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Frank McPherson
"What are extraordinary are the ordinary, concrete realities of daily life." -- Thomas Merton

Frank McPherson

BTW, the Cubs did it again, putting up another football score (12-0) on the Pirates. The pitching staff and catcher posted a combined no-hitter. The Cubs are 4.5 games behind the Braves for the final wild card and continue to play with our emotions. An aside, how much worse would the Cubs be without Shota...

Frank McPherson

Tonight the 2024 NFL season kicks off, and with that one of the best time of the year with the MLB pennant races in progress leading up to the World Series while hockey and basketball season begins in October.


Frank McPherson

@JohnPhilpin Agree, being Gen X I appreciate the somewhat historical references. You know it didn't happen that way, but it it didn't, right?


Frank McPherson

The last two weeks sum up the Chicago Cubs 2024 season. Last week the Cubs put up football scores against the Pittsburgh Pirates (18-8, 9-5, 14-10) and gave me hope that they could make a real run for the last MLB playoff wildcard. A week later the Cubs are playing that same Pirates team and have lost 3-5 ...

Frank McPherson
@frankm has enabled AI generation of photo alt text and search keyword tagging for uploaded photos. I posted the picture below using the app on my phone and found the generation does not occur during the upload from the app, however, I do see the generated results when I look at the photos on...

Frank McPherson

@manton Alexa is basically a sales bot. The most useful use case for me is package notifications. The only reason why I have one is that I bought the very first Echo when it was first released, but I mostly use Google Home for my home automation assistance.


Frank McPherson

Installed the upgraded version of Fabric on my Macbook.


Frank McPherson

Techsploder Pixel 9 Overview

Frank McPherson

Reviewers and Influencers

Frank McPherson

I did not know that weather radar decreases detecting events like tornados and lake effect snow, which typically are below 4,500 feet, at about 60 miles. The beam of the radar leaves at a half degree angle and that increases the further it gets away from the radar so that at 120 miles the beam is at 12,00...

Frank McPherson

A nice autumn evening in southeast Michigan. In August.


Frank McPherson

Composed Pictures

Frank McPherson

Long elections are all about money, pure and simple. Hopefully one of the lessons to be learned from this upcoming U.S. Presidential election is that they don’t have to be so long. We really need election reform in the U.S. that is intended to make them more efficient, I personally advocate capped public s...

Frank McPherson

Democrat led state legislatures should be writing laws that hold election officials accountable for not certifying elections for frivolous reasons. I suspect a Republican plan is to flood the system with elections claims no matter whether there is evidence just to create chaos. All of the 2020 claims that ...

Frank McPherson

The Cubs have been playing better since the All Star break and have got themselves to 1 game below .500, making the series against Cleveland that starts tonight important. The Cubs have a favorable schedule for August so they have a chance to put their record well above that .500 mark and make the Wild Car...

Frank McPherson

The antitrust ruling against Google describes how Google benefits from being a monopoly, but Om Malik convincingly describes how Google’s monopoly is it’s undoing. Thinking back to the Microsoft antitrust case in the 90s, I can’t help but wonder whether going through that helped Microsoft in the long run a...

Frank McPherson

Google Is A Monopoly, But What Is The Remedy?

Frank McPherson

Daniel Miessler suggests replacing the phrase “Artificial Intelligence” with “Intelligence Tasks.” The explanation he provides for what are Intelligence Tasks does a good job of describing how this new technology is more than automation. I recommend reading and saving this article.


Frank McPherson

After The 2024 Trade Deadline

Frank McPherson

Too Much Religion

Frank McPherson

A Weinermobile rolls over on a U.S. freeway, oh the humanity!


Frank McPherson

Starting a virtual walk of the John Muir Trail.


Frank McPherson

Today I completed walking the 535 mile distance of the Camino de Santiago, tracked in the Walk The Distance app.


Frank McPherson

I am of the opinion that the U.S. Presidential election cycle is too long and tool expensive. Time is needed for a good democratic process, but still what we have is too long. We are now testing whether a short election cycle can work. Personally, I think it will because it is easier to build and sustain e...

Frank McPherson

Over the years I have heard it said that the Democrat and Republican political parties are essentially the same. To the extent they are both political parties, this is true, but I think the real consequential factor in the United States since 2016 is how different the parties have become. How it came to be...

Frank McPherson

@danielpunkass That and the "northern" coast of Lake Michigan along the Upper Peninsula between St. Ignace and Manistique on US-2. There is a reason why they are the Great Lakes!


Frank McPherson

@ReaderJohn Which Christianity, Constantine or Jesus? I think the Christianity that 90% of the world knows is of Constantine, which is why I think any notion of "Christian Nationalism" is really just it's true nature. We also need to gain a better of understanding of what is religion, which is that to which we bind our identities to. The real problem is too much religion and religion that is used by the Powers to build and maintain power. All of this is within a context of what is the normalcy of civilization and our ultimate evolutionary threat.


