Jason Becker Avatar
Jason Becker
Frequently frustrated and inappropriate.

Jason Becker

@jarrod at most, certain joke references may not land. I’d say the other Deadpool movies are helpful, plus Logan since it was the last Wolverine appearance. In general, I’d say there are a lot of character references and cameos largely from the Fox Marvel stuff but none that’ll stop you from liking it or understanding it.


Jason Becker

Deadpool and Wolverine is great, and made by a company (or at least people) that understand movies can be fun and made by people who have fun. The MCU I’d want is basically Iron Man, The Marvels, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Deadpool.


Jason Becker

A quick review of London food: everything I have tried to eat has made me think, “this is designed to be eaten after a late night of drinking” or “I would really enjoy this hungover”.


Jason Becker

@mbkriegh I think like @ChrisJWilson says, people sometimes shut down when you’re more direct and honest. And also, as terrible as it is, people don’t actually have empathy. They don’t feel the true threat of these policies against women or LGTBQ people or immigrants until they are the precise target themselves. But they can be sort of smacked into reality when you point out just how bizarre these ideas are when they’re allowed to reach their conclusion. Rather than saying, “yeah but that won’t happen, and if it does, it won’t happen to me,” when you say, “isn’t it weird they’re even saying that and having that idea?”— I think the response is going to be, “yeah, that’s true.”


Jason Becker

Republicans are just being weird. This is the kind of solid messaging you get when the generation shifts.


Jason Becker

I feel like CGP Grey, furiously staring at an AC thermostat that will not work as my expensive hotel room remains uncomfortably, if not unreasonably, warm.


Jason Becker

@esamecar hrm that’s an interesting idea.


Jason Becker

The most challenging aspect of my relationship to Elsa is her refusal to use Apple Maps. Traveling is basically just the two of us refusing to send links to each other in the preferred place.


Jason Becker

@pratik I bet copilot can easily write a Python script to rename each file with the exif timestamp.


Jason Becker

One of the worst things about traveling iPad only is not having MarsEdit to write blog posts while traveling.


Jason Becker

I miss MTV of the 90s. I miss what MTV News would have done this week.


Jason Becker

The Anderton video on the Slash Magnatone was shockingly GAS inducing.


Jason Becker

Last vacation I went into in need of a break and I felt awesome walking away. This time I don’t really need a break, and there’s a coding problem I just won’t solve before I go and it’s annoying the hell out of me. I’m sure my therapist would have a word for all this.


Jason Becker

@karabaic.bsky.social I’m aware of the UI, I read the article, and I do think this sounds desperate, because it’s swapping complaints from the initial EC public comments, and I think the claim is spurious as hell. It’s ok that we disagree and that we still disagree.


Jason Becker

@karabaic.bsky.social the fact that there isn’t any pressure?


Jason Becker

When and where did people learn the names of flowers? I certainly didn’t learn how to identify them (or trees) the way some people talk about never having learned geography.


Jason Becker

This is supposed issue with Meta in the EU is sounding even more desperate. The EC doesn’t strike me as much more informed on technology or much more competent than the ridiculously incompetent congress and judiciary we have in the US.


Jason Becker

I don’t understand who this mythical voter is who the GOP establishment thinks exists that votes for democrats and is mad that the VP is now running instead of the person at the top of the ticket in a primary. This feels like a completely manufactured issue.


Jason Becker

I’ve donated what I can afford to Harris. Time to show we’re united.

Let’s go.


Jason Becker

President Joe Biden Triumphs json.blog

Jason Becker

Holy shit.


Jason Becker

I had no idea I live 30 mins from the PRS factory.


Jason Becker

@Contrariwise oh, even easier. Just make it a category and have a partial that does a range with pagination for pages that match that category and define that list view. No need for a type-- just a partial.


Jason Becker

Anyone know why it seems like Shopify doesn’t support Apple Pay anymore? I have seen many sites drop it while adding “Shop Pay”, while maintaining Google, Amazon, etc.


Jason Becker

@Contrariwise that sounds like a partial, not a post type, that uses a data source.


Jason Becker

I like Rick Beato fine, even if sometimes he’s an old man yelling at clouds. But let’s be clear, he was totally correct that Third Eye Blind is one of the best and best sounding albums of the 90s. And the fact that he pulled Motorcycle Drive By as the best track means we’re on the same wavelength.


Jason Becker

@V_ yeah. It goes to show you that webmentions are effectively dead IMO. There just isn’t any meaningful adoption.


Jason Becker

We saw this with ESSER and we see it now. Laws are passed and structured with the intent of slow, deliberate expenditure over years and then we hear government doesn’t work because it takes time. We could structure laws to spend faster, but we don’t.


Jason Becker

@Contrariwise now I’m curious, as I don’t think post types work meaningfully at all without custom front matter.


Jason Becker

@pratik set a narrower width on the p element I think.


Jason Becker

@pratik I tend to find the wider one much more difficult to read— long lines of text can be tough. If you like it for photos and nav, you could always have the container be wider and paragraphs more narrow.


Jason Becker

@pratik didn’t take it as one!


Jason Becker

@bryan yeah I post everywhere so people can read wherever they want.


Jason Becker

@pratik it doesn’t seem that way to me. But I guess I don’t have a sense of a typical ratio.


Jason Becker

I definitely lol’d.

“This wouldn’t have happened on Linux” I say smugly, as I copy and paste a command from a 2008 forum post, three hours into trying to get my fucking WiFi working on Arch.

From @theresnotime@fox.nexus


Jason Becker

@V_ yeah, as far as I know, MB reply count is not available. This is strictly the count shown on the account page.


Jason Becker

@Contrariwise post types with distinct layouts would be nice, but they’re really only useful when you customize front matter which is also not supported.


Jason Becker

Some blog stats json.blog

Jason Becker

Apparently someone linked to one of my blog posts on LinkedIn. That feels weird.


Jason Becker

@manton aarol.dev/posts/hug... this is one of the coolest examples I've seen. An image that includes title and some of the styling from the header would be really cool.


Jason Becker

I probably should have let that last post sit and edit the writing to be clearer, but I gotta work and I’m too mad right now to spend time on it.


Jason Becker

Tech has no answers for you json.blog

Jason Becker

I’m going to London for the first time in a week for a week and have virtually 0 plans and no idea what to do.


Jason Becker

@jarrod I feel this hard. It's not my work, but I had a shoulder injury in mid May playing volleyball, and even though my shoulder is strong enough to go to the gym and do just about everything day to day, it's just not fixed and I won't play with it like this. The most fun I have about 5-6 hours a week has just been gone and it's bumming me the fuck out.


Jason Becker

@jarrod I drew the line with 37 Signal when it became clear that they operate a workplace in line with beliefs I find to be horrific in bosses, which felt like a betrayal after they spend so much time talking about what a great place to work they had made.


Jason Becker

@odd I’m not a wah guy! Sorry.


Jason Becker

@maique creating a feed for the use of MB cross post/pull in that excludes title element and puts title as content would work.


Jason Becker

@pratik same. I think I might actually be more like Josh but I wish I was Toby.


Jason Becker

@pratik it is impossible to not deeply feel both of those.