Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸) Avatar
Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)
Formerly working as a software engineer and architect at IBM and AWS. Recently, I’ve been rediscovering the joy of playing the guitar, which I used to play, and I’m enjoying it once again.

Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)
@yostos ちょっと外して、チバカンとか郊外のハードオフとかも楽しいですよ。


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

Two amiibo figurines inside a packaging box featuring characters with distinct outfits and hairstyles.

To get into the spirit of the “Grand Festival” for Splatoon 3, scheduled to start on September 13th, I got my hands on the newly released Tentacles amiibo set, which came out on September 5th! I pre-ordered it, thinking it would likely become scarce.


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)



Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

Today, I visited Kinoene Omoya, a restaurant run by Iinumahonke, a sake brewery in Chiba known for its Japanese sake brand, 甲子(Kinoene). I enjoyed a three-tiered bento box, a traditional Japanese meal presentation where different dishes are served in a set of three stacked boxes. 🍽️


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

I was surprised by the announcement of Oasis’s reunion and world tour, but it filled me with nostalgia. I used to listen to them a lot during my student days… Wait, Oasis was from the 1990s, so that doesn’t quite match up. I spent about two days confused, only to realize I had somehow mixed up Oasis with t...

Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@joshua I sincerely hope that by that day, they won’t get into another real sibling fight and abandon the world tour. 🙏


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

I had the chance to ride in a vehicle from Chiba City’s Green Slow Mobility demonstration experiment, which was being conducted in the Makuhari Baytown area. Since these are electric vehicles, they might be more cost-effective and practical than the community buses often used in rural areas. The photo show...

Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@manton Thank,you😀 It works!


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

Finished reading: 怪獣8号 13 by 松本直也 📚

The story mainly focuses on the protagonist, Kafka, who is on a mission to rescue Mina Ashiro, who has been captured by Kaiju No. 9 in Tachikawa. His unwavering trust in his comrades and determination to move forward highlight his growth and strength of will.


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@manton I tried the Android version of Strata. I entered my email address into Strata to log in and tried the button or link in the email that was sent to me, but Chrome just launches and does not redirect properly, and it seems that the authentication for Strata does not complete.


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

Bluesky のユーザーがここ数日で百万人も増えたそうです。

wow... welcome to the ONE MILLION new users in the last three days!!! 🎉

uau… bem-vindos ao UM MILHÃO de novos usuários nos últimos três dias!!! 🎉

— Bluesky ( Sep 1, 2024 at 6:21


X, formerly Twitter, has been banned in Brazil after failing to meet a deadline set by a Supreme Court judge to name a new legal representative in the country.

BBC - "Musk's X banned in Brazil after disinformation row"

Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

え?! 24時間テレビでやす子がトラックをグルグル回ってるけど、何してんの? 


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

Micro.blogの機能のうち、Notes に特化したモバイルアプリなのかな。 これまでAndroidでは使えなかったので、待ち遠しい。

An update on Strata for Android. Getting closer to a release. We had a rejection, resubmitted. Pretty confident it’ll be approved and out today or early next week.


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

PhotoFriday: In the Tyhoon

While driving a SUBARU car in Typhoon ShanShan, the rain was so heavy that visibility became poor, and even Subaru’s EyeSight system stopped functioning.


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

Weekly Buzz🐝 2024-08-30

Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

折角アコギを買ったので弾いてみました。TexanだとオリジナルのGibson J-45のニュアンスとはちょっと違うか。

–> One More Time, One More Chance


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)



Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@nejimaki それをTumblrと呼ぶのか・・・とは思いますが、Micro.blogも裏はHugoなのでそういうアーキテクチャもありなんですかね。


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

MicrosoftがTerminal用フォント Cascadia Codeを日本語、繁体・簡体字に対応させてCascadia Nextとして発表。早速Macにインストールして試してみました。リガチャもサポートしててWindows標準となるとコーディング用フォントしてはいい感じです。愛用しているMonoLisa + M PLUS 1 CODE(20pxで表示)とCascadia Next JP(22pxで表示)を比較。個人的には小さめで詰め込み過ぎに感じます。MonoLisaがゆったり目なので、慣れと好みの問題でしょう。


Font Comparison

Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

The Pixel 9 is now available for sale.

The enhanced AI features are interesting, but the only useful feature is Pixel Screenshots. It’s totally at a premium price point. Either way, I just bought a Pixel 8Pro last year, so I don’t think I’ll be buying one this year.


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

I was concerned about the typhoon and was looking at Ventusky. Out of curiosity, I checked the air pollution layer and saw that a lot of pollutants were being carried over from that country by the typhoon winds! I really wish something could be done about it.


