Tracy Durnell Avatar
Tracy Durnell
Sci-fi writer in the Seattle area. Love reading, music, baking and brunch. Longer writing at

Tracy Durnell

@odd Romancelandia has entered the chat 😂


Tracy Durnell

@nsmsn it's fun! 😃


Tracy Durnell

@nsmsn I've used Sticker Ninja in Portland, they seem to have some worker friendly policies


Tracy Durnell

@renevanbelzen sometimes, for sure -- or that I haven't really thought something through enough.


Tracy Durnell

@cygnoir ooh! looks refreshing


Tracy Durnell

@nsmsn 😂 amazing


Tracy Durnell

📚 Heavy on the comics and art books this library run!

  • Decolonizing Design
  • How to Be Ace
  • The Story Cure
  • Dear Sophie, Love Sophie
  • The Hidden Witch
  • The Infinity Particle
  • Sagmeister & Walsh: Beauty
  • Machine Embroidered Woodlands
  • Cucina Povera
  • A Life in Pattern

stack of library books including some art books and mostly comics


Tracy Durnell

@nsmsn I had the same thought 😂


Tracy Durnell

@Claudia wow, congrats!


Tracy Durnell

@jean always love a pelican spotting!


Tracy Durnell

@jayeless Capi for short 😂


Tracy Durnell

@ekcragg we've been digging taco night lately 🌮 if you eat fish, you can roast tilapia pretty quickly and prep toppings while it's cooking


Tracy Durnell

@jamesrh what a pretty color 😍


Tracy Durnell

@sherif ooh look at that collection 😃 dig your art too


Tracy Durnell

@alans ugh, I'm over in Kirkland, it's so annoying


Tracy Durnell

Tried a new cornmeal cobbler recipe – not sold on the texture. Should have used a pie pan to fit more, smaller biscuits. Used 2c blueberries and 6 nectarines. Subbed brown sugar in the filling which I think was a bad call – something’s a smidge off on the flavor. Baked for 32 minutes at 425.

golden topped blueberry nectarine cobbler in a square pyrex


Tracy Durnell

@cdevroe I use a fanny pack instead of a purse now 😂 The purse was always sliding off my shoulder, this is hands/arms-free 🦾


Tracy Durnell

@gregmoore thank you, I needed something good today 😄


Tracy Durnell

@hollie good day for it ❤️


Tracy Durnell

@crossingthethreshold love that sky too 🤩


Tracy Durnell

@leeS happy pub day! You got a great cover!


Tracy Durnell

@odd @nathanrhale in the US, no. Other countries have better Producer Responsibility laws than the US though 🤷‍♀️ In Washington State we got a CFL takeback program just in time for no one to buy them anymore, and that only because they contain mercury. At least LEDs last a long time!


Tracy Durnell

@mossymaker yes! Spores was great 🥰 I thought this year's minicomic Woven was good too.


Tracy Durnell

Today’s library haul 📚🌈

  • Emergent Properties - grabbed off the quick reads
  • Road to Ruin
  • Earls Trip - ditto
  • Welcome to St. Hell
  • Neom
  • The Do-Over - I follow their blog and didn’t know they had a book 😅
  • Seven of Infinities
  • The Witch Boy
  • SFSX
  • Bark

stack of library books including 3 novels, 2 novellas, and 4 graphic novels, mostly queer for Pride Month


Tracy Durnell

My goatsbeard is getting so big! 😍 The bees are all about it 🐝

A second goatsbeard I planted in an inadvisable spot* has resurrected itself and will need to be moved… this fall, maybe?

*I would like A Word with Past Tracy over her “it’s fine just shove it in the ground” approach 😒

black bee resting, hanging upside down, on goatsbeard flower stemeruption of goatsbeard flowers from a garden bed between other shrubs


Tracy Durnell

First bobcat sighting in my wildlife garden!!! 😃🐆🏡 We watched it sit in the backyard for five minutes, then it meandered into the front yard and tried pouncing on something in the bushes. Funnily enough I drew a bobcat today for work 😄

bobcat coming out of the bushes in a garden, framed by purple flowers


Tracy Durnell

Soaking up the sun on a chill Sunday 🥰

white cat on white fuzzy blanket in front of sheer curtains with sunlight shining through


Tracy Durnell

Some micro.bloggers might be interested in this conversation tomorrow Saturday May 18!

Social Norms in the IndieWeb

I’ve written some about how unclear social norms can deter inter-blog conversation. I bet folks here would have interesting thoughts compared with self-hosted sites.


