Some recent books posts from the community.

Finished reading: The Zone of Interest by Martin Amis 📚



Books Read: The Cruelest Month by Louise Penny 📚★★★★☆


Ross Karchner

Finished Listening: How To Write Funny by Scott Dikkers 📚


Peeter Sällström Randsalu

Finished reading: Om uträkning av omfång 1 by Solvej Balle 📚


Kris Laratta

Currently reading: The Uses of Enchantment by Bruno Bettelheim 📚


Alex Claman

Currently reading: Exordia by Seth Dickinson 📚


Alex Claman

Currently reading: Stones of Aran: Pilgrimage by Tim Robinson 📚


Alex Claman

Currently reading: The House by the Sea by May Sarton 📚


Alex Claman

Currently reading: Jade Legacy by Fonda Lee 📚


Alex Claman

Finished Reading: Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao 📚


Alex Claman

Finished Reading: The Water Outlaws by S. L. Huang 📚


吉田 敏幸( Toshiyuki Yoshida )

Finished reading: 成瀬は天下を取りにいく by 宮島未奈 📚




Matt Routley

📖 Starting A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab



Books Read: Grape, Olive, Pig by Matt Goulding 📚★★★★☆

The perfect preparation for our Spain trip later this year. Parts of the book are also an Apple TV+ show (Omnivore) now.


Matt Routley

Finished reading: Blood Meridian, Or, The Evening Redness in the West by Cormac McCarthy is bleak, nihilistic, and compelling 📚


David Crane

Currently Reading: Consiglieri by Richard Hytner 📚

Don’t buy this book on Apple Books. The formatting leaves a huge empty strip on the right hand side that makes it extremely frustrating to read. I’ll slog through it but it’s extremely annoying…


David Crane

Finished Reading: City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett 📚


After completing the authors Founders Trilogy, I’ve now started his “Divine Cities” trilogy. Fabulous world/System building as always, but Bennett’s books always just have just such goddamn richly written characters

Just a joy.


David Williams

Finished reading: This Fierce People by Alan Pell Crawford 📚💙💙💙💙🖤


Tim Lockridge

I’m about 75% through Robin Sloan’s Moonbound and I don’t want this book to end. Moonbound’s world is smart, zany, and consistently surprising. I’m not ready to leave it. 📚

Finished reading: A Catalogue for the End of Humanity by Timothy Hickson 📚

A fantastic collection of sci-fi and fantasy short stories. Especially loved On the Beach of Forgotten Things and Trickle Down Lobotomies.


吉田 敏幸( Toshiyuki Yoshida )

Finished reading: バカと無知 by 橘玲 📚




吉田 敏幸( Toshiyuki Yoshida )

Currently reading: 成瀬は天下を取りにいく by 宮島未奈 📚




Neil Bruder

Want to read: A Month in the Country by J.L. Carr 📚

Eager to check out this novel after hearing it being discussed so enthusiastically on the lit podcast Across the Pond.


traci reece

Currently reading: The Demon of Unrest by Erik Larson 📚


traci reece

Finished reading: Vanderbilt by Anderson Cooper 📚


Chris Miller

Currently reading: Distrust That Particular Flavor by William Gibson 📚


Chris Miller

Currently reading: Pattern Recognition by William Gibson 📚


Lisandro Gaertner

Lendo: Baixo Paraíso de Isabella de Andrade 📚


Christopher Wilson

Currently reading: Bearing God’s Name by Carmen Joy Imes 📚 Currently at the third chapter and enjoying it a lot. Dr. Imes is a very witty writer and has some great insights.


Dan Alcantara

Finished reading: A Whole Life by Robert Seethaler 📚

This was a beautiful, little book I got on a whim from the library.


Lisa Sieverts

Finished reading: This Other Eden by Paul Harding 📚An excellent novel. There is child abuse, which normally means I stop reading a novel, but I can see that it was integral to the story and the overall message of the book is both beautiful and sad. A beautiful island Maine setting in early 1900s.


