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Contrariwise the Wizardly
One time I thought, hey, what if I founded a secret society? So anyway, here we are.

Contrariwise the Wizardly

A few months ago I looked back at my first 30 days of tracking 100% of my time. Now I have about a quarter’s worth of data, and some patterns have emerged. Looking at the data by project: Physiological Needs - 35% Online Entertainment - 22% Work - 19% Hobbies - 12% Other - 12% I think this is broadly in...

Contrariwise the Wizardly

Saving $20 on airport food by spending $30 at Buc-Ee’s.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

I’d like to talk a bit about my favorite Massively Multiplayer Online PvP Game: eBay On the off chance you’re not familiar, eBay is an auction platform. People post the trash they would like to sell, and other people post bids of how much they’d be willing to pay for that trash. It’s important to note, g...

Contrariwise the Wizardly

For anyone who might be curious, I decided not to move forward with the idea I was pontificating yesterday. But I’m going to keep the details locked away. I think there may come a day where it’s the right idea, it just doesn’t happen to be now.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

The way I make sense of the world is to talk about it, at length, with anyone who’ll listen. Which frequently means the people closest to me are stuck listening to me as I work out any complicated long-poll decision making process. A couple weeks ago I had an idea. The problem with a new idea is that if I...

Contrariwise the Wizardly

Question 1 - Does CircleMUD still compile on a modern linux distribution.

Question 2 - Do I remember how to do it?​


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@chrisaldrich If I were interested in exploring the idea of using a typewriter + notecards as a daily bullet journal, what typewriter would be a good place to start?


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@heyloura thank you!


Contrariwise the Wizardly

And just like that, blog template v2.0! I’ve made several updates, here are the highlights. Headers One of the things I’ve struggled with in the past is which header to use where. Usually I just sort of wing it. H1 for the top level heading or post title, and then progressively more nesting as I get deeper...

Contrariwise the Wizardly

I updated the main body font for my blog. It’s kind of a kludgy hack, but I think it’s a lot more readable. I’m working on a v2.0 of the theme to roll up a bunch of other fixes, but it was important to me to achieve readability before I worry about the vibe.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

The Nature of Things (Burmese Classical Poems)

Contrariwise the Wizardly

@lostinhaste I'm not convinced they aren't using old "previous number +1"-style autodialers.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

Establishing a baseline for reviewing things can be difficult. Culturally, it seems like most Americans operate on a rating system that reflects the way that American schools grade. Start with a perfect score, then subtract points for failure. No complaints about that book you got on Amazon? Five stars. Nothing wrong with your meal at the local Taco Palace? Five stars. Noticed the bathroom wasn’t as clean as you’d expect at the Shop-o-Rama? Deduct one, maybe two. Now it’s a three star experience. This inflates scores up towards “perfect.” Anything that essentially passes the bar without complaint...

Contrariwise the Wizardly

@glyph I used automat back in ~2019 to implement craps. The entire craps table is a MethodicalMachine. The problem is that I don't think many people know how to play craps in the first place, so it's probably a terrible example.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

I have a new blog theme! It’s entirely possible you’re witnessing it right now, with your very own eye-holes. If not, you might want to click through and give it a taste.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

I’ll be moving in roughly 3-4 years. I know what city, but not which suburb or neighborhood. What are some things I could be doing right now to establish a social circle in what will become my new home?


Contrariwise the Wizardly

In no particular order, a list of things I need. I need to figure out somewhere to keep my cookbooks. I need to figure out where to track my project to read and review RPG books. I need to catch up on my back issues of White Dwarf. I need to catch up on my back issues of comic books. I need to catch up on...

Contrariwise the Wizardly

@mbkriegh I read that book coming out of a hard breakup, and I think it made me a better person and a better partner.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

“Is this a problem you have to solve, or can the world solve it for you later?”

— Adam Savage


Contrariwise the Wizardly

I’m not “traditionally” goal motivated. What do I mean by that? I mean if I tried to set a goal for a year from now that looked something like this: “in one year I want to have written a book,” that would not, on its own, result in any of the behaviors that lead to a book being written. At the end of the ...

Contrariwise the Wizardly

@jsonbecker I'll give that a try!


