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Lee Webb
Just setting up my little corner of the microblogging world here and finding my way around. There will be cats and coffee at least.

Lee Webb

@odd He is definitely a lion in his own head!


Lee Webb

@chrisaldrich How wonderful! I love typewriters and envy your collection. I have a little orange Brother Deluxe 250TR with a faulty Shift mechanism - the price I was quoted for repair was eye-watering so I just type everything in lower case!


Lee Webb

I think my cat has melted. It was 32º in the glass-roofed conservatory but he persevered with his Madame Récamier impersonation.

A ginger cat lying sprawled full-length on his back on a cardboard cat-sofa

Lee Webb

So happy to have a dry and sunny day after weeks (months) of rain. Woodland is scant around here but we found a lovely trail and it was absolutely awash with the white starry flowerheads of wild garlic! The smell was incredible and I came home craving garlic bread and pizza.

Wild garlic in flower, covering a woodland floor The lovely white starry flowers of wild garlic A carpet of wild garlic in flower in a woodland

Lee Webb

@Miraz I agree! I keep a written daily diary but somehow I have never found the same motivation for daily posting online - challenges and prompts are greatly motivating though, and I'm hoping will help the habit stick better.


Lee Webb

I’m pleased with myself for finding something to post every day for the April Photoblogging Challenge, including the 2 bonus days. There are so many great photographers here with a wonderful eye for a shot and amazing locations, I usually get too shy about posting my mobile phone snaps.


Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Bonus Day 2: unputdownable (Jim / @jimmitchell)

A ginger cat sitting on a person's lap

Lee Webb

@mattypenny It is Louth, Lincolnshire, the Greenwich Meridian Line of zero degrees longitude passes through here, right through one of the town's schools actually 😄


Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Bonus Day 1: bubble (@paulrobertlloyd) With no time to take a new image for today’s prompt, all that came up when I searched my Google Photos was this really bad phone shot of a mermaid in a bubble I took at a street carnival a couple of years ago 😕.


Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 30: hometown (matt / @mattypenny) My hometown is on the Greenwich Meridian line. This is, one of three sculpted figures around town that mark the Meridian Line, “Searching”

A nighttime scene of one of the Meridian Line sculptures in Louth, in front of a Church which is illuminated bu coloured spotlights.

Lee Webb

@stupendousman Thank you, glad you like it! 😄


Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 29: drift (Simon / @SimonWoods)

An empty rowing boat floating on a calm blue sea

Lee Webb

@pratik Wow that is an awesome image, beautifully captured!


Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 28: community (@stupendousman) “Our Game” was a huge community project celebrating Ashbourne’s annual Shrovetide football game. Local people made about 5000 terracotta figures representing the players and supporters of the game.

Thousands of terracotta figures representing the players and supporters of the Ashbourne football game.

Lee Webb

@val She was quite grumpy about being discovered and woken up! 😄


Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 27: surprise (Sam / @Sdevore) This is not what I was looking for under the bed 🐱

A black and white cat looking quite startled at being discovered hiding under the bed

Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 26: critter (Jefferson / @7robots)

A llama lying down in a field, with a small white goat standing on its back

Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 25: spine (Ian / @thedimpause)

The spiny pads of a cactus

Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 24: light (Esteban / @eumrz) Or rather, headlights.

A front view of a vintage Austin Healey Sprite, showing the grill and headlights

Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 23: dreamy (@maique)

A misty landscape of trees scattered across a valley.

Lee Webb

@maique Dreamy indeed! Beautiful atmospheric images.


Lee Webb

I resisted posting a photo of a blue sky for today’s prompt! Not hard to do as I can’t remember when I last saw one…. 📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 22: blue (Elizabeth / @lzbth)

A boor, painted blue, with two decorative panels featured red rampant lions and the name Bay Villa on each

Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 21: mountain (David / @dejus) At the top of Mount Srđ, Dubrovnik


Lee Webb

@val It was, too cute to eat!


Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 20: ice (@the)


Lee Webb

@Miraz The camels were edible, but far too cute to eat! I kept them for ages.


Lee Webb

While drinking my coffee in the conservatory today, I was treated to this shameless display of thievery in the neighbours' garden. I wonder if this is the same squirrel who’s been digging around in my potted acer tree? Maybe that’s where he’s been stashing his stolen loot.

A squirrel hanging upside down from a birdfeeder as it steals food from it

Lee Webb

@Archimage I think is is very sensible to always be aware of what your velociraptor might be getting up to...


Lee Webb

@amerpie Oh thank you! There are so many great photographers here I always feel shy about posting my humble mobile phone snaps! 😆


Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 19: birthday (David / @crossingthethreshold) This is an older photo that came up when I searched for “birthday” in my Google photos. My partner used to make themed birthday cakes for friends, this Egyptian one was made for me one year because I love camels.

A birthday cake decorated with Egyptian symbols and palm trees, and marzipan figures of camels on the top.

Lee Webb

@amerpie what a fabulous photo! 😍


Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 18: mood (@agilelisa) This was the most moody and dramatic sunset I have ever seen, even for a place on the coast known for its beautiful sunsets.

A very moody sunset over the sea

Lee Webb

@aeryn Ooh I am a big Billy Talent fan! They are so good for getting the blood pumping 😄


Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 17: transcendence (Drew / drewbelf)

A giant Roman sculpture of a hand, with the index finger pointing skywards.

Lee Webb

@bryan I agree, if only there was a way to "like" something without it become an empty or fake gesture like on FB!


Lee Webb

@aeryn The blogosphere can be a very lonely place! It's very easy to feel like you're wasting your time and no one's interested. I love it when people reach out, and I know I should do it more myself, but I too get shy about making contact 😊


Lee Webb

@pratik Oh good! They're not strolling around but they are definitely busy doing nothing except people-watching!


Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 16: flâneur (Chris / @chrisaldrich) Today’s prompt got me head-scratching. Are these dapper gentlemen flâneurs?

Four men in colourful sweater sitting along a bench with their backs to the camera, viewing the street before them.

Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 15: small (James / @jmanes) I felt VERY small standing under this redwood, looking up into its canopy.

A view from the bottom of a redwood tree, looking up its trunk to the canopy.

Lee Webb

@anniegreens How lovely! I adore trumpet cup lichen.


Lee Webb

@christopherchelpka It is! Well worth a visit if you're ever visiting that way.


Lee Webb

@christopherchelpka It's the Giardini Ravino botanical garden on Ischia. A quirky and lovely little garden with one of the biggest collections of succulent and cactus plants in Europe.


Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 14: cactus (Christopher / @christopherchelpka)

Cacti at the Giardini Ravino in Ischia

Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 13: page (Rob / @robj)

An old letter, handwritten in a beautiful script with a pair of wire spectacles and a quill pen resting on it

Lee Webb

@pratik Yes! It's a wire sculpture by Robin Wight, in Trentham Gardens, Staffordshire. There's a trail of around 20 or so wire fairies around the gardens. I think this is probably the best known of them.


Lee Webb

📷 April 2024 Photo Challenge Day 12: magic (David / @DaveyCraney)

A wire sculpture of a fairy and dandelion silhouetted against a sepia monochrome sky

Lee Webb

@amerpie My very first computer was a Sinclair ZX80 back in the very early 80s, but it hardly deserved the name of 'computer' 😅 I just remember playing rudimentary tennis games on it, hooked up to the TV.