Jessica Smith Avatar
Jessica Smith
Socialist, feminist, Melburnian, animal lover, Linux and Mac user, interested in politics, languages, history, society and technology. More too, probably!

Jessica Smith

My sister just got back from two months in Europe and returned bearing gifts, including this adorable onesie for our baby in utero that I just had to share ð I couldn’t help but quip, âAh, a country I’ve never been to!â (in good humour â it’s super cute, I was very appreciative!) but seriously, I ...

Jessica Smith

On the news tonight there was an item on a town in Thailand where there’s been a massive increase in the monkey population and these monkeys have got very assertive stealing food, seizing control of the local swimming pool, etc.. The best part of the item was when they said police had responded by rounding...

Jessica Smith

@lostinhaste @Miraz @val @odd Thanks for the well wishes, everyone 🙂 Thankfully I am continuing to feel better every day – even today I feel a fair bit better than yesterday, and so forth!

re: upbringings, I think my mum was very much of the "stay at home when you're sick" mindset, while my dad was (and is) more like "if you're not basically dying you're perfectly capable of school/work". So, as a kid, I'd end up staying home sick with my mum while my dad was passive-aggressive about it 🙃 But I think as time has gone on, and especially with the pandemic, my mum has been vindicated. We really have to resist the guilt-tripping that it's "lazy" to take care of yourself during an illness.


Jessica Smith

Recovering From Covid

Jessica Smith

I shouldâve known Iâd be in for a wild conversation when Viv burst into my room all like, âDid you hear what Canada is doing to the polar bears?!?â Apparently (I have not seen whatever he saw), some town in Canada is trying to deter polar bears from entering the town by capturing them, depriving t...

Jessica Smith

She likes blankets… she likes boxes… what could be better than a blankie-lined box?! 😸 She doesn’t even mind that the box is somehow partially squashed from when Patches was visiting.

a tabby cat curled up and sleeping in a cardboard box lined with a red and black knitted blanket

Jessica Smith

@pratik Man, that sounds horribly stressful, I'm sorry! I'm glad things seem to be looking up now, but still, it seems to make a lot of sense to consider your next options.


Jessica Smith

@KimberlyHirsh I'm glad everyone's OK again after the emergency! And useful, as well, to know how much time you have to curate the Discover page.


Jessica Smith

@odd Ohhh, like F.F. or B., followed by the S. of my surname? 😂 I get it now. Viv's surname doesn't begin with an S, though, so even in that event our future child's initials are safe...


Jessica Smith

@val It has such a nice ring to it 😂

@tracydurnell See, and that's a lovely nickname, too! 😂

@odd Actually, I think those names would be allowed, haha


Jessica Smith

@jean Oh yeah, DW like in Arthur! That's nice. And actually, I went to high school with a guy named Captain (even though military titles are supposedly banned as names – I guess he was born pre-1995, and also outside Australia...), so "Cap" sounds somewhat familiar.


Jessica Smith

Was originally doing some research to make sure Australian bureaucrats can handle names with hyphens in them, and found this. Good thing we don’t live in Queensland, so we can still name our baby “Down With Capitalism”!

Restrictions on Baby Names: To protect children against careless and harmful names, the government had set out rules in registering baby names in Australia. The rules state that a child’s name must: not be obscene or offensive or contrary to public interest; (no racial slurs or infringements on the rights of another; be short and easy to write (In NSW, under 50 characters); not include symbols without phonetic significance such as N@talie, Da!sy, J#ke) or use numerals; not include or resemble an official title or military rank recognised in Australia such as King, Lady, Father, Prince, Sir or Admiral.  This was after a law was passed sometime in 1995 prohibiting the use of titles as part of the baby’s given name. use English letters only; not be similar to a recognised body, organisation or trademark; and In Queensland, the name can’t include a statement, like Save Mother Earth or Down with Capitalism.

Jessica Smith

Trying to convince Viv he should go on Hard Quiz with the special topic of the 1916 VFL premiership season, because he’s like obsessed with it, hahah. Tonight he’s explaining to me at length how many layers there are to it: the class divide, the sectarian divide between Protestants and Catholics in that er...

