Some recent quotes posts from the community.



“If you’re telling people that your core purpose is not pointing them to god they will start to believe you.”
Marcus Walker


a commonplace book

“The society of laboring and achievement is not a free society. It generates new constraints. Ultimately, the dialectic of master and slave does not yield a society where everyone is free and capable of leisure, too. Rather, it leads to a society of work in which the master himself has become a laboring slave. In this society of compulsion, everyone carries a work camp inside. This labor camp is defined by the fact that one is simultaneously prisoner and guard, victim and perpetrator. One exploits oneself.” — Byung-chul Han, The Burnout Society


Manton Reece

This post about Marissa Mayer’s company Sunshine on Platformer is several months old, but I saw it linked again this week and wanted to highlight something:

Employees say they learn what they are working on each week during Monday morning standup meetings, and that their mandate shifts frequently as Mayer changes priorities.

This sounds exactly like how I run, actually. Founder mode, I guess? It sounds chaotic and “bad” but it’s also a strength of a very small team to change our minds quickly.


Tor Einar Samdahl

Har kjøpt to bøker skrevet av Anders Totland. Første kapittel avsluttes med følgende setning

Eg, Jacob Juul – pensjoner prest, leiar i birøkterlaget og bygdas store sprithandler. Og no altså mordar. Herregud for eit rot.

Jeg gleder meg til fortsettelsen.


ℜ𝔬𝔠𝔨 '𝔫' ℜ𝔬𝔩𝔩 ℜ𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔬 ⛧


“desire holds me like a knife.”

Emily Corwin, from “abacus,” published in grimoire


Woman started wildfires so she could flirt with sexy firefighters

A 44-year-old woman from Tripoli, Greece, was sentenced to three years imprisonment after deliberately starting two wildfires. Local media reports that she wanted to flirt with the sexy firefighters responding to douse the blazes, which did not spread far before being put out.

Sounds like one of those “only in America” things but not this time!


Arnold Hoogerwerf

🎥🎵 Chungking Express (1994) ★★★★½

Rewatch after 30(!) years. I had forgotten most of the plot, and only remembered the playful 90s cinematography. It has stood the test of time very well. Beautiful soundtrack as well. Found out that Faye Wong is also the famous Canto-pop performer of one of the songs used (Dreams by the Cranberries)

Chungking Express is a 1994 Hong Kong arthouse romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by Wong Kar-wai. The film consists of two stories told in sequence, each about a lovesick Hong Kong policeman mulling over his relationship with a woman.

Faye Wong in Chungking Express

Brad Enslen

Read: A Post-Google World | BIG by Matt Stoller

Another Google antitrust trial starts on Monday. If Google loses, it’ll be three strikes.


Andy Flisher

@billinghamrugbyclub 2s 24 vs 55 @harrogate_rfc 2s 🏉 #rugbyref

@billinghamrugbyclub 2s 24 vs 55 @harrogate_rfc 2s 🏉 #rugbyref

@billinghamrugbyclub 2s 24 vs 55 @harrogate_rfc 2s 🏉 #rugbyref

From Instagram:…



What Will We Do With Our Free Power?:

By just 2030, Chase estimates, solar power will be absolutely and reliably free during the sunny parts of the day for much of the year “pretty much everywhere.”


Michael Bogdanffy-kriegh

… don’t know if i have shared this before… but it bears repeating even if i have…

Widespread cultural acceptance of lying is a primary reason many of us will never know love. It is impossible to nurture one’s own or another’s spiritual growth when the core of one’s being and identity is shrouded in secrecy and lies. (bell hooks, All About Love)


Wolf Witte

Die Jugend nimmt nun als eine der letzten Bevölkerungsgruppen – es fehlen weiterhin vor allem die Rentner – zunehmend das gegenhegemoniale Angebot der AfD wahr.

Unsichere Zukunft, autoritäre Antwort. Wie die AfD bei der Jugend punktet von Sebastian Friedrich, Nils Schniederjann



✏️ #stoics #quoted

“If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid."



Wolf Witte

Im “Grunde haben alle großen politischen Ideologien des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts abgewirtschaftet. In der SPD glaubt niemand mehr an den Sozialismus, keiner in der CDU vermöchte noch darzulegen, was konservativ sein heißen könnte, die Linke liegt nicht nur bei den Wählern, sondern auch gedanklich am Boden ihrer Antiquariate, die FDP hat sich zur Karikatur des Liberalismus entwickelt, die Freiheit mit gedanklicher Untätigkeit und Fahren auf der Überholspur identifiziert: ‘Bedenken second’.

