Bill Bennett Avatar
Bill Bennett
Not actually a geek, more a chronicler of geekdom. Still mainly a journalist, sometimes a blogger. Now also a micro blogger. See my New Zealand technology news site:

Bill Bennett

Is this a film about Donald Trump?

“An Indiana family discovers strange, demonic occurrences that convince them and their community that the house is a portal to hell.”…


Bill Bennett

A life's work on that hard drive

Bill Bennett

I actually managed to use AI to do something useful. Not important or essential, but nevertheless useful.


Bill Bennett

I really enjoyed the game earlier this morning (New Zealand time) between France and Italy despite being a pure neutral for this one. Maybe I enjoyed it more because I was a pure neutral.


Bill Bennett

@Miraz I agree that it was a stupid name change. For a while it was hard to find in Google search because the name was so generic.

As for the not-texting... from memory Spark doesn't do that either.


Bill Bennett

The only true peanut butter is crunchy. Smooth is peanut butter lite.


Bill Bennett

It’s annoying that my phone company sends text messages to tell me what it has already told me in an email: that I don’t need to do anything because the bill is an auto payment. It is so annoyingng that I’m considering moving the account, but I fear an alternative company will be as irritating.


Bill Bennett

Last night I almost ran over someone’s drone in a pub carpark.


Bill Bennett

Regulator targets mobile coverage maps, no hassle plan exits Regulator targets mobile coverage maps, no hassle plan exits

Bill Bennett

@smkellat Seems to be at the core of a lot of the online ones. Have you ever seen Twitter?


Bill Bennett

@maique Glad I'm not alone.


Bill Bennett

Everyday I get half a dozen requests from people wanting to post something on my website. Have foudn that the quickest way to stop them from coming back is to tell them the price is $30k per post.


Bill Bennett

@herself And I find putting my fingers in my ears works...


Bill Bennett

Huawei plans a major launch event the day after Apples.



Bill Bennett

Johanna is remarkably tolerant of my musical tastes, but draws the line at Motorhead.


Bill Bennett

Cancelled Prime streaming service earlier today in preparation for Apple TV and the return of Slow Horses tonight.


Bill Bennett

@maique I love that show. But it's a worry that I identify most with Jackson Lamb.


Bill Bennett

Why do so many online services, especially the AI things, want you to go through DIscord? Is there a business model in it?


Bill Bennett

Spent the morning doing urgent things for one client and totally missed another client (from the same company) had urgent things that needed attention, so wrapping it up at 8pm. 12 hour days are not unusual, but now I’m in my 60s I could do with fewer of them.


Bill Bennett

A fortnight with HP’s 14-inch OmniBook X

Bill Bennett

If I was a high net worth investor, I’d put some of my money into building more renewable energy in New Zealand. It might not give me the maximum return, but it would warm the cockles of my heart to know I was making the nation and the world a little better.


Bill Bennett

I’m not in any way saying it’s good that so many cafes and restaurants are going out of business, but it felt like there might have been too many even before the government got its economic wrecking balll going.


Bill Bennett

@herself Mail is easily ignored, I’ve been doing that for years ;) Phone calls and text messages less so. But the iPhone does have a handy ‘silent’ button.


Bill Bennett

It’s a cardigan day.

When I was growing up in the south of England, cardigans were an eminently sensible and occasionally stylish way of staying warm in Spring and Autumn. Then I went to live in Wellington, where they had a negative reputation, something to do with public servants and old people.


Bill Bennett

A decade ago I froze while at an Eden Test Match during an Auckland cold snap in Auckland. So next week I purchased a winter thermal under vest. It hasn’t been cold enough since then to wear it. I’m keeping it because I may head South one winter, yet it speaks volumes about climate change.


Bill Bennett

Because I frequently work on Saturdays and Sundays I sometimes take a half day off on Mondays. Some people get upset if I don’t immediately respond to their Monday morning calls or emails. They can get stuffed.


