Pete Moore Avatar
Pete Moore
Former cute baby, current bearded smartass, future embarrassment, permanent geek. Full of puns, coffee, useless factoids, and sometimes lasagna. Avid reader and aspiring author, and an unapologetic iPad-only user — yes, one of those people — who's been a techie since before the internet was cool, and when cell phones could be used as blunt instruments. Lover of typewriters, fountain pens, analogue tools, and the em dash. Perfecting the ass grooves in my chair since 1974. Opinions expressed may not reflect much of anything, but I make up for them with sheer wit, determination, and unquestioning good looks. Note the last point is probably just an opinion. Location: Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦

Pete Moore



Pete Moore

New Digs Incoming

Pete Moore

“Got milk?”

Nope. Got beard, tho.

Selfie of me with my long ducktail-style beard. Thankfully my bed beard was finally coaxed out of existence after copious amounts of brushing, hoping, and blood sweat and tears. Wearing my specs and shaved head.

Pete Moore

It’s 2024, where the hell is the bald + beard emoji? The top-only follicly-challenged would really like to know.

In my case it also needs to somehow capture the fact I’m a putz, but one step at a time I suppose.


Pete Moore

Wishing a very Happy Canada Day to my fellow compatriots north of the border. 🇨🇦


Pete Moore

I’m just like a cat. Inevitably—not long after the toilet is clean—I’ll come in and take advantage of the fresh litter box.


Pete Moore

They interviewed those three Panthers players McDavid undressed with multiple dekes, like they weren’t even there. As of this morning, they still haven’t found him.


Pete Moore

@toddgrotenhuis Yep, and tax evasion—like they said in The Untouchables—is also a very serious federal crime.


Pete Moore

@danielpunkass Everything I've watched and read has indicated there might be a greater chance of him going to prison than people think. No doubt the D.A. will push for incarceration, and I think the judge is very aware of the weight of this case. Business fraud itself is already a very serious charge, but it was done with the direct and explicit intention to subvert the election process. Assuming the sentencing stays on track for July 11th—so far believed to be the case—even six months would disqualify him from the presidency. I'd like to imagine prison time would disquality him from office permanently, but I don't know the rules behind that.

Your point still stands though, and I love seeing him taken down a few notches.


Pete Moore

@anniegreens I hate washing my bedding, so sadly I continue to live on that proverbial cleanliness edge. 😆


Pete Moore

@nate Oh I'm stealing this one for sure.


Pete Moore

@iChris I appreciate and approve of the fact you recorded it here for posterity.


Pete Moore

@Seadave @jeremycherfas I should start reporting my age, and appending it with “holding steady at 12”.


Pete Moore

@iChris And to think it’s only a single period away from being misread by everyone else. I of course already misread it, because my mind is always in the gutter. 😂


Pete Moore

@anniegreens Yeah I don’t time it nearly well nor often enough. Thing is, having to wash my sheets to have a clean bed every time I shower would get old—and expensive—quickly. 😆


Pete Moore

@Denny That was a great article and so was your reply. This part in particular resonated:

The iPad is a new kind of computer that offers a new paradigm of computing for a younger demographic that grew up with touchscreens rather than Macs.

I grew up with traditional point and click desktop computing, not unlike the old school Mac users Gray points out. Yet for me, this new paradigm was fun and refreshing. The iPad experience isn’t 100% perfect, but if they bring multi-track audio and fix Safari stability, I’d be happy with just those two things. There are some other quirks I find with regards to my job workflows when working from home, but that’s not a dealbreaker since I’m mostly in the office these days. I work around them, and they’re limited enough friction to give them a pass.

Full disclaimer: part of me has been considering going back to a Mac machine for my next computer. Not just because of these above issues, but to have access to some other apps I miss, along with local environments. Thing is, I just don’t want to. I truly love the iPad computing paradigm, and the device itself is flexible, accommodates many workflows and environments, and is still a joy to use. Perhaps more importantly and telling, I’m happier when I come home to my iPad after babysitting my work Mac all day.

The iPad simply isn’t going to be a fit for everyone’s needs, and that’s ok—it was never meant to. That’s not a failure of the device, nor should it be labelled as such.


Pete Moore

@canion @gabz I would’ve been happy with just the pizza.


Pete Moore

’Tis a rare moment indeed when laundry, sheets, and self are all clean in the same night. For the briefest of moments, the world makes sense again.