Ampel für immer von Jürgen Kaube


What we know about Google’s upcoming adtech antitrust trial – and how it might play out | The Drum

The notion that meaningful change could stem from this case is echoed by Garcia. “This trial has the opportunity to catalyze a much-needed reset to the market norms that Google broke, and to foster a healthy digital ecosystem where transparency, choice are no longer elusive, and quality is the driver of value, benefitting publishers, marketers, the industry and society.”



What we know about Google’s upcoming adtech antitrust trial – and how it might play out | The Drum

The notion that meaningful change could stem from this case is echoed by Garcia. “This trial has the opportunity to catalyze a much-needed reset to the market norms that Google broke, and to foster a healthy digital ecosystem where transparency, choice are no longer elusive, and quality is the driver of value, benefitting publishers, marketers, the industry and society.”


فؤاد الفرحان

بروفايل ممتع عن “مجاهدي خلق”. كل ما أعرفه عن أيديولوجيا هذه المنظمة هو أنها ذات توجه فكري فريد يمزج بين الماركسية والمذهب الشيعي..

…كما في حالة أمير، من أبطال الفيلم، الذي وصل إلى السويد وحيداً وهو في السابعة من عمره، وعرف أن أمه مُقيمةٌ حالياً في معسكر للمجاهدين قريباً من تيرانا عاصمة ألبانيا، وحين ذهب لرؤيتها رفضتْ الأم لقاءه، ثم خرجتْ في بثٍ مُباشر على أحد قنوات المجاهدين لتُقول عن أبنها: «نحن نكره هؤلاء، أنا مُقاتلةٌ وثائرة، وأريدُ أن يكتَب هذا في تاريخنا، هؤلاء عُملاء للنظام الإيراني، إنهم أعداء للمُجاهدين، لا أعطيهم الحق حتى في زيارة قبري»…


فؤاد الفرحان

بروفايل ممتع عن “مجاهدي خلق”. كل ما أعرفه عن أيديولوجيا هذه المنظمة هو أنها ذات توجه فكري فريد يمزج بين الماركسية والمذهب الشيعي..

…كما في حالة أمير، من أبطال الفيلم، الذي وصل إلى السويد وحيداً وهو في السابعة من عمره، وعرف أن أمه مُقيمةٌ حالياً في معسكر للمجاهدين قريباً من تيرانا عاصمة ألبانيا، وحين ذهب لرؤيتها رفضتْ الأم لقاءه، ثم خرجتْ في بثٍ مُباشر على أحد قنوات المجاهدين لتُقول عن أبنها: «نحن نكره هؤلاء، أنا مُقاتلةٌ وثائرة، وأريدُ أن يكتَب هذا في تاريخنا، هؤلاء عُملاء للنظام الإيراني، إنهم أعداء للمُجاهدين، لا أعطيهم الحق حتى في زيارة قبري»…


Adam Tinworth

Agree 100% with @jack about this:

I often vigoriously disagree with Freddie deBoer, but I also often love how he puts things.


Weiming Chen

“Deword” - Ask Plus AI to make text concise and remove any extraneous language



Nothing more frightening, to someone who’d lived by his wits, than to be slowly losing them.

Spook Street - Mick Herron


maique madeira

Nothing more frightening, to someone who’d lived by his wits, than to be slowly losing them.

Spook Street - Mick Herron


Jamie McHale

“A person who is looking for beauty is likely to find wonders, while a person looking for threats will find danger. A person who beams warmth brings out the glowing sides of the people she meets, while a person who conveys formality can meet the same people and find them stiff and detached. “Attention,” the psychiatrist Iain McGilchrist writes, “is a moral act: it creates, brings aspects of things into being.” The quality of your life depends quite a bit on the quality of attention you project out onto the world.”

David Brooks, How to Know a Person


Wolf Witte

Die durch die Ampelregierung geplanten Verschärfungen des Bürgergelds werden das Leben vieler Menschen verschlechtern [..]. Damit haben CDU und AfD die Ampel erfolgreich vor sich hergetrieben. Was dabei herauskommt, ist schlimmer als Hartz IV, ich nenne es „Merz I“.

