Manuel Riess Avatar
Manuel Riess
Product owner, previously and officially iOS + Mac Developer, trying to slow down and unclutter life. Family of 4, coding, traveling, reading, trying and failing. Mostly all at once.

Manuel Riess

I went into the opening show of the Olympics in Paris, thinking I‘d just watch a few countries walk in and wait for who‘s lighting the fire. I spent all 4 hours in front of the TV, fascinated. That show was incredible! They destroyed this ceremony for all future cities to come. Just… wow 🥇🗼🇫🇷


Manuel Riess

@ner3y hatten lange Pause, fast zerbrochen… vor zwei Jahren dann neues Album und seit dem auf Tour, inklusive ihrer Greatest Hits. Lohnt sich 👌


Manuel Riess

Sportfreunde Stiller, live at Freilichtbühne Killesberg, Stuttgart

I love it when you can feel that the band has as much fun playing their music, like everyone else has listening and singing with them. Great atmosphere, great concert, lots of my favorite songs and a good friend. Great evening 👌🎸🎶

A crowd is gathered in front of an illuminated stage at night, watching a live music performance by Sportfreunde Stiller.

Manuel Riess

Good friends are the ones you see again after 2.5 years and it still feels like yesterday, you talk for hours on end and it’s always too short. Lovely day 🍀


Manuel Riess

You’d think they’re at least trying to be kind of serious… maybe being aware that the whole world is watching… and then Hulk Hogan shows up. That’s everything one needs to know.


Manuel Riess

A country that’s short of completely failing and is not only loosing their war on misinformation and tinfoil hats, really needs more unregulated possibilities to spread more misinformation and conspiracy theories, based on services that screw over every single person and business on earth, with the sole purpose of becoming even richer…

Yeah… I think Gruber has figured it out.


Manuel Riess

unpredictable nature of the European regulatory environment

They are aware in which country they’re actually operating in, right? Banana Republic > People who care. Got it.


Manuel Riess

Daring Fireball: Meta Won’t Bring Future Multimodal AI Models to EU

Another big win for Thierry Breton and Margrethe Vestager

Well… it actually is. And Gruber might as well fall from his high US horse one day. Maybe give it some thought… Maybe some Europeans are quite fond of their government not bowing and kissing Big Techs asses. Seems ok to find lousy excuses to not even try to not exploit their users.


Manuel Riess

@heyloura oh, I‘m very interested in this! Curious to read a long term review. I‘d like to get out of the iOS ecosystem a bit, but I‘m just not sure about the everyday usage of these other systems. But I‘m a huge fan of the Fairphone concept.


Manuel Riess

Cloud Sync for Obsidian on the iPad

Manuel Riess

@bapsi well said! Thanks for the encouragement 🙏


Manuel Riess

I’m not sure how I can manage to do it, or if it’s feasible at all… but lately, I increasingly get the urge to just stop reading the news altogether. I don’t want to know what’s going on in batshit crazy politics all over the world; I don’t want to know about how things in our own country get worse by the ...

Manuel Riess

@manton the whole world is in a downward spiral. It will take a very long time to get out of it again… but I sure hope you‘re right 💪


Manuel Riess

"The typical situation is that I start something, switch to something else, get into a meeting, forget the very essence of what I was doing. Turn on autopilot, read all my emails, all my IMs. Then it’s 5PM, I’m exhausted, and I realize I’m at the same stage I was at 8AM, tell myself I should really achieve something that day, and open HN." This is precisely the reason I have used a work journal for a few months. It really helps me to keep focus, and actually gain focus in the first place. It’s part of my working system now, and it includes keeping track of and chipping away my to-do list. Without it...

Manuel Riess

I think I won’t post anything remotely related to politics anymore on my blog. It’s simply too dangerous. Great times we live in 👍


Manuel Riess

@eurobubba I wish I had your optimism… But the world is just crazy. Even if it won’t be Trump… wherever you look… just more crazy…


Manuel Riess

Whoever did this, did a disservice to the whole world. Trump will win now, no matter what Biden will do, even more certain… The world will lose. Thank you very much for nothing.


Manuel Riess

Woof. That week was crazier than I thought. I‘m still braindead and extremely exhausted, but I can’t really sleep. Let’s see if some movie will help. 🍿


Manuel Riess

What a week. Feels like Friday coming to a close already, but it’s still a full day of work left. Woof. I enjoyed it… but I wouldn’t mind being done for now 🥵


Manuel Riess

Everyone recommends new e-ink tablets lately, like the Boox Go. It sure looks like a great device! But it misses the point. The reason I, and so many others, adore their reMarkable is because of everything it can’t do. I don’t want all the apps or hundreds of editing tools on that thing. The less it can do...

Manuel Riess

@chrisaldrich thank god it’s sold out 🤣


Manuel Riess

@chrisaldrich I already have problems to find enough space for all my keyboards 🫣 For typewriters I would need a separate shed in the garden 😉


Manuel Riess

And another beautiful thing arrived today… The infamous Apple Adjustable Keyboard. I’ve been looking for this since quite a while. It’s so weird, I had to have this! (Some people might think I have a mental issue 😉)

An Apple Adjusrable Keyboard. Asplit ergonomic keyboard with a detached numeric keypad lies on a wooden surface.

And here’s the IBM Model M from yesterday:

A vintage IBM Model M mechanical keyboard from 1988 with a coiled cable is placed on a wooden surface.

