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Hollie Baggins-Kenobi
I live in Oregon with my family. This is my blog for family and friends, focused on my hobbies, reading and writing, chronic illness recovery, and joys large and small. Mastodon: social.coop/@hollie

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Day 29 of biking every day! Almost forgot tonight! Ran errands today and tonight was watching a movie with Jupiter (Monolith ð), and we got done and I suddenly realized: BIKE! Very dark, was only out for a few minutes, but saw: a crowd of young people trying to figure out how to jump start a car, a lone... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

We just got back from the grocery store and I’m trying to open up a new jar of something, and the lid is on TIGHT. Jupiter and I are in the middle of a conversation and I interrupt them… Me: Give this to your father Jupes: eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Day 28 of biking every day! Due to chronic illness issues, in the last three nights I’ve slept a combined total of 16 hours, so I’m severely wiped. I didn’t go far tonight, but farther than I meant to. Once I get on the bike and feel that breeze, it’s hard to come home even when I recognize I’m too sleep-d... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@Miraz We were worried someone had RECYCLED IT, but thankfully it was found! 😂


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

There’s a couple that walks around the neighborhood all the time, I joke they’re Younger Hollie and Greg (she’s a tall, chubby brunette who laughs loudly, he’s a quiet, obviously nerdy brown guy), and they just paused in front of our house. She jerked and startled, and for a moment I thought with horror sh... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Someone moved his box so he’s holding my favorite shirt hostage.

An orange cat laying on a blue button-up shirt on a kitchen table.

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Day 27 of biking every day! Gorgeous night, everything lit up from the sunset. It was so neat to see this familiar route look so different, like a watercolor painter with a giant brush and pink palette had just come through and glazed everything they could find. Me and the bike are such good friends now, o... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@the Thank you!


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Day 26 Biking Every Day! Went too late again, am reminded midsummer has passed so I need to haul my butt out there sooner and sooner (or switch to mornings ). I started with the neighborhood, then got curious what the river park would look like. Almost stood in the water to catch the last bit of p... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

DAY 25 of Biking Every Day! My biceps are definitely developing, when I pull the bike up our couple little stairs, it just follows easier. T’was a short ride, I rode a few postcards for friends to the post office, including this one about the day Greg brought walnuts into our house, and then got to deliver... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

I have this ongoing mental list of minor, non-spectacular, somewhat mundane things that I think would change the world. One I added today was “eliminate pop-ups”.


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@devilgate Right? :D It's hard not to move to even when it's just in one's head.


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Okay but you know who I feel sorry for? All the people in this grocery store who do NOT start dancing barely-perceptibly when David Bowie’s Fashion comes on. Is all I’m saying. How can you not move, just a little?


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Day 24 of Daily Biking: HUZZAH! My biceps, on hiatus lo this past decade of chronic illness, have returned! As I hauled the bike back in, they ENGAGED. I’m still squishy (today I tried to tighten my abs in the kitchen so I could tell Greg to poke them and be impressed; then I literally couldn’t find them 😂... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Day 23 of bicycling every day. Another hard chronic illness day, but then CompostableSpork and I got texting about music and it really helped take my mind off everything. I biked late to feel the cool breezes, and ended up riding for twenty minutes! It was GREAT. Took my open-ear headphones and wove all ov... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

“Thank god she’s finally dressed and ready for adventure. But why is she so DRY? How does she get so DRY when I licked her so much yesterday? I must MOISTEN her, MOISTENING IS THE WAY, I’ve told her this, why doesn’t she listen to me…..”

A corgi in a lap, licking a knee (held down with one paw) repeatedly as though dryness offends him. A sweet black Lab is laying on the floor, looking up.

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

The moon looks golden tonight, like it was dipped in honey.


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@odd Thank you, I so appreciate that! :) It was nice to get out even for the ten minutes.


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Day 22 of bicycling every day. Another very short trip, been a rough day with chronic illness and anxiety issues. I don’t even have the energy to write. I rode for about ten minutes and then came home because I was just struggling so much. I hope everyone is well!

A wall with a mural of....characters from the Simpsons but I don't recognize them? On the left is some version of Goth Lisa in a purple dress with grey hair and fishnet sticking, and on the right is Bart but in some kind of green ghoul form. Looking up through the roofs of four buildings that touch each other and sit over four streets. All you can see are the four golden brown wood walls of the roofline, some of the bricks below, and a rectangle of blue sky.