Pete Moore

@Archimage I was trying to remember from my solitary DB admin class. Guess I failed. 😂


Pete Moore


select * from life where hairline exists

> No records found.

Well shit, guess it’s been too long.


Pete Moore

@ChrisJWilson Holy shit. 🤯


Pete Moore

@Gabz The first one especially was a classic. I sunk an absurd amount of time into that game, and enjoyed every second. Albedo was one of the best video game characters I’ve ever seen.


Pete Moore

@pratik Ugh. Explain to me why I still hear people saying summer is the best season? We've already had summer-like temperatures with an included humidex in mid-May, and I've had enough.


Pete Moore

@Archimage I feel old on Mondays, so that checks out. ;)


Pete Moore

@Archimage You're right, of course. I meant more in terms of not having a number I can use to quantify when I cross over into “old“ territory. ;) I feel like 50 is old-aspiring, with a bit of wiggle room left to work with. Considering the times I get out of my chair and my knees crack, the validity of my calculation remains suspect.


Pete Moore

@Archimage Your answer is both non-specific and non-committal. I approve wholeheartedly. LOL


Pete Moore

@Archimage Haven't heard that one I'm afraid. 😆 I'll be 50 in October, I'm not sure if that qualifies me as old or merely washed up?


Pete Moore

@Denny Between you and Rosie, I'm not sure whom has more patience… 😉


Pete Moore

@pratik I feel seen.


Pete Moore

@manton @aeryn I'm assuming this only applies to the blog containing the narrated post, and wouldn't show up in a podcast feed if it was hosted separately?


Pete Moore

@Archimage @odd Best email client of all time IMO, I still have fond memories of that app. My favourite before I started using that was Pine.


Pete Moore

@JohnPhilpin I'm not sure I can do it again, honestly. I'd rather immerse myself in a good book.


Pete Moore

Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened

— T.S. Eliot


Pete Moore

As is her wont, my wife made a keen observation last night that has me rethinking everything about my online plans…


Pete Moore

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

— Leonardo da Vinci

Perhaps this is why analogue tools will always continue to have a place in my life. There are many applications for which digital tools are arguably better. That doesn't always mean they're arguably better for us.

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Pete Moore

What's in a name?

Pete Moore

Eclectic Ink is born… 🖋️😉

And where’s my damn fedora emoji‽ This classy hat is nowhere to be found, yet we have a tree sloth. If you figure it out let me know.


Pete Moore

Is this thing on?

Pete Moore

Had to be done…

Screenshot of my lifetime subscription to Vincent Ritter’s new “Scribbles” blog platform

Now to figure out what to do with it. 🤔


Pete Moore

AI: The new NFT, but with more HAL 9000.


Pete Moore

Me, after the toilet is freshly cleaned:

“Hey, fresh litter box!"*

*assumes thinking man pose


Pete Moore

Rant incoming, but I cannot stay silent. Bell Media—subsidiary of one of Canada’s largest and wealthiest corporations—is blaming its recent labour cuts on the Federal Government, for lacklustre support of media companies. No doubt while the face of said complaint is the PR team on behalf of the CEO, who’s ...

Pete Moore

Huge congrats to Good Enough for the official release of Pika, their brand new blogging platform. There seems to be a proliferation of simple tools these days, and this is a good thing for the web. People whose needs don’t require complex templating, coding, and theming—or they don’t have the knowledge—but...

Pete Moore

Nothing puts the snoring in boring like yearly WHMIS training.

If you know, you know.


Pete Moore

Apropos of nothing—not getting into specifics—this business of expecting things to change for the better, followed by the seemingly inevitable disappointment, is getting really old.


Pete Moore

Abandon all hope ye who enter the world of Lighthouse scores. The line is thin between informative and obsessive, and I stomped all over it as I crossed.


Pete Moore

You couldn’t pay me to board a 737 Max flight at this point… ever.


Pete Moore

Me, during a news segment discussing research into the true colour of Uranus:

“If it’s actually blue you should probably see a doctor about that.”

As always, pronunciation is key.


Pete Moore

If you’re wondering why things are quiet here aside from crickets chirping, it’s because I’ve again donned my coding hat. I’ll be retiring my current domain for a spiffy new one waiting in the wings, and moving my blog to new digs—assuming I don’t implode the Earth tweaking things. Stay tuned… 😉