Tracy Durnell

Tried a new strawberry shortcake recipe. Tasted good but didn’t rise much. A few theories why:

  • I used too much buttermilk
  • I didn’t have a 3” cutter and sized up instead of down
  • I got a new baking sheet which is a different material
  • recipe should use more baking soda
  • should bake at 425 not 400

open face strawberry shortcake with soft whipped cream next to tray with two more cakes


Tracy Durnell

I stumbled across my old iPod in a box yesterday and charged her on up. Discovered my Bluetooth speakers have an aux in and we’re off to the races! 🎶 Wonder when the last time I synced this thing was 😂 2016? Hoping I can add music to it without iTunes 🤞

silver iPod connected to Bluetooth speakers with an aux cord


Tracy Durnell

Had fun browsing for books with friends at the library today! 📚 Went in to pick up Doppelganger, which I had on hold, then we poked through the fiction section and ridiculed their poor labeling system. I was the only one who found stuff – I’m willing to try random stuff as long as it’s short 🤷‍♀️

Two facing shelves of books with five novellas and a nonfiction book


Tracy Durnell

A couple neat bonsai I saw yesterday. The second one’s a wisteria, probably days from the flowers opening – will be spectacular then but I liked the cool shadow it cast now.

flowering pink azalea bonsaiwisteria bonsai on the verge of flowering


Tracy Durnell

I was thinking about doing some planting, but with drought in the forecast I guess I should hold off another year… native plants need watering their first three years. Just a bummer when it’s such a a long wait for the next chance (some native flowers seem to only be available in spring).


Tracy Durnell

A good day! Taxes and chores balanced out by several hours of fun design work, solid hangout time with husband and cats, reading a novella, and dinner including vegetables that did not take an hour to cook 🦾 I love working for myself - might not earn much but I’m way healthier and happier 🤷‍♀️


Tracy Durnell

Probably I should trim these lower branches for access since even I have to duck under them, but they make such a lovely arch in the spring! Just saw a hummingbird in there too 🌸

garden path between house and fence over arched by red flowering currant with bunches of dangling hot pink racemes of flowers


Tracy Durnell

📚 Today’s library haul:

  • Goblin Girl by Moa Romanova
  • Strikethrough by Silas Munro
  • Dumb by Georgia Webber
  • Heartstopper 5 by Alice Oseman
  • Linghun by AI Jiang

Linghun was suggested by my librarian and was a Nebula nominee last year. Hopefully it’s not too horror for me!

five books stacked - three comics, a design book, and a novella


Tracy Durnell

I blazed through my last library haul so today’s is bigger 😎 A couple cookbooks, some art books, and some comics. Still going for lighter (mental) fare – but had to bring my husband to carry these for me since I still have lifting restrictions from the surgery 😹


Tracy Durnell

French toast with berries for breakfast! 🍓🫐

My cat came over as I was finishing and casually took a big ol chomp of the butter before I realized what he was doing 🧈😹🤦‍♀️

Listening: Passion by Peter Gabriel

berry and syrup topped slice of French toast crowned by pear slices beside serving dishes


Tracy Durnell

First day post-surgery (2 weeks ago today) trying to do some real work - taxes - and I fizzled after about 45 minutes 🫤 Hoping I can find the energy and brainpower for both taxes and a project scope I need to prep this week… Recovery is sooo slowwwww 🐌


Tracy Durnell

I’m pretty low mental energy right now so I requested a bunch of comics and art books from the library. The Artist’s Way snuck in because I failed to re-pause my hold in time 😂 (I tried while I was waiting for my surgery but must’ve forgotten to hit save 🤷‍♀️)

Four comics, two art books, and The Artist's Way


Tracy Durnell

Finally had some energy today after surprise gallbladder removal on Monday – but burned myself out cooking. Turns out I can handle the pain of an infected organ far longer than I should but have zero tolerance for plain food – I almost cried over an Ensure 🤣 Made white bean soup and fish tacos.


Tracy Durnell

We think the coyotes might be denning in our back 40 again! Heard some cute yipping yesterday 😄

Also been hearing a varied thrush a lot – one of my few confident birdsong IDs – and finally saw it wreaking havoc in the wood chips 😂


Tracy Durnell

I made the most of a morning blown by a doctor’s appointment by stopping for a waterfront walk on the way home 🌞 Gotta catch that sun whenever I can!

a few seagulls wade in shallow water at the lake edge on a sunny day with puffy clouds, Seattle hazy in the distance


Tracy Durnell

I recently blogged about why leaning on LLMs to do the work of reading and researching for us is a mistake:

Using LLMs to prepare summaries presumes that you will be interested in the same aspects of a piece of writing as anyone else, when what we take away from anything we read is specific to us — to our current knowledge, understanding, framework, and purpose for reading.

As someone who’s deindexed my main blog from Google to avoid turning up in their generated summaries / results, imagining people using some other LLM to summarize that essay makes me feel icky and sad 🤷‍♀️


Tracy Durnell

Today’s library haul was pleasingly slender, making this a more realistic venture than many 😂 * Design for the Mind * This Country (graphic novel) * The Tea Master and the Detective * Steering the Craft * Ways of Curating

I was lucky to escape the library parking lot intact though! Never go at closing 😂

holding five slender library books with spines facing


Tracy Durnell

Twenty years ago today, I put on a vintage nightgown and shot a gothic self-portrait in a tree behind the college gym at 9 at night 🤷‍♀️ There was a basketball game inside so I kept hopping down and putting on an overcoat as groups of people walked by, looking super shifty 😂

black and white artsy photo of  woman in white perched in a limby tree in front of a brick building with arched windows