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Clifford Beshers
Never let the daily grind make the amazing into the mundane.

Clifford Beshers

@JimRain Hah! I hadn't thought of that, but I happened to take this in the same roll...


Clifford Beshers

Blue, blue windows, behind the clouds.

Above a valley of tan, desert plants, a large sky of clouds clouds of varying shapes and greys seem blue in the evening light.


Clifford Beshers

@the Thank you, this scene always gets me out there with the camera.


Clifford Beshers

Shadows cast from clouds and Wheeler Crest onto the rolling bubbles of the Volcanic Tablelands make for interesting geometries.

Alternating sunlight and clouds make sharp contrasts on a high desert landscape.


Clifford Beshers

Sometimes there are only fragments of a rainbow, and it always feels like a ghost struggling to appear and communicate.

A cloudy, rainy landscape has sections of a rainbow dimly spread through it.


Clifford Beshers

@maique ..sat on a park bench like bookends.


Clifford Beshers

@JohnPhilpin Yahoo Finance page was all about Trump last week, Traders Planning Big Changes, blah, practically had him elected. It looks very different this week. I've been using their page out of habit; time for an update.


Clifford Beshers

The nice thing about a spring and summer with a reasonable amount of rain is that we get good clouds as well.

Clouds over the shoulder of a mountain ridge turn pink with the sunset.


Clifford Beshers

@ayjay So refreshing. We had a thunderstorm yesterday and I showered in the runoff. Cold, but fun.


Clifford Beshers

It’s gonna be a bright, bright, sunshine-y day.

A high desert valley is brightly lit except for shadows cast by large banks of fluffy white clouds.


Clifford Beshers

@maique Yeah, I know that feeling.


Clifford Beshers

@maique i love this one.


Clifford Beshers

@amerpie Aye, the "interesting times" curse really sucks. On the other hand, today I feel hopeful, energized, and a little poorer (donations increased.)


Clifford Beshers

Triangular granite sub-peaks on Wheeler Crest.

A large triangle of granite on the side of a huge granite wall is brightly lit.


Clifford Beshers

People complain that Presidential election campaigns in the U.S are too long, something I agree with. I suspect it correlates with the shift in population from rural to urban passing the balancing point. Well, this cycle we get to test drive a shorter version.


Clifford Beshers

@Miraz Yes, they do that here, too. Except one time my friend walked out the front door, saw a quail on the railing, the quail saw him, and bam Cooper's Hawk, leaving a cartoon-like ball of feathers in the air. My bird expert says the hawks know how to wait for them to be distracted by something.


Clifford Beshers

@Miraz They are cute little birds, but they sure are fast when they want to be.


Clifford Beshers

A California Quail commuting at dusk. #birds

The image is entirely motion-blurred as the camera follows a quail running along the ground in dim light.


Clifford Beshers

Contrasting geometries, lacewing on window screen.

The underside of a lacewing is seen close up, through a window screen.


Clifford Beshers

@maique Ahhhh, so nice. The hats and magazines, just terrific.


Clifford Beshers

Rain falling on the Buttermilks, rocky hills so named because they had enough water to support a dairy, a welcome relief to stage coach passengers thirsty from crossing the great basin and range.

A large cloud formation over mountains is mostly light grey, turning darker at the bottom, dropping rain on the rough, rocky hills below.


Clifford Beshers

@Archimage Far too vague a question. Either is fine, given the construction, documentation, and purpose.


Clifford Beshers

Big pastel.

A wide mountain valley looks small under a sky full of fluffy pink clouds.


Clifford Beshers

Summer dawns often seem minimalist. They presage a hot day, but in the moment, they are cool on the skin, the eyes, and the mind.

An orange sky before sunrise has just a few clouds. The silhouettes of hills and mountains run below.


Clifford Beshers

A praying mantis decided to watch me through the window.

A praying mantis clings to a window.


Clifford Beshers

When the sky is thinking about generating a thunderstorm, but it just doesn’t have the energy to follow through.

A cloud bank above mountains is pink with the sunset, with a few clouds partially dark from potential rain.


Clifford Beshers

Greybear’s toe beans, for #caturday.

