Adam Corbin Fusco Avatar
Adam Corbin Fusco
Writes fiction. Stories in Realms of Fantasy, Weird Tales, The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, and elsewhere.

Adam Corbin Fusco

@otaviocc Ah, cool. Glad it worked!


Adam Corbin Fusco

@otaviocc There was a thread I saw the other day where two people said deleting the account and adding it again made it work.


Adam Corbin Fusco

@maique Yup. I couldn’t wait a couple of months ago and started with that one. I’m now on book 8. They’re all good.


Adam Corbin Fusco

Sailabration, Baltimore, 2012

A ship's figurehead with a large flag and sailing ship in the background.

Adam Corbin Fusco

@mbkriegh I’ve felt the same way. But I see your posts and appreciate them. didn’t have a like button so people took to posting the bread emoji in a reply to indicate a like. Someone said that in Germany when an audience likes a performance they throw bread onto the stage. (I don’t know if that’s true but that’s what they said.) So it caught on, just posting the emoji. Since I joined I’ve been surprised that something similar didn’t start here, since there are many veterans on MB.


Adam Corbin Fusco


A large number of LEGOs, mostly orange.

Adam Corbin Fusco

@manton Oops, sorry to jump the gun. Hope the update gets approved soon.


Adam Corbin Fusco

Strata for Android is live. Well done, @manton. Looks great.


Adam Corbin Fusco

Large Calder mobile against skylights.

Fashion is architecture.

— Coco Chanel


Adam Corbin Fusco

I’m tired of tech bros berating people on how to use the internet. Manuel Moreale resorts to cussing and offensive language to get people to post their email addresses on their websites. “Let me use it to send you a goddamn message,” he says, among other colorful language. Maybe people don’t want you to. ...

Adam Corbin Fusco

East Wing


Adam Corbin Fusco

“Load support: Woven piano wire (no air required). Avg. life: 75 miles.” Apollo 50th Festival, Washington, D.C., 2019.


Adam Corbin Fusco

Your AI Said What Now?

Adam Corbin Fusco

Chromium Shore


Adam Corbin Fusco

The Mildred Belle


Adam Corbin Fusco

@manton Great, thank you!


Adam Corbin Fusco

@manton When trying to update a draft that has an image link inside it, the insertion point for text goes backwards, overwriting text and putting in jumbled letters. This doesn't seem to happen with a draft that does not have an image.


Adam Corbin Fusco

They waited 50 years to watch it again.


Adam Corbin Fusco

Variation No. 3


Adam Corbin Fusco

Sticker and pin haul from the Apollo 50th Festival, Washington, D.C., 2019. When we were supposed to land back on the Moon in 2024.


Adam Corbin Fusco

@odd Thanks! The U.S. National Park Service has the info: "There are 896 steps from the ground level to the observation level at 500 feet. The stairs have been closed to the public since 1976." I went to the top sometime in the late 1970s, by elevator. Great view.


Adam Corbin Fusco

@tracydurnell I think it's from using the blender. The same thing happened on celebrity Great British Baking Show. The celebrity was making banana bread and way overprocessed the batter in the food processor. It was rubbery and people could hardly eat it. Maybe mix by hand?


Adam Corbin Fusco

@odd Oh, yes. Just add pastels and geometric shapes everywhere and I’m set. 😎


Adam Corbin Fusco

@Mtt It's beautiful! Well done. It's not currently supporting the adaptive photo layout from Tiny. Will it eventually?


Adam Corbin Fusco

@Mtt I like 12 a lot. Also feels like a good match to your Sumo theme. A purchase to celebrate the release!


Adam Corbin Fusco

@manton Is there a policy concerning political posts in the Discover feed?


Adam Corbin Fusco

@samgrover Great, thanks very much!


Adam Corbin Fusco

@samgrover Can Mimi Uploader be used to bulk delete photos from MB as well?


Adam Corbin Fusco

@numericcitizen I really like this one. Excellent. 💯


Adam Corbin Fusco

@manton It works in Pocket Casts too and also includes the post text. 👍 The avatar isn’t included in the list of one’s subscriptions, just your name, but does show up in detail views.


Adam Corbin Fusco

@vincent Here is a reply. 👍😊


Adam Corbin Fusco

@manton Can you please include a link to where we can see it? Is it the YouTube channel or on itself?


Adam Corbin Fusco

@manton I only recently realized that the list of feeds are what one chooses to go into the timeline and one's user page. I thought if I deleted the feed then I was deleting the actual feed. It wasn't clear that deleting the feed means I could remove it from the timeline without harm to the feed (something good to know for those with multiple blogs).

For the two choices in Add Source: If I choose "import posts" are they also going to the timeline? If I choose "add posts" will they also become entries on my blog? If I remove the source what happens on the timeline or entries on my blog?

"Import posts" seems to add all previous entries from the source. I thought it would be new ones from then on. "Add posts" seems to be new ones from then on. I'd like to see these two choices made clear about what they do.

Thanks very much.


Adam Corbin Fusco

@maique Oh my goodness. 👍 💯


Adam Corbin Fusco

@help For the past two days when trying to sign in through Apple I get an "Error while processing the request" message. This is after receiving and entering the verification code. Thanks.


Adam Corbin Fusco

@crossingthethreshold I think you're missing the opening parentheses in your Markdown link.


Adam Corbin Fusco

@odd Glad you like them. It was fun looking at these again. One of these days I'll post a gallery of them.


Adam Corbin Fusco

@odd I have a pic of a horse-drawn one! Will post.