Bill Bennett

While I readily admit the four for $5 supermarket croissants aren’t remotely close to the glorious $4 each ones sold in real baker’s shops, they make a nicer change once in a while. And my word are they good for toasted sandwiches…


Bill Bennett

Call the cops.

Birkenhead New World was selling Hot Cross Buns yesterday.



Bill Bennett

Three games into the new English Premier League season and I’m about to fire up my prediction spreadsheet. It’s not perfect, but I was either winner or runner up in a big tipping competition for four or five years in a row back when they were a thing.


Bill Bennett

For almost 20 years I’ve been getting all notifications from Amazon in German. I ordered a German book for someone in 2005 or thereabouts so the algorithm has got me down as a Jerry and no amount of support calls, online char or mail can fix this.


Bill Bennett

Shuffling the streaming video options ahead of the must watch new season of Slow Horses which starts midweek on Apple TV. Have decided there is no need to subscribe to more than two services at a time, so out goes Prime… which we’ve more or less sucked dry anyway.


Bill Bennett

@jessekelber That's a good idea. I've got a couple of really busy weeks coming up, but can get out of town to the woods and mountains mid September and I think I will. Thanks for reminding me.


Bill Bennett

@manton This is the kind of friction reducing functionality the Fediverse has talked about for ages, but isn't happening, presumably because is is hard to implement.


Bill Bennett

@hjalm What worried you?


Bill Bennett

@manton Is there an easy way to follow a site through Microblog when a link is mentioned as in the above post?


Bill Bennett

@pkboi I didn’t realise Frendica was still going. Not sure why I thought it had closed. Pleased to see that it is still there.


Bill Bennett

@josephaleo It's common in New Zealand and I have heard it in Australia. At a guess I'd say it comes from the UK. They are big on custard there.


Bill Bennett

@writingslowly I tried following this by opening a new Note from the menu and nothing happened. Any idea why?


Bill Bennett

@odd 12TB has to be for people who save lots of video... I can't think of any other way of getting close to that limit.


Bill Bennett

@Miraz Quite. Before I saw that I was thinking its time to upgrade to 500MB for maybe double the 200MB price... but 2TB, and the price, is a step too far. It will probably won't stop the planet from warming, but I'm going to cull.


Bill Bennett

@odd ;) Don't we all?


Bill Bennett

@Miraz It’s a brilliant idea. But if it occurred to Spark or One NZ, they spend a squillion dollars build an AI system to do it badly. ;)


Bill Bennett

@Miraz The coloured part in the middle of a Venn diagram showing "people who don't have the internet" and "people who buy things by phone" must represent a tiny fraction of society... certainly less than 10 per cent.


Bill Bennett

@odd Yes, I found that out the hard way yesterday after not being able to open them with BBEdit. Which surprised me. I always thought BBEdit was the most fundamental editor, but Text Edit reached the parts BBEdit could not.


Bill Bennett

@Miraz I did that in the past, but on one occasion the Pages file saved the document slightly weirdly and the newspaper editor was so over the top furious about something that wasn't really that serious, that I gave up. Easier to pay Microsoft $120 a year than find alternative employment.


Bill Bennett

@ayjay It was a brilliant goal. Why he hadn’t replaced the out-of-form Kane earlier in this tournament is a mystery to me.m


Bill Bennett

@manton I get this and, on one level don't disagree. But there's a level where comment and opinion pieces in mainstream newspapers are powerful and useful: when they explain and analyse events, putting things in a wider context.

I'm a journalist and I do this kind of work a lot. It's not all bad.


Bill Bennett

@joshuapsteele It's not a full answer, but my advice is that people who ask that quation often underestimate the hidden costs of switching operating systems. So take a bigger picture look at those costs before jumping ship.


Bill Bennett

@JohnPhilpin They come in packs of six, Mrs B is allegedly gluten free and can't eat them. Usually she doesn't, but nothing is more disappointing that opening the cupboard to look for the last one and discovering she has lapsed.


Bill Bennett

@Miraz Two wisdom teeth. Everything went so much better than I expected, but it’s not 24 hours yet so fingers crossed.