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Henrik Carlsson

Henrik Carlsson

Zoo Station (Achtung Perfection) blog.henrikcarlsson.se

Henrik Carlsson

”Time is a train”, and I’m about to get left behind by it and miss my deadline for Achtung Perfection. So many things happening with the family right now that I’m not going to go into here but it’s making it really convinient for me to procrastinate and maybe even give up but tonight I sat down and did som... blog.henrikcarlsson.se

Henrik Carlsson

@maique Nice photo!


Henrik Carlsson

@Burk I don't know if I'm understanding the question correctly but as far as I know it's a question of optics. The Vision Pro (and other VR headsets) have corrective lenses in them that makes the screen appear a lot further away from your eyes that their actual physical position.


Henrik Carlsson

@odd Thanks Odd! Joshua Tree has the best opening of the two. Streets, Still Haven't Found and With or Without You is a one-two-three punch that few bands can match, even on a greatest hits album but I think the overall quality and feeling of the album as a whole is higher for Achtung Baby. But I am also quite weird in that I really like Zooropa as well, and even find a lot of redeeming things about Pop.


Henrik Carlsson

@jeremycherfas Thanks Jeremy!


Henrik Carlsson

Achtung Perfection blog.henrikcarlsson.se

Henrik Carlsson

I would love to have an integrated note taking and task management system. I would like to be able to write tasks [ ]Â like this anywhere in any note and have a single place where I can view all tasks. I also need to be able to use due dates. That last part is where Amplenotes just fell flat. It seemed to ... blog.henrikcarlsson.se

Henrik Carlsson

@artkavanagh Thanks for a quick and correct reply 👍🏻!

I was trying before that but I ended up with .movpkg-files on my hard drive. When I read your reply I realized that I was on the right track (pun not intended) but that some kind of setting or other was wrong. It turned out to be that I had set downloads to be lossless. Changing to 256 AAC solved the problem.


Henrik Carlsson

Does anybody know how to export my iTunes Music purchases (non-DRM) as .wav or .aac or similar? I want to listen to it outside of the Music App.


Henrik Carlsson

Many years ago now, I set ”The Year of Music” as a Yearly Theme. Though one of the ideas behind a theme is that it shouldn’t really be something that you can fail at I would say that The Year of Music was a huge failure. No new music made, very little music listening. Now, however, the latter part of that ... blog.henrikcarlsson.se

Henrik Carlsson

Midsummer Night’s Eve, down by the lake

Henrik Carlsson

A lot of people seems to be upset about Apple (or other companies) scraping the internet for their generative ai. I sincerely hope those aren’t the same people who in the past have argued that ”information wants to be free”.


Henrik Carlsson

Äntligen lägger regeringen ett faktiskt liberalt förslag!

Regeringen: Legalisera gårdsförsäljning 2025 – FaluKuriren


Henrik Carlsson

I just started playing my very first ”souls-like” video game and just a minute ago I defeated my first boss in a souls-like. Hooray for me! The souls-like in question is Another Crabs Treasure on the Switch. I saw the game on one of Second Winds’ streams the other week and I found it to be adorable. As ha... blog.henrikcarlsson.se

Henrik Carlsson

This all leaves 2024’s modern iPad Pro in a very familiar place: It is a remarkable piece of hardware that can handle pretty much any task it’s capable of executing without breaking a sweat, and thanks to its new display, it’ll look great doing it. But it’s let down by iPadOS limitations (and more than a decade of slow-paced iPad development) that preclude it from being the shining star of Apple’s productivity line-up that it should probably be.”

M4 iPad Pro Review: Here we go again

Jason Snell’s review of the new iPad Pro models are very informative.


Henrik Carlsson

Mexican Firing Squad


Henrik Carlsson

I did read a couple of pages in bed last night. I wonder, and hope, that I can keep the habit of reading more once the vacation ends as well.


Henrik Carlsson

One final quick thought before heading to bed: I love having this blog! It doesn’t matter if I write frequently or not, it’s always there when I need it and when I do I usually read a bit in the past as well and get delighted about the things that I’ve written down. Also, the 2020 iPad Pro is quite a nice... blog.henrikcarlsson.se

Henrik Carlsson

Linn and I started watching From a few days before going on this trip. We’re two episodes in and I really like it. If I have any complaints it is that the show gets too gorey in parts. It doesn’t bother me but it makes it less scary. We also been watching 3 Body Problem which started out really interestin... blog.henrikcarlsson.se

Henrik Carlsson

We had another great day in Greece today. I spent a large chunk of it by the pool reading Clear and Present Danger. Sitting with my legs in the water, Kindle in hand is probably my favorite way to read. Now the wind has picked up speed and I’m sitting outside on the patio(?) by our room. I don’t really wa... blog.henrikcarlsson.se

Henrik Carlsson

Last night, enjoying a ”The Godfather” and reading Clear and Present Danger by one of the hotel pools.


