Arnold Hoogerwerf Avatar
Arnold Hoogerwerf
I’m a media artist, teacher and researcher based in beautiful Utrecht, the Netherlands. This timeline aggregates posts from both my professional website ( and my personal microblog (

Arnold Hoogerwerf

@Miraz Looks authentic 🙂. Love the “Let’s build a windmill…..” section on their website!


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@puran thank you! Will check them out soon.


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@puran I would be interested to hear what podcasts on GIS you found!


Arnold Hoogerwerf

🎵 Ghost Dubs: Damaged Album Review ❤️

“A uniform palette carries across the album: ultra-low sub-bass pressure, hi-hats sanded down to silvery streaks, an omnipresent crackling fizz. Monochrome chords slosh back and forth like water in a bucket; whatever they began as—guitar? keyboard?—now they’re just fleeting smudges smeared across the tape.“


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@manton I may have restored from an iPhone backup to a new iPhone a few times and then not unchecked / checked the notifications switch inside the app. But with other apps notifications keep working, so assumed it would work the same with the app.


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@adamprocter My question is more why it stops working. Same with cross posting to LinkedIn. It works for a while until it doesn’t…


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@adamprocter not for me unfortunately


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@adamprocter Here you go. I also replied on your original post btw... Push notification still didn’t seem to get trough..? 😬


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@manton @adamprocter This is the one feature I would expect to ‘just work,’ but it hasn’t been working for me for quite some time now…


Arnold Hoogerwerf

🌱 Blooming Hibiscus in our garden.


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@velocykel Thank you, it really was a remarkable experience.


Arnold Hoogerwerf

🎥🎵 Frederico Fellini‘s Roma (1972) ★★★★½

“A virtually plotless, gaudy, impressionistic portrait of Rome through the eyes of one of its most famous citizens.”

Behind the scenes photo of Federico Fellini

A true classic. One if the most bizarre films I’ve ever watched. Even without a plot, it manages to communicate a lot on many levels. Beautiful soundtrack and theme song by Nino Rota as well.


Arnold Hoogerwerf

Enjoying a few days out cycling and camping in the beautiful nature of Nationaal Park De Biesbosch. We just saw a mighty Osprey hunting for fish, and it plunged into the water right before our eyes. Now we’re relaxing and enjoying our room with a view and watching a few series on our ‘television’.

View from our tentWatching series on an iPad


Arnold Hoogerwerf

‘Much Les’ album cover by Les McCann

📺🎵 Les McCann - Burnin’ Coal ★★★★½

Great song that will forever remind me of the opening scene of the ‘Coushatta’ episode from Better Call Saul.

Still from the opening scene of the Coushatta episode from Better Call Saul.

Arnold Hoogerwerf

@dbuntinx Fascinerend. De stille krachten achter het peloton!


Arnold Hoogerwerf

📚 Currently reading: Why Buddhism is True (Dutch translation) by Robert Wright. Almost 6 years ago, this video by Robert Wright with Massimo Piggliucci got me all into Stoicism, and later got me even more interested in Buddhism. Time to finally read his book, which, according to The New York Times Book Rev...

Arnold Hoogerwerf

“He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”

– Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil (1886) 💬

“After fleeing west at the Israeli army’s instruction, Palestinians quickly found themselves encircled and under fire from tanks, drones, and snipers.”


Arnold Hoogerwerf

close up of a bee swarm in our garden

🎤🐝🌱 Finally found some time to edit the recording of the bee swarm we had in our garden last month. If you ever wondered what approximately 10000 honeybees packed together sound like, this is your chance.


Arnold Hoogerwerf

🐝 Just spotted the first cuckoo bumblebee of the season on my route.

Cuckoo Bumblebee

Arnold Hoogerwerf

@johnjohnston beautiful creature!


Arnold Hoogerwerf

I just made my website a little bit more accessible, with just one line of CSS code (iOS devices only):

html { font: -apple-system-body; }

If you go to System Settings on your iPhone or iPad, and change the setting for Display & Brightness > Text Size, you’ll see the change reflected on this website.

I prefer the Control Center > Text Size slider for this.

(Via Michael Tsai / Craig Hockenberry: Dynamic Type on the Web)


Arnold Hoogerwerf

🍽️ 🌶️ Phase two of homemade sriracha is complete. After a successful four-week fermentation period, it smells and tastes amazing! I repurposed a commercial green cap sriracha bottle for storage. Next time, I’ll definitely have to make a larger batch, though…

Collage of photos of the preparation of sriracha.

Arnold Hoogerwerf

Book cover of a book on bicultural identity Proud of all my students who graduated in the last few weeks! And happy to be the owner of this beautiful and limited edition book by one of them (a side project of a bigger project including a short documentary on bicultural identity).

Arnold Hoogerwerf

@thedimpause interesting recipe. Keep us posted🙂


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@magnizium A belated thank you ☺️ Hanwag is certainly on my short list of brands for my future hiking boots!


