John Chandler Avatar
John Chandler
Spiritual director and WordPress freelancer. Outside of my work includes a lot of reading, watching baseball, playing board games, eating salsa, and wishing I was hiking more. Live on the desert edge of the Phoenix area.

John Chandler

@jimmitchell we use it and it's been helpful. The only downside is they still often use the default account on AppleTV (mine), so I sometimes see music added to my library that wasn't added by me.


John Chandler

Finished reading: The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt 📚

I was generally familiar with most of what he wrote in here, as this has been an area of interest. Still, I’m glad to have read it to reinforce the ideas, and think it’s an important book that should be read widely.


John Chandler

I’ve slowly been building out some resources and guides for spiritual practices on the website for my spiritual direction practice.

I hope they can be helpful for you, or someone you might share them with.


John Chandler

Two road trips this week for for first time college drop-offs. I’m not ready for this.


John Chandler

Finished reading: Backpacking with the Saints by Belden C. Lane 📚

I had been eager to get to this one for a while, and finally tackled it via audiobook. Most audiobook listening seems more like a book summary for me for my splattered attention, so I’d like to revisit this on in print.


John Chandler

@marmanold I’ve contemplated this too and I always come back to the benefit of the camera. So I just get real stingy with notifications.


John Chandler

@ReaderJohn I am also in this club! That word is nails on a chalkboard to me…


John Chandler

@jimmitchell I'm 53 and still can't grow more than peach fuzz on my cheeks. Can connect a goatee all the way around though... I don't think it's going to get any better than this for me.


John Chandler

A quick update on how my home barista training is going with my 16 year-old son…

Strewn coffee equipment next to wet grounds and coffee on countertop

John Chandler

A little urban retreat day – something I wish I would do more. Moving between a few coffee shops that aren’t in my usual rotation for a change of scenery to do some thinking/writing/planning.

Going to look at scheduling something like this once a month.


John Chandler

@ChrisJWilson my daughter has the 3L Peak Design sling and I’m envious. Comfortable to wear and can hold a camera and a lens or two.


John Chandler

@jimmitchell I have a pair of glasses that are single vision for computer use -- halfway between my distance and reading -- and I love them


John Chandler

I’ve leveled up to a new life status: “Regularly trim my feral eyebrows so they don’t inhibit my line of sight.”


John Chandler

@Mtt Looking good... Don't have space to beta test right now, but will look forward to when this is public.


John Chandler

@dswanson Appreciate the posture of this. Thanks for sharing it here.


John Chandler

If your everything bagel doesn’t have parmesan sprinkled on top of the cream cheese, then it isn’t really everything, is it?

Also… why did I never think about doing this before?!


John Chandler

Finished reading: Let Your Life Speak by Parker J. Palmer 📚

First read this right about 20 years ago, and I’ve recommended it to others countless times since. After reading it again, I still feel good about recommending it to others.


John Chandler

@KyleEssary I'd be curious to hear more about what you disagreed with...


John Chandler

Finished reading: I Cheerfully Refuse by Leif Enger 📚

As writing sentences goes, Enger is among my favorites. But that’s the only reason I stuck with this one – I didn’t enjoy the story as much as his previous books.


John Chandler

@grmr wow, congrats. Lived 11 years in Austin and regret that I never made it to Laity Lodge.


John Chandler

@manton we are not of the same mind on this one. I drink a hot coffee even when it’s 110° outside.


John Chandler

@toddgrotenhuis I have an Osprey Porter and Daylite combo that can do this


John Chandler

Posted on Trellis: In Defense of Productivity

A brief review of MacSparky’s Productivity Field Guide


John Chandler

@toddgrotenhuis This could describe so many books!


John Chandler

As I understand it, fingerprints are unique and unchanging. But what I don’t understand … why do all of my devices with fingerprint readers only work for about two weeks after I set them up?


John Chandler

@grmr wow. That’s a long stretch. I hope it was celebrated well.


John Chandler

Posted on Trellis: My Favorite Digital Reading Setup Ever

A primary source of delight for me these days is the combination of my BOOX Page reader and the Readwise Reader app.


John Chandler

@manton I'm always surprised how much the skyline has changed since I moved away in 2018.


