Miraz Jordan Avatar
Miraz Jordan
I love simplicity and silence. I enjoy taking photos of birds. I also enjoy drinking tea β€” green, white, yellow, but not black. I live at Waikawa Beach in New Zealand, which I love, and strive to be an actively decent human being. Apparently the bizarre is normal now. Now 69, I'm super happy to be getting old β€” it means I'm not dead yet! Proudly independent. 100% human (she / her). I joined the MB community on 05 January 2018. Follow me on Micro.Blog at https://micro.blog/miraz .

Miraz Jordan

@lzbth πŸ‘


Miraz Jordan

Earlier this month I sent off a bowel screening test. As expected, I received a negative result. Hooray!

Letter that tells me the negative result.

Miraz Jordan

@cheribaker Yup. Here's a post from 2019: miraz.me/2019/09/2...


Miraz Jordan

@jabel Nice thing to do!


Miraz Jordan

@cheribaker Nice to see a photo of a live one. These wash up dead on our beach quite often. I find their lips amazing.


Miraz Jordan

@hugh Ah, thanks for that perspective Hugh. πŸ˜€


Miraz Jordan

The final book in a series I've very much enjoyed β€” Honour Thy Father (Sister Agnes Mysteries Book 3) by Alison Joseph. πŸ“š

Agnes is working in a London prison now, but her mother in France is dying, and taking family secrets with her. Agnes has a lot to think about …

Book cover: Honour Thy Father.

Miraz Jordan

@billbennettnz Ridiculous, isn't it!


Miraz Jordan

Foxton has a strong Dutch heritage, so when I visited yesterday I ordered Pannenkoeken at the De Molen Cafe. I thought the apple would be cooked inside the pancake rather than lying on top.

The cinnamon sugar was a bit strong, but overall the pancake was delicious.

Dutch pancake with cubes of spiced apple on top and a small bowl of syrup. Pannenkoepen menu item says the apple will be cooked into the pancake.

Miraz Jordan

@DiplomaticDiva Nooo. Sorry to hear you have Covid. Get well soon.


Miraz Jordan

@hollie Good on him. It's an outrage! πŸ˜†


Miraz Jordan

@iangriffin So beautiful.


Miraz Jordan

@matti Loving these most recent photos of Napu!


Miraz Jordan

@amerpie Spike's my favourite so far. 😁


Miraz Jordan

@billbennettnz Still, they exist. My idea of using a good old-fashioned operator could stack up though. 😁


Miraz Jordan

This morning I drove to Foxton for a stroll beside the estuary.

Foxton estuary.

There weren't a great many birds around today, but I did spot a dozen spoonbills.

Also I saw a whimsically painted shed.

Shed painted to resemble a row of beach-side doorways, with boat.

Miraz Jordan

@annahavron Cool to hear. Thanks. πŸ˜€


Miraz Jordan

@rom Wow. That's enormous! Stay safe!


Miraz Jordan

@aa Snap! My reaction too when attacked is to step back and avoid. Look after yourself!


Miraz Jordan

@billbennettnz "Why on Earth is there a Yellow Pages in 2024?" My reaction exactly. There are still people who can't / don't use the Internet, but surely it'd be cheaper and more eco-friendly to employ an operator one could ask for a phone number.


Miraz Jordan

@billbennettnz A Yellow Pages arrived in our letterbox a few weeks ago, much to my surprise. Mind you, it comes in handy for lighting the fire. πŸ˜†


Miraz Jordan

An unusual sight on the beach today: a Karetai hurukoko | Cape petrel, probably exhausted β€” it didn't move when I came close but managed to get away from a small wave. 🐦

New Zealand status: Native; Conservation status: Naturally Uncommon.

Gull sized bird with black head and black and white chequers on its body, sitting on wet sand. The bird has its wings spread as an incoming wave bubbles round its legs.

Miraz Jordan

@aeryn Well done! Good choice. πŸ’ͺ🏻


Miraz Jordan

I've started watching The Law According to Lidia PoΓ«t on Netflix and it's pretty good:

… loosely based on the life of Lidia PoΓ«t, the first modern female lawyer in Italy.


Lidia PoΓ«t (26 August 1855 – 25 February 1949) was the first modern female Italian lawyer. Her disbarment led to a movement to allow women to practice law and hold public office in Italy.

Lidia Poet show poster.

Miraz Jordan

Today I feel so free and energised. I've taken control of this situation with the ex-friends who've been harassing me, recognised my own unique nature, made friends with my rage which is actually there to support me, and have been yelling my frustrations into a voice recording.

I feel joyous!


Miraz Jordan

A reward for 40 minutes weights work at the gym. 🀣

A serving of fries with ketchup and mayonnaise, a small tea pot, a cup of tea, and a potted plant are arranged on a wooden table.

