Sometimes it means giving original plans up for the day entire, sometimes a bit of shifting is enough. Like doing a chore during a break, dropping one appointment. We usually confer and plan, to ensure we're not both on important calls at the same time. We count ourselves lucky we're both mostly home. It would be very different if just one of us would have to pick up the logistics of a kid at home unexpectedly. The pandemic lockdowns were an extreme (and not fun) so now everything seems easy in comparison. We approach it both from a starting point of flexibility towards each other with the kid coming first, and celebrate it when it works like a dance (although I'm terrible at dancing it seems an apt metaphor)


Ton Zijlstra

@frank When I used a wiki for my notes etc. I had a local start page in my browser. When I stopped using a wiki locally I had all my browsers set to blank home pages. Since 2 yrs I'm using a small list of links to tools I frequently use (scripts, feed reader stuff) and some statistics (about note taking, day of year etc).


Ton Zijlstra

@jeremycherfas @frank 'fair use' is not a concept in European copyright law, there is a limitative list of copyright exceptions, one of which is quoting for criticism or review purposes. I don't think that allows showing artwork like a cover though.


Ton Zijlstra

@frank I always have the nagging suspicion that depicting book covers on my site would be a breach of copyright. I used to have them when in Amazon affiliate links, but other than that always avoided cover images.


Ton Zijlstra

@moonmehta How very cool! At what time on Thursday?


Ton Zijlstra

@agilelisa oh! wishing you a speedy recovery, and @jean 's list seems useful too.


Ton Zijlstra

@adoran2 Different thing, no caramel filling, and way thinner and much more brittle. Stroopwafels come from Gouda (western part of NL), these things come from the eastern parts on the German border and are only made around NYE. Same gridded pattern though, from the waffle iron.


Ton Zijlstra

@frank simpel houden lijkt me. In mijn site heb ik wel een paar tweaks toegepast: ik zorg dat alle posts in NL (en D) met de juiste taalcode zijn gemarkeerd in html (dat gaat niet goed als je G er naar laat raden, want die kijkt ook naar mijn Engelstalige menu, en bovendien gaat G er vanuit dat je altijd maar 1 taal gebruikt), en vooral in mijn RSS feed: voor NL en D postings wordt in mijn feed een link toegevoegd naar een machinevertaling.


Ton Zijlstra

@frank I often use titleless posts, and never noticed that treats them differently. The only thing is in lists of posts, there's not title so no clickable link.


Ton Zijlstra

@frank oh nice, I need to check that out.