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

"First, the attacker creates their own ALB instance with authentication configured in their account. The attacker then uses this ALB to sign a token they fully control. Next, the attacker alters the ALB configuration and sets the issuer field to the victim’s expected issuer. AWS subsequently signs the attacker’s forged token with the victim’s issuer. Finally, the attacker uses this minted token against the victim’s application, bypassing both authentication and authorization. ALBeast Security Advisory by Miggo Research | Miggo" 「AWS ALBの脆弱性」と騒がれているけれど、普通にIssuerの検証、JWTトークンの検証、ALBのトラフィックの制限、セキュリティグルー...

Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@dreadnaut Wow! You have crossed the central part of Japan and visited many historical sites. Tōdai-ji was built during the time when the capital was moved to Nara in the 8th century. If you visit Nara again, I recommend visiting Hōryū-ji and the Fujiwara Palace ruins, which were built before the 8th century. Hōryū-ji, in particular, is said to be the oldest wooden structure in the world.


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

It seems that the CEO of Telegram has been arrested, which reminds me of the Winny incident in Japan. The unjust arrest and prosecution of Isamu Kaneko by the Japanese police in 2004 set back Japan’s IT industry by 20 years. It’s a foolish situation.


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

採譜ソフトのFinaleが開発・販売を終了する。 音楽はざっくり言うと作曲->アレンジ->採譜->演奏というプロセスが必要だが、「採譜」というプロセスは現代では端折られることも多いし、何か新しい革新があるわけでもないから「incremental value for our customers 」が無くなったというのは確かにそうなんだろう。ただ日本のクラシック音楽界隈ではデファクトスタンダードなどで、関係者には「Finaleがフィナーレを迎えた」などと冗談を言える雰囲気ではない。 The music notation software Finale will be discontinued in terms of development and sales. In music, the general process involves composition, arrangement, notation, and performance. However, the notation process is often skipped in modern times, and since there hasn’t been any significant innovation in this area, it’s understandable that they feel there is “no ...

Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

I recently bought a digital camera for the first time in a while: the RICOH GR IIIx HDF. Compared to the original GR DIGITAL, which I previously owned, I was amazed by the improved image quality that now rivals a DSLR. What’s more, this camera is actually based on a model from five years ago!

Sample photo taken with the GR IIIx

Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@dreadnaut Thank you for your suggestion on adjusting dates with exiftool! Your method of adding or subtracting time instead is smart. It indeed allows for date correction while preserving the original timestamp, which is a great approach I hadn’t considered before.

By the way, did you come to Japan for a trip? I hope you enjoyed your stay here. If you ever plan to visit Japan again, please let me know—I’d love to share some recommendations with you!​


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@Mtt Thanks a lot for fixing the issue! Just updated my blog, and it looks great now. ​Really appreciate your help!


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)


A fried bun filled with soft serve ice cream

Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

I visited Oyama Senmaida(大山千枚田) in Chiba, Japan. These terraced rice fields, dating back to before the 1600s, are ingeniously built on hillside slopes, forming 30 levels with 375 paddies still in use today. They are the quintessential rural landscape of Japan.


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

Finished reading: 南海トラフ地震の真実 by 小澤慧一 📚




Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)


🍿 MIFF number 10 was a wonderful look at Japanese listening cafes in A Century in Sound (2024) ★★★★

A rectangular image with a review of the movie A Century in Sound (2024). The movie poster is on the left and the review on the right side. Across the bottom is a rating of Poor Okay Good Great with Great selected. The review reads: The first three of a limited six part series exploring Japanese listening cafes/bars, with classical, Jazz and J-Rock covered. The episodes show the commitment to the listening experience, with the classical cafe no longer serving food so the noise didn’t distract from the music. The owners have spent a lifetime (or in the case of the classical one nearly 100 years by multiple generations of the family) building their record collections and personalising the audio equipment and even making their own speakers to suit the space. Each episode covers a part of Japanese history from the 1930s to the ‘90s through personal reflections of the owners and visitors, their passion for the music clearly evident. The storytelling with the music background was so intimate and almost reverent, you wanted to be in the bar sharing a drink with the owner.

Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

NostrでVanity pubkeyのMiningをやってみました。プリフィックスにyostosに近いy0st0sを得るために、ranaを使って数時間Miningしました。 得られた、Pubkeyがnpub1y0st0svvu5xg6dvswx7dz5m2p7004kmvsx6n22w4yjp3l6fa3mvsef2zz7で、npub1に続く部分がy0st0sとなっています。自己満足ですが。 ranaのインストールと使い方は次の通りです。Rustの実行環境が事前に必要です。 cargo install rana rana --vanity-n-prefix y0st0s Started mining ...

Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@Mtt Hi, Just wanted to let you know that I opened an issue on GitHub for the Sumo-Theme. There’s a small problem with an extra /ul tag in the layouts/post/single.html file that’s messing up the HTML.

Here’s the link to the issue:

Hope it helps! Thanks for the awesome theme!


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@manton ​Thanks so much for fixing the Japanese input issue! Just tried it out, and it’s working great now. Super relieved to have it running smoothly again. You really saved the day! 😊

日本語入力の問題を修正してくれてありがとう! 確認してちゃんと動くようになりホッとしました。 ​本当に助かりました! 😊​


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@news @manton The new editor still doesn’t allow for proper Japanese input. I have to edit in a local environment and copy and paste every time, which makes posting a hassle. I believe this issue is the same for other Asian languages that use an Input Method, not just Japanese.


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@takezin Macをお使いでしょか? 私のMacでも同じような症状が出ているので、Mantonには報告しています。


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@manton I checked it again. It seems to behave differently than before, but I confirmed that it works as expected for long posts or posts with titles. Thank you so much!


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@manton Thank you for the quick correction! ​I tried it, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have improved. Please refer to the following video.


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@manton There was another issue. I'm using the special comment <!--more--> to control where posts are truncated, following the instructions in "Truncated posts on your microblog," but since switching to the New Editor, it seems that this special comment is being ignored, and I'm no longer able to control the truncation properly.


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@manton Thanks! It would be great if you could fix this issue quickly since I can’t use Japanese in the current editor. If it’s going to take some time, it’d be awesome if you could consider bringing back the option to use the old editor.


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@nejimaki 気軽に聞けるようになりますね。私が聞いているPodcastは残念ながらSpotifyのほうが充実してそうですが。


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)


With the recent changes to the editor, I have noticed that while English input functions correctly, Japanese input does not work as expected. When I attempt to input Japanese text, it behaves strangely, as shown in the video.

On Mac computers, there is a system feature called “Input Method,” which allows users to type in languages other than English, such as Japanese. When typing in Japanese, the user starts by typing phonetic sounds using the standard English alphabet (e.g., typing “konnichiwa” to represent the Japanese word for “hello”). The Input Method then converts these phonetic representations into the appropriate Japanese characters, such as kanji or hiragana, based on the context. This process is different from English input, where characters are directly entered without conversion.

This issue primarily occurs on Mac devices, but since Windows also uses a similar system for Japanese text input, it is possible that the same problem could occur on Windows devices as well. I would recommend checking whether this issue also affects Windows users.​


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@Mtt I’m also posting from the web. It seems there might be some delay before the AI processes the ALT text, so the results may vary depending on timing. In fact, when I upload through “Uploads” and use “Copy HTML,” the ALT text is included, but when I upload an image and post it directly from “Post,” the ALT text does not seem to be included.


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)
@yostos 名古屋の美味しい手羽先もじっくり煮込まれていて身がホロホロなので、ちょっと大めの水で煮込むのがよいのかもですね。


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@Mtt This page was just posted. The description generated in Uploads includes quotation marks, but when using "Copy HTML" to paste it elsewhere, the quotation marks appear to be removed.

Description on "Uploads": A group of people, all dressed in green and white outfits, are depicted under the "mineo" logo on a document with Japanese text mentioning graduation and years of service. The code obtained from “Copy HTML”: html <img src="" width="600" height="410" alt="Auto-generated description: A group of people, all dressed in green and white outfits, are depicted under the mineo logo on a document with Japanese text mentioning graduation and years of service.">


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)
@yostos ですね~


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@yostos 回復させようとするとMy Docomoにログインさせようとするアホな作りなので、店舗で手続きしようとすると予約が必要。しかも、予約で電話すると延々と用件を3段階に及ぶメニューからダイヤルで選択させた揚げ句、氏名を音声認識で登録。この音声認識がバカで全然認識しない。



Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)


Awesome! So glad it worked. If you need anything else, just let me know. Have a great day!


Toshiyuki Yoshida(吉田 敏幸)

@michaelfransen Hi there! I hope it’s okay if I jump in, as I think I’ve been in a similar situation.

How about creating an “About” page explicitly in Pages? Once you’ve created it, open it for editing again and check if the URL in the bottom right corner is set to “/about”.

It seems like the “About me” information in the Account settings initially syncs with the About page, but it can become unsynced for some reason. I manage both separately just to be safe.