Florian Ziegler Avatar
Florian Ziegler
Web Designer & Developer. Photographer. Traveller.

Florian Ziegler

Monochrome image of my daugther sitting on a chair playing her guitar

Already looks like she knows what she's doing. 😊 She really enjoyed her first two lessons. Let's hope she's more into practicing than I was.


Florian Ziegler

Monochrome image of a white frame leaning against a wall on a grimy sidewalk

Frame of a frame.

Trying to post photos earlier in the day, because I almost missed posting at all in the last couple of days. 😬 Still getting used to the "new" schedule, with Ulya already gone, when the rest of us get up on the morning.


Florian Ziegler

Monochrome image of my daughter practicing writing with her fountain pen

She got her first fountain pen today.


Florian Ziegler

Didn't even find time to shot during my commute today. Also, it was raining every time I sat on my bike, so there's that. So birch tree leaves outside my (home) office window it is…


Florian Ziegler

Pretty busy with work at the moment, also Ulya has started an internship at a delivery ward, and her working hours are a bit all over the place. It will be a challenge for the next couple of weeks to find some time for photography, so I guess I'll try to take some during my commute.


Florian Ziegler

A couple more impressions from yesterday's Ironman in Duisburg.

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Florian Ziegler

I finally made it out of the house for the sole purpose of taking photographs! What made it even better was that I met up with my friend Daniel. We went to Duisburg, where the Ironman event was happening. We arrived about midday, just in time for the running part of the triathlon. It was incredibly hot, so... florian.photo

Florian Ziegler

@martinfeld πŸ™Œ


Florian Ziegler

Suvi fell and got a scratch on her hand, so her sister and a friend came to the rescue. ❀️

One of my images was discussed on a podcast! 😱


Florian Ziegler

@martinfeld OMG! After months I just logged into micro.blog and found your comment! Thanks so much for discussing my image and your kind words! ❀️ ​ ​I also went ahead and answered your questions about how I made it: florianziegler.com/journal/3... 😊

Thanks again!​


Florian Ziegler

@fabioteixeira Thank you! πŸ™


Florian Ziegler

@ronkjeffries πŸ™


Florian Ziegler

@maique Thanks! ❀️


Florian Ziegler

Video production on the back patio at collective.ruhr.


Florian Ziegler

This place looked comfortable enough to kill half an hour between fetching kid one from school and kid two from kindergarten.


Florian Ziegler

Made a short stop at the nearest calisthenics spot after getting the kids to school/kindergarten this morning. My grip strength has gone to sh*t compared to back in those days. πŸ˜”


Florian Ziegler

A little dinosaur figurine sits on the ground next to remants of dinosaure egg shells made of salt dough

They excavated dino eggs in kindergarten today. Out came this guy.


Florian Ziegler

Out on skates again today! πŸ™Œ

Oh! By clicking through the "on this day" links, I realized that this blog is eight years old today! πŸ₯³


Florian Ziegler

Monochrome image of my family; each family member is seen reflected in a different mirror

Had breakfast at a cafe this morning and there was this corridor with a wall full of different mirrors. Happy that the family was down for creating this photograph – although I first had to explain to the kids, that they didn't need to see themselves in order for this to work. 😊


Florian Ziegler

Today is my birthday! We didn't do anything special, short bike ride with the girls, yet another Gruga visit, and barbecue with our tiny grill on the balcony (including marshmallows!) in the afternoon. (Image of me by my daughter Lumi.)

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Florian Ziegler

Observing light and shadow.


Florian Ziegler

Publishing Publishing Listening to Kendrick.

I am sorry for this, but I already was two levels deep, so I had to do it. ☺️ Something more interesting tomorrow (I hope).


Florian Ziegler

Publishing Listening to Kendrick. School started again today and I am looking forward to getting back to a somewhat regular schedule. Although I still do not feel like I am 100% Γ’ but not really sick either. Ulya has been in bed for six days now, I still hope I dodged that bullet. (Not COVID btw, accord... florian.photo

Florian Ziegler

Listening to Kendrick.

Hey! I released my photo stats as a stand-alone Kirby plugin. I've written a bit about it on my (text) blog. I hope someone out there finds this useful. πŸ™‚


Florian Ziegler

Repotting plants. (Image from last week.)


Florian Ziegler

Slow day, lots audio drama listening going on. Ulya has been sick in bed for three days now. I held down the fort, but I can feel it coming. First symptoms started a couple of hours ago, and it develops exactly like with her three days ago. Better prepare some emergency images to post in the coming days, ... florian.photo

Florian Ziegler

Waited for the rain to stop, then we went out to the play ground.


Florian Ziegler

Short evening walk with a view of A41.


Florian Ziegler

She learned to cross her eyes. πŸ˜‚


Florian Ziegler

A bird taking flight inside Gruga's aviary.


Florian Ziegler

@smokey Thank you! I usually work in black and white only. But this needed color. :)


Florian Ziegler

@cas Thanks! Have not posted images directly yet. Under accounts there's "Feeds". I just added my photo blog's feed and it seems to be aggregated automatically.

Haven't had time to check out everything, only a couple of minutes in between shooting the wedding I am currently at.


Florian Ziegler

@cas Yep! πŸ™ƒ