Rich Brown Avatar
Rich Brown
Random nonsense.

Rich Brown

The VCR Classic Library Collection. "Smaller and lighter than most hardcover books," yes sure I'll just roll my CRT and VCR onto the subway so I can read during my commute. "Clear bright type.... No need to turn pages." There are similar lines in a bottom-feeding Roku ad lately. Like, "Has everything you...

Rich Brown

@richText (although it looks like I should be relying on "secrets" instead... . Something to learn about over the weekend, maybe....)


Rich Brown

Got an email from GitHub that one of my PATs was compromised, but they can't determine how. Poking around a bit and I think it's possibly from a public Docker repo that was built with some .env variables in it? Wiped them out, rebuilt the container, made a new "fine-grained" PAT, and added the variables to...

Rich Brown

I have avoided posting about my weekend, which wasn't great. Funny way to spend a birthday. 🚑 🏥

Making up for it by going out for a nice meal tonight.


Rich Brown

Looks like I'm going to lose ~ $700 on non-refundable costs thanks to this trip cancellation. How does one say "well, f##k" in German? 🇩🇪


Rich Brown

I had a job interview in '99, an office building on Harbour Island ("ooh, a 'u'! It must be classy!") and I saw the name Andrew C. Greenberg on the building index.

"Surely not," I thought. "In Tampa? No way." But it was he! I never figured out a way to meet him though.



Rich Brown

Spent some time today tearing down an online project that took me an entire summer to build, 6 or 7 years ago. It was only ever a silly (but complicated) joke, and I can't justify the domain cost anymore -- plus it simplifies other things going on my VPS.

Onward, to new dumb things!


Rich Brown

KEN JENNINGS (on podcast): "...what was it Bartles and Jaymes said?!"

ME (shouting over the vaccuum noise, to no one): "THANK YOU/FOR YOUR SUPPORT!"


Rich Brown

"Friday new tires, Monday new battery, Tuesday oil change, Wednesday car gets stolen. I HATE CARS." is the post I was angry-fantasizing (?) about posting as I raced downtown at rush hour to meet T. Then the phone rang again.

"I was on the wrong level of the garage. Sorry."


Rich Brown

Dinking around with a simple h-feed wrapper around my blog index pages, after seeing it mentioned in the #indieweb IRC. At the same time, and somewhat related-ly (?), testing a URL param in my rss.xml to flag page visits originating from the feed. (But there's no script underneath, to do anything with that...

Rich Brown

This part of the South always gets one or two 'false Fall' days; a break from the heat where it seems like Autumn has arrived. It's usually in the form of a delightfully cool, brisk morning. I've been griping that said day comes later and later... but here it is on 8/23, early this year. It might only las...

Rich Brown

This part of the South always gets one or two 'false Fall' days; a break from the heat where it seems like Autumn has arrived. It's usually in the form of a delightfully cool, brisk morning. I've been griping that said day comes later and later... but here it is on 8/23, early this year. It might only las...

Rich Brown

#Metronet again tacking on more unjustified price increases, absolutely speedrunning the enshittification process. You didn't think you'd ever go back to #FuckComcast, but here you are 18 months later...


Rich Brown

#Metronet again tacking on more unjustified price increases, absolutely speedrunning the enshittification process. You didn't think you'd ever go back to #FuckComcast, but here you are 18 months later...


Rich Brown

woke up in the middle of the night with a dumb idea - "Dazzle Shirts! It's the pattern from #OMD's Dazzle Ships (riffing on the naval camo concept), but on a long-sleeve T-shirt!" Typed it into the Reminders app and fell back to sleep. Googled it this morning and the first result is JC Penney's. Alas, the...

Rich Brown

woke up in the middle of the night with a dumb idea - "Dazzle Shirts! It's the pattern from #OMD's Dazzle Ships (riffing on the naval camo concept), but on a long-sleeve T-shirt!" Typed it into the Reminders app and fell back to sleep. Googled it this morning and the first result is JC Penney's. Alas, the...

Rich Brown

against a blue sky, a billowing cloud lit fire-orange by the sunset, over two simple suburban houses.

"Arthur, King of the Britons.... oh don't grovel!"


Rich Brown

against a blue sky, a billowing cloud lit fire-orange by the sunset, over two simple suburban houses.

"Arthur, King of the Britons.... oh don't grovel!"


Rich Brown

"Gen X" came from Douglas Coupland. "Gen Y" was around for a while until they declared themselves "Millennials."

"Gen Z" is just "the one that's two after X," but at this point haven't they named themselves more appropriately?

Boomers | Gen Xers | Millennials | Hey Guys...


