Brad Barrish Avatar
Brad Barrish
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Been doing this web thing since the early aughts. Technology still excites me like nothing else, especially hardware. Former VP of Customer Experience at Oura and Director of Customer Experience at Sonos. Now helping people and teams of people develop self-awareness, compassion and curiosity to succeed in life and work.

Brad Barrish

More like Ok human, amirite? (h/t Sippey)


Brad Barrish

Until today, I’d lived with a single phantom unread message in Apple Messages for so long that I don’t even remember not having it. It was on every Apple device I have, never showed up in the ‘Unread Messages’ filtered view and I had tried everything short of resetting my phone. Yes, I asked all the AI bot...

Brad Barrish

@alans congrats! We made it!


Brad Barrish

I spend almost no time on Bluesky. I just haven’t found my people there, whatever that means. But since Twitter was banned in Brazil, many are going to Bluesky. It’s been impressive to see the site handle such a heavy influx of new users. I’m rooting for Bluesky. We all should.


Brad Barrish

I have to admit that I kind of love the 2025 IONIQ 5 XRT, but how can Hyundai keep making cars with that awful logo?! Ugh!


Brad Barrish

Kids are FINALLY going back to school tomorrow. OMFGTY

McSweeney’s has a thing about drop-off and pick-up rules.


Brad Barrish

Wonderful internet purveyors, Colossal did a bold redesign.


Brad Barrish

Dexcom started selling its CGM device over-the-counter without a prescription, which feels like a pretty big deal. Making CGM devices more accessible is a net win for conusmers.


Brad Barrish

@bjhess congrats! Looks really slick.


Brad Barrish

@bjhess if I was into sports at all, I would bookmark that. Alas...


Brad Barrish

@xxxx do you pay for it?


Brad Barrish

Kinda weird to see Barnes & Noble stores re-appearing. I just noticed that they opened a location in Marina del Rey. It’s ironic that Amazon was the previous tenant in the same space. They had a weird physical retail store there. I also learned that they re-opened on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Mon...

Brad Barrish

I’m a big fan of the text-only web, especially when it comes to news, which frankly I don’t consume much of at all, but skimming headlines once a day on The Brutalist Report feels a lot calmer than most news aggregators. I limit headlines to 5. When I posted about this on Farcaster, Elle directed me to thi...

Brad Barrish

Did not have an Oasis reunion on my bingo card.

I was a Sony Music college marketing rep while I was in school and got to work Definitely Maybe and What’s the Story Morning Glory. When Sony brought us all to NYC in 1995, we got to see them play. I just remember how loud it was.


Brad Barrish

From Issue #190 / April 2022 of The Red Hand Files.

Nick appeared on Colbert this week. I’m so glad Colbert posted the extended interview. In it, Nick reads this question and his answer at Colbert’s request. The whole thing is deep and wonderful.


Brad Barrish

Tell me you have COVID without telling me you have COVID.


Brad Barrish

I just bought the Pixel 9 Pro XL on for $369 by trading in my old ass iPhone 13 Pro. Google must really want to sell phones. Bonus: since I’ll be in Portland for XOXO, I’m just going to pick it up there and skip the sales tax!


Brad Barrish

@xxxx ok, that was... weird and fun.


Brad Barrish

For all of you fellow researchers and me-searchers, Zotero 7 is out and it’s a massive update.


Brad Barrish

Jake Seliger has passed. May he rest in peace and may Bess and Athena have everything they need to carry on his memory and honor.


Brad Barrish

Devo on Tiny Desk really is the icing on the cake of this Friday afternoon.


Brad Barrish

I had no idea that Tim Carleton’s Opus No. 1 was available on streaming services. Wow.

This American Life did a story on it a decade ago. So great.


Brad Barrish

I was sad to read that Jake Seliger is starting hospice. I’ve been folllowing his story for some time. It has been absolutely heartbreaking and I have cried many times reading his posts. He’s a wonderful writer and human.


Brad Barrish

Kyle Chayka’s article on why he quit Spotify is a great read. Over the last few years I have grown to absolutely loathe the app. I’ve been using Apple Music the vast majority of the time. It’s calmer, I can actually find the music I’m looking for and it sounds better. There are great people at Spotify and ...

Brad Barrish

If you haven’t read/watched The Objects of Our Life, a talk Steve Jobs gave at the 1983 International Design Conference in Aspen, it is so worth it.


Brad Barrish

SF sure was pretty out of the window of the airplane last night. Great week with the Clarity team observing the progress of our trial and spending quality time together. Be back soon.


Brad Barrish

@odd you have 5 Apple Watches laying in a drawer?!


Brad Barrish

@JohnPhilpin Thanks, John. Link me please. I haven’t read it, but enjoy his writing.


Brad Barrish

@Mtt let me know whar you think if you end up trying it. So far so good for me.


Brad Barrish

@ptrck good to know. He definitely seems great. I started checking him out yesterday and am excited to spend more time.


Brad Barrish

@manton I agree, but there's nothing that comes close for me and my wife to collaborate quickly and easily on things like grocery lists, email drafts and shared notes. But to your point, there are often times when sync simply doesn't work and it's infuriating.


Brad Barrish

@Miraz awesome! Thank you!


Brad Barrish

@Miraz Any advice for someone new to Fuji or specific to the X-T5?


Brad Barrish

@alans it was a really special show. The other two times I’ve seen them, it was in much larger venues and both were outdoors. Disney Hall sounds amazing.


Brad Barrish

@numericcitizen I’m not sure how often they play. They’re playing every album in its entirety over the course of several nights here in LA. Feel very lucky to get to see them. They’re pretty up there in age.


Brad Barrish

@jemostrom yep, that’s an ocular migraine. They’re the only kind I used to get until these started. If I didn’t take something like Excedrine, I would get extremely painful headaches and I would have a sort of hangover headache the next day. Thankfully I don’t get them often and never have. How often do you get yours?


Brad Barrish

@jemostrom nothing to suggest that it's muscle pain. The MRIs didn't show anything that would suggest nerve pain and it doesn't really feel like that. At this point I'm leaning toward migraine, but no idea why I started getting them so frequently.


Brad Barrish

@jeannie I can't believe I didn't think of that!


Brad Barrish

@bradbarrish I assume Trent and Atticus will be doing the music. Their score for The Social Network is easily one of my favorite scores of all time.


Brad Barrish

@starrwulfe indeed! I'll resubscribe to The Times when they stop trying to appeal to both sides.


Brad Barrish

@eumrz I am not an attorney, but it seems to me poisoning people is bad and any company knowingly doing so should be held accountable and/or put out of business.


Brad Barrish

@sarcassem happy to hear I wasn't the only one!


Brad Barrish

@ArnoldHoogerwerf also, I expect nothing less from the Dutch!


Brad Barrish

@ArnoldHoogerwerf it seems like because of our highly interconnected world, no matter what you believe to be true, there is personalized advice for you 😉


Brad Barrish

@bitdepth I can’t wait!


Brad Barrish

@nitinkhanna I did not experience that. All posts came over just as they were in WP. I was impressed with their command line tools.