The Art Of Not Asking Why Avatar
The Art Of Not Asking Why
JTR. This is. (also Emacs, org-mode, TiddlyWiki, Linux, DnD, gaming... also coffee, exercise, lifestyle, photography. Also

The Art Of Not Asking Why

I gave up on The Last Girl Scout 📚. It started out OK, but it quickly became too “cute” for me with “Sugar” here and “Honey” there every time the two transwomen (which is important to mention in the context of the book) talk to each other. I’m not that kind of person and not that kind of a reader.


The Art Of Not Asking Why

Dungeons of Hinterberg (2024) - ★★★½

The Art Of Not Asking Why

My MacBook Pro Dock

The Art Of Not Asking Why

A few quick updates: Insomnia has been hitting hard for the second week in a row. My days have two parts: a small one from around 4 AM to 8 AM, and then after I get to sleep again, 9 AM to until 3 PM or so when I crash and take another 20-minute nap until later. There’s a lot going on out there. Some goo...

The Art Of Not Asking Why

Why CrowdStrike is still such a huge problem?

The Art Of Not Asking Why

Had a couple of things to go over this morning, but the CrowdStrike ordeal kicked me to work in high gear. The memes on social media are awesome though! Should collect them in one post when I get the chance.


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@amerpie this is good stuff, I will add them up


The Art Of Not Asking Why

While I’m thinking about my blog: soon, a new category in the navigation bar - 🎮 games.

I’ve been using Backloggd for a while, and I understand how to use it better to record progress and mirror my posts here with images. #videogames #gaming #games #blogging #reviews


The Art Of Not Asking Why

I love @jthingelstad’s blog gardening idea and I think I’m going to utilize it soon. I have posts going back about five years now (this and my older blog), and this will be a good way to get them all in here and clean them up. Good stuff.

Blog Gardening



The Art Of Not Asking Why

This is a good idea! If you don't mind, I'm going to copy it with slight modifications.


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@rlk before Google was a verb as well as a company, we had several other search engines from Alta Vista to Yahoo. If they were still around and Google wasn't alone in making the rules main street would still be what it was before. Google changed how we search, so we need to learn to search again...


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@rlk that's sad, but true.


The Art Of Not Asking Why

indie blogs are doing OK: here's how to find them

The Art Of Not Asking Why

It feels like everyone’s screaming constantly, and for a guy who lives in NYC of all places, I don’t like much noise. I spent some time on my Mastodon filters (I don’t use other social media really so the rest is not a problem), uninstalled anything NYT-related from my iPhone and Mac, and sat down to list...

The Art Of Not Asking Why

@moonmehta you mean, now?


The Art Of Not Asking Why

Personal blogs, as in actual personal blogs written by real individuals, exist. I find them all the time. I just don’t use Google to look for them, is all.

WTF happened to blogs | Michal's corner



The Art Of Not Asking Why

org-mode to Apple Calendar sync via beorg

The Art Of Not Asking Why

@aeryn I'm getting there. I do enjoy learning new things so this helps :)


The Art Of Not Asking Why

The starting pains of learning to draw

The Art Of Not Asking Why

@cliffordbeshers not sure how I missed that huge typo - meant to say, "are you a New Jersian?" But well guess I got my answer.

Wish I found out about this station sooner.


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@cliffordbeshers are you a New I was introduced to it not too long ago. My only "issue" is that sometimes it's to much of a "wtf is that??" Kind of weird song and all my concentration gets sucked away 😂


The Art Of Not Asking Why

Any radio station that has this sort of image featuring its programming is going to have me listen to it.

In this case, WFMU, a nutty station from NJ, because of course.

I’m trying to figure out who made this image for them. If you have an idea, let me know.


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@manton I’ve had the same frustration with nyt for a while. I have a cheap subscription from my days as a teacher so I keep it, but I don’t read it and I don’t have the app installed.

So far, for “general” news AP has been alright mostly. Good-ish global coverage. For more in depth stuff, I’ve been surprised by the WSJ. I have the app installed and I love their “10 points.” They are the closest I found to NYT but without the opinions shoved into anything. Wired is more tech related, but they have interesting “additional content” stuff as well.


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@lionel thanks! This sheds some light on what's going on.


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@petebrown I see, that makes sense


The Art Of Not Asking Why

I’m confused about this (not sure I’m the only one): The left parties won the election in France, it seems like, and now Macron needs to work with them – I thought he was on the left as well? Anyone has a 101 on French politics and can explain it in bullet points 😅 "Macron, who has vowed to remain in office until his term ends in 2027, now faces the challenge of cobbling together a government from a disparate group of parties that have little in common besides their desire to keep the far-right out of power. That scramble will unfold with less than three weeks to go before Paris hosts the 2024 Summ...

