Some recent micromonday posts from the community.


James Manes

Happy Micro Monday! It’s coffee day. Honorable mention to some of my favorite MB folks: @petebrown @val and @bryan.

A Mastodon themed mug next to a half-full Chemex branded carafe still brewing coffee. The Chemex has a paper filter funneled over the top, dripping coffee into the carafe below.

💬 John Philpin

🖇️ Remember Micro Monday Follow Day? - I just fixed the click through - because after all this shuffling a few things got broken. There are some crackers in there … 5 Years Ago Today Apparently!


Lou Plummer

Is Micro Monday still a thing on Regardless, I want to shout out one of my favorite blogs, HeyDingus by @jarrod. He also founded the One a Month Club


Simon Woods

Idea: Use the new MB Recommendations feature to make an expanded version of Micro Monday.



Is Micro Monday still a thing? @monday Anyhow, I wanted to let you know about a blogroll page I just set up. There’s a few very nice blogs there, and I’ll be adding more along the way. #thoughts



#micromonday recommendation is to visit @darrenhester blog at - chock full of interesting photos and items worth taking the time to learn more about…thanks for your stuffs, @darrenhester

more “Micro Monday” at @monday and micromonday


Sam Hawken

I was going to post something for Micro Monday, but then I realized that even @monday doesn’t seem to post anymore. 🤷‍♂️


Rick Cogley

For #MicroMonday I’d like to share and thank Sven Dahlstrand (@sod), who is a great help in the m.b forum & makes great posts and plugins. 📅🙏🏻


Rick Cogley

For #MicroMonday I’d like to share and thank Matt Langford (@mtt), who created “Tiny Theme” that many of us micro-bloggers use. 📅🙏🏻


Rick Cogley

For Micro Monday, today Oct 16th, I’d like to share NumericCitizen’s blog. I always find something really useful to read or learn there about Apple, Tech, Privacy and other topics. They write with clarity, and I love their use of popup asides. 📆

Screenshot showing numericcitizen’s popup “asides”


Anne Sturdivant

I have two pins left to earn:

  • Micro Monday
  • Night Owl

Micro Monday

Micro Monday is a day for you to recommend a microblogger or post you like. We also do occasional “roll calls” to gather up folks with a common interest. Today’s topic: chess. Make a move and reply here so others can follow you.

Check out previous roll call threads to find your fellow enthusiasts.


Micro Monday

Micro Monday is a day for you to recommend another microblog or post you like. We also do roll calls to gather up folks with a common interest. Today’s topic: swimming. Whether it’s for fun, exercise, or gold medals, leave a reply here so others can find and follow you. 🏊‍♀️🏊🏊‍♂️


Micro Monday

If you blog in a language other than English, post a comment on the new Micro Monday roll call so others can find and follow your microblog.


Micro Monday

Micro Monday is a day for you to recommend a microblogger or post you like.

We also do roll calls to gather up folks with a common interest. This week’s topic: microbloggers who post in a language other than English. Let us know which language so others may follow. 🌏🌎🌍


Jean MacDonald

There’s a new Micro Monday roll call for hiking. That was a suggestion from the community that was made some time ago.

Follow @monday for new roll calls. There’s a list of all the topics so far (including walking and running). Suggestions for future topics welcome!


Micro Monday

Micro Monday is a day for you to recommend a microblogger or a post you like. We also do roll calls to gather up folks with a common interest.

New roll call: Hikers! Reply here, and share a favorite trail if you wish, so others can follow you on



Micro Monday! Brandon’s Mid-Life Reset by @BrandonWrites, a nice blend of topical content and posts about games and music. I enjoyed the recent Friday The 13th The Game post, which gets at the important issue of impermanence and delisting in the age of digital distribution.


Jean MacDonald

A reminder that we just added a new roll call on Micro Monday. The topic is “where have I been,” and folks are listing places they’ve lived or visited. You can post a list on your own blog and link it in the thread there, or just add a reply with your list. 🚲🫏🚗🚆✈️🛳️🗺️


Jean MacDonald

Now that Micro Camp is over (stickers and door prizes still to be fulfilled!), I’m ready to restart Micro Monday community threads (aka roll calls).

