Alexandra Wolfe Avatar
Alexandra Wolfe
sharing life's daily moments ...

Alexandra Wolfe

@skoobz Cats keep us sane, I'm convinced they make us play and be creative to take time our from our everyday lives. Long live cats.


Alexandra Wolfe

When the light is just right …

an orange leaf on a tree full of green leaves, with blue sky in the background

Alexandra Wolfe

It’s been a very knotty problem but, in the end … I got there. Wherever the hell there is!

upclose shot of a very knotty tree trunk (spot the spiders web)

Alexandra Wolfe

@maique I'll give you a call ...


Alexandra Wolfe

I can’t decide what to do with my dedicated photo blog, Snap Happy, as no one seems interested in visiting. I think people generally seem to comment only on the post I make on Mastodon, rather than visit the original. So, I’m left wondering if I need to move the blog to a Mastodon friendly space (micro bl...

Alexandra Wolfe

And so … the red creep has started … Autumn is on her way.

image of a lush green tree set against a blue sky background. Some of the leaves have turned red

Alexandra Wolfe

@aa Ha! Ha! I'm glad I no longer ride a bike around town. It got a lot more complicated.


Alexandra Wolfe

@tinyroofnail We all find what works for us, and that's all that matters, right?


Alexandra Wolfe

Those damn Red Triangles of death are now allowed to invade bicycle territory in the green zone …


Alexandra Wolfe

After a cold start this morning, the sun is out and belting down. It’s a delightful 25 at the moment and I so want to take my camera and go for a walkabout but my get up and go has apparently left the building already …

Maybe tomorrow.


Alexandra Wolfe

@jimmitchell Oh, I only read printed. I'm afraid I can't stand digital. It does my head in. And, quite frankly, I find it annoying but don't ask me why. I just can get to grips with it.


Alexandra Wolfe

@Miraz Actually, me and mine really enjoyed our childhood dinner ... no wine though! 🤣


Alexandra Wolfe

@cygnoir Oh, now you tell me? 😛

Definitely have to bookmark this for next time I mess up. ​


Alexandra Wolfe

@jimmitchell I recently got my reading mojo back and have been reading varociously ever since. I think it helps finding the right book to get you back into the groove.


Alexandra Wolfe

I’ve been home for about 30 minutes and, after drinking a pipping hot cup of tea, I’m finally defrosted … what? Oh, okay, so I wasn’t frozen solid, just merely in a frigid state of shivers. It’s a brisk 13 degrees out there and not going to get much higher today, so we’re told. And even though the sun is s...

Alexandra Wolfe

@crossingthethreshold Of course you pick one of the hardest languages on the planet to learn!


Alexandra Wolfe

Guess who forgot to take the pork chops out the freezer last night, to defrost overnight in the fridge? Yes, that would be me.

So guess who’s having beans on toast for dinner, tonight, this bank holiday Monday? Yes, that would be me also. Doh!


Alexandra Wolfe

You can almost guarantee that every bank holiday it’s going to rain here. We finished out the last three days of August with rain so, of course, the first 2 days of September, not to be left out, it’s been raining. Though it’s true, for the moment, it’s actually stopped, though only till the next bout move...

Alexandra Wolfe

@Miraz It didn't do us any harm, in the end, and yeah, it was seen to rather quickly seeing how it's a bank holiday weekend here. So no real complaints.


Alexandra Wolfe

Well, we lost power for just over 2 hours … very unpleasant. We were in the middle of seeing who was about to win one of the wheelchair races (800 metres) at the Para Olympics and … Puff … no electricity. There were two very loud bangs outside and, we knew something had blown. The OH checked on their phon...

Alexandra Wolfe

@tinyroofnail Brilliant!


Alexandra Wolfe

@gregmoore Ah, see, now somewhere deep inside I knew it. Yeah, I'll wait.Though patience is not my strong suit.


Alexandra Wolfe

@mihobu Fraid so. It's happening whether we want it to or not.


Alexandra Wolfe

I turned over to have five minutes more in bed and … woke up an hour later with a slight headache!

I’m now all out of sorts. If you are giving away and or selling sorts please, let me know, as I need a couple of dozen.