Manuel Riess

Oh boy… I received an IBM Model M keyboard today. Needs some thorough cleaning and I‘m still waiting for an adapter to connect it to my Mac, but I love the sound and the feeling of those keys already! I have a weak spot for really old keyboards. This one is from 1988, my absolute favorite, the Apple Extend...

Manuel Riess

Call me crazy, but l love Stage Manager on the iPad just like I do on the Mac. It’s not perfect, but it works great for me!


Manuel Riess

From today’s run 🏃‍♂️ Not the best idea 🥵 The good thing: no sauna necessary anymore 💪

A field of tall, green wheat swaying in the breeze under a clear blue sky is bordered by lush trees and shrubs.A vast field of golden wheat stretches towards the horizon with a clear blue sky above and a line of trees in the distance.Rows of grapevines on a vineyard stretch into the distance under a clear, blue sky.A lush, green apple tree is standing in a grassy field next to a row of vineyard plants under a clear blue sky.


Manuel Riess

@numericcitizen I remember driving to Plitvice and seeing lots of destroyed houses or churches with bullet holes. All in beautiful scenery. That war is long gone, but somehow it’s still there.


Manuel Riess

@numericcitizen oh! I‘ve been there… love this place!


Manuel Riess

Why is it, that every small idea has to become a humongous undertaking when thinking about the details 🤔 In other news: I finally ordered a Raspberry Pi. Now I have to think about what to do with it 🙃


Manuel Riess

If you pinned me down and had me choose one album… I think it might be The Blue Album.


Manuel Riess

Holy smokes… what the hell. 30 years… this album was a defining moment in my musical brain forming process. I love this album so much! 30 years… 👨‍🦳 Weezer - The Blue Album LIVE | Spotify THIRTY - The 30th Anniversary 🎶


Manuel Riess

Alright… I thought I’d use the iPad again and do more work on it. Doing a late evening call with colleagues in the US or some emails in between is much more comfortable, because I don’t have to carry the MacBook upstairs from my office. But when I take notes, I always do that on my remarkable. Writing in t...

Manuel Riess

@Gabz you‘re not alone with this… I feel exactly the same way… Thanks for sharing.


Manuel Riess

Recently, I have work enough to do to occupy three people. Usually, I catch up on some things in the evenings, sometimes until late at night. That’s not really sustainable and after a really shitty and long meeting today, I’ll leave things be. Some days are just not worth even being annoyed.


Manuel Riess

I do all my task management in Obsidian. Mike Schmitz on The Sweet Setup has a great overview of what’s possible with it. I learned some things and will optimize my workflow 🙃

If you decide to give task management in Obsidian a shot, there’s a mindset shift you have to embrace before it will click:

Location doesn’t matter.

This is the key thing that made this work for me and it’s the reason I love doing this in Obsidian. It frees me up. Tasks can be written everywhere! No Inbox or anything necessary anymore. Tasks are just there and collected where needed. Really amazing!


Manuel Riess

@pratik agreed 👍 Also: history shows, that lots of the keynote stuff will a) not work as good as promised b) come in reduced form 1 month before next WWDC or c) never be mentioned again, ever 😉


Manuel Riess

@pratik yes, that's true. And there's no solution, so maybe not a "problem" in itself. But a large (maybe paying) user base is cut off, earning the developers less money. But specialized apps will always provide more functionality. DayOne is a great example.

It's very funny though that they gave a design award to Gentler Streak last week, and today they announced (a basic but still very important) feature set of exactly that app 😉


Manuel Riess

@pratik I didn't keep track of everything, but I remember Password Managers, Tiling Window Managers, Note Taking Apps, Equation Solving Apps, some Fitness Apps, and of course parts of Widget Smith … emphasizes one of the many risks for developers on the platform.


Manuel Riess

@jsonbecker There's a lot in there that nobody needs or will use of course, but integrating your personal context and being able to work with apps using natural language is the most outstanding feature I think. It doesn't "just" create text or "just" generate an image. It's how these things are seemlessly integrated into everything, how they transform your handwriting and typed text into your handwriting… stuff like that. People will mostly not realize, that they use AI. And I don't think anyone needs to watch this 1.75h long ad 😉


Manuel Riess

Sounds like an Apple Fanboy, but I really think they get the AI thing right. It’s integrated, personal, private. The AI companies say “Here! look! Cool Technolgy! Future! We’re not killing us all (we’ll totally do though)” Apple puts this technology into actual use that’s relevant to a normal human.


Manuel Riess

@vincent it‘s so refreshing to see a plain and simple website for once. Should be a good example for others…


Manuel Riess

@hutaffe this video of the founder though gives a different impression. Although, I can't verify if and what is actually new with the display. Really interesting thing…


Manuel Riess

@jsonbecker oh! Interesting, thanks for the pointer! The early review Om linked to looks promising. I'll still wait for more reviews, though. I'm really intrigued, and it somehow feels like betraying my reMarkable 😉


Manuel Riess

@cliffordbeshers @odd That‘s the difference of when I would make that photo vs. when an actual photographer makes that photo. Seeing the potential in a scene is a great skill on its own. To me this would look like a pile of garbage, and my photo would like a pile of garbage, if I even took it 😉 @maique makes it a piece of art. Really great 😊


Manuel Riess

@jean thank you for making this such a special corner of the internet! It wouldn’t be the same without you. And good luck with your new endeavors! I‘m looking forward to reading your stuff. It’s an Inspiration to see someone set out to accomplish their creative dreams 💪


Manuel Riess

@sebastian Guuude ✌️


Manuel Riess

@ner3y this looks very businessy 😵‍💫


Manuel Riess

@pcora I wished someone would care about Firefox at work 🙈