Frank McPherson

@ReaderJohn I am irritated by them to the point of saying that MLB should reinstate Pete Rose.


Frank McPherson

@numericcitizen @ner3y Before there were ICQ numbers there were CompuServe numbers. 73217,351.


Frank McPherson

@KimberlyHirsh Regarding using an LLM with your blog as source, I have done this with Google’s Notebook LM, Provide the URLs of your blog archive pages as web sources.


Frank McPherson

@numericcitizen The new Logitech Keys-To-Go looks appealing, if you haven't heard of it.


Frank McPherson

@jsonbecker Justices don't seat without Senate approval. Whether or not Biden wins, the Senate is extremely important.


Frank McPherson

@manton At the root of 2016 election is hubris. I don’t think Hilary and the Democrats took Trump seriously nor did they recognize the real state of the Republican Party.


Frank McPherson

@jsonbecker I think there needs to be less focus on the President and more on the Senate and Supreme Court, which is where the real carnage is being done. No law gets passed and no Justice gets seated without 60 senate votes.


Frank McPherson

@patrickrhone What may be more important than POTUS is the Senate. No law, SCOTUS appointment, or impeachment conviction happens without 60 votes in the Senate.


Frank McPherson

@Denny Problem is, too many of us what to talk of America is if it were a separate thing, when it is us! However, given that we find it acceptable and good for one to profit from the suffering of others within our own country, why should we expect anything different in how we view actions outside our country?


Frank McPherson

@paultibbetts Any of the bloggers here provide interesting things to read:


Frank McPherson

@rickcogley It was already installed when I started working at the place in '90, was run for terminals and "word processors." The cable could have been run in the '70s or early '80s.


Frank McPherson

@rickcogley I am old enough to have created a similar pile of coax cables to make room for that stuff in the picture.


Frank McPherson

@numericcitizen The decisions Apple has made are not just technology architecture decisions, but also business decisions. It's not worth it to Apple to allocate FTEs (or percentages thereof) to developing these "missing" apps because they being missing is not preventing sales.


Frank McPherson

@Denny That's one old bug!


Frank McPherson

@manton I've never really thought of in terms of federation. to me is really an integration of what one traditionally calls blogging (this be the hosted blogs) and what one traditionally calls social networks (this be the timeline and discover).

For me is and has always been the "thing" that Dave Winer is trying to do now with a reboot of blogrolls, but I think the approach is the better option. And honestly, the "micro" part really means titleless because there is no limit to how much I type in a timeline post.

The timeline is my main social network. I have accounts on other socials, but I don't participate in them to the extent I do here.


Frank McPherson

@ReaderJohn It does feel like the United States is still battling the root question over which the civil war was fought. Are we a single country or a commonwealth/confederation/union (like European Union) of states? The former requires common principles and tolerance the later allows "divorce" when states cannot tolerate each other. Problem is, while the Constitution has provisions for joining the union, it does not have any for leaving.


Frank McPherson

@toddgrotenhuis I enjoyed it but I am pre-disposed so because I am in agreement in what I think the author is implying that "empire" is short hand for the norm of civilization, and all nation/states perpetuate this norm. The author is explicit in saying the state of Israel is just the current empire occupying the land that historically has been known as Palestine. In my opinion the author correctly identifies empire, this norm of civilization, as the root problem, as Jesus did through his alternative way of civilization he called the "kingdom of God" or "reign of God." As such while the book is specifically about the state of Israel and the Palestinians, I think it is also applicable to us in the U.S. and anyone around the world. Note the book was written some time ago, so obviously none of the current events are included.


Frank McPherson

@ReaderJohn All volunteer also includes mercenaries, which is another can of worms. One would hope a draft would cause citizens to be more critical about the military actions we take abroad and put pressure on politicians, but I am not sure how successful that was with Vietnam.


Frank McPherson

@manton I define long form posts as posts with titles and I tend to think of them as essays. I personally struggle with where to write/host essays. Some times I write them on and other times I write them and host them in Drummer and link to them from a post.

The reason why I haven't settled on writing and hosting essays in is that I don't really like having the entire content of an essay appear in the main page of my blog site. I prefer that essays can be their own page with their own URL and I could automatically write a lede to the essay and have that appear in the main blog page.

I know I could use pages in but they aren't integrated well, in my opinion, with I think they exist for reasons other than writing, such as the photos page on my site:

I do like the Essays category that I have on my site that is "generated" from a filter of posts with titles. See I just would prefer not not have the entire content of an essay, such as appear in the main blog page

Honestly, this one thing of how treats titled posts amounts to my one wish for change of a 99.999% perfect product.


Frank McPherson

@patrickrhone Get off my lawn!