Lou Plummer Avatar
Lou Plummer
I jumped back into the IndieWeb after a 25-year absence. I lean towards Mac flavored tech, but I also enjoy Internet culture, internationalism and not taking things too seriously.

Lou Plummer

My 77-year-old Dad is a diehard YouTube fan. He’s recovering from heart surgery today, so I made him a playlist to give him something to do while he’s laid up. YouTube for Grownups


Lou Plummer

@ayjay I love James Jones. From Here to Eternity is one of my favorite novels. I still remember the feeling of reading it for the first time. Your blog is awesome.


Lou Plummer

You Can't Love Both amerpie.lol

Lou Plummer

Today on AppAddict - MenuWhere - its single purpose is to pop up the frontmost app’s menus at the current mouse location. By default, it is activated by ⌘ + Right Click, but you can use the built in preferences to activate it totally with the keyboard if you want to.


Lou Plummer

From my 100 Strangers Project - I met Joe downtown outside of a locally owned coffee shop. He was having some java and smoking a cigarette through a hole in this throat. He told me was a cancer survivor and that he just couldn’t give up cigarettes, although he no longer drank or used drugs.

Man with tattoos sits outdoors, wearing a tank top and bandana, arm resting on chair, in a shaded area of a street with storefronts and trees.

Lou Plummer

Vivian Maier - Street Photographer , Vivian Maier was an American street photographer whose work was not discovered until the time of her death. , linkage.lol/vivian-ma…


Lou Plummer

Living Out Loud Update , Just an update on what’s going on in various projects and personally lately. , louplummer.lol/living-ou…

Amerpie and Wonder Woman


Lou Plummer

Today on AppAddict - focusedOS lets you create a distraction free workspace by blocking apps, websites and interface elements and by playing ambient sounds to help you concentrate on what is important.


Lou Plummer

From my 100 Strangers project - Spike was getting a drink from a convenient water fountain when I spotted him near Zucotti Park in the Financial District not far from Wall Street. He didn’t have much to say but was willing to pose for a photo.

Bulldog standing still on a leash next to a person wearing sneakers on a paved surface

Lou Plummer

@goofpunk Can you be pacific about what is bothering you?


Lou Plummer

To Die With Che , A poem about the left , louplummer.lol/to-die-wi…


Lou Plummer

Today in history, 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games, Americans Tommie Smith and John Carlos with Australian Peter Norman wearing an OPHR badge in solidarity.


Lou Plummer

Stuff in a Time Machine , A vintage post from 1997 where I look at my tendency to be a bit of a hoarder , louplummer.lol/stuff-in-…

George Carlin


Lou Plummer

Worst Computer Virus Ever , The MyDoom computer virus cost the economy %52 Billion and once was responsible for one if four email messages sent every day. , linkage.lol/worst-com…


Lou Plummer

From my 100 Strangers project - I met Tammy at the mall late on a winter afternoon as she was about to head inside for her shift at one the restaurants in the food court. I saw her a few times after I took her photo and she always remembered me.

Person stands smiling with a cigarette in mouth wearing a large jacket in a busy parking lot near multiple parked cars under a cloudy sky with a shopping center in the background

Lou Plummer

@thedent.net It's definitely not for everyone - very dependent on what kind of workflow you have. When I retired, before I went back to work, I just didn't have enough going on to use it myself.


Lou Plummer

Today on AppAddict - a look at task managers and to do apps for Mac with my personal choice, Things 3 highlighted. A two-time Apple design award winner, Things 3 may be the pinnacle of app design in the Apple ecosystem.


Lou Plummer

@mitchw I have a link blog and I find it easy and worthwhile to maintain. I also have a weekly links post on micro.blog. I subscribe to several links newsletters.


Lou Plummer

JD Vance throws his bacon grease in the garbage can.


Lou Plummer

A quick guide to translating Trumpsters:
“Soros” = Jews
“Chicago” = Blacks
“Detroit” = Blacks
“Fucking bitch” = Democratic congresswoman
“Job-killing regulations” = laws protecting air and water
“Religious freedom” = Christian dominance
“Heritage” = white supremacy


Lou Plummer

What it’s like being Trump’s campaign manager - It’s like being Charlie Manson’s foxtrot instructor. You go out there, you teach him a few moves, and you think, ‘Hey, look at that, he can learn the foxtrot.’ And the next thing you know, he’s putting a pen in your eye, because he’s Charlie Manson.


Lou Plummer

@jtr So freaking lucky at work. First, I was off Friday and when I came back, I found out that we had zero machines affected. Supposedly, Crowd Strike only affected 1% of Windows boxes.


Lou Plummer

Get Toby , Toby is a browser extension for saving bookmarks and tab collections to your default new browser page , linkage.lol/get-tony/


Lou Plummer

I'm Not Sure What Class Actually Means amerpie.lol

Lou Plummer

From my 100 Strangers collection - Panchito was fascinated not just with my camera but with the whole process of taking photos and examining the back of the camera to see what I captured. He was not shy in the least.

Child holding a cup and smiling while an adult couple sits behind them on a porch laughing, with a brick wall in the background.

Lou Plummer

Today on AppAddict - Qspace File Manager is a multi-paned file manager and a replacement for the Finder on macOS. After using Path Finder for 20 years, I recently switched to Qspace for its clean interface and extreme customization options.


