Alexandra :prami: Avatar
Alexandra :prami:
Alexandra lives in Quebec, Canada, with her long-time partner, a library-sized collection of books, and way too many toys. She loves to read genre fiction, watch scifi TV shows, and moan about the weather. Pronouns: she/they/them 🏳️‍🌈

Alexandra :prami:

@jimmitchell I think many of us have gone through this conundrum at least, I know I have, several times. I know have 3 blogs on 3 different platforms.


Alexandra :prami:

@birming Wow, no kidding … gorgeous evening.


Alexandra :prami:

@maique I guess you survived okay.


Alexandra :prami:

Oh it is it’s as close to perfect as you can get.


Alexandra :prami:

@andycarolan It's started here already. Cool starts to the mornings and cold overnight.


Alexandra :prami:

My Nomenclature Habit

I don't know about you, but I have a terrible habit. One I've had since I was knee high to the proverbial grasshopper. I name things. And who doesn't, right? I mean, I name just about everything. What started with teddy bears and the like, moved to other things growing up till I hit adulthood and then? It moved from favourite childhood toys to grown-ups toys, namely, phones, fridges, cars.


Alexandra :prami:

@mbjones Aw, thanks, Brandon.


Alexandra :prami:

@mihobu Wow, that was some hail! Hope nothing was damaged.


Alexandra :prami:

@mihobu No kidding, that was a violent 30 minutes.


Alexandra :prami:

@mabel @jedda That’s a great idea, Ireally loved them both.


Alexandra :prami:

@maique Sigh, yes please.


Alexandra :prami:

@Miraz I love, love, love this series.


Alexandra :prami:

@mabel Always worth just a month! 😎


Alexandra :prami:

@mihobu Where the hell are you? 😱


Alexandra :prami:

@jedda @mabel Go on, you know you want too! I've stuck with Disney for a long time because of their back catalogue and so much more.


Alexandra :prami:

@jedda That's the problem, so many channels to subscribe to, which ones do we choose.


Alexandra :prami:

@mabel It might be worth just a month to catch up?


Alexandra :prami:

For those of you who might be interested, I've repurposed my Bear Blog (rather than abandoned it) and will be posting all my thoughts about Movies & TV shows.

Alex in Movieland! 🍿


Alexandra :prami:

@birming @ddanielson I know I would love to visit over there one last time.


Alexandra :prami:

@birming I would be happy to show you around QC.


Alexandra :prami:

@mabel Oh, now that's a great idea, thank you. I'll take your advice and do that. Having a doodle book by the couch is perfect. No excuses then.


Alexandra :prami:

@birming Shirt legs? I'd win that contest. But seriously, I love that understanding our shortcomings and learning from our failures is all part of life.


Alexandra :prami:

@cheribaker Oh I love me a cute sea cucumber or a colourful nudibranch.


Alexandra :prami:

@ddanielson @birming I think we all wood. My dad had a cousin that moved from Wales to British Columbia and felt right at home.


Alexandra :prami:

When the light is just right …

an orange leaf on a tree full of green leaves, with blue sky in the background


Alexandra :prami:

It’s been a very knotty problem but, in the end … I got there. Wherever the hell there is!

upclose shot of a very knotty tree trunk (spot the spiders web)


Alexandra :prami:

I can’t decide what to do with my dedicated photo blog, Snap Happy, as no one seems interested in visiting. I think people generally seem to comment only on the post I make on Mastodon, rather than visit the original.

So, I’m left wondering if I need to move the blog to a Mastodon friendly space (micro blog) or close it down and just post on Mastodon directly … what do you think? Anyone?


Alexandra :prami:

And so … the red creep has started … Autumn is on her way.

image of a lush green tree set against a blue sky background. Some of the leaves have turned red


Alexandra :prami:

Those damn Red Triangles of death are now allowed to invade bicycle territory in the green zone …


Alexandra :prami:

After a cold start this morning, the sun is out and belting down. It’s a delightful 25 at the moment and I so want to take my camera and go for a walkabout but my get up and go has apparently left the building already …

Maybe tomorrow.


Alexandra :prami:

An Olympic Achievement

Me and mine have been watching a lot of the Para Olympics, something I haven't really done in previous years (for whatever reason, I don't know). I mean, I've watched some in previous years but the coverage was never as good as it's been this time around. As a consequence, we've tuned in of an evening and sat glued to the screen as competitors have show true grit, determination, and courage in their chosen events.


Alexandra :prami:

I’ve been home for about 30 minutes and, after drinking a pipping hot cup of tea, I’m finally defrosted … what? Oh, okay, so I wasn’t frozen solid, just merely in a frigid state of shivers. It’s a brisk 13 degrees out there and not going to get much higher today, so we’re told. And even though the sun is shining in a clear blue sky, there’s a chilly wind blowing off Churchill Bay.

Autumn has definietly arrived early this year.


Alexandra :prami:

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Involve Food

Bonjour tout la Monde, today's Top Ten Tuesday, brought to you by The Artsy Reader Girl, is Books That Involve Food (that are not cookbooks.) And ... right, I know I've read a ton of books that mention food, especially just about every Louise Penny book ever written, but about food, or is it, involve food? Hmm ... I need to think about this one.


Alexandra :prami:

Guess who forgot to take the pork chops out the freezer last night, to defrost overnight in the fridge? Yes, that would be me.

So guess who’s having beans on toast for dinner, tonight, this bank holiday Monday? Yes, that would be me also. Doh!


Alexandra :prami:

You can almost guarantee that every bank holiday it’s going to rain here. We finished out the last three days of August with rain so of course,, the first 2 days of September, not to be left out, it’s been raining. Though it’s true, for the moment, it’s actually stopped, though only till the next bout moves in.

Ah, welcome to Labour Day and the Frozen North!


Alexandra :prami:

Well, we lost power for just over 2 hours … very unpleasant. We were in the middle of seeing who was about to win one of the wheelchair races (800 metres) at the Para Olympics and …

Puff … no electricity. There were two very loud bangs outside and, we knew something had blown. The OH checked on their phone and, sure enough. There was an alert. Like, the people in our area didn’t already know.

Still, made us go read a book and sit on the couch and have a conversation. 😛


Alexandra :prami:

Okay, I had to go do it ... my name spelled out in Landsat photos.

landsat images spelling out my name


Alexandra :prami:

I turned over to have five minutes more in bed and … woke up an hour later with a slight headache!

I’m now all out of sorts. If you are giving away and or selling sorts please, let me know, as I need a couple of dozen.


Alexandra :prami:

Of course it’s a scorching hot afternoon (32 with the humidity) because I decided to do a sausage fry up this evening, for tea.

Can I order in? No, wait, we did that last night … damn!


Alexandra :prami:

It’s started …

It started sometime this week and I’ve only just noticed it. The Red Creep!

What, I hear you ask? The red creep is when the top tips of the trees start to turn, you know, announcing autumn’s on her way. When you start seeing those first few subtle changes and you’re left dreaming of pumpkin spiced lattes, cardigans (cue Taylor Swift) and where you hid last seasons long johns, socks, and that autumn puffer jacket with ...


Alexandra :prami:

Normally I can read an average length book in 2-3 days. But the book I started right after finishing a really good read has, to put it mildly, become tedious. I don’t know if I should have left it a few days before starting this new one, or if it’s actually that the book is just not a great read to begin with.

The writing comes across flat and the description, well, are all rather dull and even, unnecessary. While the main character ...