Contrariwise the Wizardly

My curse is being incredibly picky about UI and UX but not being very good at implementing either.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@jsonbecker I could also just have a partial of hand-coded links, which would work, but I would have liked it if I could have tied the posts-that-are-reviews directly to the data object such that when I posted one it would go "live" in the sidebar. But the more I think about that, the more I realize I probably needed frontmatter to do it.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@jsonbecker I might be able to make that work. It creates a double-entry situation that I think I could have avoided with post types, but I've never tried to do this exact thing so maybe I couldn't have.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@Contrariwise in effectively all other ways I'd want them to appear and behave like a normal post, and maybe if I better understood categories/tags they'd get me what I need. Post types is the hammer I know.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@jsonbecker the end result I think I want to achieve is a right-hand sidebar of roleplaying game books that I intend to review, including those not yet reviewed. Frontmatter would certainly help and could be used to do neat things, but I think just having the separate post type would make it easier to iterate in a template.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@KimberlyHirsh Fair, and true, but difficult to fit caveats into a 300 character limit. I think without the background the observation wouldn't have made sense, and without the observation I'd just be talking about competitive gaming (which I have no interest in.)


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@jsonbecker I have sort of a weird vision where I think post types would solve 100% of what I think I want to do without frontmatter, but it’s probably a weird artifact of the specific use case.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

In competitive video games you should expect a 50% win rate. About half the time the other team will be better than you, half the time they won’t. You’re operating at the razor’s edge of your skill level. Today I realized that’s likely true in every other part of life as well.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

I wish there were a way on to write different kinds of posts. I forget the terminology but I’ve used hugo in the past to have a few distinct category of records. I want to do something like that for EG media reviews.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@rscottjones I went to Minidoka in 2019, and it remains one of the most powerful things I've experienced.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

I really hated the Libre 2 continuous glucose monitor (CGM.) A friend asked for some detail about why, which lead me down a long-winded story about the last five years of my health journey. About halfway through I thought “this should be a blog post.” So… EVERYTHING Like my mother before me, I’m a type 2 d...

Contrariwise the Wizardly

I’ve spent the last several weeks using Toggl to track 100% of my time, and the results have been interesting. Reasoning On a flight to who knows where I read Use Strategic Thinking to Create the Life You Want and thought it had some interesting ideas to try, one of which was to rate certain areas of my li...

Contrariwise the Wizardly

Banh Mi Burgers Important Note #1 - This is a draft recipe. I made it somewhat improvisationally, so the amounts are in many cases a rough guess. Please don’t consider this a bulletproof tested recipe. Important Note #2 - I tend to think of most larger recipes as a series of smaller recipes that get asse...

Contrariwise the Wizardly

In no particular order, an update on various interests and hobbies. Clocks The mantle clock is running strong, but about five minutes fast per day. It uses a balance wheel, which is a particularly fragile and difficult-to-adjust mechanism, so I haven’t taken it down and tried to fix that yet. The grandfat...

Contrariwise the Wizardly

I had the great fortune to spend the last week or so sailing along Alaska’s inside passage on the NCL Jewel. Being the kind of person that I am, I gave myself a side-quest on day one: eat at and review each of the on-board dining options. I mostly succeeded, with two notable exceptions. It turns out a rese...

Contrariwise the Wizardly



Contrariwise the Wizardly



Contrariwise the Wizardly

@bjhess I believe Readwise can gather highlights from the Kobo platform and has the ability to sync to Obsidian. It's paid, but I've found it worthwhile and am falling in love with their Reader app as a replacement for Instapaper.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@gdp that’s fair. I had to dig into some of the settings to make it work for me, but I appreciate that they even made those options available. So much modern software wants to force you into its paradigm.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@gdp I'm currently kicking the tires on for eBook syncing and it's in a pretty good state for an open beta. Also replaces Instapaper for my trouble.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@humdrum I’ve had really good luck using Firefox’s reading / distraction-free mode for printing things out if I didn’t want to save them to my read it later app.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@glyph the double-@ always struck me as weird. I don’t understand why it wasn’t sufficient to use email-like URIs. You’re a user @ a server. The front loaded @ seems superfluous. Also casting side eye at Matrix for using a : where an @ feels more natural.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@BestofTimes most people do eventually seem to get back, and very few of the things I email about would ever qualify as urgent, so patience has been a virtue.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@BestofTimes I usually provide a polite follow up about a week later. The longest it’s taken someone to get back was about three weeks total.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@BestofTimes that makes sense!


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@lostinhaste thank you! I tailed along with some friends on a lark and it was lovely.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@BestofTimes well now I just want to know what could possibly be so boring if you’ve kept up with it for 20 years.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@glyph I have an old PowerBook (I think 5200?) that I got for nostalgia and tinkering purposes and was sad to find out it wasn’t quite powerful enough to run civ:ctp. I lost a lot of hours to that game in my youth.


Contrariwise the Wizardly

@xxxx Thank you!