Ron Chester Avatar
Ron Chester
I'm one of the youngest members of the **Lucky Few Generation,** having been born during WWII, but just barely. Two months after I was born, the War came to a dramatic end, because of the horror of new technology that suddenly blew two towns in Japan to smithereens. So you can tell I'm a pretty old guy, at least older than most of the folks around here. But I think I'm still pretty young at heart, not an irascible old curmudgeon. The path of my life has followed new technology. My first conscious decision about a life path was to follow the miracle of wireless radio, which taught me a lot about life, not just technology. My wife is many years younger than me, a native Thai woman and she helps keep me young too. We live in the Midwest in the US in a marvelous English Tudor home, three blocks from where I went to grade school & four blocks from one border of my paper route when I was just a boy, working to have some money in my pocket. Now we have new technology for blogging. I supported the Kickstarter when I first heard about it and have been posting and reading here from the start. There have been some surprises along the way, but no complaints. I support the great job Manton is doing. For new people here, we are glad to have you here! Please participate for a while and see how we do things. It may not be quite like what you're used to, but it works for us and with time you might find yourself agreeing that we have a culture here that works pretty well.

Ron Chester

@Miraz Very very well done. Quite a worthy accomplishment, Miraz. Keep up the good work!!


Ron Chester

@lzbth šŸ˜Š


Ron Chester

@lzbth My wife grew up in Thailand and I've been there many times, visiting many dozens of the provinces, each unique. I have a client who is married to a woman from Indonesia, small world!! šŸ™ šŸ˜Š


Ron Chester

@lzbth How terrific it is to make your acquintance, through our shared admiration of a giant in the arts. Please continue to share the beauty of his words across many more generations of Bob fans!! šŸ‘ šŸŽø šŸ™


Ron Chester

@lzbth Hwy 61 Revisited was one of the first Dylan albums, along with Blonde on Blonde, that we dug deep into just before we graduated from Oberlin College. Bob was one of the most important artists I discovered during my college education in 1963-1967 on Ohio. He's still one of my best friends.


Ron Chester

Sara Huckabee Sandersā€¦ RNC Nite 2


Ron Chester

Tonight I watched nite 2 of the RNC. Before the end I was wishing I had recorded it, as many of the speeches were rivoting. I then recorded Ben Carson which was awesome. All talks from then to the end were fantastic. Many real life stories, very inspiring, the most inspiring evening of TV in ages.


Ron Chester

@AndySylvester Excellent, thanks Andy!


Ron Chester

Enough is enough. If Biden isnā€™t gonna go on his own accord, a Congressional investigation of his cognitive impairment must be started right away. We donā€™t have anyone running our country right now! That canā€™t be a good thing. The First Lady is looking out for him, or is it elder abuse? šŸ˜©


Ron Chester

@jthingelstad Yes, they have developed a lot of wonderful new strains since that rule of thumb was created! After I learned the rule, I started checking and crops have always been way ahead of the old rule.


Ron Chester

@jthingelstad Your picture needs some knees in it, so we can tell whether the corn is right on schedule or not. šŸ˜Š
I grew up in the best corn belt in America and your rule of thumb is totally accurate.


Ron Chester

@Annie convicted felon in name only. It will surely be reversed on appeal.


Ron Chester

@jbaty Really great to see Alice again. She looks really happy & healthy. VWD on taking good care of her!! Ron


Ron Chester

@eurobubba The Secret Service has been doing full time protection of Presidents since 1901. I think they take it pretty seriously. Trump's judge has a wide range of choices in sentencing. It has been Bragg's policy to not incarcerate for robbery or assault, but he could go extra hard on Trump.


Ron Chester

@eurobubba I doubt the Secret Service will allow him to be in a prison. They are required to protect him and I doubt they would allow him to be housed outside of their control.


Ron Chester

@JohnPhilpin My very first ham friend had a terrific Hammarlund, a bit newer than this one. It was always a good line of receivers. Collins radios were always the top of the line, but they were way beyond my price range. Now I own one Collins and one Hammarlund & I still cherish that friend.


Ron Chester

@manton All of his family have always supported him in a big way as far as I see. His son also just turned 18 and seems to be quite a good kid.


Ron Chester

@canion All those who know him said that he showed no rage at all. He was just resolute and determined.


Ron Chester

@cleverdevil Is that really what you want to contribute to my timeline? I was ready for some relaxing reading at bedtime.

I'd rather you keep your hate to yourself. FYI, everything I read said that DJT showed no emotion at all. He was just resolute.


Ron Chester

@BestofTimes That's right. The 13 year brood and the 17 year brood. What strange lives these critters live!!


Ron Chester

Our cicadas our thriving. Today there were many dozens of them all over the large leaves of plants in our front garden and now they are also all over the vertical branches of an ornamental tree in that garden. They were also flying all around the top parts of the tree. They seem to like our garden!


