David Johnson Avatar
David Johnson
An Englishman abroad | Aspiring meditator and writer | HSP | he/him

David Johnson

@hjalm Wishing you a very Happy Birthday šŸŽ‚


David Johnson

@DiplomaticDiva Oh yuk! Wishing you a swift recoveryā€¦enjoy the Olympics in the meantime.


David Johnson

Iā€™ve been playing around with Tinrocketā€™s relatively new app Cinemin. While admiring what they can do, I do not normally choose to use apps that give photographs a artistic look, this one I am enjoying though. The images that Cinemin produces is,

Inspired by traditional animation art and films

Here are a couple of my first dabbles with the app, conjoined by Tinrocketā€™s collage app, Photo Tape.

A collage of two photos. On the left, a view from an airplane window shows the wing and a vast expanse of clouds under a clear blue sky. On the right, a serene waterfront scene is illuminated by a bright sun on a clear day with boats gently floating on the calm water.


David Johnson

Well it took a couple of attempts, but with the new Tapestry TestFlight build, Micro.blog is now on my Tapestry feed.


David Johnson

@pimoore Hi Pete, itā€™s good to see you. How are you?


David Johnson

This eveningā€™s sunset view from home.

Between the rainbow this morning and this sunset, the day has felt oddly discombobulated. Slowly productive, but sort of disjointed along the way.

A picturesque sunset sky, painted with vibrant hues of pink and purple, stretches over a tranquil grassy landscape and distant trees.


David Johnson

This morningā€™s rainbow, accompanied by the moon šŸŒˆ

A clear blue sky with a faint rainbow arches over lush greenery and distant treetops, with the moon just above its apex.


David Johnson

šŸ„µ The last couple of days have been very humid. This morning outside it is like walking through a thick bath.


David Johnson

@Miraz Knowing that I had such a treat waiting for me, workouts might feature more prominently in my life! šŸ˜†


David Johnson

@pratik Bookmarked for later.


David Johnson

@maique I install that occasionally and a few photos later ask myself if I really need it. How many apps do I need to edit a photo?!


David Johnson

@Miraz Oh, that would be a good way to clear out the cobwebs.


David Johnson

A part of the ruin of the old Sugar Mill in Paia, Maui.

An aged, rusty watchtower stands among dense vegetation under a partly cloudy sky.


David Johnson

Apparently today is National Ice Cream Day, at least here in the US, and I am sad to report we have no ice cream in the house.

Thanks to President Reagan, we celebrate National Ice Cream Day every third Sunday in July, meaning July 21 this year.

For more information on this important day, click here.


David Johnson

@bryan I got you šŸ˜‰ Thank you.


David Johnson

Iā€™ve been playing around with muting keywords on two Mastodon apps. I donā€™t know what is involved with the coding, though I would have thought that catching individual words is not that difficult? However, from my experimenting Iā€™ve decided that each one catches some, but neither catch all.


David Johnson

@camiel I am not on the Reeder beta, and did not know that they were taking a similar direction to Tapestry. I'll be interested to see Reeder's approach when it is out of beta.


David Johnson

@JohnBrady Haha. You are probably right.


David Johnson

Whereā€™s that mute button when I need it?


David Johnson

I was out last night searching for slugs and snails who might be eating our young lettuces, and instead I found this spider standing guard.

A largish spider is perched on a lettuce plant illuminated by a flashlight, or torch, in a dark setting.


David Johnson

@maique Thereā€™s a place here for you all if you make it. Just sayingā€¦


David Johnson

@maique LA āœˆļø Maui? Just a suggestion šŸ˜‰


David Johnson

I donĆ¢t know. Some days just feel to me as though all the pieces are not fitting together correctly. Today everything felt scratchy and irritating. Nothing felt smooth and as though it was running well. IĆ¢m hoping for a reset tomorrow. For now I will enjoy the quiet, still evening and the moon rise. ... www.crossingthethreshold.net

David Johnson

Those times when on hearing or seeing something I am triggered in a way that nudges something deep down inside me. That perception by the senses stirs something in me. It can be good or bad, or maybe in that moment I am unsure what the feeling is. But that something in me has been triggered is certain. Su... www.crossingthethreshold.net

David Johnson

@Mtt @pratik An error for me as well.