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

I finished the class yesterday, learning to take an old paperback book and turn it into a hardback. My project was this precious old copy of The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts that I got in high school. It helped me with anxiety back then, which was a bit ironic - coming home from the class I had an ep... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@Denny Yeah I laughed too! 😂 It was impressive drool.


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@Miraz He's so sweet when he's asleep!


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Watching a movie and Finn has snuggled up. He’s too long to lay that way normally, so I set a meditation cushion on a stool and then shove that whole thing under his head, like a little couch extension. He’s used to this routine and just goes right to sleep. ð He looks cute, but when he eventually woke... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@Miraz That sounds lovely - and the long chat is like another kind of benefit, getting that connection. That's so nice.


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Day 21 of bicycling every day! Still tired, but I wanted to try sketching, so I headed out to the bridge. I figured it’d be easier to sketch than a forest. I was wrong. ð About halfway through, a couple showed up and sat right behind me (on a long pedestrian bridge with several empty benches - why do pe... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@ddanielson Thank you! :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@Miraz Thank you! It feels so nice just to be out even for a few minutes.


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Day 20 of bicycling every day! In a lot of pain today and on the edge of a fibro crash, so I stuck close to home. I was only out for fifteen minutes or so, but as usual the positive effect on my morale was profound. This is what I find so powerful about an electric bike, that if I didn’t have the assist I ... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

IT’S HEEEERRREEEE! I LOOOOoOoooVE IT! :D Okay fellow P&P nerds remember when Jane is talking about Mr. Bingley and she’s like, “He’s JUST what a young man ought to be!” Lol this is JUST what a uke ought to be! I LOVE the bari sound, it’s so low and pretty! Will never give up my two favorite GCEA ukes but ... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@ddanielson That's true! :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@Miraz I'm really lucky that I have this huge urban park nearby!


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Day 19 of trying to bicycle every day! I was almost going to apologize for taking photos of the same places all the time, but something fierce swiftly cut that off - another nod to nervous system healing work: I’m apologizing less. :) I love going back to the same places. Visited my new creek, then to the ... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Now that my photo printer is working, I’m digging through old photos and found this gem of Finnegan and a 12 wk-old Zoe in March of 2016. Finn was a year old. We brought this puppy home and immediately she was HIS BABY, he was OVER THE MOON with joy, in love with her from the moment we set her down in fron... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Day 18 of cycling every day: The Finn Is Not Even Remotely Amused Edition. This is fully my fault, I completely forked this up. First: I FORGOT TREATS. EPIC FAIL. Second: in terms of minutes we were out a short time, but in terms of distance it was too far too soon. He barked and whined all the way home on... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Day 17 of riding every day! Tried to get out early. So many dogs today! Met Cal the tiny dog, and later Levi the Great Dane, who actually had a signal for “go meet the person” (very cool training for so huge a doggo!). Found a new wooden bridge over a pretty creek, what a little gem, so quiet. On the river... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@ddanielson Thank you so much! It's been so fun to do these little daily reports. :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@ddanielson I know, it's it GREAT!? 😂


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

Sitting on my bench next to my bike, under my favorite poplar (I’ve named it Lou), listening to people go by behind me on the trail. Two people on fancy electric bikes talked loudly about whether they should lure someone away from a position. I’ve noticed people talking business often talk very loud. Anoth... eilloh.net

Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@crossingthethreshold Oh hey I wasn't the only one. :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@manton Thank you!


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@Miraz Thank you! :D 🚲


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@Miraz I love that idea, which is kinda funny since I don't really knit anymore. Yet....I'd go. :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@jean Beautiful!


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@Miraz Oh this looks very interesting, thanks for the link!


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@Miraz Oh I hope you do! :D Post photos!


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@ddanielson Honestly I am too, but I think going out in the mei one like this is really helping my heat tolerance? I'm surprised, it feels like the tolerance is getting better, not worse.


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@val Thank you! It's so fun, I'm having such a good time! Kinda curious how winter will go, lol! :)


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@odd Oh wow!! Thats wild! :) I love that movie, I see it once every few years and it still always gets me.


Hollie Baggins-Kenobi

@amerpie Oh thank you, yeah it's a lovely spot! :) We were really fortunate to find this little place.