Jon Rozier Avatar
Jon Rozier
Full Stack Developer and Digital Packrat

Jon Rozier

Smoking right next to the gas pump as you fill up your massive truck that’s clearly never seen a spec of dirt in its existence…I’m starting to think natural selection might be a thing. 🤔😔


Jon Rozier

Finished reading: Hell Difficulty Tutorial 2 by Cerim 📚

The 2nd book of the series, it gives some backstory using flashbacks, which explains a great deal about the actions of the main character. Another sequel (been reading a lot of those lately) that I just couldn’t put down.

A person is seated on a throne, holding a glowing sphere with a blue sword embedded in the ground next to them, accompanied by text that reads Hell Difficulty Tutorial, Book Two, Cerim.

Jon Rozier

It’s becoming rapidly apparent that my Synology DS3617xs is not long for this world or even my network set up. Just had to forcibly restart it, the second time in just two weeks. I can no longer trust this to be the backbone of my home infrastructure. 😭😤


Jon Rozier

Ah, the US Post office…once again a package came halfway across the country, stopped in my city and then continued onto the other side of the county and is now “in transit to next facility." Please excuse me while I scream into the void. 😱


Jon Rozier

Finished reading: Return of the Runebound Professor 4 by Actus 📚

The 4th book of the series, I couldn’t put this one down, it was absolutely fantastic.

A dramatic fantasy scene features two cloaked figures with magical elements surrounded by ominous mystical energies and a shadowy creature overhead, accompanied by the text Return of the Runebound Professor.

Jon Rozier

Well…wide awake again, might as well get to work. 😵‍💫

Insomnia sucks. 🥱


Jon Rozier

Once again, the difference between equals() and == in .Net vs Java has tripped me up. 🤣


Jon Rozier

I was listening to the latest @atpfm podcast, about the dust up between Apple / Creators / Patreon and I’m in agreement with the hosts: it’s just yuck. I love their hardware but with the focus on squeezing more revenue out small devs / creators, it’s getting harder to justify giving Apple money.


Jon Rozier

@UndamnedOne of course, why would they play fair? They don’t win when they play fair, so why start now. 😱


Jon Rozier

Our old one kicked the bucket, so yesterday I bought a new lawnmower…and today, when I opened it up, the mower came out but one of the wheels didn’t. 😮‍💨 I’m sure I could have filled out a bunch of paperwork to get a new wheel and attachment but honestly, I was so pissed, I just took it back. 🫠

A detached black plastic wheel lies near the metal axle of a blue lawn mower, situated on a beige carpet next to a hardwood floor.

Jon Rozier

Finished reading: Order of Architects: Book 2 by Oleg Sapphire & Yuri Vinokuroff 📚

The second book of the series, is a great follow-up…and now I have to wait for the third book. 🤣 😭

A soldier, a man in a suit, a small robot, and a mechanical creature stand in a lush landscape with a distant castle, featured on the cover of The Order of Architects #2 by Oleg Sapphire and Yuri Vinokuroff.

Jon Rozier

Forcing me to give you my phone number to buy something online when you already have my email address means I will not be buying from you. 😱😤🤬


Jon Rozier

@Burk ohhhh, I want one!


Jon Rozier

I’ve been setting up my new Raspberry Pi to be an always-on, lightweight server but I was running into the oddest issue when trying to get memory data out of Docker. As it turns out, adding “cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory” to my “/boot/cmdline.txt” file fixed the issue. 🎉 Link


Jon Rozier

Insomnia sucks 😵‍💫


Jon Rozier

My father just bought a Mac with no input from me and set it up without my help…and now can’t remember the password; trying to remotely help him was painfully frustrating. 😮‍💨 Oh the joys of being tech support. 🤣

Irony: he has a computer science degree and used to write SQL for a living. 🤣


Jon Rozier

The weather was so lovely over lunch, I went for a walk. 🚶🏼‍♂️

A white cloud icon indicating overcast weather, with text showing '74° Feels 74° Overcast for the hour,' against a blue background featuring illustrated green trees and hills.

Whilst walking, I stumbled across the cutest flowers. 😊 🌿 📷

Pink and white flowers bloom on vine-covered plants, wrapping around a white picket fence in a garden.

Jon Rozier

@numericcitizen Personally, I hope they don't bring touch support to the Mac, especially if it increases the weight / cost to the system; maybe I'm just the rare person who thinks the Mac Air has achieved near-perfection. 🤣


Jon Rozier

@stupendousman amazing photo, wow! 🤩


Jon Rozier

Does anyone out there know how to scrub your number from all of the political texting lists? …asking for a friend… 😮‍💨


Jon Rozier

🔗 Blocking AI bots from Microsoft, others has been “pain in the a**": Reddit CEO | Ars Technica // Scharon Harding //

The irony of a company that both profits off the (free) labor of other’s work, and who shut down all 3rd party API integration because of the “high costs” associated with supporting it complaining about other companies taking their “work” for free and costing them money by scraping their site (and by-passing their APIs).

