Christopher Wilson Avatar
Christopher Wilson
Hi there, I'm Chris. I'm a Christian, writer, and Sketchnoter who lives in Krakow, Poland.

Christopher Wilson

@toddgrotenhuis I did not know about this but if we’re being honest, which of us hasn’t confused musk’s ev with dumpster.


Christopher Wilson

@marmanold Blur if you have to, virtual background only for jokes with friends. Those are my rules.


Christopher Wilson

@Gabz Yes, yes she did.


Christopher Wilson

@joshuapsteele sweater weather is the best weather. (Although jumper weather is even better :P ) I’ve been very intrigued by the Hays book with Richard’s background.


Christopher Wilson

@johnchandler very nice! I’ll explore more!


Christopher Wilson

@marmanold I haven't taken all the steps you have but I've certainly taken some and looked at many others you mention. One of the parts that catches me with smartphones is the desire to have software updates (for security reasons of course). I can see some legitimate reasons but I wonder if they really are that important. Smartphone cameras have been "good enough" for years and there's still that gap between them and a standalone camera. If I could go back to my last phone purchase, I don't know what I'd do, but I will certainly use my current device for as long as I possibly can — in a distraction free way as possible. I think Jake Knapp's article from over 10 years ago still holds true today. avoid infinity pools and keep that apps that help with a function.


Christopher Wilson

@jsonbecker If I do finally use one, that bidet the day that I die. 🥁


Christopher Wilson

@JohnBrady interesting to meditate on.


Christopher Wilson

@Munish I like the look of those pens! What are they?


Christopher Wilson

Started reading while traveling in the UK. Great so far, but I wonder how much I’d appreciate with out my knowledge of Russian culture.

Currently reading: A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles 📚


Christopher Wilson

@gregmorris The southbank is a great street photography location. Great photos!


Christopher Wilson

@gregmorris i don’t know about you but for me micro blog is more permanent and less ephemeral than threads/mastodon because it goes to my blog. There’s definitely something in me that makes me more willing to post something there’s that’s a random joke or thought than here.


Christopher Wilson

Wake up babe, new Vanhoozer just dropped.


Christopher Wilson

@KyleEssary That is not an easy riff!


Christopher Wilson

A reminder, if you tag everyone, everyone has to assume who a task is delegated to (which usually means no one knows or does it).

Not writing inspired by recent experience of anything.


Christopher Wilson

@AndyNicolaides Wait...Storage that you can replace and upgrade rather than pay a massive premium on what the device creator wants? What is this magic!


Christopher Wilson

@ReaderJohn finally listened to the podcast. Very good. I certainly agreed with at least 75% of their approach and appreciate their perspective.


Christopher Wilson

@Omrrc @philbowell @KyleEssary amazing gig. Good sound levels and the bands were fantastic. It was a bit strange as they played through both albums (I’d love to see death cab do a regular gig now and combine songs from all their albums). I was exhausted after as I had driven for hours to get there then drove another hour to stay with my brother in Bristol. Highly recommend seeing them if you ever have the chance. Maybe in 10 years for the 30th anniversary.


Christopher Wilson

@Izak not a relation but I know a friend who knows him. Ive heard a lot of praise for the book though.


Christopher Wilson

Death Cab and The Postal Service last night.


Christopher Wilson

London 23/08/2024


Christopher Wilson

@gregmorris I’ve been looking at it as a potential e-reader, not a smart/dumbphone but just an e-reader. Interested to hear your experiences.


Christopher Wilson

@KyleEssary I honestly don’t know why I struggled so much in the past. It’s a joy to read this time and doesn’t feel difficult. I really don’t know what blocked me in the past.


Christopher Wilson

@marmanold the highest praise I could receive :)


Christopher Wilson

@Izak I’ve heard good things about this book.


Christopher Wilson

@marmanold father, son and holy roast.


Christopher Wilson

@gregmoore 10C already! We've had a milder summer here but it's still been mid/high 20s for the last month and still is.


