Leon Mika Avatar
Leon Mika
Software Developer and occasional writer of music. Based in Melbourne, Australia.

Leon Mika

Mesdames et messieurs: voici la tentative d’aujourd’hui de passer à un petit-déjeuner plus minimaliste: deux grands cafés au lait.

Ladies and gentlemen: presenting today’s attempt to move to a more minimalist breakfast: two large cappuccinos.

A cappuccino in a black coffee mug, placed on a matching saucer with a spoon beside it, sits on a wooden table outdoors alongside an iPad.

Leon Mika

@xxxx What a wonderful post. Thanks for the link.


Leon Mika

Just listening to Ben Thompson’s and Andrew Sharp’s hot takes on baseball on the latest episode of Sharp Tech. My suggestion to Ben would be to try watching a game of test cricket some day. Sounds to me like they share many of the same attributes that Ben likes about baseball. 😄


Leon Mika

@sod Ah, that's true. I guess that makes my snarky post and screenshot kind of redundant now. 😅


Leon Mika

@V_ Might be because I'm not a user of Reddit, or maybe chalk it up to blind optimism, but I'm generally of the impression that this decision would hurt Reddit more than it would hurt the open web. I can't imagine this being something that they would choose to do: despite Google's marketshare, I do believe they would prefer they'd have links to their site on every available search engine. They'll need as much traffic as they can to get that ad revenue they promise their investors when they went public. Feels to me Google force their hand here, as part of this cash for AI training data deal (just speculating here, I really have no idea).

But as for the open web, I think it'll be fine. I won't be changing search engines, so they'll be more opportunities for me to see those that post on their own site, rather than relying on these private spaces. And given time, might be that Reddit itself would be replaced with something else, just like it replaced Del.icio.us or whatever that social bookmarking site was. Websites come and go, but the web will remain.

But yeah, this is just how I see things at the moment. Opinions shifting with the wind, etc. etc.


Leon Mika

Reddit’s decision to allow only Google to index their site will probably mean I’ll be seeing them far less often than I do — which is almost never anyway, and generally from the results of a search. So I’m recording this screenshot, which I call “Reddit in the results”, for posterity. Edit: Turns out Ecos... lmika.org

Leon Mika

Why did I eat the breakfast I did today? I told myself I wasn’t going to, as it tended to make me nauseous sometimes. Well, an hour later and here we are: mild nausea. 🤦‍♂️ Need to work on that self control thing people talk about. The aroma of baked goods at the cafe was the thing that got me today, thou... lmika.org

Leon Mika

🔗 Never Tweet Your Heroes

I wonder if M.G. Siegler had anyone in mind when he wrote this.


Leon Mika

Go Feature Request: A 'Rest' Operator for Literals lmika.org

Leon Mika

I hear Robb and John are looking for a new term for the bringer of snacks for Ruminate. Allow me to throw my suggestion into the ring. It might be difficult to get at first, but trust me, it’ll make sense after saying it a few times. Okay. You ready? Better strap in: it’s going to get a little mind-blow... lmika.org

Leon Mika

@Mtt Congratulations on the launch. Looks like a really nice theme.


Leon Mika

@V_ Oh yeah, I tried something similar, a "serious tech blog", and pretty quickly burnt out on it. I couldn't get over sharing links to that one either (I'm not a great promoter). I've just settled writing for pleasure at the moment.


Leon Mika

Was talking to a fellow colleague today and he mentioned that he’s recently started a blog on Bear Blog. He was reluctant to share the URL to it though, which I can understand. I’m not in the habit of sharing mine with people I know.

Anyway, if J. C. happens to stumble upon this blog, hey! 👋


Leon Mika

A Follow-Up To Mockless Unit Testing lmika.org

Leon Mika

Every so often, Goland gets into a weird state where it completely forgets about symbols from a certain package. It’s not every package, and the build might run perfectly fine. Yet when you try to do any code completion from this package, it says it cannot find symbols. It’s very strange. Clearing the cac... lmika.org

Leon Mika

It’s going to be a lovely day today. Perfect day to just sit in an office and do work. 🧑‍💻


Leon Mika

@DaveyCraney I guess one could call this "networking" in a way, in which case we can't be too bad at it. 😂


Leon Mika

@odd 😄 Thanks for that. Turns out the issue was not the network but our code. 🤦‍♂️ So we may not need a network engineer after all (or "network" to get a network engineer either, 😉).


Leon Mika

Networking is hard. This remark applies to every form of networking you can think of.


Leon Mika

This day in work spam: anyone care for some “world knowledge information”? 😏

A screenshot of an email spam, from joe.jonas, subject RE: External Camera Screen, sent on 19th July 2024. Message follows: Dear, Our External Camera Screen marked report is the latest data. Please let me know so you can check the information. Best, World Knowledge Information

Leon Mika

Preparing the second room for a couple of house guests that’ll be coming next week. 🦜

A room contains a large empty metal cage, a rowing exercise machine, a small table with electronic equipment, all set on a brown mat and a protective floor covering.

They get a little funny around mirrors so I’d had to cover the wardrobe with newspaper. Hope it holds.