David Johnson

Oohh, in the time for the weekend the first early beta build of The Iconfactoryā€™s Tapestry project has just landed on TestFlight.

Iā€™m sorry, no screenshots or specifics to share as per The Iconfactoryā€™s request. For now I am just happy to give this a whirl and see where the project is heading.


David Johnson

@Miraz When I had my last eye test I mentioned that I had a sensitivity to light and the optometrist replied that it might be a sign of cataracts coming on.


David Johnson

The moon casts ghostly shadows over the landscape last night. The images were taken through the windows of our house.

Four photographs taken during a moon lit night, are arranged in a grid, each showcasing a different perspective of a lush, green outdoor area with varying sky conditions from overcast to partly cloudy.


David Johnson

šŸš˜ In other news, my eyes do not enjoy me driving at night. Iā€™ve said it before on this blog, but my aging eyes find the glare of the car headlights, especially the bright LED lights, too bright for comfort.


David Johnson

šŸ”„ Iā€™m back from sitting in the fire of what was my menā€™s group this evening - at least for me. Thatā€™s not necessarily bad, in fact from my experience it is good, though it can be uncomfortable at the timeā€¦and require some wind down time afterwards.


David Johnson

@pcora I think that I can see the UK šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§


David Johnson

A boat moored on the River Sado. The photo was taken while out on the River Sado in a more modern boat, powered by solar power and completely quiet.

A sailing ship is docked at a pier during sunset, with a calm body of water and a distant bridge visible on the horizon.


David Johnson

@ericmwalk Another thought. For the Shortcut to work, especially if you are using Markdown, make sure that that you use the plain text view.


David Johnson

@ericmwalk Here is a link without the file saving part. You should get no error now.

As I say, if you would like to save a copy of your post, just edit the Append instruction at the end of the original Shortcut to point to the folder where the posts will be saved.


David Johnson

@jarrod Yes, I like that.


David Johnson

@jarrod Thank you for your Shortcut. I learnt a lot and wouldn't have been able to complete mine without it. šŸ™


David Johnson

@ericmwalk Iā€™m pleased that you managed to post from Tot using the Shortcut.

Iā€™m guessing that the error has been caused by the last section which you actually donā€™t need. By the last section, I mean a few lines that I added at the end so that the text from Tot is saved to a text file, the filename for the text file being the date and time of the post.

I have since updated the Shortcut (same link) so that it includes an extra comment explaining what is going on at the end.

If you don't want to save the Tot post to a text file, you can delete that last section.

If you do want to save the Tot post to a text file, you will need to specify in the Append action the location for where the text file is to be saved. My guess is that you got the error because the place where the file is saved is currently set to a place in my iCloud Drive!

I hope that this is clear but if not, please let me know.


David Johnson

@mandaris It was the first time that I had used a footnote in a blog post for a very long time. However, in the moment of writing the post, I couldnā€™t think of how else to point to the source of the quote.


David Johnson

While going through some old notes I came across these few lines:

Who am I when others donā€™t see me?

Who am I when I donā€™t see myself?

But donā€™t let the second be an excuse for the first, because rest assured that the first does happen.

I have no idea where this came from or what prompted this train of thought? However, since finding them these words have been playing in my mind. Not only what did I mean by them, but why did I write them down?


David Johnson

I donā€™t see these hammer head worms very often. This one I caught a couple of mornings ago. I have since learned that they are an invasive species to Hawaii.


David Johnson

šŸļø Island life. The power went down an hour ago, taking the internet with it. And where we live, the cell signal can be weak. It is improving, but we couldnā€™t get by without WiFi calling. There is no clear indication when the power will be back on, so it is probably an early night tonight.


David Johnson

Turn the volume up and listen to the bees busy at work this morning.


David Johnson

Monday 15th July, 2024 Newsletter letter crossingthethreshold.net

David Johnson

Looking across to the West Maui Mountains from the Pukalani Community Center as I sat having a bite to eat on Thursday evening.

A bright sun shines over a park with a fenced field, trees, and a mountainous horizon in the distance.


David Johnson

Speaking in ā€˜Iā€™ Statements crossingthethreshold.net