Alan Schussman Avatar
Alan Schussman
Working on figuring things out. Sociologist turned to IT turned to analytics. So that's kind of a full circle, or at least a curve. he/him

Alan Schussman

AI generated image showing half-rendered children in a forest

Like so many others, my Kindle is now trying to sell me AI generated slop on the lock screen, such as this Southern Reach For Kids adventure. What utter valueless shit.


Alan Schussman

Three purple plums in a white metal bowl, on a black tile countertop.

Our plums are starting to ripen Some have already been claimed by the ants and squirrels, but we go to these ripe beauties yesterday and tried them — and wow, they’re delicious! Can’t wait for more.


Alan Schussman

@kitt Looks like a beautiful and memorable trip. 👋!


Alan Schussman

@kurite Oh man, that’s gross.


Alan Schussman

@pratik That’s stunning!


Alan Schussman

Monochrome photo of a telephone pole next to a sign reading pizzeria and bar.

Waiting on my breakfast order on a beautiful Sunday morning.


Alan Schussman

@peroty It’s so great! Amid pushback on incentives for renewable energy in a lot of places (before we left, AZ had really gutted them), people should be shouting endlessly about how empowering (I know there’s a pun here) it feels to make your own electricity.


Alan Schussman

A plot showing a graph of solar energy production for July 10. The plot climbs through the day and receded from a peak of about 3.5 kilowatt hours. The total energy produced is called out as about 30 kilowatt hours.

We’ve been in our place for a couple of months before finding that the solar system wasn’t producing any power. One quick visit from a tech and we are making energy from the sky. Yesterday’s production was a little less than twice our monthly average in the previous billing period. I am STOKED.


Alan Schussman

@cleverdevil Where does that thing get stored??


Alan Schussman

A hill leads away towards a distant city skyline. It’s a steep hill, darkening homes and trees sit on each side, and the horizon is faintly orange. There is a tiny sliver of moon above the horizon.

The sun is up late, and so is the high temperature we’re making our way through. Sunset is a beautiful and somewhat cooler time to get out for a walk through the neighborhood.


Alan Schussman

A plot showing red and blue dots of different sizes on a dark blue background. The dots represent outcomes of Destiny 2 PVP games. Most dots are above a line labeled 1, for a 1.0 KDA ratio. I lost a fair number of games on July 5 and July 6, and otherwise have a good set of wins.

I had a pretty good time getting to the gilded title again in this week’s Iron Banner, the first of this newest The Final Shape expansion.


Alan Schussman

A street descends a hill, flanked by apartment buildings and parked cars. Further in the distance are trees and a dim blue sky. The lighting low from early morning sun.

Biking home from the market, enjoying the still-cool still-early feel of the morning.


Alan Schussman

A golden-colored beer in a pint glass sits beside an iPhone 14 on a blue picnic table.

I reconnected with my first college roommate at the neighborhood pub the other day. Feels great to be near old friends, again, and I’m grateful that it feels so good to be in touch after a lot of years.


Alan Schussman

Air quality map showing red — unhealthy — air throughout the puget sound region.

Love to have garbage air quality and a still-terrified dog after a night of fireworks before a heat wave. So much for cooling down the house for a few hours while it’s nice out.


Alan Schussman

@cleverdevil Fingers crossed to that repudiation of the fascists. And — happy Independence Day!


Alan Schussman

@Burk Gotta get your practice in!


Alan Schussman

Summertime at the datablog

Alan Schussman

A couple of trees I appreciated on a walk at the park the other day.

A tree with drooping canopy of branches and leaves hang over a person sitting beneath it. A vivid green tree in a grassy park field

Alan Schussman

Among of the things I’m struggling with is that they’re doing this for someone who is, manifestly, one of the worst people in the world, staggeringly uncaring about his own legal and constitutional obligations, and they seem utterly untroubled by the implications of that.


Alan Schussman

A steep stairway leads downhill into a tunnel formed by trees and vines.

Here’s a good view of the X100VI menu system.


Alan Schussman

Saying goodbye to a home and hello to another

Alan Schussman

@Burk It’s so good!


Alan Schussman

I’m quite interested in Positron, the new data science-focused IDE from Posit, built on the open source VS Code foundation. It’s certainly a pitch to get more Python/VS Code-focused developers into the Posit ecosystem, though I also wonder if those users' preferences aren’t basically already baked; Positro...

Alan Schussman

A Fuji X100S sits on a wooden dining table. Behind it just peeking out is a X100VI model, shinier and new.

taking the afternoon off intensifying


Alan Schussman

What’s this in my inbox? Notification from PayPal that my X100VI is on the way? 🎉


Alan Schussman

@Miraz @pratik Starting up with a great group of trainers was one of the very best thing I did for my physical self in the past bunch of years. Happy workouts to you both!


