Greg Moore Avatar
Greg Moore
A compulsive creator who loves photography, music, drawing, and doing silly voices in Dungeons and Dragons.

Greg Moore

The air is crisp and the evenings are more colorful as autumn arrives. 🍂

Large Fluffy clouds over a blue sky with sunset yellowing a plain block building in the foreground with an American flag painted across it

Greg Moore

@jemostrom Wow, what a beautiful view!


Greg Moore

@petebrown Not only is your hunch correct, they've done research into it like this one from Iowa State University. As they put it:

"People in the rumination group felt angrier than did people in the distraction or control groups. People in the rumination group were also most aggressive, followed respectively by people in the distraction and control groups. Rumination increased rather than decreased anger and aggression. Doing nothing at all was more effective than venting anger."​


Greg Moore

@Mtt From leather: Watch bands of all kinds, a Ray-Ban style sunglasses case to replace the original “vegan leather” one that instantly ripped, mousepads, keychains, a pencil case, and a whole lot of notebook covers as gifts for family and friends.


Greg Moore

@Mtt Yeah, a local source for leather can make it much less expensive. For smaller projects like notebook covers, your leather can also come from less obvious sources like second hand leather clothes and handbags at Salvation Army or Goodwill. It’s amazing how, once you know the dimensions you need, you start to see materials everywhere.


Greg Moore

@alexink They’re about to announce a series 10 watch next month so I’d at least wait for that.


Greg Moore

@Mtt Rereading my last comment, I sound snobbier than I meant to. I love learning to make stuff so a notebook cover was my chance to try lots of weird ideas and learn to leatherwork at the same time. I found a nearby Tandy Leather store and just bought a raw side of their cheapest thin leather, one stitching punch, and a roll of "artificial sinew" with needles to stitch it with. I ended up with this and am still enjoying it many years later. It's quite literally a rip-off of the Bellroy cover design, only I ended up removing the left cover pocket. ​homemade leather notebook cover


Greg Moore

@Mtt That's why I just bought a side of leather and prototyped a bunch of designs for myself instead. The cost is incredibly lower, I get to try weird stuff, and I end up with something my kid might want.


Greg Moore

@Mtt I just slipped a fresh Pitch Black Dot Grid notebook into my cover. As someone who draws just as much as writes, it makes me wish dot grid was the global default for all paper.

​@otaviocc That Bellroy cover is so good that I made my own with some leather back before I could hope to afford it.


Greg Moore

@alexink The problem isn't the hardware, it's the lack of a software mode for it. I have a Series 9 watch and its sensor readings are amazing for workouts, training, alerts, etc.


Greg Moore

Apple Watch Needs a "Sick Mode"

Greg Moore

A “user-centered” approach to design has been replaced by what [Jarrett Fuller] has taken to calling a “corporation-centered” approach. Rather than optimizing for the user’s experience, it optimizes for the extraction of profit. If Spotify succeeds at turning us all into passive listeners, then it doesn’t really matter which content the platform licenses. As Fuller put it, “It’s about ‘How do you get through as much music as you can so you keep paying for it?’" -Why I Finally Quit Spotify

Quitting Spotify has been a huge improvement to my music listening.


Greg Moore

@jaheppler @Parag Thanks đŸ™đŸ»


Greg Moore

@alexandra Thank you. Hopefully it passes quickly.


Greg Moore


Positive COVID home test

Greg Moore

@Annie I had to share since you just happened to pick a date I remembered. 🙂 I went through a couple of portable CD players that year, each somehow cheaper but with longer skip protection. It helped that bigass pants were in style so I could fit them into my massive pockets. In September of the following year, I replaced the CD players with the very first portable mp3 player.


Greg Moore

The lead in a flotilla of clouds caught the evening colors just right as they passed.

Silhouette of a roofline with a long and fluffy pink, red, and yellow cloud against the darkening sky.

Greg Moore

@Annie September 3, 1997 – I was back in class after the Labor Day holiday in my first year of college. I was still saving up to buy a bicycle so I had to leave my dorm early to walk to my classes across campus; my portable CD player held like a pizza box the whole way because it was too old to have much skip protection.


Greg Moore

One of the coolest parts of the 2024 iPhone Photography Awards is how well represented older phones are.


Greg Moore

@ericmwalk Those are awesome!


Greg Moore

@jean I learned from my church-going days that the oldest and youngest people in the room had the most in common. (And also, are the ones everyone should be paying more attention to.) Wear it with pride!


Greg Moore

I managed to capture the evening colors before they left. They lasted less than a minute.

Black silhouetted trees in the foreground of blue cloud streaks colored red and yellow along their bottom with the sunset

Greg Moore

@Parag What a beautiful place to have time with family.