Christopher Wilson

Going to be in the UK over the next few days due to some family business (and seeing Death Cab for Cutie in Cardiff). I doubt I can meet any one from MB but just in case, I’ll be in London on Friday, Oxford Saturday morning, Cardiff in the Afternoon, Sunday (not sure) and free Tues till Thurs.


Christopher Wilson

I’ve tried to read this many times but got stuck near the start for some reason. I’ve made more progress this time and I like it a lot. I see why people like Willard. I will say he is more scholarly than his intro lets on! Currently reading: The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard 📚


Christopher Wilson

@SimonWoods it probably got too offended at having to grind decaf beans.


Christopher Wilson

@renevanbelzen Yikes! that is popular. Good luck with the training!


Christopher Wilson

@renevanbelzen That seems my impression too (akin to a lot of dotcom boom then? Genuine question). I suspect there will be a burst and many startups will go out of business as they 1. aren't useful. 2. traditional methods are cheaper/better. 3. there are too many competitors doing the same thing.

But a few useful companies will survive.


Christopher Wilson

Small fitness habit I’m trying: putting my feet on a tennis ball when sat at my desk.

Yes, it is a Wilson’s tennis ball.

Will report back if I notice any difference.


Christopher Wilson

Today I learned that some Americans pronounce nadir /ˈneɪ.dɚ/ not /ˈneɪ.dɪə/.


Christopher Wilson

Very mixed feelings and not what I expected. I didn’t like the style of writing nor how self centred it was, plus some of the insights feel very cliche especially for millennials post 2008. At the same time, there were some great prompts and really interesting sources cited. My personal opinion is read the...

Christopher Wilson

Thanks to my son pronouncing /p/ as /b/ I found out the Polish word for doughnut sounds like fart.


Christopher Wilson

You’ve got to be joshing me —🔗 Jesus wasn’t called Jesus. 😉


Christopher Wilson

For the last few days I’ve been inadvertently working on a floor desk. I’m working at my in-laws small holding and although they have a table, it’s in the kitchen so I can’t work there. So instead, I’ve propped my laptop on a suitcase and typed away. It’s surprisingly comfortable but I do need to switch ev...

Christopher Wilson

Walking in the countryside


Christopher Wilson

Is it just me or is “gentle reminder” worse than “reminder”. (It may well just be me which is why I’m checking).


Christopher Wilson

A new sad thing I’ve noticed with the whole “~Shepherds~ Book for Sales” book thing is now I’m seeing YouTube videos that are trying to gain views by jumping on the story. Who needs to sell out your convictions for politics when you can do it for likes, comments, and subscribes.


Christopher Wilson

Finished reading: Same as Ever by Morgan Housel 📚listened on a car journey. Good idea, bit repetitive. Some interesting points to meditate on.


Christopher Wilson

Kids off preschool. Zine time!


Christopher Wilson

The irony of Tim Keller's winsomeness that his detractors will never get

Christopher Wilson

Started a trial of the Affinity v2 range of products.

  1. I have a book design project to do (blame @AndyNicolaides )
  2. I want to try a vector based tool for sketchnotes. I’m starting work on one but There’s a lot I need to learn to really get to grips with it.

Christopher Wilson

Finished reading: Bearing God’s Name by Carmen Joy Imes 📚 Dispensationalists will not like this. I wasn’t expecting such a detailed exploration of continuity/discontinuity of the covenant but I was glad for it. I plan on rereading some of those final chapters as she explored the issues I find most challeng...

Christopher Wilson

“A more useful use of AI”. I just changed this to “more useful application of AI” this is the kind of thing we do all the time at work because “it’s bad to repeat the same word /root too close together.” There’s definitely occasions when I think I this is a good, but I think it can be overly applied (esp...

Christopher Wilson

Would anyone want an ebook with my sketches collated together? Perhaps my series on mental models with descriptions along side? $5? (Feel free to say if you’d have a slightly different request i.e. different sketchnotes/ how many etc)


Christopher Wilson

Some neighbours were throwing out a coffee capsule machine, so now we have one (and it works fine).


Christopher Wilson

Currently reading: Bearing God’s Name by Carmen Joy Imes 📚 Currently at the third chapter and enjoying it a lot. Dr. Imes is a very witty writer and has some great insights.