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Kalena Langford
Fun motherhood moments and gardening and homeschooling and where we live and a little traveling here and there and lots of pictures. That’s typically how I fill this space here.

Kalena Langford

Testing out his creation

A boy’s eye at the end of some rolled up paper

Kalena Langford

@odd Thanks! Always fun to go on a treasure hunt. 😄


Kalena Langford

A few thrift finds from this week:

A book ($1) titled, “Glorious Flowers,” that’s packed with beautiful art of various flowers…aiming to frame them

A set of measuring cups ($1) for a new project

A Boska cheese grater ($0.12)

A silver spoon ($0.12)

And a pretty little glass vase ($1)

A flat lay of some thrift finds

Kalena Langford

@crossingthethreshold Absolutely beautiful


Kalena Langford

Been thinking I might write a detailed-ish description of our trip to Atlanta a couple of weeks ago. But, so far, I only have a title typed out. So, in case I never get to it, I’m gonna post snippets here and there for me to look back on.

Jellyfish at the Georgia Aquarium 🪼


Kalena Langford

Last Sunday in August 🩷🧡💛🩵💜

A girl posing in her Sunday best

Kalena Langford

Trying to figure out how to have 11 kids build their own ziggurats in a fairly short period of time without it costing a lot of money in supplies.


Kalena Langford

Went to our first (and last) Mississippi Braves game a couple of weeks ago. Scored a bunch of merch half off and these super great photos of some really cool people. ☺️

A young girl smiling through a photo cutout of a baseball playerA boy smiling through a photo cutout of a baseball player


Kalena Langford

Pre-Fall Inspiration kalenalangford.com

Kalena Langford

Driving over the Mighty Mississippi

View of bridge from car

Kalena Langford

Doing important work and mapping out coffee stops for our trip this week.


Kalena Langford

@KimberlyHirsh Yep! And where we spent the majority of our time!


Kalena Langford

We had a late morning appointment and an early-ish afternoon appointment today, so we stayed “in town,” got smoothies, and roamed the aisles of Walmart to fill the majority of the time in between. It was a fun change of pace.

Two kids in a big buggy on the LEGO aisle in Walmart

Kalena Langford

Went to the chiropractor today. After Rowyn got adjusted, she looked at me and said, “What do chiropractors actually do?” It made our chiropractor laugh, then she proceeded to give Ro a wonderful explanation.


Kalena Langford

Christmas in July Craft: Pipe Cleaner Snowflakes kalenalangford.com

Kalena Langford

Guess what the first thing I’ll do when I get home will be. (Hint: ☕️)


Kalena Langford

Spent the last few days with family out of town. Mostly at my dad’s. It was a really good time.

Me holding a wildflower outside with trees and a house in the background

Kalena Langford

From Sunday 😎💖

A girl in a pink dress and sunglasses

Kalena Langford

Lego shopping yesterday. Buddy bought his little sister a Lego with his own money. Because he was proud of her for handling a hard week well. 💛

Two kids looking at the Lego aisle in Target

Kalena Langford

@z428 It was definitely more intimidating looking than the result. At least where we were. Thankfully.


Kalena Langford

@heyloura Thanks! She’s a super cool shopping partner. 😎


Kalena Langford

@crossingthethreshold The sun and clouds have battled throughout the day the last few days. We were on the outskirts of Hurricane Beryl stuff, but now it’s just July thunderstorms, I suppose.


Kalena Langford

Drive home this afternoon

View of a storm from a car

Kalena Langford

@lukemperez Girl loves her some sunglasses!


Kalena Langford

Thrift finds from last week in Natchitoches:

2 Magic Treehouse books to add to our library

3 tiny photo frames to make into ornaments

A Christmas train mug because I thought the kids would like it

A duck picture thing for the bird wall in our guest bathroom

A Study Bible in really great condition

Thrifted items

Kalena Langford

Grocery shopping with my girl

A 5-year-old girl pushing a buggy at the grocery store

Kalena Langford

My dad and I just had a lengthy phone conversation (then continued through text) about giant cicada-killer wasps (I saw one earlier this afternoon for the first time) and marbled orb weaver spiders (he has one in his shop). That was all after we talked about birds for a while. 🤓❤️


Kalena Langford

One of my favorite pictures from June: Him reading Sydney and Taylor Explore the Whole Wide World (a cute and funny short chapter 3-book series about a skunk and a hedgehog) to her

A photo from behind of a brother reading a book to his little sister while both are snuggled on the sofa

Kalena Langford

@amerpie Well, thanks! 👋🏼


Kalena Langford

A glimpse at a large portion of today’s entertainment for these two

Two kids sitting in chairs in front of a window watching a concrete mixer pour concrete and men work to make it a slab for a porch

Kalena Langford

Kids are in second day of swimming lessons this year. So, of course, we’re all dreaming of a pool.

We’ve also been discussing getting new bikes as a family. None of us currently have one.

First thing this morning at lessons, Ro said, “Instead of bikes, can we get a pool?”

Even trade, for sure. 🤪


Kalena Langford

It’s a good thing my life doesn’t depend on cutting up a watermelon quickly.


Kalena Langford

@Miraz Almost adds to the beauty. You caught it at the perfect moment.


Kalena Langford

@Miraz That’s really beautiful.


Kalena Langford

Zinnias that need some pruning, but that are still providing lots of joy

A garden bed full of zinnias

Kalena Langford

@dfj What a pretty place!


Kalena Langford

@heyloura Thanks! I finished it! Have a picture to post soon.


Kalena Langford

@heyloura I don’t feel so bad then. I got mine for my birthday a month and a half ago. Just waiting for the “right time” to get started. Thanks! Hope yours went or is going well!


Kalena Langford

@heyloura Ohhhhh! 😍 Have fun! I have a Kingfisher Lego waiting on me for when I figure out a good time. I’m excited about that one.


Kalena Langford

@heyloura So very pretty!


Kalena Langford

@pratik It’s true!


Kalena Langford

@heyloura We love it! 🤩


Kalena Langford

@Dunk Haha. That’s a fun one!


Kalena Langford

@dfr I’ve been soooo surprised with how well they’ve kept it! It’s like motivation for them in a way too!


Kalena Langford

@lukemperez Yes, the BEST!!


Kalena Langford

@pratik Ha. It makes sense. 🤪


Kalena Langford

@ner3y I definitely do agree.


Kalena Langford

@rickcogley Thank you! They’re probably my favorite flower to grow!