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maique madeira

maique madeira

🌚 It was pretty pretty dark.

A silhouette of a tall palm tree stands against a cloudy, twilight sky. In the background, a dark mountain peak is visible.


maique madeira

💡 Power finally came back, when we had already given up for the day. It was dark out already, and we were thinking about heading home.

The final day of the festivities did happen after all, and we had a couple more beers.

Over 12 hours. We still had fun.


maique madeira

@aa I did, yes. Two of them! Thanks for worrying 😊


maique madeira

@bapsi Thanks! It was a fun day, for sure.


maique madeira

@hoppysensei Light came back at 7:30PM. Thankfully this is the Land of Diesel Generators 😹


maique madeira

🕯️ Power outage all day. Still having fun.

A boy in a green shirt eats food from a plate, illuminated by his phone’s light. In the background, a group of people sits around a candle-lit table, engaged in conversation. The scene is dimly lit with a strong red hue on A nighttime scene showing two people standing under tall palm trees, illuminated by a bright light. One person holds a flashlight, casting shadows on the ground and highlighting large palm fronds. The sky is dark with hints of purple, and silhouettes of buildings and

maique madeira

🕯️ 5:30PM, the sun is setting. I just got a pack of candles, and match boxes, from the shop.

We’re still waiting for the power to be back. Over 12 hours. Now I know how you guys feel, back in the US!


maique madeira

🪫 Closer to 3PM now, and guess what? Still no power.


maique madeira

🥦 The Bar

A rustic wooden building with a white and red color scheme stands under a blue sky. The building has a red-framed window with wooden shutters and a red door. Above the window, large letters read “BORDER OF THE STREETS."


maique madeira

@aa Turns out part of the city already has power. On our end, however, it does not. It’s getting close to noon.


maique madeira

📚 That’s what you get from waking up with the rooster yapping outside. Not even 9AM, and have done some serious reading already. Nice.

Smartphone lock screen displaying the time as 08:51, date as Saturday 7th, and weather as partly cloudy and 26°C. It shows a notification for reaching a daily reading goal and indicates that the phone is in Personal Focus mode.


maique madeira

@ridwan Thanks!! And we are having a lot of fun!!


maique madeira

@pratik 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


maique madeira

☕️ Up for a couple of hours already, could use a cup of coffee. There’s no point in going out for one, though, as the coffee machine won’t be running at the cafe.

No power = no coffee = no power.


maique madeira

@TheMacPsych I had to use the powerbank already, just to keep it going until power is finally back (still out). When it does I’ll have to charge both devices. Can’t be running around all day with one (or two) powerbank in the bag.

I’m using the camera all day long, and feel these cell towers drain the battery a lot faster, if that’s even a thing.


maique madeira

Nothing more frightening, to someone who’d lived by his wits, than to be slowly losing them.

Spook Street - Mick Herron


maique madeira

🪫 07:15AM, power still not back, battery down to 8%.


maique madeira

🛵 Misty Morning Motorcycling

A person on a motorcycle rides down a wet road lined with utility poles and surrounded by lush greenery. In the background, mist-covered mountains add to the scenic, tranquil atmosphere.


maique madeira

📸 The Photo Studio

A small, quaint building with floral-patterned exterior walls and red wooden doors and windows. The front door has the words “FOTO TOME GOMES” written in white paint. The building is situated on a paved path with greenery around it.


maique madeira

@DaveyCraney We’re pretty used to the craziness of the country by now. Just going with the flow is the rule. They have a saying here: leve-leve. It basically means we should take it very easy.

The cocktails were a very welcome surprise!


maique madeira

🐟 Had the best fish ever today, at lunch time. Happy.


maique madeira

🎉 There is a party atmosphere in the city. Stalls are coming down tomorrow. Sadly.

A person sits alone at a wooden table in an open-air structure, looking at a mobile phone. The table is covered with a checkered tablecloth. Purple curtains tied to the wooden posts frame the open space. A street scene at dusk with a dog in the foreground, a man standing near a small building with a sign “Casa de Gelados” in the background. Streetlights are on, and there are hills and palm trees in the distance.

maique madeira

👀 National Holiday; odd day.

