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Chad Kohalyk
Generous with Likes ❤️

Chad Kohalyk

And with that, #IETF120 is over! So many new insights and friends. I have a lot to digest and follow up on. Tomorrow:

Chad’s ratty IETF badge held up with the Vancouver Art Museum in the background

Chad Kohalyk

What a day talking about interoperable instant messaging protocols, deep space networking, and a bunch of other amazing things! #IETF120 has been super stimulating. So many interesting people here. Looking forward to tomorrow morning’s Decentralization of the Internet Research Group (dinrg)


Chad Kohalyk

Good morning #IETF120! Today is the first day of the official meeting week. My first session is with GAIA, the Global Access to the Internet for All working group, chaired by Jane Coffin who I had the pleasure of meeting at the IGF last year.

Chad holds a Parallel 49 coffee and bag of Lucky’s donuts in front of an IETF meeting sign

Chad Kohalyk

Downtown Vancouver is hoppin’! We got #IETF120 hackathon, the fireworks, and a Caps match at BC Place ⚽️

North side of BC Place with Science World in the distanceWest entrance of BC Place with banners for the Vancouver Whitecaps


Chad Kohalyk

At the #IETF120 #hackathon

Tabletop easel with the words “OAuth & atproto identities”. On the table is a t-shirt commemorating IETF120 in Vancouver

Chad Kohalyk

Utterly wiped… Walked around the neighborhood to check the distances to the schools. Sat in the park for a bit. Coffee in a local cafe. I think after all the stress of the last two weeks, my body has finally released all that tension. We are here, it is over, we are settled. 💤


Chad Kohalyk

When I was just a wee lad of 12, my uncle took me here to White Rock to see the ocean for my very first time. 🌊 It has been nearly 35 years and I have returned. Fish & chips 🐟🍟 got more expensive, but the sunset’s still free 🌅

Chad stands on a large rock on the waterfront. In the distance you can see the US shorelineSun starting to set over railroad tracks disappearing into the distanceShoreline with a long pier jutting out into the water at duskChad smiling into the sunset wearing sunglasses


Chad Kohalyk

[Me about to propose a new office/livingroom/dining room layout for the new condo]

💁‍♂️: Dear Wife, come into my Mind Palace

👸🏻: [walks away]

💁‍♂️: Where are you going!?

👸🏻: To the bathroom… aka your Mind Palace 🔥

💁‍♂️: 💀💀💀



Chad Kohalyk

Okay, so we were able to successfully sleep on beds last night, the first night in our new condo. I was totally wiped after dealing with hauling, installing, then returning a bum aircon. But got the new one in this morning so we won’t die of heat as we continue unpacking. Next up: Office.


Chad Kohalyk

I have traded sunsets of buildings with sunsets of forests and mountains

panorama of sky and mountains

Chad Kohalyk

Taking a short selfie break while hauling all our stuff over the second mountain pass of the day.

Chad selfie in front of a 26 foot U-Haul truck. In the background are some stark looking mountain tops

Chad Kohalyk

Executing a highly coordinated multi-city international move during a heat dome while heavily jet lagged… do not recommend 🙅‍♂️


Chad Kohalyk

Nothing says “Back in Canada” like a late night root beer and poutine

A bowl of fresh poutine and 3 bottles of Mug Root Beer

Chad Kohalyk

Back 🇨🇦

Chad selfie at the welcome carving at YVR immigration

Chad Kohalyk

Current status:

🇯🇵 Osaka ✈️ 🇹🇼 Taipei ✅

Gonna hang here in Taiwan for a bit, then:

🇹🇼 Taipei ✈️ 🇨🇦 Vancouver


Chad Kohalyk

Current status: 🇯🇵 Osaka ✈️ 🇹🇼 Taipei ✈️ 🇨🇦 Vancouver


Chad Kohalyk

Loaded up

Three airport carts stacked with suitcases and boxes

Chad Kohalyk

For our last night in #Japan we went down to Nanba. Ate dinner at Kani Dōraku HQ and watched the crowds on Ebisu bridge taking photos of Glico Man. Then down Dotombori to a shrine where you pour water on completely mossed up Buddhist statues #Osaka #mosstodon #lichensubscribe

Dotonbori canal on a bright day under a blue sky Dotonbori Shopping street at night, crowded, with amazing 3D signage including a giant double serving of gyoza sticking out from one storefrontCat sits on a stone lantern. Behind him is a statue of Fudō Myoō completely covered in mossA hand holding a ladle pours water over a moss-covered statue


Chad Kohalyk

SÖT Roastery has been on my “to go” coffee list for a while ☕️

A coffee cup with the words “Life is SÖT”. A Mario beaker has 90mL more of coffee to the right. To the left is a cup with a large ice cube for making ice coffee. A paper label describes the roast as Ethiopian. On the tray is a package of nougat and some Biscoff cookies

Chad Kohalyk



Chad Kohalyk

@djt miraculous!


