Matt Routley Avatar
Matt Routley

Matt Routley

@derekpeden very tempting! It was the excessively long list in my share sheet that got me started. I had at least ten Shortcuts for posting to πŸ˜€


Matt Routley

🧹 Cleaning out dozens of old Shortcuts from my iPhone


Matt Routley

πŸ€” Bought tickets for my son and I to see Ryan Holiday


Matt Routley

I really like the idea of the unified inbox in the new Reeder and for $1/month I’m very happy to try it out in practice


Matt Routley

@devondundee great review of an interesting app


Matt Routley

@jimmitchell definitely worth it to us (2 adults and 2 kids). I like that each of us can have separate libraries, while still all having access to the HomePods and AppleTVs


Matt Routley

@sarcassem thanks. They bring us such joy and leave too soon


Matt Routley

@Miraz thanks, she really was


Matt Routley

We said goodbye to Lucy today. She was a good dog, great companion, and will be missed 😒

A black dog with a blue collar stands on a sandy shore near a lake with wooden docks and boats.Two people are sitting on the floor with a black dog between them.A black dog and a golden puppy are sitting on a wooden deck, both looking up with open mouths.A black dog is lying on a wooden dock by a lake, with a rope nearby and trees and a slide visible in the background.A black Labrador puppy is sitting on the grass in a backyard.Two children are sitting together, smiling, and holding a black puppy.


Matt Routley

@amerpie I'm glad you're okay! I had a fall detection last year when I was in a bike accident (I was okay) and I'm happy that this feature exists


Matt Routley

@jack I’m really enjoying it too


Matt Routley

πŸ’Έ The St Jude fundraiser was a great motivation for extending my service


Matt Routley

πŸ’Ό Back at work. Lots of unread emails to get through


Matt Routley

🧰 Lots of IKEA furniture to assemble


Matt Routley

πŸš— Taking kid #1 back to university


Matt Routley

@petebrown I can very much relate to this


Matt Routley

@camiel I was obsessed with the title track as a kid


Matt Routley

@adoran2 such a vibrant colour!


Matt Routley

@maique big achievement!


Matt Routley

@lmika I’ve just switched back to Overcast from Apple Podcasts. I’m curious about the rewrite and have queued this episode for later today. Thanks for sharing!


Matt Routley

πŸ“– Starting to read The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison


Matt Routley

🐢 Bath time for the puppy, after a few weeks in the woods


Matt Routley

🏑 Trying to regain control of the house after a few weeks away. Luggage everywhere, tons of laundry to do, and the backyard is a tall grassland


Matt Routley

@camiel great album!


Matt Routley

George did not appreciate the short-lived experiment with a life jacket

A wet puppy wearing an orange life jacket sits on the sand near a log.

Matt Routley

Going to be tough to leave

A tranquil lake reflects a vibrant sunset sky with silhouetted trees and a small dock.

Matt Routley

@toddgrotenhuis I really like the premise of the series and thought they explored it well in the first book. Maybe the second book sets up the third one well?


Matt Routley

Coming to the end of a great vacation

A tranquil lake reflects the colorful sunset sky and surrounding trees, with a small dock floating in the water.

Matt Routley

Finished reading: The Long War by Stephen Baxter is okay. Not nearly as interesting as the first book in the series and has a rather meandering plot πŸ“š


Matt Routley

Finished reading: I mostly enjoyed The Terraformers by Annalee Newitz. Great world building across thousands of years and interesting ideas. The middle third dragged a bit though πŸ“š


Matt Routley

@ericmwalk Those are very fun!


Matt Routley

πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ Coming across this World War 1 monument, seemingly in the middle of nowhere while running on a country road, was a good reminder of the sacrifices people have made for us

A stone monument with inscriptions stands within an archway, surrounded by a grassy area and trees, while a running app overlay displays workout details.

Matt Routley

🎡 Although more cheerful than the last few albums, Wild God by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds is still steeped in spiritual yearning

Wild God - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds poster


Matt Routley

Finished reading: A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers is delightful. The Monk and Robot series is fun. Sort of like a mirror universe MurderbotπŸ“š


Matt Routley

@renevanbelzen for sure. That’s good advice


Matt Routley

@canion definitely takes a while to get going


Matt Routley

Finished reading: The Hidden Palace by Helene Wecker is richly detailed with interesting characters and intriguing plot. A nice sequel to The Golem and the Jinni πŸ“š


Matt Routley

πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ I find it easier to keep good form at faster paces. So, practicing staying tall at a more moderate pace

A workout tracking screen displaying a running distance of 19.65 km, time of 1 hour 49 minutes, and an average pace of 5'32"/km, with a scenic background of trees and a partially cloudy sky.

Matt Routley

πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ Inspired by finishing The Lost Art of Running to pay attention to my form. For this run I focused on running tall and looking forward. Tough to maintain on the hills

A winding road flanked by lush greenery is shown on a running app screen, displaying a run distance of 10.1 km, a time of 51 minutes, and an average pace of 5'01"/km.

Matt Routley

@KimberlyHirsh looks fantastic! The kids are in for a treat


Matt Routley

Finished reading: The Lost Art of Running by Shane Benzie has lots of great anecdotes and tips. I know my running form could be better and this book has both inspired and empowered me to improve πŸ“š


Matt Routley

@aa looks great!


Matt Routley

@jean cool! Very dynamic photos


Matt Routley

A new mug from my daughter, along with some high expectations

A dark blue mug with text describing the various roles of a dad is placed on a wooden surface with a serene lake and forest background.

Matt Routley

@aeryn nice to see The Smile on there. Great band!


Matt Routley

A top ten favourite feature of iOS 18: eliminating those pesky clipboard alerts

A mobile screen prompt displays options for pasting from other apps, including "Ask," "Deny," and "Allow," with "Ask" currently selected.

Matt Routley

@ericmwalk so much nicer than a pool. This place we’ve rented is the only one on the lake and it is nice to not worry about boat traffic while swimming


Matt Routley

@darby3 congrats! That’s a fantastic medal 🎸


Matt Routley

@renevanbelzen yeah, disappointing that they aren't willing to invest in a good, though only moderately popular, show