@manton inadvertently inspired a topic with his post about where he’s been. Join the thread to join the fun. And follow @monday for future threads.


Micro Monday

Micro Monday is a day we help each other find new people to follow. We also do roll calls to gather up folks with a common interest. This week: winter sports! ❄️ Ski, snowboard, ice fish, dog sled? Reply here so others can follow you! Even if it’s summer where you are…


Jean MacDonald

There’s a new Micro Monday roll call posted at @monday. 🎲

Also, if you have a recommendation of someone to follow on, please post it, and I’ll add it to Discover so new folks will see it.

PS. Welcome to all the @relayfm podcast listeners who have joined us!


Micro Monday

Micro Monday is a day we encourage you to recommend other microbloggers to follow.

We also do roll calls to help folks with a common interest find each other. Tabletop game enthusiasts: what are your favorites? Reply here so others can follow you! 🎲


Jean MacDonald

I just posted a potentially divisive topic on @monday for this week’s Micro Monday roll call, inspired by a conversation that @maique started.🍍 Please remember to be civil. 😅


Micro Monday

Micro Monday is a day to find new people to follow. We do roll calls to gather up folks with a common interest. Today’s topic pizza. Bake your own? Preferred toppings? There are no wrong answers! Leave a comment here so fellow aficiondoughs can follow you.


Jean MacDonald

There’s a new Micro Monday roll call. Follow @monday for community-related stuff. I’m sorry I can’t remember who suggested this week’s topic so I could give them credit! If it was you, let me know. 🤔


Micro Monday

Micro Monday is a day to find new people to follow. We do occasional roll calls to gather up folks with a common interest. Today’s topic: electric vehicles. Drive one? Want one? Got advice to share? Leave a comment here so fellow enthusiasts can follow you (at a safe distance). 🚗


Jean MacDonald

Just a reminder that:

  • weekly Micro Monday roll calls are now being hosted on @monday <–follow!
  • Monday is just a human-created concept, so even if it’s Tuesday (or Wednesday 🌏), you can reply any time to any roll call thread
  • the latest thread 🎮 is a popular!

Jean MacDonald

We moved the Micro Monday roll calls over the @monday account. I recommend following that account.(It rarely has more than one post a week.) There is a new roll call today that will be of interest to many of you. It’s not my jam, so someone else needs to kick off the replies. 😇


Micro Monday

Micro Monday is a day to find new people to follow. We do occasional roll calls to gather up folks with a common interest. Today’s topic was suggested by @Gaby: video games 🎮 Ready, players? What do you play? Leave a comment here so fellow enthusiasts can follow you.


Micro Monday

Micro Monday is a day to find new people to follow. We do occasional roll calls to gather up folks with a common interest. Today’s was inspired by a lively discussion, kicked off by @BinaryDigit, of how to microblog about recipes. Cooks/chefs/recipe lovers, leave a comment here!


Jean MacDonald

Micro Monday news! Starting today, the Micro Monday Roll Call threads will be coming from the Micro Monday account aka @monday. Follow that for today’s and future roll calls to find folks to follow who share your interests!


Jean MacDonald

Tiffany White/@tiff was a guest on Micro Monday Episode 68, where she said: has its own vibe and I really enjoy it. It’s almost like there is no pressure there to stick out.

But sometimes you need to stick out here. She needs help. Will join me in helping?


Jean MacDonald

The Austin Micro Meetup is happening now at Lazarus Brewing. I got to meet @pratik in person for the first time! I feel like I’ve known him already—we got to chat for Micro Monday episode 66 about 3 ½ years ago.

Pratik and Jean at an outdoor beer garden

Jean MacDonald

Previous Micro Monday roll calls: 🖋⌚️☕️🧶🚲🐦 and more!

Jean MacDonald

Micro Monday is a day to find new people to follow. We also do occasional interest category roll calls. Let’s do a New Year’s topic, instead of a conventional category: Resolution? No resolutions? Big plans? Little plans? What’s happening for you in 2023? Post a reply here.


Sirius Hollowspell

I know today is a Monday so it’s also Micro Monday, but I dont actually know what that means.