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@pratik I’ve been using it for years now and it works very reliably for me. You can share files and folders, although that process is still a bit tedious. But with the new ‘Keep downloaded’ option in the upcoming iOS and macOS most of my annoyances seem to be gone. And ever since Chronosync also can make local backups from iCloud Drive files and folders, I use it professionally as well.


Arnold Hoogerwerf

🪰 New discovery while walking my bumblebee counting route: the hornet mimic hoverfly (Volucella zonaria).

Also love the Dutch name: Stadsreus (City Giant), because they’re found a lot in urban parks and gardens. And, as with so many common insects, they’re exhibiting unexpected behaviour, ‘commensalism’:

Females lay their eggs in wasp and hornet nests. The larvae live as commensals in nests of bees, hornets and of social wasps.

Commensalism is a long-term biological interaction in which members of one species gain benefits while those of the other species neither benefit nor are harmed.

Hornet mimic hoverfly

Arnold Hoogerwerf

Want to read: Healing the Shame that Binds You by John Bradshaw 📚


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@cliffordbeshers My favourite feature of the windy app is the altitude slider: totally different weather patterns just a few hundred metres above our heads!


Arnold Hoogerwerf

Album cover of Victorialand by Cocteau Twins

🎵 Cocteau Twins - Victorialand (1986) ★★★★

This album by Cocteau Twins is beautiful and introspective. After seeing Elizabeth Fraser perform with Massive Attack last week, I got excited to explore more of their music. This album was new to me, but I think it’s now my favourite.


Arnold Hoogerwerf

🎵 Still enjoying the afterglow of our visit to the Massive Attack concert this past week. I was quite relieved that former band members / guest singers Horace Andy and Elizabeth Fraser were also present. Despite their more fragile stage appearance and voices, they elevated the entire experience to a highe...

Arnold Hoogerwerf

🌱 Blooming Teunisbloem (Oenothera), one of several newly planted indigenous plants in our garden. (Indigenous appears to be a relative term though, as this plant is originally found in the Americas.)

Teunisbloem (Oenothera)

Arnold Hoogerwerf

@KimberlyHirsh Haven’t listened to that one yet, but will certainly do! The last couple of days, I had this great album on repeat.


Arnold Hoogerwerf

🎵 Joe Hisaishi & Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - A Symphonic Celebration (Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki) (2023) ★★★★


Arnold Hoogerwerf

Publicity still from Princess Mononoke (1997)

🎥 Princess Mononoke (1997) ★★★★½

Watched it with the family, and we all agreed that this is one of the best Studio Ghibli films ever. I particularly enjoyed the original soundtrack, which made me look more into the wonderful work of Joe Hisaishi.

Publicity still from Princess Mononoke (1997)

Arnold Hoogerwerf

@bitdepth Excellent movie to remember him. Such a great actor.


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@jean congrats!


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@V_ congrats and have a nice day


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@odd Thanks, they were adorable together 🙂


Arnold Hoogerwerf

🌱🦔 Hedgehog making friends with one of our cats in the garden. They’re totally at ease with each other.


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@magnizium Does that mean you haven’t been hiking in 30 years, or have been hiking for 30 years on some extremely high quality pair of boots? 🙂 In either case, I would love to hear what brand you ended up with this time!


Arnold Hoogerwerf

🌱 It always amazes me how many fascinating stories lie behind the most ordinary creatures I encounter in my garden.

E. balteatus is a partially migratory species […] Some individuals migrate from northern Europe to southern Europe and north Africa in autumn, seeking warmer climates to spend the winter.

They are capable of selecting favourable winds, selecting airstreams above 150 meters and using behavioural tactics to fly southward despite unfavourable winds. This means the flies must have an internal compass […] able to locate the right direction, and a way to detect wind direction.

Episyrphus balteatus

Arnold Hoogerwerf

🐝 Having fun designing a paper prototype of a bumblebee identification cheat sheet, for use out in the field. Since the weather still isn’t cooperating, this seems a viable alternative for the actual counting now… 🌧️

Paper prototype of a bumblebee identification cheat sheet

Arnold Hoogerwerf

@ReaderJohn excellent recording


Arnold Hoogerwerf

🎵 Currently listening to Reinbert de Leeuw - Satie: The Early Piano Works (1980) ★★★★½

The perfect soundtrack while reviewing the final projects of some of my graduating students.

Album Cover of Satie: The Early Piano Works by Reinbert de Leeuw

Arnold Hoogerwerf

@stevengeurts Prachtige vogel. Prachtige foto's!


Arnold Hoogerwerf

@jeremycherfas This got me very curious. Can we see this somewhere?


Arnold Hoogerwerf

Currently reading: De innerlijke criticus ontmaskerd by Hal & Sidra Stone 📚


Arnold Hoogerwerf

I have adjusted the accent colours of my website to better match the current seasonal mood: ’Tomato’ (light mode) & ’CornflowerBlue’ (dark mode).