Henrik Carlsson

I’ve realized that something. Being in a sunnier, warmer country (tends to be Greece) really ups my tolerance for music that I otherwise find absolutely terrible. Just a few moments ago I actually enjoyed the recent house remix/sample of “I’m blue”. Weird.


Henrik Carlsson

Bass Improvisation – 24th jan blog.henrikcarlsson.se

Henrik Carlsson

Two nights ago Linn and I watched The Shining and I’ve recently finished the book. I have mixed feelings about this movie. I’ll get back to this soon, I hope.

🎞 Watched: The Shining (1980)

Henrik Carlsson

A small statue of Carl Larsson's head

Carl Larsson


Henrik Carlsson

I’m so fed up with content blog.henrikcarlsson.se

Henrik Carlsson

Sunnanö Camping,


Henrik Carlsson

Öregrunds hamn,


Henrik Carlsson

18th of July Linn, the kids and I are currently out with my dad’s camper van. This is the first night this time and we are at ”Furuvik”, an amusement park that we really like. Last year we did the same thing and back then it took a while before it became a nice experience. The first night, and even more s... blog.henrikcarlsson.se

Henrik Carlsson

@jeremycherfas A very good rant! 👍🏻


Henrik Carlsson

@adders Thanks for posting that link. Nice video.


Henrik Carlsson

@sod That one's in my physical bookshelf already and last summer I started reading it in parallell to all the audio book listening. However I haven't taken the time to read in a long while, so I'll probably need to start it from the beginning again. In the end I went with The Wolves of Calla and so far (4-5 hours in) I'm very happy about the choice.


Henrik Carlsson

@jean As a Swede, I can confirm this. It’s actually a law that goes back to when Per Allbin Hanson was prime minister that states that every citizen must be prepared to serve Fika if the prime minister or the king were to make an unscheduled visit. 🙃


Henrik Carlsson

@ronguest It's a FlashForge Adventurer 3. It works well for my needs, was on sale when I got it and we have a bigger model FlashForge at work so I figured it would be simple to have a similar machine at home.


Henrik Carlsson

@jemostrom Nice work! 👍🏻


Henrik Carlsson

@hollyhoneychurch Wow, so cool! How/where will you release it?


Henrik Carlsson

@odd To be clear, I don’t think Lynch and Frost knowingly took parts of it, but maybe one or both of them had read it and it was simmering in that back of their mind. Or maybe it’s some sort of shared American horror, some ideas of small towns and their secrets.


Henrik Carlsson

@colinwalker In that case I think you don't even have to move your headphones to get the post DAW signal. Just press the "USB/2TR TO PHONES/CTRL RM"-button and the signal going to the headphones should be the return from the computer, as opposed to the mix from the mixer.


Henrik Carlsson

@colinwalker Sure, but eveything that gets in the way of the creative process is a hassle. That mixer has a built in USB audio interface, right? But you use a separate interface, correct?


Henrik Carlsson

@colinwalker Aha, you use it stand alone at times. Then I understand. Is there a way to connect the computer back to the mixer (lika a "Tape Return" or similar) in a way so that you can listen to it via the mixer, without recording it back onto it self? What mixer are you using?


Henrik Carlsson

@MrHenko (Or maybe "what is your setup" is the correct way of putting it.)


Henrik Carlsson

@colinwalker How is your setup? Is it possible to listen to the audio after it's passed through the computer instead of before the computer? It'll help to catch those things.


Henrik Carlsson

@leonp Again, I disagree. I’m not saying that the ad companies aren’t making it worse with their UIs for this, but even when the law works perfectly it means every single website that uses cookies in any kind of way must throw up a dialog of some sort which will lead to users being trained at ignoring them and just clicking “allow”.


Henrik Carlsson

@leonp I disagree. The problem is that politicians doesn’t now how the internet works, and they don’t really care either, so they make laws that just doesn’t make sense and/or doesn’t work in practice. See also the “link tax” proposed by the EU.


Henrik Carlsson

@herself M1 MacBook Air, right? I got one of those earlier this year and I’m giddy with excitement every time I use it. Best computer I’ve ever owned.


Henrik Carlsson

@jeremycherfas That's a good way to look at it, and Eat This Podcast is a great example of a podcast that gets to the point. 👍🏻


Henrik Carlsson

@canion That's a good principle! I haven't listened to Hemispheric Views (yet?), but I'll put it on my mental list for when I want to add more podcasts to my queue.


Henrik Carlsson

@pimoore Glad to hear I'm not the only one. Part of the problem is probably that I'm falling out of love with the format of more "personality driven" podcasts.