Ricardo Mendes  Avatar
Ricardo Mendes
PassionnĂ© par l'information, la dĂ©mocratie, la justice et le discernement. --- Passionate about information systems, democracy, justice and discernment --- Speak đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡”đŸ‡č🇬🇧 #introduction Hi, I'm a recovering solution architect passionate about all things #selfhosting #indieweb #fediverse #politics #democracy #news #tech I narrated a #ARTE #Documentary about Abuses in #TibetanBuddhism. In the last 7 years I have been advocating for Justice at #okcinfo #metoo

Ricardo Mendes

đŸŽ„ Le droit de tuer
 Une plaidoirie formidable pour l’accĂšs Ă  la justice


Ricardo Mendes

#Attal dehors, enfin. La France n’est pas encore sortie de son drame, il va probablement y avoir des motions de censures, Ă  moins que #barnier soit vraiment capable de sortir un lapin blanc de son chapeau, Ă  entendre ses opinions passĂ©es, ça va clasher avec les Gauches.


Ricardo Mendes

#Netanyahu live demonstration press conference in one word : #DARVO


Ricardo Mendes

#Dieselgate, it’s payback time. #VW on trial!


Ricardo Mendes

40.000 morts đŸ‡”đŸ‡ž en 11 mois. đŸ‡źđŸ‡±

Il n’y a pas de dilemme moral sur ce qu’il se passe Ă  Gaza, il faut un arrĂȘt immĂ©diat de la guerre, Netanyahu doit se retirer et ĂȘtre traĂźnĂ© devant un tribunal international pour crimes contre l’humanitĂ©.

Les otages libéré.


Ricardo Mendes

C’est avec une joie non dissimulĂ©e qu’on a atteint l’objectif de 6000€ ce soir, grĂące Ă  la participation en derniĂšre minute d’amis-ies qui ont mis le nĂ©cessaire pour arriver Ă  l’objectif ! Nous avons directement honorer notre facture envers nos avocats, Merci Ă  tous et toutes💙

C’est avec une joie non dissimulĂ©e qu’on a atteint l’objectif de 6000€ ce soir, grĂące Ă  la participation en derniĂšre minute d’amis-amies qui ont mis le nĂ©cessaire pour arriver Ă  l’objectif ! Nous avons directement honorer notre facture envers nos avocats&10;Merci Ă  tous et toutes💙

Ricardo Mendes

Documentaire à voir : les oubliés de la belle étoile



Ricardo Mendes

En fait quand tu vois le bordel monarchiste Ă  la đŸ‡«đŸ‡· qui essaye de se trouver un PM sous la houlette du Roi Soleil #Macron tu te rend compte que le systĂšme de consultation et de compromis de gouvernement Ă  la 🇧đŸ‡Ș (mĂȘme aprĂšs 514 jours) c’est pas si mal, je parle pas du rĂ©sultat mais du processus


Ricardo Mendes

it gets being born in a cult, living inside a cult for 2 decades to notice how people, here in the “free world” behave often like cult indoctrinated people, they can’t exist without picking a tribe, they can’t coexist in plurality, identity as dominated power dynamics. #microcults


Ricardo Mendes

I think this is the first good breakdown of what the #telegram CEO arrest is really about podcasts.apple.com/us/podcas

Spoiler : It’s not #FreeSpeech, it’s not #DSA, it’s not Political.

It’s criminal platform wide activity & #CSAM


Ricardo Mendes

@manton thank you đŸ™đŸœ


Ricardo Mendes

The future is fragmented, decentralized, so I’m publishing from my own blog and cross-posting to several platforms at once, this is a test for #Threads, having already connected #mastodon #bluesky #nostr #linkedin


Ricardo Mendes

La quĂȘte du PM on dirait une monarchie royale, les anciens fous du roi conviĂ© Ă  caresser le Roi actuel dans le sens du poil pour rester proche du Pouvoir, quitte Ă  renier leurs propres valeurs.

Le cirque qui se passe en đŸ‡«đŸ‡· depuis les lĂ©gislatives est une dĂ©gradation dĂ©mocratique sans prĂ©cĂ©dent


Ricardo Mendes

@manton Finding this post now after I have sent you an email abou t this, i'd like to be invited please :)


Ricardo Mendes

@manton their tech teams is small but impressive..


Ricardo Mendes

Really cool starter-kit to get you going running LLM/RAG AI locally with #N8N and #Ollama github.com/rmdes/sel


Ricardo Mendes

@rom login, pick the domain, pick DNS, you need to NOT be on free or pro plan to be able to use custom nameservers. If you are on either of those, you'll need to upgrade to business sadly.