Greg Moore

@ChrisJWilson It's a cold-front gift from Canada so I'll give @alexandra the credit. 😜


Greg Moore

@maique That island is on beauty overload.


Greg Moore

@maique I would get into so much (delicious) trouble there.


Greg Moore

@czottmann Only if I can use my Service Weapon to stop this Object of Power.


Greg Moore

@amerpie I applaud your bold, brave stance. #sorrynotsorry


Greg Moore

@t3mujin If it makes you feel better, my high schooler recommended a track from it to me and was amazed that I already knew it.


Greg Moore

@hawaiiboy It makes sense why a lot of people didn't enjoy it but the hate being directed at the series is a bit overblown, especially for something that doesn't even touch everything made up until now.


Greg Moore

@petebrown Master of The House


Greg Moore

Enjoying coffee and a sunrise on the first cold morning of this year. (50°F, 10°C)

Sunrise colored sky before the sun crests over the foreground

Greg Moore

Finally getting around to reading the original Thrawn Trilogy from the earlyy 1990’s. Really enjoying it so far!

Photograph of a wood table with coffee cup and open ebook cover of The Thrawn Trilogy

Greg Moore

Unlike cynicism, hopefulness is hard-earned, makes demands upon us, and can often feel like the most indefensible and lonely place on Earth. Hopefulness is not a neutral position — it is adversarial. It is the warrior emotion that can lay waste to cynicism.

  • Nick Cave

When we mostly read, watch, and hear about the worst of people, it’s easy to believe they’re all that’s left. They are not.

Hat tip to Annie Mueller for originally sharing the full quote.


Greg Moore

Cloud mountain

Large clouds accumulated in the shape of a mountain

Greg Moore

Taking time to appreciate the cooler morning before pushing the pixels.

Early morning sun splashes over a wooden table top with a white metal mug of steaming coffee in the center

Greg Moore

Proud member of the golden-hour appreciation society.

Sunset sky at golden hour with pink clouds across a darkening blue sky

Greg Moore

Every member of the household celebrates the start of “cool enough to open the windows” season.

View outside of an open window with a cat inside looking out, sitting next to books, a plant, and several stuffed animals

Greg Moore

Appreciating the new day with coffee and cooler temps.

Closeup view of a coffee cup with a sunny scene of flowers and a red umbrella blurry in the background

Greg Moore

Current mood

Tabby cat lying on a lap wearing jeans

Greg Moore

First, An Event Apart ended their amazing conferences and now A Book Apart has closed up shop. I can’t help but feel like the Internet is continuing to become a lesser form of itself.


Greg Moore

We need to diversify the kinds of people who make software, the kinds of problems they’re solving, and the philosophies and worldviews that govern how they build. Putting every software creator inside a tiny, privileged bubble that’s awash in VC cash and obsessed with hierarchical status games isn’t going to give us novel, “innovative”, or diverse software that serves the needs of everyone.


Greg Moore

The impossibly blue Lake Michigan from Sleeping Bear Dunes.

Portrait view of a blue sky meeting the similarly blue colored water of Lake Michigan with a boat floating at the bottom with sand in the foreground

Greg Moore

Remote work isn’t, by definition, better or worse than IRL work. But it is different, and it is a necessary adaptation in an era marked by climate change and the slow collapse of long-neglected infrastructures. It’s past time to engage with its flaws directly, instead of always harking back to a fabricated office history we never lived in and cannot return to.

I can’t overstate how beneficial working fully remote for the past four years has been for myself and my family.


Greg Moore

Post-storm sunset.

Tree silhouettes with dark orange clouds behind them. The sky is a dark blue at sunset

Greg Moore

Today my grandfather passed away. He was my last living grandparent so now that generation has completely exited my life and my parents have no parents.

Thankfully, my daughter’s grandparents are all still here. They came to celebrate her artwork being shown at the Detroit Institute of Art.

Screen displaying a PowerPoint slide of a triptych painting

Greg Moore

Part of what makes art special is that it’s difficult to make, even with all the tools right in front of you. It takes practice, it takes skill, and every time you do it, you expand on that skill. [
] Generative AI is only about the end product, but it won’t teach you anything about the process it would take to get there.

  • Drew Gooden, AI is Ruining the Internet YouTube

Gen AI is a bad middle-manager trying harder than ever to convince people that its stolen output isn’t bad.


Greg Moore

Happy Independence Day

Brick courtyard with USA colored bunting strung across wires

Greg Moore

Looking for some good tunes? My music page has been updated for summer with more albums coming as I listen. Powered by @bjhess awesome Album Whale.