Michael Wayne Arnold

Currently reading: The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt 📚


João Pinheiro

Currently reading: Anarchism and Other Essays by Emma Goldman 📚


João Pinheiro

Finished reading: What Is Property? by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon 📚

This is a very interesting book about the problem of property and equity. It is an excellent exercise for people’s minds.


Lee Sondeno

Finished reading: The Last Battle by C. S. Lewis 📚.

The restoration of all things. This is all but a shadow.

It’s all in Plato, all in Plato: Bless me, what do they teach them at these schools? - Digory Kirke.


Kyle Edwards

Finished reading: God and the Cosmos by Harry Lee Poe 📚


Lisa Sieverts

Currently Reading: Anita de Monte Laughs Last by Xochitl Gonzalez 📚


Lisa Sieverts

Finished reading: Titanium Noir by Nick Harkaway 📚A very fun sci-fi / detective noir read. Interesting world building, fun characters and a good story. Highly recommended.


Andrew Belfield

Finished reading: The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism by Mark D. Jordan 📚

A little dated in certain respects, but perhaps not as much as one might think.


Matt Kaul

Finished reading: When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi.

What a remarkable book. I love academic memoirs, & this fits within that genre—but pushes well beyond it as well. It’s also a profound meditation on cancer, mortality, healthcare, poetry, faith, love, & family. Highly recommended. 📚


Emma Cragg

Finished reading: An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon 📚

I enjoyed this and as a debut novel goes it’s written well. I’m certainly keen to explore what the author did next.

Currently reading: The Zone of Interest by Martin Amis 📚



Finished reading: Amulet 3: The Cloud Searchers by Kazu Kibuishi 📚


Jon Rozier

Finished reading: Star Mage Corps: Star Sorceress: Book Four by D. L. Harrison 📚

Two celestial bodies orbit in space with a starry backdrop, titled 'Star Mage Corps' and 'Star Sorceress: Four,' a space opera series by D. L. Harrison.

Joseph Aleo

Finished reading: Fine Structure by qntm 📚


Ross Karchner

Currently listening: How To Write Funny by Scott Dikkers 📚


Goblin Gumbo

Finished reading: Consort of Fire by Kit Rocha 📚

👍🏻 - I liked this.

Took me a long time to finish reading, but not because of the story. I enjoyed it, and there were quite a few ideas in there tailor made for me, or taken straight from my head from various story and game ideas I’ve had.


Larry Anderson

Finished reading: Way Station by Clifford D. Simak 📚

A sci-fi classic with a unique premise, that I couldn’t put down. If a returned US Civil War soldier who doesn’t age working as a stationmaster for aliens from across the galaxy doesn’t intrigue you, then I don’t know what to say. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Fool Errand

Finished reading: Lyorn by Steven Brust 📚


Oliver Sharman

Finished reading: The Collected Poems by Robert Frost 📚


Larry Anderson

Currently reading: Way Station by Clifford D. Simak 📚


Paul McCafferty

Finished reading: The Year of Less by Cait Flanders 📚

Finished reading: The Box Man by Abe Kōbō 📚


Adam Tinworth

Sticks are fine things. You can dabble in ponds with them. You can throw them for dogs to fetch. And if they’re of the right build - stout, with a hand-snug end - you can stride through the woods using one as an aid, not just for the walking but for the general quality of the experience.

— From Light Rains Sometimes Fall by Lev Parikian 📚


Peeter Sällström Randsalu

Finished reading: The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie 📚


Simon DH

Finished reading: Prooi by Deon Meyer 📚

Ergens halverwege begon ik scènes tegen te komen die me bekend voorkwamen, maar zonder dat ik me het grote verhaal kon herinneren. Ik vraag me nu af of ik het boek al eens gelezen had 🤔


Jon Rozier

Finished reading: Fleet Mage: Star Sorceress: Book Three by D. L. Harrison 📚

Planets float in space with stars; one large in the foreground, book cover for 'Fleet Mage, Star Sorceress: Three, A Space Opera Series By: D. L. Harrison.'

Curious Kyle

Finished reading: Ooga-Booga by Frederick Seidel 📚



Lee Schneider

Finished reading: Mr. Bones by Paul Theroux 📚 Masterly.