Jessica Smith

@odd I mean, to be fair, I don't know of any printer brands that are better than Brother... I guess it depends on how often you need to print things, and how inconvenient it'd be to go out and find somewhere else to print stuff on those occasions you do need to print.


Jessica Smith

Guys, we have one of those Brother printers that are supposed to be so solid and reliable, but it is not cooperating today. Keeps sending itself to sleep mid-job and “going offline” so I have to physically walk to it and turn it back on. “Printing” blank pages. When told to print a three-page document (ONC...

Jessica Smith

We were looking after this little guy (the dog, Patches) for the weekend. He and Gidget got along so well! Very happy to sleep in close proximity and be chill. I think Gidget is happy to be the only pet again after Viv returned him home, though 😂

a small dog with short, curly fur (mostly light-coloured with some reddish brown patches), curled up into a tight ball on a carpeted floor near some shoesa photo looking lengthways along a couch. in the foreground, a tabby cat lying smugly on the photo-taker's lap. behind her, the small dog from the previous photo, sleeping. behind him, a brown guy in a blue hoodie scrolling his phone.a tabby cat, curled up, and a small dog, lying more elongatedly, both sleeping on a brown doona

Jessica Smith

The cat trap is working. (Alternatively, “Hey, check out the box I bought Gidget for Viv’s birthday!”)

A tabby cat sitting in a cardboard box, making eye contact with the camera.

Jessica Smith

Shout out to whoever at this block of flats decided to fly a Canadian flag today (presumably because it is Canada Day). Nationalism isn’t really my thing but it still put a, uh, smirk on my face as I walked home from the shops.

Looking across the road at a building, which looks like a two-storey house at the front and a modern white/dark grey apartment block in the rear. Above one of the rear apartments is a Canadian flag.

Jessica Smith

Caught up with an old friend for lunch today, which has put me in a real good mood :) Need to make sure to do this more often, and not get so caught up in the endless “life” grind. It’d be nice if seeing friends was still as easy as bumping into them at school/wherever, but it’s not, so, making the effort ...

Jessica Smith

Briefly on Julian Assange

Jessica Smith

@peterw Hahah oh no, I'm not telling Viv that!


Jessica Smith

The Name ‘Siddhartha’

Jessica Smith

I’m so sick of these frigid overnight lows we’ve been having every day. Our whole flat drops down to about 10° overnight and stays there all day except for the rooms we run heaters in. It’s so constraining, feeling like only one room at a time is even hospitable to human life… Not sure whether Gidget is ...

Jessica Smith

So I think my Plex Media Server is basically kaput. The computer got unplugged somehow, and when I tried rebooting it, the unattended upgrades have broken the Linux install to the point that not even “recovery mode” works any more. I thought Linux Mint was supposed to be kind of idiot-proof but clearly not...

Jessica Smith

Had another crap night’s sleep BUT as I was lying there at 4:30am with my hand on my belly, I felt definite movement 𥰠Like, a foot or something running along the underside of the surface. Not the first time I’ve thought I felt something, but the first time I’m sure I did. It was wild the emotional reac...

Jessica Smith

This morning I had to cook my French toast in canola oil instead of butter because I forgot we were out of the latter until I was already too far in to back out. It actually came out better than I expected but I’m still disappointed 😢


Jessica Smith

FWIW, I’ve been loving my Steam Deck. I’ve gotten to play The Sims 2 for an hour or two most days, and it’s so smooth and so fast to go from turning on the device â into game. I started with Natalie Tinker’s control layout, but swapped a lot of stuff around and added better controls for camera mode, and ...

Jessica Smith

Gidget is really enjoying this extended morning cuddle today. Unfortunately for her, I REALLY need to get up and fix my breakfast 😂 These days I get weak and dizzy so fast if I don’t address my hunger in a timely fashion…

top-down view of a tabby cat curled up into a loose ball on a bed, with her tail tangling out. the brown bedspread underneath her is lumpy, suggestive of a human's lapfront-on view of the tabby cat. she's eyeing the camera warily, one paw stretched out towards it, flexing her claws

Jessica Smith

🎮 Installing The Sims 2 on my Steam Deck! Hopefully it goes off without a hitch.


