Dave πŸ’– Avatar
Dave πŸ’–
I try to live lightly on our planet as a minimalist. My interests are many, and include reading, nature, trees, the web community, coffee, history, science, music, and - most importantly - how to leave a livable world to future generations. I am retired from a long and varied career as a generalist in accounting and management.

Dave πŸ’–

@cheribaker @Miraz It freaks me out a bit! From the time I could drive, I was never in by 11 PM.


Dave πŸ’–

@Miraz Wow! I see there is a curfew in my hometown, added 20 years after I was in high school. We certainly were out at all hours back then. Weird!


Dave πŸ’–

@birming @alexandra It’s no accident that when my grandfather emigrated from Norway, he kept moving until he got to Puget Sound. I feel very at home in the Nordic countries.


Dave πŸ’–

@Brandon @alexandra Definitely relax your grip….then cursive glides. I can write faster with certain pens, as well. That’s a whole β€˜nother rabbit hole. πŸ™‚


Dave πŸ’–

@Brandon That is what I was taught in school in the 1960s. My mother was proud of her cursive, so I drilled on it plenty. Give it a go! It’s how I journal every day.


Dave πŸ’–

@birming @alexandra My favorite car ever was a Saab 900 Turbo, and I’ve had 3 Volvos. My Swedish connection.


Dave πŸ’–

@andyn @maique @Ronnie I downloaded Pocketcasts yesterday after seeing this thread. I’ve used Overcast forever, but it’s time to change.


Dave πŸ’–

@mattmaison @Sheril I do the combo because I know it’ll wipe me out either way, and it doesn’t seem worse to double down.


Dave πŸ’–

@alexandra @Miraz It’s really like a lot of other things in government and finance, where we know it’s stupid, and just can’t get it changed.


Dave πŸ’–

@alexandra It’s a good question, Alex. I’m not sure Micro.blog would help? Unless you have a lot of followers there. I’m probably one who mostly looks on Mastodon.


Dave πŸ’–

@1hawaiiboy I briefly used VisiCalc before Lotus123 came out. Also, a little of Borlands Quattro as they were my client in the late 80s. But, yeah, Excel for decades. What a tool!


Dave πŸ’–

@petebrown When you hit your late 60s, even Dad Rock will have passed you by……


Dave πŸ’–

@philomath Proving there is nothing that money can’t ruin.


Dave πŸ’–

@dennyhenke Looks great, Denny. A hand-crafted site feels like a you thing.


Dave πŸ’–

@amerpie A corollary: When people show you who they are, believe them.


Dave πŸ’–

@adam That’s why I baled out of that blog provider, abandoning a β€œlifetime” account.


Dave πŸ’–

@1hawaiiboy Oh, yeah, I forgot that some upscale cars have cooled seats, or at least ventilated.


Dave πŸ’–

@1hawaiiboy That’s so funny, since I always thought of it as a cold weather feature!


Dave πŸ’–

@birming I feel like we are related 😎


Dave πŸ’–

@larand Yep. Buick is irrelevant.


Dave πŸ’–

@alexandra I’ve had returning to a book work, yeah.


Dave πŸ’–

@alexandra Sounds like time to bail out πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ


Dave πŸ’–

I wish more people in the financial, tech and retail industries could see past the artificiality of their worlds - to see the planet and its people rather than money and profit at all costs. It can be so isolating.


Dave πŸ’–

If you’re annoyed by the Apple Store thing, you should get real and worry about the f’ing climate. Prioritize!


Dave πŸ’–

JOMO is my theme for the week. I’ve missed out on so much, the joy is endless! πŸ˜…


Dave πŸ’–

I'm feeling very grateful this morning for a cozy house, and a cozy room of my own. I've toyed with calling my room a "den" or a "study", but last night I was watching a British show where offices were referred to as "my room" and I like it. It connects with childhood.


Dave πŸ’–

I’m finding my switch to Kobo a bit frustrating as not all library loans will download. Some books do, and some do not.


Dave πŸ’–

I have kept book lists of my reading since 1995, and only recently came across the earliest file. I have now put together a master list that totals 1,346 books from 1995 to 2023. It is amazing to see how long ago I read certain books. Quite a head trip!


Dave πŸ’–

Just had an amazing delivery service of some new chairs. They provided a three hour window, and a live tracking map. The ETA got earlier and earlier, and they beat the early end of the time window by 65 minutes. This never happens!


Dave πŸ’–

I can’t deny that after using only an iPad for a few years, using a Macbook Air is a joy. Since I started clean, it is taking me a bit to identify and add in the things I need.


Dave πŸ’–

Thinking about creativity this morning. I prefer quality and depth over mere quantity. The problem is that I don’t feel I have either right now.


Dave πŸ’–

Political philosopher Ingrid Robeyns believes that there should be a maximum amount of money and resources that one person can have. I heard her interviewed by Sean Illing on The Gray Area podcast. The concept of limitarianism proposes that maybe $ 10 million is the most anyone β€œshould” need. I find it ver... social.lol

Dave πŸ’–

I completely forgot that I have my iPhone set to open the camera with three taps on the back. 🀦🏼 I just read someone referring to it and thought…wait a minute!


Dave πŸ’–

I am settling in on the Web in these spots -

Blog on Scribbles at https://scribbles.page/odw_tqtu
Mastodon - here at Social.lol at https://social.lol/@ddanielson


Dave πŸ’–

I nuked my IG account for the second time. Not worth it for a couple of people. Also got a Kobo to replace a Kindle. Fewer corporate overlords. Or, at least, smaller and different overlords.


Dave πŸ’–

Listening to The Wall on vinyl, with wired headphones.


Dave πŸ’–

I ordered a Kobo today to replace my Kindle. Less Amazon is better.


Dave πŸ’–

The answer to getting back some of the old web feel of blogs is NOT for people to charge $5 a month to read their blog.