James Manes Avatar
James Manes
Improving healthcare at Oracle. Software Engineering and other shenanigans. Kansas City, MO. Social Index: https://j.manes.xyz

James Manes

@manton This was a game changer for me. It is now my main way of interacting with MB.


James Manes

Trip to Jersey City.

A street view of the Jersey city skyline at night. It’s very busy on the streets.

James Manes

Went and saw the Royals game this week. A friend of mine had tickets to the Diamond Club seating area. Insanely good seats.

The Royal’s baseball stadium as seen from seating behind home plate.

James Manes

I have an unfinished basement that looks utterly depressing and horrifying so I decided to turn a part of it into a home gym. This + dieting has been treating me well; I’m down about 12lb in 6 weeks.

An old Bowflex set up in my basement along with a bench and various kettle bells and dumbbells.

James Manes

I haven’t posted much here lately in the past few weeks. For whatever reason I do not feel an urge to. I’m taking a trip to Jersey City and Philadelphia next week, so maybe I’ll post some photos then.


James Manes

@bryan That's awesome! I dropped 10lb from July 15 to Aug 15. I got about 20 to go.


James Manes

@manton It’s a good take. I like macOS because I can get most of the Linux benefits with a nicer UI and app support. I hope Apple doesn’t make it annoying to use.


James Manes

NFL Preseason starts today! So ready for football season.


James Manes

@bryan and with more protein! If I ever go to McDonald’s I get a burger with no fries or drink. Let’s me indulge a little more responsibly.


James Manes

Deleted my Bluesky account again. I don’t get caught up in flame wars and shit so it basically went unused. Might as well federate content via fediverse and just stick to that.


James Manes

Bought myself something nice: Maui Jim sunglasses.

A pair of Maui Jim sunglasses with bright blue reflective lenses.

James Manes

This little guy couldn’t take the heat today… was passed out in that position for three hours.

A squirrel draped over a tree branch sleeping. Its feet and tail are hanging freely on one side of the branch, and its head hanging freely on the other.

James Manes

Feast day for the ladies.

My three guinea pigs surrounding a big pile of chopped lettuce, carrots, bell pepper, and parsley. They are all sitting on a soft gray blanket that is used exclusively for guinea pig floor time.

James Manes

@val Wow that looks awesome with the mountains in the background!


James Manes

@Miraz She was absolutely expecting a treat! Thankfully the children behind us bought some feed for her.


James Manes

@manton It must have been a size limit or no indication of uploading. Error for the former and indicator for the latter should help!


James Manes

@alongtheray Beautiful shot


James Manes

Saw a shooting star off the coast last night. I was recording the storm blowing in and just happened to catch it!


James Manes

@manton can we attach videos to posts in the iOS app? It lets me select one but doesn’t seem to upload.


James Manes

The full moon from last night was strange. It rose above the clouds and you could only see its reflection on the water. It looked fake!

Navarre beach at moon rise. The moon is risen above the clouds and is not visible. Below the ocean is seen reflecting the moons light. Due to the hidden moon it appears the ocean is lit up with no light source at all.

James Manes

Saw some wildlife at a Zoo today in Navarre. It’s a small zoo but they let you get up close to the animals!

A bright pink Flamingo standing on a single leg. A horned cow of some sort, peaking over the fence hoping I’ll give it food.


James Manes

@bryan Image didn’t show up in the timeline on MB but did on Mastodon 🤔


James Manes

Made it to Navarre.

The Navarre beach in Florida at sunset. Photo was taken from a top floor of an ocean side condo.

James Manes

@val Very surreal vibe to this one.


James Manes

So a single corporation’s botched software update was enough to disrupt our entire national flight infrastructure? We are so cooked.


James Manes

I’m going to re-evaluate if I should self-host my own blog on Wordpress or elsewhere rather than MB after I get back from Florida. I keep running into edge cases where the product just doesn’t work. There are no guard rails or explanation as to why something doesn’t work.


James Manes

Looks like when @ mention someone on MB as the first portion of a post it just gets swallowed up. Doesn’t appear on my timeline, mentions or posts. Also looks like embedding video with markdown doesn’t work. @manton


James Manes

@manton Looks like Micro.blog doesn't support video embeds on the timeline using markdown?


James Manes

I went on a long train ride while in Colorado. The 4k/60fps option for iPhone video capture is awesome. video


James Manes

@manton What a wild response from the founder. Ditching his ass is the only right response.


James Manes

Colorado trip this week for a family reunion. Awesome sights and an awesome drive. We are going out on the lake today. On the way here I had to drive down a mountain pass. I let the Integra coast at 65mph in 3rd gear all the way down; no need for brakes or gas.

View from my rented cabin. There is a very large lake with pine trees surrounding. In the distance, pine tree covered mountains can be seen. It is a bright sunny day. A road sign that says “HARPIN CURVE 6 MILES AHEAD” with a diagram of the hairpin layout.My parked Integra Type S in front of pine trees at the cabin resort.


James Manes

@bryan You're going to catch mad hate for this one. Not from me, but it will happen.


James Manes

@bryan Suburban infrastructure is almost entirely to blame for this in my opinion. It may have been acceptable before the internet and modern services, as you stated, but now it is unacceptably isolating. I go on walks in my neighborhood and talk to my immediate neighbors every now and then.


James Manes

I was pretty shocked today to see that a full spare tire and rim for a Civic was around $600 vs the temporary donut spare that came with the car which cost $400. Are OEMs are really pinching for pennies that badly?


James Manes

@bryan Amen. I still vote D for the most part but I no longer give them benefit of the doubt. They need to be pressured and bullied into doing the right thing.


James Manes

Headed to Colorado for a family reunion next week; then down to Florida the week after. A well needed vacation.


James Manes

Got a used Bowflex set up in the unfinished basement. Looks like hell but it works. I’ve been doing 1.5hr workouts every other morning at 6AM.

The bowflex set up in a corner of my basement. Other various free weights can be seen lying about.

James Manes

@petebrown Absolutely agree. I see it referenced way too much in relevance to real world situations. Especially by moderate Democrats.


James Manes

@manton Completley agree.


James Manes

Honestly thinking that stock markets as a concept will lead to unethical behavior 100% of the time. Allowing someone with no stake in the labor to suddenly profit share from it is not a good pattern for society.


James Manes

Got a whole crew out here today from a small business cutting down broken tree limbs and a bunch of other stuff. After I made the call they showed up with 3+ vehicles within minutes… insane.


James Manes

Power out for the entire neighborhood. That storm was in-and-out but something fierce. I have the network and a few other strategic areas hooked to UPSs. Hopefully power is back within 70 minutes. 😅


James Manes

Another trip to “The Melting Pot” in Kansas City. I didn’t expect a firework to be delivered with the dessert. A bit strange… but it did look cool.

A fondue pot full of melted chocolate. A raspberry cake is in the middle of the chocolate, and a small firework fountain mounted on top of the cake is shooting out sparks.

James Manes

@bryan Good lord. Good luck!


James Manes

@manton I ditched them for WaPo a few years ago. It has always felt like the right move.


James Manes

@val Beautiful architecture!


James Manes

@Annie Hell I'd settle for anyone under 60 years old at this point


James Manes

@Annie We are so cooked


James Manes

@manton The way I see it, what is done with the data is what is important. Archival of public data as history is fine, ripping off artists by copying their unique style and then selling that functionality to folks is another deal.