Lou Plummer

The Blog Directory - that @jedda@social.lol and I started last week is booming with 123 blogs currently available for your review. If your blog is listed without a description, please visit the directory and fill out the form to include one along with your link. Boosts and shout outs appreciated!


Lou Plummer

An Obsidian Gem , Nicole van der Hoeven makes helpful and informative YouTube videos about Obsidian a PKM and note taking software title. , linkage.lol/an-obsidi…


Lou Plummer

Baseball Names as Poetry , A list of my favorite baseball players, selected solely on the poetic and literary quality of their names #100DaysToOffload , louplummer.lol/baseball-…


Lou Plummer

From my 100 Strangers project - Steve was profoundly over dressed for a hot afternoon street fair in Raleigh all the way down to his fingerless gloves. He played a bit as a grumpy crazy guy, but in reality, he was a charming crazy guy I enjoyed talking to.

Bearded man wearing a hat and glasses gesturing with a finger while walking on a sidewalk in an urban area with a building and potted plants in the background.

Lou Plummer

@petebrown Not even joking, I aspire to your eloquence


Lou Plummer

@petebrown Joan W is just a fount of wisdom, day in and day out.


Lou Plummer

@pratik There is something flaky going on with the icons in your header Pratik’s header


Lou Plummer

@swachter I can promise that my 19-year-old grandson would not have shown the same restraint. Kudos.


Lou Plummer

@markstoneman Same. This one bummed me out.


Lou Plummer

@techlifeweb Happy to answer any questions about it if I can. It looks a lot more complicated than it really is.


Lou Plummer

@DaveyCraney I'm just having fun is all. I can't wait to see what we can build with this.


Lou Plummer

@jedda and I have been working under the radar on a little project and without much hoopla, it's gone live today. We are hand curating a blog directory to highlight and promote our Indy Web compatriots and we want you to nominate your blog and the blogs you like to be included. Read about it here


Lou Plummer

@Parag Usha? Is that Vance's wife?


Lou Plummer

@robb Trams, watch out for the trams!!


Lou Plummer

@preslavrachev We need to figure out how to get Obsidian Rocks, Tim Miller's great blog, added to Feedle


Lou Plummer

@mitchw When I retired, the first goal on my to-do list, one I'd had for nearly 40 years was to watch every single episode of Hill Street Blues and I did it. I was in my twenties when the show originally aired and loved it but couldn't always catch Thursday night TV. I was kind of shocked by some of the language. The writers use the N-word on more than one occasion, and some things I had forgotten about, like Faye Furillo being written out of the show, but it was still the same high class, groundbreaking slice of humanity that I loved in the 80s.


Lou Plummer

@Havn Thanks for reading "The Rules". I'm with you, we all have advantages and disadvantages, and we'd better learn to use the one to make up for the other.


Lou Plummer

@MitchW Thanks Mitch, I have always been very proud of her. NICU work is definitely a calling and not everyone is cut out for it but she enjoyed it and did well.


Lou Plummer

@techlifeweb In the deepening twilight of near-dusk, where neither the illumination of day nor the obscurity of night held dominion, ensconced in the soft tremor of my weary solitude, my otherwise uneventful existence was punctured in an exceptionally astounding manner. Out of the ether of cyberspace, unsolicited yet not entirely unwelcome, there arose a cryptic communication, an electronic missive that emanated from the ethereal realms of my Kindle application, an apparatus meant for the consumption of the written word in its digitised form.

It spoke—this unexpected, digitised missive—in somewhat riddling phrases, imbued with the seeming non-sequiturs that are characteristic of such digital communications, a hint of contemporary randomness. The communication indicated, in a tone akin to proverbial silver trumpets heralding a majesty's arrival, that William Faulkner's intricate masterwork, "Absalom, Absalom!", a veritable tome thrumming with Suplhurean depths of the human condition swallowed by the voracious vortex of time’s abyss, was currently enjoying a resurgence—a 'trending', to use the vernacular of the new age—an elevation into the swirling, chaotic conscious of the connected cognoscenti.

Simultaneously mundane and profound, immediate yet perplexing, this proclamation ricocheted within the echoing halls of my internal cognition, engendering an odd intertwining of amusement with piqued interest. Could it be posited that the intricately woven narratives etched by Faulkner's golden quill, have once again sparked the curious ardour of the elusive, digital generation? As I mulled over this, I could not help but reflect upon the curious confluence of elements at play, the beautiful though bewildering randomness of this situation, a masterpiece of the past seeping into the crackling, electric lines of the future. Ah, I mused, such is the paradoxical pulse of the digital agora, this capricious Mobius strip of collective consciousness.


Lou Plummer

@mandaris My wife is my rock too. I call her Wonder Woman without irony, because she really is an amazing person. I'm glad you have the same!


Lou Plummer

@annahavron If there was ever an American who embodied the opposite of hyperindividualism, it was Fannie Lou Hamer. Definitely one of my heroes.


Lou Plummer

@MitchW I am 100% on Team Raindrop. If you are a blogger, you can create pages with select bookmarks in a frame on a web page like this (📘 Links | (amerpie.lol). You can import your entire Pocket library if you want to. The share sheet on iOS is easy to use. With the browser extension you just type rd and hit tab and you can search your entire collection. You can organize by folder, tags or both and the Raindrop app further classifies your bookmarks as articles, videos or documents. It keeps an archived copy of web pages you save in case they get taken down. If you use Obsidian, there is a plugin to sync your bookmarks in your vault. I have a whole Obsidian workflow with Raindrop