Jessica Smith

Was able to catch the aurora last night from where we’re staying in central Victoria! Below is the best picture I got of it. As everyone has noted, it wasn’t much to look at with the naked eye, but it was amazing how well it came up on phone cameras 😲

Night sky with stars, pink and green light and vertical light beams, over silhouetted trees

Jessica Smith

@val Spectacular view for your run!


Jessica Smith

@hollie Oooh, very pretty!


Jessica Smith

@KimberlyHirsh Congratulations on the new role!


Jessica Smith

@Miraz It looks really pretty! I'd love to take a walk around there 😄


Jessica Smith

@KimberlyHirsh Yeah, there is SO much available on Steam! And because it's Linux, I've seen that people are able to install emulators and stuff too, to play older games (including console games). Incredible value!

@alans Yeah, from what I read the OLED ones are more of an incremental upgrade on the previous generation, so I'm sure those are awesome too 😄 I'm definitely excited.

@alexink Hahaha, if I had that kind of equipment I should probably do something about my own curtains first... 🫣


Jessica Smith

@gregmoore Yeah, it's a very versatile (series of) games! I'm always amazed by the people who spend lots of time in build mode, putting together awesome houses and community lots, because that's really not something I'm very good at and I spend as little time in build mode as possible 😂

I never really got into The Sims 3, I'll admit. I was still really enjoying TS2 when it came out, and just ended up skipping that instalment, for the most part (I think I did play it for one afternoon, haha). I know it has plenty of fans though.


Jessica Smith

@ChangelingMx Since I only just got it today, I'd need a bit more time to give you a proper answer, but my first impressions are positive! Installing and launching games has all been quick and easy. I haven't got to actually play much yet 😅


Jessica Smith

I Bought a Steam Deck

Jessica Smith

@jean I hope you know you've been a brilliant community manager! Congratulations on your exciting life changes, and all the best for the writing! 😊


Jessica Smith

@jayeless Literally three minutes after I posted this, a knock on the front door 😂 Excitement!!


Jessica Smith

@ChangelingMx Yeah, that too! The radio station that used to play "classic hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s" now plays songs from the 80s, 90s and 00s. It just feels wrong.


Jessica Smith

📦 Waiting on an exciting delivery today, so of course I keep getting up and wandering to the front window just in case the postman is walking up the drive. If I wander up and see a "Sorry we missed you!" card, I'm gonna be MAD...


Jessica Smith

Gidget is eight years old (approaching nine!) and TODAY she suddenly realised what scratching posts are for. She’s been going nuts today sharpening her claws on the posts in her cat tower, instead of 100% of the time on the bed. Who said an old cat can’t learn new tricks? 😅

A tabby cat sharpening her claws on a scratching post that forms part of a cat tower (with clothes piled on it)

Jessica Smith

@pimoore @prealpinux @KimberlyHirsh @mandaris @Munish @Annie @bsag @val @tinyroofnail @splinter @Parag @dfj @tracydurnell Thanks, all of you, for all the congrats and well-wishes too! I appreciate it 😊


Jessica Smith

@peterw @heyloura @JohnBrady @aeryn @jsonbecker @alans Thank you so much for the congratulations, everyone! 😊


Jessica Smith

@bsag What a beautiful cat! 😸


Jessica Smith

@Miraz Very pretty! (And your previous picture, too.)


Jessica Smith

@Miraz I wish you every success making that argument! Here we have so much carparking alongside the beach reserve, and while I even find that unappealing, it's certainly better than allowing cars directly onto the beach. It's not like it's a long way to walk!


Jessica Smith

@lmika Honestly, that post has the vibe of something I might expect to see posted on the "Low-Quality Facts" account... 😆


Jessica Smith

@val Well, to be fair, I can see why you'd have to stop and take a photo like that! 😁 What a view.