Some recent photos posts from the community.


Alexandra Wolfe

When the light is just right …

an orange leaf on a tree full of green leaves, with blue sky in the background


Gör journalistik.


Shiori Reads



Stanislav Dimitrov

My Return to Coffee After 3 Years: The Joy of Rediscovering the Ritual ☕


On how am I rediscovering my creative freedom with digital scribbling.

Curt Clifton

Good morning from Mammoth Lakes, California

Sunrise over the eastern sierra mountains, a conifer forest in the foreground


Lou Plummer

The 101st Stranger - I found a long-lost photo today from when I was working on my 100 Strangers project. This is Steve, a street guy whom I gave $2 and made him promise not to spend it on food.



How DevOps can come back from the dead, and why it must

Chris Glass

September 6, 2019 - Olifants wilderness camp, South Africa - Up before dawn to prepare for long hikes in Kruger National Park over the course of three days. On our last bush walk we came across this lone male elephant. He began charging. Our guides told us to move swiftly away. It was intense.

Young male elephant in Kruger National Park prepares to charge tourists - Sony RX100


🌈 We never use them like this, but, Hue lights are very cool



The challenge is to choose 20 album covers that greatly influenced you. One cover per day, for 20 days. No explanation, no reviews. Just covers. 20/20.

#20albumcovers 🎵


maique madeira

✉️ The Post Office

A small, rustic post office with a tiled roof and red and white painted exterior. The building has steps leading up to the entrance and a wooden sign displaying “Posto Correios Poste Office.” There are plants next to the steps and greenery surrounding the building.


The Art Of Not Asking Why

Sick day. What started yesterday as annoyance became more obvious today. Now, I have to slow down.

Auto-generated description: A person wearing glasses and a red face mask is seen against a blurred background with photos on a wall.

Also, man, this photo is overprocessed.



📷 Ah, l’estate volge al termine… Oltre ai ricordi rimangono le foto.

Bordura fiorita all'inizio dell'estate

Sven Dahlstrand

Ture taking a siesta.

A curled up dachshund pup taking a nap.

maique madeira

❤️ Walked out, and had a quick coffee. No time for photos.

A vibrantly painted building with turquoise walls, green shutters, and red doors stands on a slightly wet cobblestone street. The structure sits against a lush, green, forested background.


George Jones

Here’s A plant I’ve never seen before “Old man’s beard”



September 6, 2024 - 6 am

dawn sky before sunrise - dark blue/gray sky with a dark orange horizon over mountains


Florian Ziegler

Monochrome image of a white frame leaning against a wall on a grimy sidewalk

Frame of a frame.

Trying to post photos earlier in the day, because I almost missed posting at all in the last couple of days. 😬 Still getting used to the "new" schedule, with Ulya already gone, when the rest of us get up on the morning.


Jack Baty

It’s a relatively minor thing, but uneven frame spacing bothers me. This is a sample from the Canonet, which I am going to retire for real this time. Not only because of the spacing issue, but that’s part of it.


Adam Corbin Fusco

Sailabration, Baltimore, 2012

A ship's figurehead with a large flag and sailing ship in the background.

Miraz Jordan

For the past week or so I've had scratchy eyes, a bit of an itch on the roof of my mouth. Figuring it was hay fever, I bought eyedrops yesterday that immediately helped.

Now the farmer next door is hard at work cutting down the gorse and lupins in the paddock next to us. That should help a lot too.

A big orange digger with mowing attachment on the arm mows lupins in a paddock.


I’m back from „The Music of Hans Zimmer & Others“ at the Luisenburg in Wunsiedel. It was great! ❤️


Alexandra Wolfe

Those damn Red Triangles of death are now allowed to invade bicycle territory in the green zone …


Holly Honeychurch

A wonderful sunset after choir this evening. Happy September days.


Charles Perry

🎶 It’s the MOST wonderful time of the year! 🎶 🍂🍁🎃


Anne Sturdivant

Today’s featured photo from the Photos app (2024/09/04)

On this day: rock arch and waves at Ariya’s Beach off Hwy 101 on the way to Gold Beach, Oregon.

September 4, 2017

Under a slightly broody overcast sky, waves lap the shoreline and large craggy basalt seastacks rise with a very large pointed arch directly in front.

Chris Glass

September 4, 2004 - Shopping with Wendy at IKEA

A person shopping at IKEA as seen through the hole in some orange piece of furniture something or other - Sony Cybershot

maique madeira

🍸 Cocktail beta testing continues. Today: Margaritas.

A person, with their face out of focus, is holding a clear glass with a light-colored drink. The background is an outdoor setting with greenery.


Florian Ziegler

Didn't even find time to shot during my commute today. Also, it was raining every time I sat on my bike, so there's that. So birch tree leaves outside my (home) office window it is…


Jamie McHale

Kirkcudbright harbour with H. 📸


Clifford Beshers

I’m temporarily enamored of these shots from the bottom of the canyon, since I mostly shoot in large valleys that are tens of square miles. The closeness almost gives a fish-eye lens effect.

Puffy white scattered clouds fill the sky above a high canyon wall.


Adactio: Jeremy Keith

Wednesday session

Wednesday session


Tor Einar Samdahl

Ute av fokus «snikfotografering».

A blurred black and white photo shows a couple sitting on a bench in a park with trees in the background.



Tour de la cathédrale Saint-Domnius, Split, Croatie (à l’origine mausolée de l’empereur Dioclétien) 📷

cathédrale Saint-Domnius

Miraz Jordan

First time since midwinter that I've noticed the morning sun finding its way into my west-facing bedroom. Nice!

A rectangle of sunshine on a wall beside a window. There are round photos of birds on the wall.

Martin Hähnel

DailyDogo 1016 🐶