Alan Schussman

@ner3y Oh, yes, this is a direct hit.


Alan Schussman

Light purple text in a black background informs the reader that Libby now automatically searches all libraries.

Libby now checks all libraries linked to an account with a single search!


Alan Schussman

A half eaten burrito held in my hand, wrapped in brown paper. I’m sitting in the grass.

Went to the neighborhood summer festival, sat and talked with great friends and had a big burrito. A-plus Sunday.


Alan Schussman

A breakfast sandwich on a big crunchy looking biscuit sits on a wrapper. Behind it is a gray and orange bike helmet.

Bike blog #2: rode out this morning for a light grocery pickup and, of course, a little breakfast.


Alan Schussman

Lake Washington with Mt Rainier in the background on a clear, warm summer evening. A person sits on a bench with a black dog in the foreground.

I got out for a bike ride around the neighborhood last evening. Lakeside parks were full of swimmers and picnickers out to enjoy the end of this warm summer day. What a great way to enjoy closing out my own work week!


Alan Schussman

@dynamitemoth Glad you’re on the better side of this experience, and I hope you keep improving.


Alan Schussman

@Winship I haven’t decided on one, yet. The shop I visited sells all Bosch drivetrains and controllers, so I could compare across several styles with a lot of common elements, including their system 3 and 3 controllers. I think I’m with you: my first one will only be my first one — I’m eager to prove it out and get the whole family eventually on board. What are you riding?


Alan Schussman

@adam As a dad of a trans kid, I was so disappointed to see that unfold a couple of weeks ago, and am deeply appreciative of how you stand up in your spaces. Thanks.


Alan Schussman

@Lutheran Great to hear! I’m really happy with how good it felt. I’m a longtime mountain biker but this is a whole different and empowering thing.


Alan Schussman

A good-sized squirrel sits balanced on a small cherry tree limb, cramming a red cherry into its eager mouth.

Look at this absolute unit of a squirrel, eating all my cherries.


Alan Schussman

Anniversary brunch pizza from the neighborhood place! (For the win)

A brick corner building with a vertical sign reading ‘Pizzeria’ and ‘Bar’ in neon. A pizza in a takeout box with the name ‘Mio’ printed on the edge of the box.

Alan Schussman

Shiny black handlebars of an e-bike with a small digital display at the top of the stem. In the background is the green bike lane marking of an intersection where the bike is safely stopped.

I’m hoping to replace as many of my grocery and around-town trips with a bike, and I tried out some e-bikes yesterday. This was really fun.


Alan Schussman

With the release of the tremendously good The Final Shape expansion, I’m in the mood to make some updates to my Destiny 2 tools. First up is Armorer, with a re-work of some filtering options to limit possible loadouts by tier, which seems to get right to an effective loadout more quickly than my prior appr...

Alan Schussman

@pratik I was reading coverage of this over on Bluesky and was kind of rapt. I don’t know cricket at all, but this seems like an exciting win!


Alan Schussman

@bradbarrish It looks like such a great event this year. I've always wanted to go.


Alan Schussman

@cleverdevil I saw this yesterday, too, and am really heartened by it.


Alan Schussman

@KimberlyHirsh This is exciting!


Alan Schussman

@jessekelber I’d enjoy meeting sometime! Will let you know when we get a little settled. Today we’re trying to unpack AND get back to work…


Alan Schussman

@jessekelber Hi Jesse! I’ve just moved here — spent a couple nights in the hotel while we begin to unpack, and starting today we’re full time in the new place. It’s a journey! My friend says it’s a little soon to say I’m “from here,” though :)

The hotel is good! It’s a little weird since it has two hotels in one building and they share some facilities. But it’s a good place to stay when you need a small kitchen and are traveling with a dog.


Alan Schussman

@dynamitemoth Wow, awe-inspiring!


Alan Schussman

@jayeless Oooh, the new OLED models look really good! I’ve had mine for a little over a year and am super happy with it. It also works great with streaming services like Xbox’s cloud gaming and GeForce Now, which opens up a ton of other options. You’re going to really enjoy it!


Alan Schussman

@pratik I just started experimenting with Space Capsule for managing Spaces. The Apple API is pretty limited, but it does let you name spaces and see them in a grid. I really love Ryan Hanson's other apps like Rectangle, and I'll see how this one sticks for me.


Alan Schussman

@bapsi It looks so good!


Alan Schussman

@jayeless Congratulations! 🎊