Martin Hähnel Avatar
Martin Hähnel
German living in Finland's North-East. Making money by programming remotely. Loves to journal.

Martin Hähnel

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Martin Hähnel

#100DaysToOffload I thrive in a low-tech environment

Martin Hähnel

Since I’m going to a Finnish course in autumn I am starting to intensify my Duolingo efforts again. Very nice coincidence that the app changed how their daily practice looks like: I can do these handful of exercises in 20 minutes or so and the presentation gives me the impression I’m done for today.


Martin Hähnel

@val Oh, didn't see this! She was a little startled as we were staying with family in the south of Finland if I recall correctly. Lots of people coming and going. We were starting our summer vacation by celebrating a family member's confirmation.

I was and am a little burned out from my job but the vacation so far has restored my strength somewhat. Feeling much better! Thanks for asking. How refreshing. 😅

How are you?


Martin Hähnel

DailyDogo 963 🐶


Martin Hähnel

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Martin Hähnel

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Martin Hähnel

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Martin Hähnel

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Martin Hähnel

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Martin Hähnel

@Miraz Her mom repaired the toy for her. Time to shred it again! 😅


Martin Hähnel

@Miraz We think so. Still about a week of medication left. But the trend looks good. 😊


Martin Hähnel

@lmika Yeah, let's hope so.


Martin Hähnel

@lmika Yeah. The little one has had gastrointestinal problems. Now she got medicine. Vet said that it doesn't seem too too bad. But still. Lots of pills to prevent puking and nausea of the next couple of weeks.


Martin Hähnel

@val Oh that is just a rawhide donut and Napu's priced possession. 😊


Martin Hähnel

@Miraz She has become a pro hand holder.


Martin Hähnel

@annahavron @miraz I'd need to upgrade to mb premium again. Not sure if I want to at the moment. But these kinds of comments make me want to at least consider it for sure. 😊


Martin Hähnel

@Miraz Isn't she? 😊


Martin Hähnel

@danielpunkass Very nice! Since we were able to fix my problem "by hand", I guess I am unable now to check if the update made a difference in my case, but I'm sure it would have. Great update all around btw!


Martin Hähnel

@jsonbecker Thanks for the thoughtful reply!

I may have a slightly different definition of trying out an opinion. I don't disagree that exploring possible perspectives should by all means be permitted. I just feel that it's helpful to distinguish "figuring out what my opinion is" from "trying out what other people would do if this would be my opinion". I think consent and disclosure are somewhat important here. By flagging things appropriately people know what to expect.

Speaking of expectations: I agree that both scion and rootstock can be the source of harm (to use a slightly weird metaphor). Being aware of there being harm in either doesn't excuse us to not care for the potential harm done by either, though, right?

The big question when it comes to shifts of society like you describe with your examples for me is always: How much can you actually do? My reflex is to say: Not much. Intentions are a lag measure. That doesn't mean we shouldn't support what we think is important to create the world we want to live in - even if it's only for our own sakes - and support the people and actions the seem to us necessary to make these things more likely, but I do think this stuff is merely necessary but not sufficient to change the course of the world at large. So we'll have to live within the world in which we live, warts and all.

This implies to me that what follows from your observations is no ownership of cause and effect but recognition of our collective limitations. I don't think that we make actual choices in that way as you hope.


Martin Hähnel

@jsonbecker I guess you have a point there. As somebody who also was part of this (but more from the perspective of being critical of not including the aspect of power relations and track records into these reflections - or at least that was what I was thinking when commenting originally) it seems hard not to read this at least partly as vindictive, though. And I think it's a little early for that. I also suspect it's the "crickets" that spurred others to comment again critically (just like me, I admit).


Martin Hähnel

@manton I feel bad that you felt bad, but that "Crickets" comment really does not help. People may not have engaged directly with you, but I don't see this as a resolved case now that the truth™ is out as you seem to.

Look for example here: That discussion doesn't sound like crickets to me.


Martin Hähnel

@jsonbecker I wrote a kind of response to your post and I just wanted to let you know that I hope it doesn't come off as too argumentative (in light of your posts's self-reflective tone especially):


Martin Hähnel

@manton This is such a bad take. Why do this? You make me as a mb user look bad by association. I get that you're trying to say that it was wrong and trying to say that people are emotional about this. But what you're also saying - inadvertently perhaps - is that Altman (et. al.) didn't do it on purpose, because he's obsessed with the movie Her and therefore people should have not freaked out or, if anything, freaked out earlier since that voice was already out there for a while?

And what does it even mean to say that their account is not a total lie? Does it need to be a total lie?

Why protect a company and a CEO like this? I myself am using AI here and there and I think it is an interesting technology and probably here to stay (for better or worse), but there is no need for "both-side-sing" it here.


Martin Hähnel

@danielpunkass @manton Hm. Two observations about your idea to limit the "Number of Posts to Download":

  1. It seems that the difference between loading 59 and 60 posts is two!

    I imagine that this is part of the problem with xml parsing failing.

  2. For me it seems to happen when one of these two posts are loaded:

But I can't seem to find any illegal characters in those posts.


Martin Hähnel

@manton @danielpunkass Do we know what characters lead to a problem? I could go through the Mars Edit Network Log, maybe to find the offending post?


Martin Hähnel

@manton Sounds even better. 👍


Martin Hähnel

@danielpunkass @petebrown @manton Thanks for your hard work! I'll try to find the offending post. Will there be a fix/workaround for this? Even a warning "The post with id 123 includes illegal characters which might interfere with mars edit…" would help a lot.


Martin Hähnel

@chrisd That sounds cool! I want to have a green roof, too!


Martin Hähnel

@manton Markdown for me.


Martin Hähnel

@canion I want to buy a new iPad mini that can run mac apps. But I guess I won't… 😤


Martin Hähnel

@manton Is there a chance that the xmlrpc api strips out whitespace? I get weird behavior in mars edit for a couple of weeks, where I write a post, reload my blog in Mars Edit and the post comes back with newlines stripped. However the post still has all of them in the web ui and on the blog itself.


Martin Hähnel

@Miraz I wish so too sometimes… (sorry for answering so late, didn't see your reply earlier!)


Martin Hähnel

@jemostrom Sounds like we're in a very similar boat but different boat. I'm German but I'm using the app in English - don't know if there is a German->Finnish course on Duolingo tbh. - and I'm learning Finnish. So couple of variables switched around, but very similar.