Alexandra Wolfe Avatar
Alexandra Wolfe
sharing life's daily moments ...

Alexandra Wolfe

It’s time to play some Kate Bush … LOUDLY!


Alexandra Wolfe

It’s a brisk, blustery 18 degrees outside today! 😳


Alexandra Wolfe

Also this week, in the interest of enjoying two of my favourite summer drinks at home, a Shirley Temple and a date and almond smoothie (and not paying a fortune for either of them) I’ve learn how to make my own versions. I must say, after a little experimentation, I think I’ve nailed them. If anyone would...

Alexandra Wolfe

This Just In!

I did it … I added a Guestbook to my Bear Blog. Stop by and say ‘Allo!…


Alexandra Wolfe

@maique Enjoy the weekend!


Alexandra Wolfe

Took a walk to the local hardware store to find a terracotta pot plant for my palm tree, which has grown, eh, big. Do you know how much those mother suckers are? Yikes!

Anyway, guess who’s gardening on the balcony this afternoon? Yes, me.


Alexandra Wolfe

@Miraz I've been getting distracted over on my Bear blog, doing a few challenges and writing longer posts. Hopefully that will change.


Alexandra Wolfe

Soooo, I tidied up and added of a few new pages on my, alex ink, in an effort to get back using it for notes and short post. Look out for more TV, film & book reviews.


Alexandra Wolfe

Thoughts on the Acolyte Ep. 7

Alexandra Wolfe

@jomalo Oh, now I loved both the TV series and the movie of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy


Alexandra Wolfe

@torb True, comedy doesn't always translate to fav movies or lists of great movies.


Alexandra Wolfe

@torb Oh, now this is an interesting list. Love the Scifi in there with some more serious sounding movies.


Alexandra Wolfe

@odd Oh, a couple of classics in there, Odd. Nice!


Alexandra Wolfe

@furstenberg Oh, I love this list. We almost identical.


Alexandra Wolfe

Okay, people let’s have at … it time to share the goods! What are your top 5 fav movies of the moment.

Mine are:

  1. The Fifth Element
  2. Alien
  3. Finding Nemo
  4. Dune, 2021
  5. Beaches
Come one, fess up!

Alexandra Wolfe

So the weather didn’t exactly cooperate this morning, while it didn’t rain, it’s wasn’t great weather to take photos. Nonetheless, we geared up, caught the bus in, what we thought was early for a Sunday, to go see the Naval Ships docked in the Old Port. Only to get there and discover half of Quebec City al...

Alexandra Wolfe

In the Land of Women a still from Land of Women (Apple TV)

Alexandra Wolfe

I put off going to see the Navel Flotilla that came in Thursday evening, at the Old Port, because the OH said they wanted to see them too. But, yesterday afternoon after work, they were too tired. So we said we’d go today. So, of course, it’s been raining all night and will do all day, today, we’re told. ...

Alexandra Wolfe

Just did a supermarket run to go grab a fresh baked smoked ham, baguette, some salad stuff, and of course, dessert for tonight’s dinner. Of course, I forgot, the FEQ started last night. That’s the Festival de Quebec, the summer fest of 10 days of bands, bands, and, eh, bands. Which meant, the bus was full...

Alexandra Wolfe

Well, now I know what I’m doing this afternoon, if the weather cooperates (and cools down 5-6 degrees). I’m off out to the Old Port to see 5 naval ships: the NCSM Fredericton, the NCSM William Hall, the HMS Protector, the FS Rhone, and the USS Carney arrived yesterday afternoon in the Old Port Basin. Toda...

Alexandra Wolfe

It’s gong to be another hot sticky one out there again, today! The humidity is already up over 80% and we’re supposed to get to 29 later this afternoon.

I think I’ll go sit in the shower till 8 pm.


Alexandra Wolfe

@maique I spotted several in the wild here, today!


Alexandra Wolfe

@crossingthethreshold We have plenty but only in select areas.


Alexandra Wolfe

@maique Will do. I might get into street photography more.


Alexandra Wolfe

Bed Best friends … Louisa Bunny, Benjamin Bear, and Boris Karloff


Alexandra Wolfe

@maique Funnily enough I'm noticing stuff like this more because of you.


Alexandra Wolfe

We went from 28 degrees yesterday to 16 today.

What kind of fresh hell is this?


Alexandra Wolfe

I’m having the ultimate gourmet dinner tonight …

Beans on toast. How very British of me. 😆


Alexandra Wolfe

@crossingthethreshold Sorry I missed seeing this reply. Yeah. It's hard saying goodbye to a parent.


Alexandra Wolfe

Out for a walk along the rue st. jean this morning and saw these @maique and thought of you!


Alexandra Wolfe

@pimoore I'm guessing this is a reference to hockey from last night?


Alexandra Wolfe

@jimmitchell I've done the exact opposite, I'm in the process of going all in at Bear Blog, including moving my wordpress blog there.


Alexandra Wolfe

@crossingthethreshold I won a Queens commendation for safety while in the military. Not sure that qualifies. More likely my best moment is sitting with my dad every dad while he was dying of cancer. That was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.


Alexandra Wolfe

Why yes, yes I do have a monument dedicated to me … eh, not! But General Wolfe from the battle of the Plains of Abraham does.


Alexandra Wolfe

@odd I'd like a ride on that bike!! 😛


Alexandra Wolfe

@jedda I need to write a post too. lol The stickers are mostly long gone. I started putting them in journals I wrote or stuck them to other stuff over the years. But the pins? I still have, I would say, most of them, as they're in a couple of large boxes in a cupboard. I use to have them on cork board on the back of a large wardrobe I used as a room divider. I covered the wardrobe in the cork boards and just stuck the pins up randomly, till, that is, I ran out of space.

Then I moved here, and now they're in the dark.


Alexandra Wolfe

There was a demonstration near the rue Cartier which of course meant a police presence … there were several doing traffic duty while others on their bikes, accompanied the marchers.

police motorcyclist, Quebec City

Alexandra Wolfe

@jimmitchell Oh dear this is both poignantly sad while also being smile worthy at our childhood innocence. But I know what you mean about learning the hard way. Oh, and by the way, I'm loving these childhood reminiscences. They must be painful and cathartic at the same time.


Alexandra Wolfe

You want a tower, we have a tower … a Martello tower, one of three on the plains of Abraham here in Quebec City.

historical Martello tower, plains of Abraham, Quebec City

Alexandra Wolfe

It’s finally stopped raining …

Does happy dance …


Alexandra Wolfe

@cheribaker No need to be so crabby! 😛


Alexandra Wolfe

@jedda Oh, you too? I had a huge collection of stickers at one point, but also, a large collection of pins too. I come from a family that loved to collect stuff like these because we traveled a lot!


Alexandra Wolfe

@jimmitchell Bravo, Jim!

By the way, I love this look, is this your own theme or an adaptation?


Alexandra Wolfe

@Seadave I dropped the wordpress blog, and moved it to Bear blog which is much easier to use.


Alexandra Wolfe

@ndreas I've visited Germany many times, and loved Berlin. I doubt though I would recognise much these days as I haven't been since the late 80s.


Alexandra Wolfe

Day Four (4)

Can someone please stop the rain … I think I saw Noah’s Ark float passed my window just now.


Alexandra Wolfe

@andycarolan Lucky for us then ...


Alexandra Wolfe

This snap was taken at the weekend when I had to run a few errands, it’s a mural on the back of an old garage that no longer exists.

colourful wall mural, rue st. joseph, quebec city