John Chandler

@philbowell I hope for a report back in a few weeks. Bear is appealing but I’m not (yet) willing to give up also having Obsidian available on my Boox reader.


John Chandler

@philbowell @ChrisJWilson Another enthusiastic thumbs up for Things here. It’s pretty to look at, simple on the surface, but has a lot of flexibility and power for how you might want to use it.


John Chandler

@patrickrhone Yes! Experienced this with a few M series laptops a few weeks ago when my daughter upgraded. She had never updated from MacOS 13 on the old one, and it was still seamless. Very impressive.


John Chandler

Finished reading: Dopamine Nation by Dr. Anna Lembke 📚

I thought this might be similar to The Hacking of the American Mind, which I really enjoyed. This was similar subject matter, but more personal and practical.


John Chandler

@ChrisJWilson It's generally applicable. As I recall, all of his books are pretty accessible and directed to a general audience.


John Chandler

@jtr Yeah, it wasn't on purpose. The light was there before the iPad holder. But it does somehow make it feel a little more inviting.


John Chandler

Finished reading: Addiction and Grace by Gerald G. May 📚

I only started reading Gerald May books a few years ago, but I now have read through most of them in a short time. I wish his words had been a companion to me earlier in life, but I wonder if I would have been able to fully appreciate them.


John Chandler

Posted on Trellis: Why I Keep Two Different Journals

From time to time, I’ve wondered if it adds a needless complexity in my life to maintain two different kinds of journals. But it’s proven to be helpful.


John Chandler

When I include this setup in my morning routine, it is a good start to the day. And it isn’t often enough. Often, this desk just collects clutter since it is right by my studio door.

iPad and keyboard writing setup

John Chandler

Generally, the Affinity apps work very well for my limited needs – I only open them a few times a month. It seems like there is an update every time I open them, and their download servers are slloooowwww.


John Chandler

Feels like my Siri on my Apple Watch has completely given up on controlling any of the smart devices available in our Home app. How is this still not realiable?


John Chandler

Finished Reading: Dopamine Nation by Dr. Anna Lembke 📚

I expected this would be similiar to The Hacking of the American Mind – a book I appreciated quite a lot about 5 years ago. But this one is more practical and personal, and therefore, I suppose, more helpful.


John Chandler

Finished reading: Star Wars: Light of the Jedi (The High Republic) by Charles Soule 📚

Just trying to get some context on The High Republic before Acolyte releases next month. There are more books in this series, but I think this is all I will read.


John Chandler

@mwerickson This is a great list. Somehow I knew I’d see Divine Conspiracy even before I clicked through! I think my list would have to include Anatomy of the Soul, by Curt Thompson. I think the way he brings some neuroscience and psychology into the formation discussion is so important.


John Chandler

@mwerickson I'm a little resistant to them, because like most categorization tools, we often rely on them to be too prescriptive.

That said, I think The Critical Journey (Hagberg & Guelich) is the most helpful, since it includes a very diverse set of stages and doesn't claim to be truly sequential. I've at least found it helpful for starting a discussion with someone.


John Chandler

@drose yeah. it’s good but kind of tough too. read it several years ago during a Sabbatical. I don’t know if I would have had the focus for it during a normal season of life.


John Chandler

@jean I never tire of your beach photos!


John Chandler

@toddgrotenhuis Do you have the Palma? Or just considering? It's appealing to me, though I can't really justify another device.


John Chandler

Anyone used a domain backorder service to secure an expiring domain?

Hoping to capture something of minor personal interest, but they all seem somewhat obtuse and shady about the process.


John Chandler

Why did it never occur to me before today that I could route the Eero DNS back through Pi-hole to cover our entire home? Before today I’ve been changing DNS on a per device basis.


John Chandler

Finished reading: The Power of Writing It Down: A Simple Habit to Unlock Your Brain and Reimagine Your Life by Allison Fallon 📚

Some helpful ideas that reinforced why the practice of writing is helpful even if you have no intent of getting published. It’s worth a skim if the topic interests you.


John Chandler

In my early 30s, I would have claimed to be a Republican and an Evangelical, though I was starting to feel uncomfortable with both labels. Twenty years later, I feel no comfort with either. I’m not sure how much I moved away from those labels, or how much they moved away from me.