Ron Chester

Cicadas in the Midwest

Ron Chester

@JohnPhilpin Thanks for thinking of me, John. I've never come across that chap. I'm still inspired by Bob when I come across his work. Still happily enjoying my childhood home šŸ” in the Midwest and preparing tax returns for my loyal clients. You seem to have settled down under. K U T good work.


Ron Chester

The Soundtrack of Your Life

Dave Winer on George Harrison and Bob Dylan.


Ron Chester

@bjhess What a fantastic posting. I taped it live during the show but this is full of additional information. Thanks for posting it!!!



Ron Chester

From tonight's Scripting News:

Ron Chester

Unending Travel

Ron Chester

This coming weekend is Field Day weekend in Thailand. I will be celebrating at home. šŸŽ‰


Ron Chester

@billbennettnz My newest passport photo managed to make me look like I have no hair. Oh well, I got through customs in about 10-20 sec, so I guess that's good enough.


Ron Chester

@clorgie Sounds like it was maybe an SNL sketch. Surely they don't really believe this is their best strategy for winning an election!! It must be a bad joke.


Ron Chester

@paulcraig901 Excellent! I love having brilliant devices that do a great job but are not yet embraced by everyone on the street. In college only a few of us rode BMW motorcycles. In grad school it was a Klipsch corner horn that delivered awesome sound every time. I hope I've found another winner!


Ron Chester

@paulcraig901 I just read the history on that earlier device, very interesting. Yes, it has a great price, that influenced my thinking.


Ron Chester

@paulcraig901 Love that image about the words flowing. I hope it does that for me. It sounds fun!


Ron Chester

@hollyhoneychurch Beautiful ideas about the silence. I should have thanked you when you first wrote it so long ago. I must have gotten distracted because I really did agree with everything you wrote about the silence!


Ron Chester

Is anyone here using a Freewrite device, such as an Alpha, a Traveler, or a Smart Typewriter? Iā€™d be very interested in your thoughts about your device!




Ron Chester

Alamy images of egrets in Thailand

Ron Chester

Our EVA Air flight to Taipei had a 95 mins cartoon from Japan:

New Dimension! Crayon Shinchan

My wife has been watching funny cartoons about the boy, Shinchan, for many yrs. Now he has supernatural powers, saving the world with them. Lots of uproarious laughter from me! A MUST SEE!


Ron Chester

I think our train might be electric. Rides pretty smooth.

One woman is traveling with her six kids, age 2.5 mos to 11 yrs old. She very calm and her kids are too. She works on ambulances, so I guess she is trained not to get rattled.



Ron Chester

TX5S is active on 10m now to contact the world from Clipperton Island on CW, a big DXpedition. Included in the team is Andreas, past Prez of my Palo Alto ham radio club. Good luck & gud DX! Ron, HS0ZMD


Ron Chester

We will taking the train to Lampang in the North of Thailand today. I hope to get my ham station on the air from there, HS0ZMD. 73, Ron


Ron Chester

Iā€™m posting live from Thailand now for the next month. We are in our hotel in Bangkok right now. It is 4:35 am here now, middle of the night. Cheers, Ron


Ron Chester

Oh, bother. National Winnie the Pooh Day is 18 January and I learned about it on 19 January!

Pooh reminds us:

ā€œYouā€™re braver than you believe and stronger and smarter than you think.ā€


Ron Chester

Fun to watch the Packers demolish the Cowboys!!! The first NFL game I ever saw in person was Staubach coming from behind to beat the Niners in the NFC championship game at Kezar Stadium. Ever since I have always loved to see the Cowboys lose.

1/10/82 was the Catch & Montana was on his way.


Ron Chester

Itā€™s been three days since I got my Shingles vaccination shot and the soreness is now gone from my arm. I even took a pain killer before bed for the first two nights. But I didnā€™t feel the need for that tonight. But of course now Iā€™m wide awake at 2:45 am.šŸ˜Š


Ron Chester

Happy New Year
I noticed it had arrived when the fireworks started all around us, loud & persistent. After quite a while the neighborā€™s dog had had enough and he started barking, loud and long. It reseded into the background; then I realized both the fireworks and the dog had stopped, at 12:30.


Ron Chester

I have a verrry sore right arm from the shingles vaccination I got around 5:30 pm tonight. But Iā€™m glad I did it. I had a good friend that had shingles and it was a LOT of pain for many days. I much prefer one night of pain in my arm to all she went through. I will get a 2nd shot in two months.


Ron Chester

The Niners won their opener against the Steelers, 30-7. Clearly no sophomore slump for Purdy, and the entire team did a great job, especially Aiyuk & McCaffrey. The offense moved at will and the defense stopped nearly everything, far exceeding their 2.5 pt advantage at the start of the game.


Ron Chester

I saw the Super Blue Moon last night, 30 Aug 2023, 11:10 to 11:30 pm, totally clear sky, 60 deg F. My astronomer brother told me it is not really blue and no different, except for being bigger than usual. But it sure did look BLUE to me.


Ron Chester

A Cool Morning