A cat lays on top of a cupboard, it's rear paw hanging off the edge, close to the camera and the only part of the image in focus.


Clifford Beshers

@maique I laughed when she took it to school.


Clifford Beshers

@mineinmono Oh, I like "Xitter", especially with the right pronunciation. I had not seen that before.


Clifford Beshers

@maique Yup, I got all that and that's what I loved.


Clifford Beshers

@maique Sticker spotter has hit a new level.


Clifford Beshers

@tinyroofnail That makes sense. I spent some time looking at genomics and realized quickly that, although you can think of it as programming, the programs have no requirement that a single mind can understand them, nor that the actions of the program be clear and maintainable. On the contrary, the forces that construct those programs favor crazy resilience, redundancy, testing in the wildest circumstances. I think it's no coincidence that viruses, the software most popularly named after biology, are specifically things we are terrible at controlling.


Clifford Beshers

@pip Oh, yes, yes, yes.


Clifford Beshers

Puffballs over Long Valley.

Above parched, sage desert, the deep blue sky is full of white cumulonimbus clouds.


Clifford Beshers

@joelhamill The wild hacker lures its prey...


Clifford Beshers

Clouds over the White Mountains, from Little Round Valley. The whole thing sort of screams western, doesn’t it?

High desert sage with Pinyon pines in the foreground, dusky mountains behind, with puffy clouds threatening to drop rain.


Clifford Beshers

@annahavron I love a good cu-nim.


Clifford Beshers

@jtr Not new, no, used to listen in the late 80s early 90s. Not so much these days, since i can make my own collections on streaming services. On listenability, a friend who introduced me to it and I were working at a Linux distro in the days when configuring sound drivers was a crap shoot. We were talking up the station (two Easterners in California, you understand), so the President tuned in at midnight during a late night testing session, because we had told him sound should work now. Well, he got sound, but it was crazy garbled stuff, so he trued a different machine…and got the same crazy garbled “music”. 3AM NY time is when WFMU schedules the really experimental music. We did not convert him to a regular listener.


Clifford Beshers

@jtr Ah, good to see someone discover the, Ken Freedman used to say he was proud that their programming was so diverse, even he had to leap to turn down the volume several times a day..


Clifford Beshers

I feel like these clouds are spelling out a message in a language I can’t read.

Clouds are scattered against a dim orange sky above a dark mountain range.


Clifford Beshers

Lines and rectangles on the slant. I guess this could be a #VisualPuzzle.

Nested trapezoids of sky blue, white, and blue, on a field of concrete grid lines.


Clifford Beshers

Opposing granite.

A large triangular mountain in the background is a pale below white puffy clouds, while a sloping, dark ridge line slopes in front of it.


Clifford Beshers

Watching Jacob Collier’s logic breakdown of Bridge Over Troubled Water, and found this tidbit:

We had to go to E-flat Major for that, as sometimes you do, but E-flat Major is a fine place to be, so no problemo.


Clifford Beshers

More firework photos. The first gap in the trees was blocked by a tree. A pretty one, but we needed to move on.

There was a crosswind from the north that provided nice blurring effects.

I thought this one looked squid-like. Not sure why, now.

A tree in a field stands alone
     against the last evening light. A large firework is blurred to the
     left by wind. A firework that looks like a lot of
     squiggly squid.


Clifford Beshers

We found a spot outside town to watch the fireworks, a gap in the trees on a dirt road, facing west.

The first fireworks started when you could still see the mountains, which made a good background.

Chewy outside, crunchy inside.

A gap in the trees shows a large
     field, trees in the city beyond, then mountains, after sunset. Fireworks launch from a city park
     with large mountains visible behind. One large firework decays and blows
     in the wind while another one grows sharply in the same space.


Clifford Beshers

A stack of clouds over Mt Tom, from light to dark, increasing moisture along the way.

A triangular granite mountain has blue sky just above it, then clouds going from white to dark grey.


Clifford Beshers

LADWP Water and Power installation lit up on the tablelands.

A beam of sunlight illuminates a powerline and a water tank on a rise of desert scrub.