Alexandra Wolfe

@gregmoore Ah, gotcha. I suppose someone might create something if there's a clear need and people are willing to pay. But otherwise ... nada.

I'm thinking of upgrading my original iWatch to the series 9, but you can guarantee ​the minute I do, they'll bring something better out. 😛


Alexandra Wolfe

Of course it’s a scorching hot afternoon (32 with the humidity) because I decided to do a sausage fry up this evening, for tea.

Can I order in? No, wait, we did that last night … damn!


Alexandra Wolfe

@immarisabel I realise this is exactly what I need to do. I should have waited at least the weekend before jumping in. But the truth is, I think this is just a dud. I'll probably donate it.

Meanwhile, onto better books.


Alexandra Wolfe

@Miraz Oh, I hate that two. These things really throw me as well, and I can't go on either when I hit one of these kinds of speed bumps. You have to ask yourself why do they need to include this, whatever this is.

Thankfully the book I started last night is a winner.​


Alexandra Wolfe

@gregmoore Wow, I'd go fo a Sick Mode. Especially if it was customisable to a certain extent. Ask anyone with a long term illness and they'd all be up for it. Does the latest incarnation of the watch, Series 9, not do anything similar? What with all those new sensors and all.


Alexandra Wolfe

It’s started … It started sometime this week and I’ve only just noticed it. The Red Creep! What, I hear you ask? The red creep is when the top tips of the trees start to turn, you know, announcing autumn’s on her way. When you start seeing those first few subtle changes and you’re left dreaming of pumpki...

Alexandra Wolfe

Normally I can read an average length book in 2-3 days. But the book I started right after finishing a really good read has, to put it mildly, become tedious. I don’t know if I should have left it a few days before starting this new one, or if it’s actually that the book is just not a great read to begin w...

Alexandra Wolfe

@otaviocc It seems to have worked, it took 5-10 minutes but then, everything turned up. Thank you!!


Alexandra Wolfe

@the Always!


Alexandra Wolfe

@aa Ha! Every day if I could get away with it. Give yourself permission.


Alexandra Wolfe

@mihobu Naps, of course. But I have my reading mojo back.


Alexandra Wolfe

@otaviocc Oh, now this is interesting, I didn't know I could do this. I cleared the cache, it didn't work, so maybe this will. Thanks!!!


Alexandra Wolfe

Why are the posts I transferred from one blog (another to this blog not showing up? They’re there, in the posts section, but not showing on my actual blog. And, although the individual categories for the new posts are listed, when I click on the category name, they’re empty! Can someone please...

Alexandra Wolfe

@Miraz I just got up from one, in fact. It was lovely, just short of an hour. I feel a little better.


Alexandra Wolfe

Afternoons are now for reading.

Just thought you’d like to know.


Alexandra Wolfe

Last night was a disaster for sleep, of which neither of us got more than a couple of hours at a time. Why? First an alarm started in the YWCA building behind us at the ungodly hour of 1:50 AM! And, with our windows and balcony doors wide open to catch any breeze we could last night, we got the full brunt ...

Alexandra Wolfe

@Miraz Of course, it's winter down under, so while we fry or drown, it's just as messy down under.


Alexandra Wolfe

Murder Most Royal

Alexandra Wolfe

@Miraz It was a crazy busy day, and thanks, the tummy's fine. How are things at your end of the planet?


Alexandra Wolfe

Well, if you are wondering where I am, as I haven’t blogged this morning. It’s because I had a day off yesterday with a jippy tummy and, of course, am now playing catch up. I’ve done 2 loads of laundry, washed and drying, a trip to my fav grocery store for goodies for the weekend. Gotta get the goods in. P...

Alexandra Wolfe

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (703) : Alien Commies from the future!

Alexandra Wolfe

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (702) : Know Your Onions

Alexandra Wolfe

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (701) : The New Deal

Alexandra Wolfe

I saw this over on Bluesky and, stole it!


Alexandra Wolfe

This was what I was rounding up this morning, while out … items for tonight’s dinner.

5-spice stir fry pork and noodles. Anyone want to come on over? Dinner’s at 6:30.


Alexandra Wolfe

It must be time for a weather update, especially after I saw the haze building up down in the St. Charles river valley just now … it’s gonna be a hot one out there today, Folks.

Stay cool!