Feindbild »Sozialschmarotzer«: Die Demontage des Bürgergelds von Helena Steinhaus


Joe Ross

Matt Webb wrote about his open source in-page chat tool, cursor party:

“If you’ve visited my actual website, rather than reading by email or whatever, such as reading this very post, you may notice somebody else’s cursor pass by as you’re reading.”

It’s a wonderful, playful, well-executed idea.


Miraz Jordan

Huh, I'm reading a fiction book set in Arizona where they mention a curfew for young people. I just searched to see if that was part of the fiction, but no, it's a real thing! Amazing. Curfew Laws by State - NYRA:

We have created a list of over 400 towns, cities, counties, and states where it is illegal for young people to be outside of their homes at certain times of the day.

”Just like a rising tide raises all ships, a low average drags everybody down.”

My wife, who is always at the high mark of the tide and well above the standard deviation from the average.


Lisandro Gaertner

No time to die…, so I might as well live.


By Dorothy Parker

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.



This robot is being controlled by a King oyster mushroom

When the researchers shined a UV light on the fungus, it triggered an electrical impulse that quickly sent a signal to the motors and actuators in two custom built robots.

This mostly feels like “powering a lightbulb with a potato v2.0” but the goal is to one day use fungi to monitor soil health. The robot thing is kinda click-baity but it’s cool they’re able to do something using electrical impulses from a mushroom. Reminds me of how they can “play a synth”


Jamie McHale

Started reading: How To Know a Person by David Brooks 📚

Human beings need recognition as much as they need food and water. No crueler punishment can be devised than to not see someone, to render them unimportant or invisible. “The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them,” George Bernard Shaw wrote, “but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity.” To do that is to say: You don’t matter. You don’t exist.

This sentiment is why I don’t like it when people refer to others as NPCs



We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world

I like this guys’s take on defining what addiction and trauma are and how they correlate. Gotta figure out who you are before the healing starts 🧘


Roger Wm. Bennett

Paul Kingsnorth on The illusion of a pagan West via UnHerd:

What we are seeing with the likes of Bambi Thug, Sam Smith and the rest is not the resurgence of a threatening new (or old) religion. It is an aesthetic. Nobody would die for it. Nobody would fight for it. It is LARPing and play-acting. Rather than signifying a sinister new development or threatening new faith, it is a flimsy veil drawn over a gaping void.


Miraz Jordan

A show I really enjoy — Brokenwood - the international hit with a Kiwi accent | RNZ News 📺 :

But in amongst the [TV] industry's slow crumble, is a beacon of hope - The Brokenwood Mysteries, which premiered on Prime TV 10 years ago before moving to TV1, and is now screened in 150 countries. Filming for season 11 is now underway.

So glad there's another season on its way.


matt penny

" “Processing fee”, “service fee”, “delivery fee” – truly it has 100 ways of saying “because-we-can fee”. If that feels like you accepting a wage for your job, then charging your boss a supplementary “doing my job” fee each time you feel you’re doing your job … try it, see how you get on! "

Process fee, service fee, delivery fee … Who wouldn’t pay to see Ticketmaster rinsed by the regulator? Marina Hyde


Manton Reece

John Gruber has a long take-down on the DMA. There is plenty to think about in this, but a quick comment on his point about Chrome:

My guess is that, perhaps counterintuitively, the single biggest beneficiary of this mandatory browser choice screen will be Google Chrome, which I consider the single most dominant software monopoly in the world today.

This rings true. Google puts Chrome in your face everywhere. Perhaps one side effect of this is that Apple is going to need to do actual marketing for Safari.


Adam Tinworth

This sums up exactly what I’m feeling as summer wanes:

The end of summer seems like a more significant marker of the passing of time than any other point in the year - another chance to live our best lives slips away, like liquid gold running through our fingers. Did we make the most of it? Did we grasp the opportunity with enough enthusiasm?

Did we?


Paul Jorgensen

I ❤️ Bandcamp Fridays! Great way to directly support artists, esp. as they’re squeezed for profit sharing at live shows by some venues

It’s Bandcamp Friday, a great day to send revenue directly to artists. It’s also a great day to help the unionized workers Bandcamp laid off last year who are still struggling financially.…

— via


Thibault Lemaitre

Love this take from @Manton about #ArtificialIntelligence:

“Using AI has helped me understand what actually makes us uniquely human.”




✏️ #stoics #quoted

“How does it help…to make troubles heavier by bemoaning them?”