Miraz Jordan

You know how 'they' say you should write out the stuff in your head, making sure to use pen and paper because that's the only 'real' way. Then throw the paper away. Well, I've discovered a better way. I record my voice to a file, then transcribe it with Aiko, then read and erase it. Much easier, quic... miraz.me

Miraz Jordan

Since 07 November 2023 we've had roughly 480mm rain, which has added about 31,000 litres to the water tank.

Nevertheless, the tank that was almost full on that date was approaching empty yesterday, some 37 weeks later, so today the tanker delivered 12,000 litres. πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

Aquagold water supply tanker at the gate. Water rushes into the tank.

Miraz Jordan

A free Mac app idea for some clever coder β€” I type (or paste) in a bunch of text. Now delete it all with a splendid animation of it going up in flames. πŸ”₯

Later versions could delete it with a huge explosion, fireworks, punchy monster or some other satisfying method. (I'm privately ranty today.)


Miraz Jordan

I find I'm quite taken with Sister Agnes, having just finished Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness (Sister Agnes Mysteries Book 2) by Alison Joseph. πŸ“š

Sister Agnes is less than pleased with her latest assignment. Teaching French in a remote little convent school, out on the windswept Yorkshire moors. Homesick for London, she struggles to fit in from the moment she arrives.

Book cover: Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness.

Miraz Jordan

In good news today, Deb and I both went to the gym where I did mainly stretches, along with some lat pulldowns and rowing on the machine.

This afternoon was gorgeous: sunny, still and warm so we both went for a bike ride round the village. πŸš΄πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸš΄πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ


Miraz Jordan

A skill I have is to make a rule to archive unread emails that I don't want at the moment because I've asked the senders to give me time and space. Another is to block them on Messages.

Sad it has to come to this, but we seem to have moved on from harassment to badgering and gaslighting. Sigh.


Miraz Jordan

Sigh. I will need to write approximately 1 million pages whose sole destiny will be to feed a bonfire before I'm able to craft an acceptable reply to an email I received before dawn today. πŸ”₯


Miraz Jordan

Another in a series I enjoy β€” Road to Harm (Detective Fran Harman Mysteries Book 6) by Judith Cutler. πŸ“š

Now Fran and Mark are retired they lack the authority and resources of being Police officers. That doesn't stop them investigating successfully though, in spite of attempts to thwart them.

Book cover: Road to Harm.

Miraz Jordan

Seems to me the problem is more one of using a single platform. As with farming, monoculture: risky; diversity: resilient. CrowdStrike glitch: What caused the global cyber outage?:

governments and businesses alike have become increasingly dependent on a handful of interconnected technology companies over the past two decades.

Experts say the cyber outage revealed the risks of an increasingly online world.


Miraz Jordan

Hooray for Time Machine. In an idiot move I deleted an Audio Hijack 'Session' instead of a recording.

I found the sessions file at '/Users/miraz/Library/Application\ Support/Audio\ Hijack\ 4/Sessions.plist' and restored an older copy.


Turns out the session was simple …

The session shows the Safari application sends an MP3 file to disk and plays the sound on my Mac.

Miraz Jordan

It was probably someone on Micro.Blog who put me on to the Reasons to be Cheerful news website. It does cheer me every morning, with articles like this β€” A Vibrant Local Food System Grows in Colorado:

GoFarm is working to make affordable healthy food more accessible while training the next generation of farmers.

Give the site a try.


Miraz Jordan

I enjoyed No Harm, No Foul (Detective Fran Harman Mysteries Book 5) by Judith Cutler. πŸ“š

Fran and the team find themselves overloaded with work as they carry out two separate investigations.

One missing child. Twenty skeletons, walled up in a derelict building.

Book cover: No Harm No Foul.

Miraz Jordan

I must say that Radio NZ specialise in "dicey" headlines:

Screenshot of headline that reads: Rarest whale in the world found by Dunedin man sat on couch, having a cup of tea.

I'd love to see a whale having a cuppa. πŸ˜†


Miraz Jordan

Today I had brunch with my friend J at Ōtaki then we drove around 12 Km southeast to where the road to Ōtaki Forks is closed on account of a slip about 4 years ago.

I've never been to that area before, and it's gorgeous. We walked a couple of kilometres then turned round.

OΜ„taki Forks walk, road closed barrier and signage. Lush green hills behind. Steps with a rope hold cross the slip. Lush green hills behind. Lush green hills with a small river flowing through the valley below.

Miraz Jordan

It's been just the weather for the basket fungus, Ileodictyon cibarium, to appear β€” warmer the last couple of days, and damp with a few millimetres of rain.

Basket fungus.

Miraz Jordan

Aaand, the power came back 2 minutes after my previous post. A total outage of about 1.25 hours.


Miraz Jordan

Hmmm, the power went off just before 6 pm and may come back on in a couple of hours, if we're lucky. Fortunately I'd already eaten dinner. The new Portable Power Station is getting its first workout: charging a phone, watch and laptop. I hadn't expected it to be noisy β€” there's a fan running (or somet... miraz.me