Love the comment section at Ars…and 100% agree with that comment. 😆


Jon Rozier

Finished reading: The Healer: Book 1 by Roman Romanovich 📚

Another one of those “I died and was reborn in another world” books, it was interesting but a little hard to read at times.

A young man kneels while holding a glowing orb, with a large ghostly figure looming behind, set against a dark cityscape. Text: 'The Healer Book 1' by Roman Romanovich.

Jon Rozier

Someone once said “hell is other people." I would like to modify that: hell is Costco on a Saturday afternoon.


Jon Rozier

@jamiemchale awww, what a cutie!


Jon Rozier

@hollie oh my, those are some beautiful photos 🤩


Jon Rozier

@heyloura so so very sorry for your's so rough to loose a close family member and I know it's trite to say it...but it will get easier with time; I lost my Grandma in the Autumn of this last year and I'm only just now getting to the point where the good memories are outweighing the pain of loosing her. Eventually you'll be able to think about him and smile without feeling sorrow.


Jon Rozier

@jayeless oh no...good luck! It's going around in my region, a friend just caught it for the first time. 😔


Jon Rozier

Met up with some friends tonight for dinner at our favorite Thai restaurant. Nine times out of ten, I get the same dish…why mess with perfection. 😋 📷

A steaming plate of stir-fried tofu and vegetables rests on a patterned dish, situated on a white tablecloth, accompanied by silverware. Text: '' is visible at the bottom right.

Jon Rozier

Finished reading: Renegade (Underdog: Book 8) by Alexey Osadchuk 📚

A muscular character stands amidst swirling magical energy, with glowing symbols on their arm and face, set against a dark, stormy background. Text reads: 'RENEGADE UNDERDOG - VIII' and 'ALEXEY OSADCHUK.'

Jon Rozier

@esamecar I hope you're enjoying Zelda! I remember that coming out on the Game Boy, it was the first game I played through without my father's help. The remake it amazing. 💕


Jon Rozier

Finished reading: Arbiter (Underdog: Book 7) by Alexey Osadchuk 📚

A tattooed man stands illuminated by green light, enveloped by a large, ominous creature with sharp teeth in a dark, eerie environment. Text: 'ARBITER UNDERDOG VII' and 'ALEXEY OSADCHUK.'

Jon Rozier

@jean wow...very pretty! 🤩


Jon Rozier

I’m so damn sick of unsolicited text messages about politics and upcoming elections. Yes, I’m going to show up and vote…you know that already so why are you bothering me with this crap?! 😱😡🤬


Jon Rozier

@manton I still find the entire situation bizarre...seems like they want to become a walled garden but wouldn't that also reduce their traffic and (in theory), their profitability... Cutting off their nose to spite their face, or something like that. 🤷🏼


Jon Rozier

Finished reading: Showdown (Underdog: Book 6) by Alexey Osadchuk 📚

A person with glowing powers stands prepared in front of two menacing beasts, one golden and one red, in a dark, mystical setting. Text reads: 'SHOWDOWN UNDERDOG - VI' and 'ALEXEY OSADCHUK.'

Jon Rozier

Finished reading: Labyrinth of Fright (Underdog: Book 6) by Alexey Osadchuk 📚

A person reaching upward with a glowing hand amid monsters in a dark, cavernous setting. Text: 'Labyrinth of Fright: Underdog - V' and 'Alexey Osadchuk.'

Jon Rozier
@lostinhaste yea...starting to feel the same way. I don't "read" the news, I listen to podcasts but the past few days, I've deleted anything political. 😭


Jon Rozier

@gregmorris Ohhh, great photo 👏🏻


Jon Rozier

@manton Wow, that's a beautiful photo. 🤩😊


Jon Rozier

@ericgregorich Sounds like a good plan to me. 👏🏻


Jon Rozier

@manton 👏🏻🎉🥳


Jon Rozier

@heyloura awww, that snake is adorable! 😍


Jon Rozier

@pratik OMFG, I absolutely love that sign! 😍


Jon Rozier

@heyloura oh my goodness, yea...I deeply regret the mess I made of my island with terraforming... 😭🏝️


Jon Rozier

@jean absolutely beautiful 🤩


Jon Rozier

@ericgregorich Great update, thank you! 👏🏻


Jon Rozier

@ericgregorich they got me with their pint glasses last time 🤣


Jon Rozier

@rscottjones what a beautiful photo 🥹


Jon Rozier

@jarrod thanks for this, I love this shortcut.


Jon Rozier

@heyloura no suggestion, still loving it. 👏🏻