Rich Brown

"Gen X" came from Douglas Coupland. "Gen Y" was around for a while until they declared themselves "Millennials."

"Gen Z" is just "the one that's two after X," but at this point haven't they named themselves more appropriately?

Boomers | Gen Xers | Millennials | Hey Guys...


Rich Brown

I'm on pg 3 and I already know I'm going to love this book, The Modem World.

Lost in the transition from hobbyist telecommunication to commercial social media was the intimacy of the modem world.

(Pages 1 and 2 introduced this "world" using the example of a BBS in Gainesville, FL, in the very early 90s. This would've been a local call from campus/apartmentville... if only I'd socialized with the right nerds!)


Rich Brown

I'm on pg 3 and I already know I'm going to love this book, The Modem World.

Lost in the transition from hobbyist telecommunication to commercial social media was the intimacy of the modem world.

(Pages 1 and 2 introduced this "world" using the example of a BBS in Gainesville, FL, in the very early 90s. This would've been a local call from campus/apartmentville... if only I'd socialized with the right nerds!)


Rich Brown

cropped map of lightning strikes happening in the nearest 10 blocks or so. One of them just wacked a golf course pond about 200 yards away.

That was an extra-close one there to the north. #flwx


Rich Brown

cropped map of lightning strikes happening in the nearest 10 blocks or so. One of them just wacked a golf course pond about 200 yards away.

That was an extra-close one there to the north. #flwx


Rich Brown

Just deleted a big long post about mobile-data aggravation and changed my carrier instead. Ryan Reynolds, you finally won me over. (I still haven't seen your comicbook movies though.)


Rich Brown

Just deleted a big long post about mobile-data aggravation and changed my carrier instead. Ryan Reynolds, you finally won me over. (I still haven't seen your comicbook movies though.)


Rich Brown

@cheesemaker Firefox does this occasionally on my M1 iMac -- I assumed it was FF's fault, but.... Safari too?!


Rich Brown

@richText (by "dodge" I mean "only" 18K customers in TLH without power today. c.f. 80K in the last storm)


Rich Brown

@odd "this blueberry God...!" 🫐🙏


Rich Brown

@richText where do I even start troubleshooting these encoding issues? sigh


Rich Brown

@richText oops I missed a "Yet" in the title of that first song. 🤷‍♂️


Rich Brown

@richText followup note-to-self: during the May 16th -to June 16th cycle, total cell data usage was 393 MB, 188 of which was claimed by "System Services." 🥇


Rich Brown

@richText (I've just discovered the early 90s comic-book versions, found on an ancient hard drive; no idea where they came from (I'm not a comics person generally, other than Bloom County). The art direction is different from every other version, which makes perverse sense, while the narrative and quotes seem to be verbatim from earlier sources. Arthur's a bit too lantern-jawed for me, but baggy Two-Tone Ford cracks me up; my new Mastodon profile pic.)


Rich Brown

@richText now I see the YT app moving to a sort of screensaver mode after a few minutes, showing the video’s thumbnail with a slight Ken Burns? zoom effect. Pointless, AFAICT, but better than straight-up unpausing something I expect to stay paused.


Rich Brown

@aa It's such an unsettling thing, even if there's an innocuous "technical glitch" explanation. I'm wearing it ~24/7 still, but dissatisfied with the software quality.


Rich Brown

@richText LOL and then the attempt to re-play the same song ("(Nothing But) Flowers" by Talking Heads) failed when the vinyl started skipping near the end. "This song was just not meant to be played today!" (At least turntable two sounds good. 📻)


Rich Brown

@fgtech I try not to be a prescriptivist but I loathe "myself" as "formal 'me'" 🙉


Rich Brown

@leonp ...and Happy New Year! 🍻


Rich Brown

@leonp haha! I built that comment box for a couple of Tumblr friends who aren't hip to webmentions. Their names are hard-coded into the "receiver" and all others are rejected. (Trivially defeated, but I'm so low-visited, it doesn't matter?) Nevertheless, your reply showed up as a comment!


Rich Brown

@jean Just in time for a bit of a tropical storm! 🌀Welcome back...


Rich Brown

@odd I think they're best known for Groove Salad but the Indie Pop Rocks is so good!


Rich Brown

@jean My dad was a rising senior at South Dade HS (new to the school, his stepdad relocated from Jax Naval Air Station) in '59. Base housing with no A/C. I have never been able to wrap my head around it. 🥵🥵


Rich Brown

@mandaris +smashes nonexistent Like button+ Yes!


Rich Brown

@kimonostereo oh, this could really be something!


Rich Brown

@richText NTS: It didn't work. 🤨