A street corner featuring a two-story building with pink walls and a dark shingled roof. The building has a balcony with decorative railings and shuttered windows. Adjacent to it is another building with teal walls. The scene appears to be in A painted building wall featuring two windows with metal bars and green shades. Above the windows, the words “Complexo Beira Mar” are stenciled in red along with an outline of a bed. Several horizontal wooden planks, some weathered and others newer, are arranged tightly together. Between the planks, parts of a colorful fabric featuring soccer balls and stripes can be seen. A wall mural featuring an illustration of a person in an orange dress sitting on a bench, refusing a bottle of alcohol being offered by an outstretched arm. The text above reads “MENOS ÁLCOOL, MAIS SAÚDE”.

maique madeira

✉️ The Post Office

A small, rustic post office with a tiled roof and red and white painted exterior. The building has steps leading up to the entrance and a wooden sign displaying “Posto Correios Poste Office.” There are plants next to the steps and greenery surrounding the building.


maique madeira

@t3mujin Hahahaha. Feel free, it will be quite boring, I’m sure.


maique madeira

❤️ Walked out, and had a quick coffee. No time for photos.

A vibrantly painted building with turquoise walls, green shutters, and red doors stands on a slightly wet cobblestone street. The structure sits against a lush, green, forested background.


maique madeira

@Munish Thank you! We’re always having adventures over here. This place is full of surprises and, luckily, good ones most of the time.


maique madeira

@mbkriegh It is very fun, no question about that. Being on an island of 7000 people, in a poor county, will always be challenging. But we’re very VERY privileged, as we have access to mostly everything. We can easily do without what we can’t find.


maique madeira

thingsThisWeek #107

maique madeira

@otaviocc You’d love it here, I’m sure. No need for an app!


maique madeira

@otaviocc It does help to fall asleep.


maique madeira

@TheMacPsych I can’t recall the last time I was so excited about a new season of a tv show.


maique madeira

@ner3y Congratulations!


maique madeira

@DaveyCraney I’m pretty sure it won’t replace the traditional feed reader for me (even though I’ve moved on from Reeder, now Classic), but I’m still trying to figure out how I’ll use this one, as I really want to give it a go. It feels pretty great as a client!


maique madeira

@matthewlang Not complaining 🙂


maique madeira

🌧️ It’s official: early September is now officially rain season over here. Nights are usually spent with the soundtrack of water failing on leaves.


maique madeira

@aa Yes. Every day, from midnight to 6AM. It used to be until 7AM, but it just came back at 6AM.

That usually acts as alarm clock for me, the fridge and air con starting up is enough to wake me up.


maique madeira

⏱️ Approximately one hour until the power goes out. All devices that need charging are plugged in!


maique madeira

@acfusco I fear that will happen to me as well.


maique madeira

🐴 Yeah, I’m not waiting for next week’s episode of #slowHorses!

An ebook cover displayed on a smartphone screen. The book title is “Spook Street” by Mick Herron. The background features a blurred image of a car in motion, and targeting crosshairs.


maique madeira

🧈 Had to visit all the mini-markets in the city (all three of them) to find butter.

Yes, we’re back in Santo António!


maique madeira

☎️ Got my local number. Yay!


maique madeira

👀 One of my favorite traditions on the island: go to the tiny airport when the plane is coming/going. Kinda like reading the newspaper: you get to know the what/when/how of everything.

A photograph depicting a piece of graffiti art on the tail of an old, rusty airplane. The graffiti features a realistic human eye. The image is taken through a chain-link fence, creating a crisscross pattern in the foreground. A person wearing a black and green shirt with the text “15 ANOS,” “2000-2015,” and a crest logo standing with hands on hips. A blurred background shows part of an aircraft and another person sitting. The image shows two small wooden market stalls with red and green roofs. Both stalls have the text “PATROCINIO DO PARTIDO PUN” painted on them. A wooden stool is placed in front of one stall. A close-up of a red Sukida motorcycle against a yellow wall. The motorcycle has rearview mirrors, a handlebar with colorful grips, and a front headlight. The image highlights the tank and part of the engine.

maique madeira

@MereCivilian Lovely. Feedbin lover over here too.


maique madeira

🌊 Artsy-Fartsy

A serene coastal scene featuring a rocky formation partially submerged in the ocean, with misty waves gently crashing against it. The sky is overcast, creating a soft, muted atmosphere. A long exposure photograph of waves crashing over an isolated rock formation on a beach, with a cloudy sky in the background. The image has a serene and ethereal quality due to the soft, blurred water and smooth sand.

maique madeira

@SimonWoods Thanks! I wasn’t even aware they had their own instance, and the wiki idea is great.


maique madeira

@crossingthethreshold You will master one of them soon enough.


maique madeira

@Miraz Thanks. We were really lucky, first one since we got here. Cloudy, and rainy for a few days now.