Hollie Baggins-Kenobi Avatar
Hollie Baggins-Kenobi
I live in Oregon with my family. This is my blog for family and friends, focused on my hobbies, reading and writing, chronic illness recovery, and joys large and small. Mastodon: social.coop/@hollie

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

In watercolors there are Phthalo colors, blue and green pigments that were originally based on copper phthalocyanine. My brain has never adjusted to the non-intuitive spelling of “Phthalo” and every time I write the word I can’t visualize the correct spelling, so instead I create these hilarious spelling ... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@SimonWoods Oh, I love this image! Thank you for sharing! :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@val About 1am! :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

They’re having the annual block party for our little downtown, and the neighborhood is PACKED with cars - it’s a fascinating social soap opera watching them all try to park. Everyone’s middle fingers are working GREAT. ð The fam just left to walk down and get food from the many carts, so I’m taking thi... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

HOLY CATS AND NOODLES, my dear friend Heidi sent me the me-est thing ever! :D She got this at GenCon, a copper coin for flipping when you need to decide whether to keep reading or put the book down. I was squealing with delight as I opened it - it’s packaged so perfectly, so fun to unwrap! It’s now sitting... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

I just got up in the dark to open a window, in time to see a guy in a warm hoodie floating down the center of our street on a skateboard, holding a flashlight pointed at the ground and being pulled by a huge fluffy brown dog with a thick body, who seemed to be absolutely happy using their muscles to pull t... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Closing up the house to go to bed and in the back of my mind kinda wondering where Cal is - and then I glance at the kitchen table as I’m about to turn off the light and look who’s in his box….

A sleepy orange cat curled up in a cardboard box on a kitchen table. He's awake but not for long.

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Went to my optometrist’s via bicycle today! It’s strange to me that this very tiny (yet excellent!) business has a nice single bike rack but the post office has nothing. I loved this appointment, it was a medical-ish visit where everything was in tip-top condition and she kept saying “perfect!” Nerves in e... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Texting with a friend and they joked, “if I make it out of this panini alive”, and that’s my new favorite phrase.


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Oh gosh oh gosh! A mom is walking by with stroller - which is empty, because a tiny human who clearly learned to walk VERY recently, is toddling happily along twenty feet behind her, in a purple dress, mighty wee fists raised for balance, with someone I assume is Grandma - long braid down her back, beaming... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Honestly the only thing I really regret about bowing out of violin as a hobby (ha!) was never learning how to play the violin part of TMBG’s Istanbul.


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Spent the day talking to lovely people (yay Fedi Craft Club and brunch with Jaime!) and sewing this patch on my bag. It took a good three hours thanks to fabric stiffness and close proximity of stitches, but now it’s done and I really like it! Another Cada patch, I just love her art. I also really love my... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Danvers says hello! He’s our friends' grandpuppy!

He’s such a wee leetle guy, weighs practically nothing - he dances around the room floating on four little deer legs, such a contrast to the two cast iron tank doggos I live with who regularly bruise my spleen. 😂

An Australian shepherd has just poked his head out from underneath the table and resting it on my leg, hoping for scritches. His right eye is blue and his left is brown. An Australian shepherd has just poked his head out from underneath the table and resting it on my leg, hoping for scritches. His right eye is blue and his left is brown.

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Visited Cada at her booth in the market today to get another patch, since the one I got last week is now going on my hat instead of my bag (the colors were so perfect for the hat!) I only had it half-sewn on but I brought it anyway to show her how perty it was, and she flipped at my use of a magnet to hol... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Actual conversation between my friend Jaime and I right now… Me: I finally watched that show you wanted me to watch! It’s good except I’m making lots of Twilight jokes Jaime: Wait, what show is this? Me: Discovery of Witches Jaime: But I’ve never seen that Me: I’m sure this was it! Jaime: ... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Got home from an appointment to mail from my friend Rey! :D A beautiful sailboat card that will go on my wall and had lovely stuff inside, and a sticker I immediately put on my favorite tea mug! The sticker is a quote from CS Lewis, “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.”... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Jupes and I are gonna watch a movie so I’m making the cocoa and while I’m standing here stirring they’re reading me Sappho, whom I have never read, and who is amazing. This poetry is incredible! Wow. Me: How did they not make us read this in high school? I guess I just answered my own question Jupes: I l... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Paint is so pretty, even all by itself. This is Lunar Blue from Daniel Smith, it’s all granulating and it does funky things as it dries, like their Cascade green. I just noodle around and paint easy stuff, nothing grand. I’m sure this stuff is stunning in a pro’s hands but just a reminder that beginner ti... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@Miraz Oh that's so funny! :D I'm a weirdo with colors, too, but it feels like only on paper, like when I'm making art I get real fussy about which micro-shade of blue I want? And yet my neighbors have asked me twice to comment on their house colors and I could NOT TELL THE DIFFERENCE. Like one was sage green and one was.....also sage green? But with a different name and apparently a "totally different color"? Maybe a shade off but in the shifting light of a single day, sun and partial sun and shade and street lamp, how on earth can I tell?


