Christopher Wilson Avatar
Christopher Wilson
Hi there, I'm Chris. I'm a Christian, writer, and Sketchnoter who lives in Krakow, Poland.

Christopher Wilson

@jsonbecker That sounds potentially very effective. It's simple, it's also not "the end of the world as we know it" type stuff which I suspect puts some people off (but may be wrong). And it's works for most policies.


Christopher Wilson

@johnjohnston Lovely capture.


Christopher Wilson

Would anyone want an ebook with my sketches collated together? Perhaps my series on mental models with descriptions along side? $5? (Feel free to say if you’d have a slightly different request i.e. different sketchnotes/ how many etc)


Christopher Wilson

@gregmorris I've got a 10,9 iPad Pro (with a white dot in the centre of the screen) and it's fine. I'd love an m chip for stage manager, Thunderbolt to hook up to my external screen, 2nd/3rd gen pencil et all, but I can just never justify the price (personally).


Christopher Wilson

@Miraz looks incredible! The description is confusing but I can see how “cooked into” is different from filled. I think I would have predicted the same as you though!


Christopher Wilson

@johnchandler Police...I'd like to report a crime.


Christopher Wilson

Some neighbours were throwing out a coffee capsule machine, so now we have one (and it works fine).


Christopher Wilson

@adders Oh hi Oxford!


Christopher Wilson

@V_ interesting...


Christopher Wilson

@drewbelf Ah, my sister lives in Leeds and occasionally visits York (I think Harrogate is her other go to day trip too). It's a wonderful part of the country and the people are generally warm and inviting.


Christopher Wilson

@drewbelf @johnchandler @jemostrom @dgreene196 appreciate the recommendations. I'm thinking some sort of sling with an extra lens (maybe two) especially if I can have another bag for water and other things. I've got my eye on the end of the year and a possible work trip to India again.


Christopher Wilson

@dswanson Wonderful! I've heard her on a few podcasts and she is a fantastic speaker and I'm sure preacher. I pray it will be a blessed time for all.


Christopher Wilson

Currently reading: Bearing God’s Name by Carmen Joy Imes 📚 Currently at the third chapter and enjoying it a lot. Dr. Imes is a very witty writer and has some great insights.


Christopher Wilson

@danalcantara “son would totally be on board” pun intended?


Christopher Wilson

@pcora You are far cooler than cringey me...I don't even know if cool is the right word anymore!


Christopher Wilson

@rlk <gif>I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it<gif>


Christopher Wilson

@pratik What is Kamala Harris (apparently?)


Christopher Wilson

@SimonWoods Words cannot describe how much I love this gif...


Christopher Wilson

@maique Honestly had no idea you could do that on WhatsApp but I might have to make some custom ones for using in iMessage!


Christopher Wilson

@joshuapsteele It's like investing in a fund that promises to pay out, but only if you own the fund.


Christopher Wilson

Photographers: What camera bag/sling do you use? I’ve had a kind of bumbag (deal with it Americans) one for years and basically been unhappy the whole time (It is always falling down unless I use it as a sling which isn’t not really designed for). I’m wondering about something like the peak sling but happy...

Christopher Wilson

@danalcantara Would love to listen/read your sermon if possible.


Christopher Wilson

I recently discovered that Gen Z do not do gif reactions. If only there were some way I could express my emotional reaction to this news, preferably with a pop culture reference.


Christopher Wilson

@drewbelf Lovely series of photos. I only made one trip to York when I was young but never made it to the minister.


Christopher Wilson

@joshuapsteele I might be wrong, but wouldn't Trump be the oldest president (re)elected? 🤭But I'm sure securing the "late great Hannibal Lecter" fanbase will help.


Christopher Wilson

@Miraz minus the animation, this is what blogging on WordPress online used to be like!


Christopher Wilson

@AndyNicolaides I used to think the US was crazy for their love of AC. I’m not so sure anymore. (At the same time where I used to live in Spain got hotter but the houses and flats were naturally cooler. Not great in winter, great in summer.)


Christopher Wilson

@gregmorris Not going to lie. I feel pretty proud of my focal length detection skills after that! The second definitely felt like 27mm (35mm ff) and I love the final one's lines on the ground.


Christopher Wilson

@gregmorris WOW! the compression on some of these images would have made me guess more like 85mm (like the first one of the seagull). But any lens that makes you want to shoot more is a good lens. I've been taking my old manual focus 50mm more recently and I love that the photos aren't HDR processed to hell. It really adds to the memories.


Christopher Wilson

@danalcantara Funny sidenote. I've actually started setting time each day to catch up on whatsapp and check in on people as I've taken more on at Church so it really related to me.


Christopher Wilson

My wife is cooking waffles for the kids after pre-school and they smell AMAZING.


Christopher Wilson

Finished reading: Digital Liturgies by Samuel James 📚 good, probably even very good but not as good as the hype. I want to reread some sections.


Christopher Wilson

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. — Matt 5:9 (ESV)


Christopher Wilson

It’s really bizarre how Biden has turned to the same strongman “only I can…” rhetoric that Trump always employs.


Christopher Wilson

Do my eyes deceive me! Are England actually, pressing? And attacking well?!? The rest defense is working really well too.


Christopher Wilson

Christians of mb. Favourite books on prayer?


Christopher Wilson

British Grand Prix and England football later. It’s a good day for sports!


Christopher Wilson

Goal: Read older books instead of sensational social media nonsense.

You’re okay Micro Blog.


Christopher Wilson

My family went to a local Alpaca park this weekend. How was your weekend?

Sidenote: I really love using a mirrorless camera even if i missed a few images due to manual focusing — it’s an old lens.


Christopher Wilson

I missed most of the England game last night as I was tidying up my Son’s diarrhea so I feel like I had the same experience.


Christopher Wilson

“What values do you want to demonstrate today?” This little prompt has got in my head. I have a list of a few but I’m thinking about Love. “What would it look like if I embodied love? How can I be more loving to my family? What would a loving person do now? How can I be loving to myself too?”


Christopher Wilson

I wonder how much unsplash usage has decreased since so image generators came around… side note: unsplash images are better.


Christopher Wilson

I turn around for five minutes and my daughter has made a fort in the middle of the living room. This is me every day.


Christopher Wilson

Was that the best Grand Prix in years? I haven’t been following much recently but that was great.


Christopher Wilson

It’s a wet day so we’re making one page zines.


Christopher Wilson

Brad East has written a critique of Practicing The Way by John Mark Comer and as with all things Brad East, it’s a thought-provoking critique with plenty of appropriate praise. Pinging @KyleEssary in case he hasn’t read it.


Christopher Wilson

Camera decision fatigue

Christopher Wilson

In more film news, there’s a new Rollei 35 AF coming! And Japanese Camera Hunter has the only working prototype.


Christopher Wilson

Pentax has a new film camera (its first for 20 years!) and its…weird. Half frame 37mm focal length (in full frame terms) It’s in portrait mode normally It has zone focusing, but also focuses a bit It’s not for me (my olympus mju ii is great) but I’m glad to see a new option. I’d love to see a new ricoh g...

Christopher Wilson

Just sent in my registration to vote as an overseas citizen for the upcoming UK election.