The Art Of Not Asking Why

Pacific Drive (2024) - ★★★★

The Art Of Not Asking Why

Thoughts about AI and art

The Art Of Not Asking Why

And still more doors of Hudson, from when I was around yesterday without my camera. I took these with my phone. 📷


The Art Of Not Asking Why

Our vacation in Hudson is coming to an end. It went by faster than I imagined, and I slept more than I thought I was capable of - more than 7 hours a night so far. Back to noisy NYC tomorrow.


The Art Of Not Asking Why

More doors of Hudson 📷


The Art Of Not Asking Why

Two more targets of opportunity with the iPhone. Hudson, NY 📷

pictures of two old and abandoned structures made of wood


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@pimoore word!


The Art Of Not Asking Why

One of the things that immediately captured my eye were some of the houses and their doors, specifically. Here are some pictures from my first round with my camera. 📷


The Art Of Not Asking Why
@jtr I don’t know what’s more ridiculous: people’s attempts to fake work or their companies' attempts to crack down on this behavior with various malicious surveillance software. Between these two, something is very wrong with our work culture. "The share of companies using some kind of electronic worker-surveillance system surged during the pa...

The Art Of Not Asking Why

Nat and I are in Hudson, NY, for our traditional 4th NYC escape. The town is quiet. Very quiet. Not many people around in the street. We are told they don’t really celebrate the 4th here as much as they celebrate Flag Day. Even better. More to (probably) come.

A detailed illustrated map of Hudson, NY, highlighting streets, landmarks, businesses, and tourist attractions.

The Art Of Not Asking Why

I couldn’t sleep last night, and now I’m about 20% in. I can see this book is going to be tough. Trauma that ties into military service, LGBTQ issues, and a postapocalyptic world with some supernatural elements. Glad I picked it up. The Last Girl Scout by Natalie Ironside 📚#books #scifi


The Art Of Not Asking Why
@jtr VNC is solid, but it requires some setting up which I don't have the time for right now. Once I figure out the different issues and work them out it will be best - it's also a pretty much "built in" solution both for Macs and Linux.


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@amerpie I know and tried most of these! no handwriting for you? It's very different


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@jbaty I use macOS, Windows and Linux every day. My setup is not for everyone: I have a dual boot desktop (Windows / Linux) and a docking station for my Mac.

Mac is for work and blogging and photos. Work requires Microsoft 365, Photos require Photoshop, blogging is on Microblog and Emacs and these guys all work good on Mac (Emacs is the only thing that require a little bit tweaking on the Mac but then it works fine).

Windows is mostly games, sometimes testing for work. I do that also because it's my "not safe" machine, which is not on a VPN, and I don't put anything sensitive (work or personal) on it. That way all these game stores and this AAA games and their launches can run crazy. I can wipe the Windows machine and not worry about anything, pretty much.

Linux is private (to me, Apple and privacy is a nice gimmick, nothing more), and some fun with AI imaging and infosec when I practice these old skills. It's also a good place to go for free somewhere when I want to test something out. It's best for syncing files, accessing my Synology and RP, etc.


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@jedda oooof this sucks. I'm sorry to hear about it. Is there any chance to get reimbursed for a hotspot, for events such as this?


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@val ooohhh! I love the growth in the water, especially next to the dry grass on the bank.


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@rom It's a Firefox fork, but they really tweaked things there - LibreWolf, if you haven't tried, is my voute


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@tthing nice! I built mine from scratch about a decade ago, and since then upgraded mostly parts. At this point nothing but the case survived (I also upgraded my motherboard at some point). Gaming mostly here too :)


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@numericcitizen I'm hardly original on that one, for sure. When I created my wiki there were so many tech notes to keep on setting it up it became a bit of a meta inside the wiki itself, so I created also a "captain's log". It has a nice touch, but it's the same function as my blog, and my blog more convenient.


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@cliffordbeshers I envy the low humidity right now... 🥵


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@fozstark Hey Foz, I found your blog on's Discover. I don't know what you (might) right about, but there are some folks here who's going through the same thing in verity of levels and express it. May I recommend Brandon? He's on my blogroll. Hope this works out for you, feel free to ask anything, and welcome aboard! :D


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@Miraz hope it helps. Over here in NYC we don't have this issue, but we have plenty of others


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@hollie how did the meeting go?


The Art Of Not Asking Why

@numericcitizen sorry didn't realized I had typos.

I used to follow him back in the Google Plus days, he was big then and I enjoyed his stuff. He doesn't seem to have a specific website anymore (he writes in different places) and a bit harder to follow. Didn't know he's active on mastodon, so thanks for this discovery :)