Chad Kohalyk

@chadkoh Got a massage after this. The masseur came out and looked like a young Bolo Yeung! Huge forearms and vintage 1988 Bloodsport mullet! But he was gentle, and didn’t knock me off the platform once 💆‍♂️ #RelaxationKumite


Chad Kohalyk

After a long hard move, time for some rest and relaxation at the onsen ♨️

Chad in a yukata about to chow down on a giant tempura bowl

Chad Kohalyk

Last night in Sakuranomiya. The shippers took our luggage to the airport. Tomorrow the junkers come to take away the rest of our stuff. We go to the hotel tomorrow. This was a great neighbourhood, and this apartment gave us a ton of epic sunsets. 😍 #Osaka #sunset

Orange sunset with striated clouds and an airplanePink sunsetDusk with a nearly clear blue sky, a couple clouds on the horizon Brilliant orange and blue sunset with feathery clouds


Chad Kohalyk

Okay here is a full album of pics from all over southern Osaka. Includes occultists, wishing shrines, pagodas, ripped devas, and cute 3 legged crows!

Abe-no-seimei in Osaka, Horikoshi Jinja, Shitenno-ji, Mitsudera


Chad Kohalyk

Couple more holy spots here in the Nanba area: Mitsudera has a hotel built OVERTOP of it. This wooden temple survived the WW2 bombings so they are protecting it. Then of course you have his worship the Glico Man and some excellent takoyaki signage 😉 #Japan #Osaka

A hotel building. The bottom left section of the building, about 3 floors worth, has a cut out with a temple inside UNDER the building. Mitsudera with the roof of the Candeo hotel aboveChad selfie at the Glico sign at Nanba bridge Giant 3D octopus on the side of a takoyaki shop. In the background is another sign with a dragon looking like it is wending its way in and out of a ramen shop


Chad Kohalyk

Getting in a last temple visit: Horikoshi Jinja ⛩️ (where your 1 wish will be granted) and Shitenno-ji ☸️ which is Japan’s first temple originally constructed in 593 by Emperor Shotoku Taishi #Japan #Osaka #Buddhism

Chad selfie with the Horikoshi shrine signChad at the gate of Shitenno-ji where the sign claims it is Japan’s first templeMain hall of Shitenno-jiChad selfie with the famous 5 layer pagoda and the main building of Shitenno-ji


Chad Kohalyk

Currently reading: Buddhism by Dalai Lama 📚

Needed some easy, non-fiction reading that I can put on while packing and riding planes and the like over the next week.

Cover of the audiobook

Chad Kohalyk

@SimonWoods Thanks for the commiserations. 3 of those 18 are the Hinasama set my wife received when she was little and wanted to keep for future generations in Canada:


Chad Kohalyk

@Mtt love it. Big callout fan


Chad Kohalyk

@cygnoir I am also considering which has some good reviews from people I know. Infomaniak is the other for more heavy usage (like cloud infra and the like)


Chad Kohalyk

@val This time we hope it to be a long one. There is no family left for us in Japan. We would like to stay in one place for a good long while, see the kids off the uni… get a dog… stay still. My kids deserve some stability, and I’m nearing 50! Once they are out then I will be on my bike again! 😉


Chad Kohalyk

@val We took a while to do all the stuff that needs to get done: sold the apartment, filed final taxes, etc. We decided to wait out the school year which ends this week. So now we go back to Canada, to a suburb of Vancouver, to start the next chapter.


Chad Kohalyk

@val There were a lot of little moves in between, from temporary apartments and the like, but the big ones are:

  1. Canada to Kyoto
  2. Kyoto to Iki
  3. Iki back to Canada
  4. Then Canada back to Kyoto!

Then, came The End.


Chad Kohalyk

@val ah yes, the old nightmaris fuelis


Chad Kohalyk

@aaronpk Will you share the recipe?


Chad Kohalyk

@Burk how about older adults? 🙏 😉


Chad Kohalyk

@pratik definitely in my top 5 fav films of all time! And brilliant soundtrack too.


Chad Kohalyk

@val Wow, that is lovely. I remember the Pamirs had a similar stark look to them.

How long are you there for?


Chad Kohalyk

@DaveyCraney The alley was super narrow. I was leaning against a cinderblock wall across the the stall while I filmed that! Serendipity!


Chad Kohalyk

@val This is basically every day of my life. 😅


Chad Kohalyk

@manton Thank you sir!


Chad Kohalyk

@chadkoh (Fun fact: one of my very first jobs was working as a program assistant at the The University of British Columbia Centre Intercultural Communication. That summer we worked with members of Korea Telecom's leadership team on management skills for a global workforce. That was more than 25 years ago!)


Chad Kohalyk

@val Thank you! I have many more on my Flickr, since you are the adventurous type 😉

Trip reports here:


Chad Kohalyk

@crossingthethreshold I think of the guides I had... and what their life might be like now. They were really honest with us once we were out in the desert, away from prying eyes.


Chad Kohalyk

@crossingthethreshold That sounds amazing. There is probably a historical project out there that we could submit our photos and slides to in order to preserve the past. If you find one please let me know!


Chad Kohalyk

@chrisaldrich Just listened to the ep. Some good points brought up, especially about constantly re-inventing the wheel. It is a common trope in computer science for us to go back and browse the libraries of the 1970s (or earlier!) and dust things of to try and re-implement in a modern context. So many great ideas in the past, it is worth having a walk and a listen to get inspired!


Chad Kohalyk

@mejh I have about a dozen iPhoto libs on my 12TB Synology that I really need to collate. But I refuse to use Adobe products.

Btw, I forgot to ask about your camera setup. What are you shooting on when you are off in Antarctica etc?