Ricardo Mendes

Entendre le dĂ©ni de #Bayrou sur #LCI c’est quand mĂȘme le comble du foutage de gueule, ça parle avec gravitĂ© en dĂ©jouant toutes les questions de fonds des journalistes, le reprĂ©sentant de la faillite de #Macron en dĂ©ni dĂ©mocratique flagrant


Ricardo Mendes

Un livre Ă  dĂ©couvrir👉

Et c’est ainsi que nous vivrons partage.bookvillage.app/offer/266

Je l’ai dĂ©vorĂ© en une journĂ©e, une plongĂ©e captivante, fascinante dans l’AmĂ©rique des annĂ©es 2045, aprĂšs qu’une sĂ©cession et un terrorisme domestique hors du commun termine de consumer les États-Unis


Ricardo Mendes

Trying to understand why, with the same internet fiber line I can upload a 21GB file to my #nextcloud in just a few minutes and then the same file, when synced to my #syncthing remote device takes hours, if not days to finish. #cloudron #contabo


Ricardo Mendes

New safety tools in Bluesky

Detach quote posts from your original post Hide replies Filter your notifications to only people you follow

#bluesky #moderation #safety


Ricardo Mendes

Ce n’est pas Ă  exclure qu’aux đŸ‡ș🇾, le â€œĂ©lectoral college” fasse un coup d’état Ă©lectoral pour mettre #Trump au pouvoir. Face Ă  une dĂ©faite cuisante, le GOP pourrait ne pas accepter et partir dans une dĂ©rive politique, tout comme #Macron qui n’accepte pas la leçon des lĂ©gislatives


Ricardo Mendes

Chiffrer un fichier de 25GB, je m’attendais pas Ă  ce que ça prenne autant de temps
 LĂ  ça tourne depuis 12h et c’est loin d’ĂȘtre fini
 Oups.. 😅

MĂȘme avec un AMD Ryzen 9 et 64GB de RAM đŸ€š Et disk SSD


Ricardo Mendes

The OKC judicial cases are inseparable from the silence and responsibility of Tibetan Buddhist Heads of Nyigmapa Lineages in đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡§đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡”đŸ‡č, but to understand the degree of responsibility, the complacency we must dig deeper.

Tibetan Buddhism, the law of silence youtu.be/Sg-5CDOcs


Ricardo Mendes

Docu ARTE : Bouddhisme tibétain, la loi du silence


L’affaire OKC est indissociable du silence et de la responsabilitĂ© du Bouddhisme TibĂ©tain en đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡§đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡”đŸ‡č mais pour en comprendre le degrĂ© de responsabilitĂ© il faut creuser.


Ricardo Mendes

J’ai commencĂ© la procĂ©dure pour Ă©liminer le prĂ©nom “KĂŒngyal” de mes prĂ©noms, il m’a Ă©tĂ© imposĂ© Ă  la naissance par Robert Spatz alias Lama Kunzang et il Ă©tait coutume dans la OKC de l’ajouter dans les papiers de l’identitĂ© de l’enfant

Ironie : Ça veut dire, “le tout vainqueur”


Ricardo Mendes

Be careful #America, she’s not in the WH, yet.

Don’t be Sitting on your laurels just yet.

Fight as if everything had to be done from scratch until the last minute and then, you can rest. #Harris


Ricardo Mendes

Le cercle de minuit 29/11/1995

RIP Catherine #RIBEIRO interprùte a cappella “Le chant des Partisans” youtu.be/1bpRJRxZL


Ricardo Mendes

Very interesting read

First we shape our social graph; then it shapes us

Link to article: www.henrikkarlsson.xyz/p/first-w


Ricardo Mendes

@Mtt cloudron is just amazing, it just forever changed my relationship to self hosting, from hobby system to "in production" system I can seriously use for me, friends, acquaintance and small business at some point. And the team/community is just great, totally recommend it!


Ricardo Mendes

@Mtt my setup is a contabo VPS (the ones at 60$/month) and then I use cloudron.io to facilitate self-hosting, I can manage domains, emails, backups, third party storage extension connected to apps, I've been using this recipe for a decade with great experience


Ricardo Mendes

@Mtt FreshRSS to manage feeds, FeedMe on android to consume


Ricardo Mendes

@manton do you have any plans to make the manual cross-posting to X and Threads available from the Android microblog app?

I need to find a way to include these networks for a particular campaign into these networks but I want to be able to do so from within micro.blog


Ricardo Mendes

@manton and possibly at least 2FA to be able to browse back in time.. I'm still wondering where is this stored..


Ricardo Mendes

@maique holy cow... 😍


Ricardo Mendes

@manton Ohh blessed you are, that's really cool ! đŸ™đŸœ


Ricardo Mendes

@manton damn sounds exciting, now I wish I had an iPhone even more 😅


Ricardo Mendes

@manton that's really great, thanks a lot for building this feat!


Ricardo Mendes

@manton only for Threads or is this a revamp of cross-posting for all connected channels?


Ricardo Mendes

@manton all very interesting points and I always like to hear Dave's opinions on these matters but for being a relatively early Bluesky users, I don't think their federation model is going to be comparable to ActivityPub, won't even be comparable because the execution of the idea will be different?


Ricardo Mendes

@rom yup


Ricardo Mendes

@manton I'm using share intent of indiepass.app for that.. works neat

allows to share from any Android share intent to bookmark or to create a post using micropub


Ricardo Mendes

@manton different post.


Ricardo Mendes

@rmdes @manton for some reason this post wasn't cross-posted, at all, both on Mastodon, Bluesky but went fine to Nostr đŸ€”


Ricardo Mendes

@manton feel free.. by the way my latest went through..


Ricardo Mendes

@rmdes @manton anything I can do to have cross-post available to Bluesky again?


Ricardo Mendes

@aaronpk 😅


Ricardo Mendes

@aaronpk my English isn't so good, and not my primary language.. so I always thought that it meant literally for the email to arrive in the inbox well (not in spam) , and not about the state, well-being of the receiving end 😅


Ricardo Mendes

@manton Oh damn, my bad, I was looking everywhere but in there !! it's done :) Thank you !!!


Ricardo Mendes

@manton confirmed