A room is set up with newspaper taped in front of half of the sliding-doors of a wardrobe with full-sized integrated mirrors. A large birdcage is positioned on the right side.

Leon Mika

Continuing my exploration in Go GUI toolkits. Golang Weekly linked to one called Fyne, which I tried out this morning. Looks very promising. Missing a couple of things, but a lot is there and I really like how the API works. Managed to build a somewhat functional Boop clone as an experiment.

A screenshot of the Boop-clone which shows a toolbar with a single button, and a text field with some example text. A screenshot of the Boop-clone which shows a list of actions overlayed over the text field. The two actions are Quote and Dequote, and the entry above the actions show the input 'qu'

Leon Mika

🔗 Major Windows BSOD issue hits banks, airlines, and TV broadcasters

Oof! I feel bad for all those Window sys-admins who’s weekend has just been ruined.


Leon Mika

@V_ The trick is to find a way to turn down those that give you admin access, along with a list of new responsibilities. Still trying to find an answer to that conundrum. 😄


Leon Mika

Maybe the key to a happy career in software engineering is: keep the number of systems you have admin access to as low as you can. 😛


Leon Mika

Had a go at recreating the last song Anders Enger Jensen wrote for 8 Bit Keys, since it’s one that I like quite a bit. Here’s a YouTube link to the original. This one was done in Logic Pro, and has a little more of the typical synth leads than the more brassy sound Anders Enger Jensen used.


Leon Mika

@yorrike Might be just me, but I do have a tendency to pronounce Los Angeles as "los an-gel-eese".


Leon Mika

@lmika Also, for the last few years, MacOS has been marking "earworm" as a spelling error, suggesting either "ear worm" or "ear-worm" as corrections. Yet, after doing a quick online search, it seems like "earworm" is a legitimate way to spell this word. I suppose those working on the Wikipedia page or the OED could've miss-spelt it also, but given MacOS's track record with spelling, I'm more incline to believe them.


Leon Mika

This week’s earworm: Warsaw in the Sun, by Tangerine Dream. 🎵

Album cover of the Tangerine Dream Zeitgeist Concert, at the Royal Albert Hall London 2010

Leon Mika

📺 Everybody’s Free (to Make Websites)

One word: this!

Edit: Kev Quirk shared a link to the post by Sarah Joy, who wrote the narration for this video.


Leon Mika

@odd Ooh, yeah. If only I was less honest… 💰😄


Leon Mika

Learnt lots of fascinating things about how servers are catalogued in data centres today. I learnt that when racks are advertised as “24U”, for example, that “U” refers to “unit”. Saying a device is a 2U means it takes up two units of vertical space. Something taking up “half a rack” means that it’s half ... lmika.org

Leon Mika

Got asked to come up with a way of representing some data today. Before diving into a design, I thought of finding out whether a standard existed. I couldn’t find one, and when I asked those in the know, they confirmed that no such standard exists. That’s good news! No chance of an accidental 927.


Leon Mika

I got spam via Product Hunt today. First time as well. Completely forget I had an account there, until someone thought it would be a good idea to follow me while shilling their AI company. Yeah, ****. You would like me to post an uncensored screenshot of your follow, complete with company name, on my blog... lmika.org

Leon Mika

@odd Unfortunately not. I haven't dipped my toe that far into the retro scene yet. 😄 It would be good to get an old PC though. Maybe some day, when I get a bit more room.


Leon Mika

A bit more retro gaming this evening. Tonight, some Paganitzu, Part 1, or “Pagan” as I tended to call it, since that was the command to invoke it on the DOS prompt.

A screenshot of the Wayback Machine, showing the first level of Panganitzu Pt. 1 running in DosBox running in a browser

Leon Mika

@lmika I will admit that the only reason why I was reading it at all is because I'm procrastinating. I really should get back to writing this documentation. There's just so much to write about, though. 😮‍💨


Leon Mika

I don’t use Ghost, but I did sign up for it once, so I’m still getting the newsletters. And the latest one has got some interesting stuff. I’m not planning to employ someone for my “writing business” but I did find the list of recommended links to be pretty good.


Leon Mika

@Miraz Could also be a useful memory aid for where you parked your car. "Oh, I parked my car at Clooney".


Leon Mika

@canion Yeah, it's a bit strange how janky it was in Safari. Did not expect that.


Leon Mika

@Burk Oh, I know which keyboard you're looking at. 😃


Leon Mika

@sod I remember watching this a while ago. It was probably the first anime movie I ever watched. Found it be quite a good movie, if not shocking at times.


Leon Mika

@goblingumbo Wow, that's amazing.


Leon Mika

@furstenberg Yes, I have to agree. Especially now, after I bought it.


Leon Mika

@manton @peterw I'd be curious to know how (if?) GRRM will finish the books to match the plot-line of the show. It's been a while since I've read them but I do remember them deviating quite a bit near the end of book 4 and 5.


Leon Mika

@jean Love it. Leaves me wondering what’s going through that seagull’s mind.


Leon Mika

@furstenberg Yes, that is true.


Leon Mika

@canion Congratulations. 🎉 Hope the transition goes smoothly.