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@odd Thanks! Yeah it's a great word. :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

It’s been at least a year and Der Kommissar is still the best ringtone my phone has ever seen. It still, STILL inspires micro dance breaks. _Micro Dance Breaks _ being my forthcoming self-help bestseller that will radically shift the treatment of mental health issues, inspire world peace by infusing the ... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Ooooo! Decided to play with some watercolors and I broke out the glitter paint and now it’s a party.

Three circles filled with watercolor, the first in cerulean, the second in Prussian blue, the third in deep scarlet. All three have silver sparkles mixed in.

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Just added “falderal” to my list of favorite words.

(the whole list is at eilloh.net/words)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

This is the “gift” I have that makes me wonder if I should get some editing certification: typos call to me, like I’m a psychic accessing the spirit world of blunders. A book just arrived, The Best of All Possible Worlds by Ivar Ekeland. I opened it to get the smell (I know I’m not the only one who does th... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Our housemate just related an anecdote to me in the kitchen that involved the baby shark song, which is now stuck in my head, which means he has to move out now. It’s been a nice fifteen years but I’m popping him up a tent in the garden after this.


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

I got these two little cacti today for this funky frog pot I keep forgetting we have (it looks like they’re in the midst of some amphibious ritual). I asked the guy at the nursery if this (referring to the bag of Cactus Mix I was holding) would work and he said, “Oh yeah, that’s perfect”. When I went to r... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Stopped at the Saturday Market today to get some patches from my friend Cada, who is an amazing artist I’ve known for a gazillion years, since she was selling these beautiful art-covered hoodies at the Fremont Fair in Seattle when the kids were little. Her work has always spoken to me and I love supporting... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Me and the Yoopiter standing on the porch watching the rain come down in massive buckets, pouring off the roof, running down the street in a little river of pine needles and dried grass.

Two people on a porch smiling, wild smashing rain behind them but you can't make that out because cameras.

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@odd Oh yeah, loving the lower temps, too. Although my shorts might be a liability later! :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

It’s noon in Oregon and the water has hit - we’ve got pouring rain and thunder, but no lightning so far! And a big crack in the clouds where bright blue sky peeks in like it’s laughing at how wet we’re getting. I love this time of year. <makes tea>

Big patch of sky, with a pointed dark corner of a roof laying over the upper left hand corner. The sky is fierce grey on the right but on the left is a beautiful bright blue patch peeking through the clouds.

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@V_ I don't know if they're big? I had a friend who did them years ago and that's how I knew about them. You just write a short message that says thanks for being a voter and please don't forget to vote in the November 5th election. It's really simple but apparently it really works to increase voter turnout!


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@aeryn It's soooo worth the read! So heartwarming. And FUNNY. :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@micro.blog/val Oh thank you! :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@V_ There were three scripts and I chose the nice one that asks people to please remind their friends and family to vote. Way less stalkerish! :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@ddanielson Whoah!! Neither have I, that sounds wild! (Also, rather wide?)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@Miraz They offer classes in the fall, I'm going to try and go! :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@Miraz She would absolutely offer nose boops in response. :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@odd WHOAH - that was amazing! 😂


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@ddanielson 🥴😂


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@maique I very much relate to this vibe. :) 🧜‍♀️


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@rscottjones Thank you!


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@odd Thank you!! :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@val Oh very cool! :D I hope you're enjoying them!


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@Denny This is so lovely to read, thank you so much! I hugely appreciate it! 🥰


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@lostinhaste Thank you!


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@alpower Oh thank you! :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@JohnBrady I hope so. :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@annahavron I have secretly wondered about this! :) I believe you're right.


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@binarydigit Thank you! It's been a lovely day! :D