Jim Mitchell Avatar
Jim Mitchell
I wrangle nerds, herd cats, and sometimes write code that works. Apple fanboy. Fledgling SwiftUI developer. Somewhat sarcastic, but mostly harmless. Prolific abuser of ellipses…

Jim Mitchell

I’ve been weighing the options of sticking with Micro.blog, running my own WordPress server or going the 100% free route of a Hugo site published on GitHub pages. Cost and effort wise, Micro.blog is the front runner, plus (I’ve said it before) there’s the community. Con is I’m not 100% in control.


Jim Mitchell

Something I do like about Reeder… When opening a toot from the feed, it gives the full Mastodon thread in context.


Jim Mitchell

I’m going to throw these knee-jerk observations about Reeder out as I evaluate it… A big thing I’m seeing: If you follow someone/something in multiple places (Micro.blog, Mastodon, RSS), you’re going to see the same post multiple times. That makes for a lot of duplicate noise in the home feed.


Jim Mitchell

I’m giving Raycast Pro a spin to see if it’s worth what they’re charging. ~$100/year seems a tad steep for the pro features, so we’ll see in a couple of weeks if my mind has been changed. I do like the custom window management feature however…


Jim Mitchell

@numericcitizen I'm having a hard time with this myself. I've added all my feeds and already feel overwhelmed -- and I don't follow that many really. Just like @canion, I don't think Reeder (or Tapestry) going to end up being for me. I'm too set in my ways of consuming content.


Jim Mitchell

Okay… So I may roll back what I said about Reeder the other day. The new release looks intriguing. I’m going to subscribe for a month or two just to see what it can do. I’m still not 100% sure I want to consume all my content in one place though. 🤔


Jim Mitchell

@vincent Agreed. The Apple of Steve had a whole different vibe than the Apple of Tim does now. I miss those days too.


Jim Mitchell

@manton Thanks. This aligns with what I’ve seen. cc @moonmehta


Jim Mitchell

I got lost in thought and managed to put too much water in my oatmeal this morning, ending up with the consistency of clam chowder wallpaper paste. I’m a chunky oatmeal guy…


Jim Mitchell

@canion I relate to this statement...


Jim Mitchell

@pratik Under the "Moving from a different account" area of your Mastodon account, you create an alias of your Micro.blog Fediverse username. Then in your Micro.blog account under "ActivityPub," clicking the "View Fediverse Details" button, you will have an option to "move away" where you can enter your Mastodon user name.


Jim Mitchell

@moonmehta I should clarify this statement... Every time I've set up Micro.blog to Mastodon aliasing, I have seen users begin following on Mastodon. However, those who subsequently follow on Micro.blog may not (and probably don't) automatically start following.


Jim Mitchell

@mroutley Thanks. As coincidence would have it, I received an email from my cell provider yesterday offering Apple Music Family for $10/mo. vs. the regular $16.99 - which I of course jumped on immediately.


Jim Mitchell

@pratik No. You continue to use your Mastodon username on your instance. Anyone who follows you from Micro.blog will become a follower on the Mastodon instance automatically.


Jim Mitchell

@vincent Totally get it. Though I'm a life-long Apple guy, I've often considered making the switch to Linux. If I did more web development, I probably would. Maybe when my MacBook Air gets too long in the tooth I will, so that's looking like five to seven years at least as well.


Jim Mitchell

@pratik I'd recommend aliasing your micro.blog Fediverse username to your Mastodon username. That way if anyone is following you on Micro.blog, they will be automatically moved. This is what I've done. Works a charm.


Jim Mitchell

I’m considering changing my Apple Music subscription from single-user annual to family monthly to allow my wife and son to play their music on various devices (HomePod) and not interrupt what I’m already playing elsewhere. Anyone else using the Apple Music family plan? Is it worth it to you?


Jim Mitchell

@vincent what browser did you move to?


Jim Mitchell

@manton I’ve reported this in the past, but bubbling it up again… When trying to set an order in Recommendations, it never seems to “take” for me. The order always ends up way different than what I set via drag. This is in the web UI. Let me know if you need a video. Cc @help


Jim Mitchell

Apple Ditching USB-A on the New Mac mini? jimmitchell.dev

Jim Mitchell

I managed to wander my way back to Reeder for RSS a little while back, but noticed this morning the app has been renamed to “Reeder Classic” on the Mac App Store. This means a new release is imminent with a new purchase likely needed. I think I’m going to move back to NetNewsWire (again), probably for good... jimmitchell.dev

Jim Mitchell

I added a books page to my Micro.blog site today. It’s still a little bare, but I hope to up my reading game going forward. I used to be a voracious reader, but lost the mojo for it over the last decade.


Jim Mitchell

A Tuesday (Monday) morning work rant: If I’ve ignored your unsolicited business email the first three times you’ve sent it, don’t send it a fourth and then fifth time demanding a response from me to take a meeting. You won’t get it, and now you’ve been relegated to the domain block list. Bye.


Jim Mitchell

I’ve started using Omnivore as my read it later app. I’m not sure how I’ve missed this one, but it’s pretty impressive, and open source no less.


Jim Mitchell

@kalikambo welcome aboard. Micro.blog is a great community of users.


Jim Mitchell

I took time this weekend to refresh my Micro.blog theme for about the hundredth time after discovering a nice webfont. As usual, one tweak led to the next and suddenly hours have passed by. I’m happy where it’s at for now, so it’s time to step away.


Jim Mitchell

@manton seems to be better now but did take a few rebuilds as I updated domain on images for remaining posts and pages. Will keep an eye out and report further issues if I see them.


Jim Mitchell

@manton Having issues with broken images. Some are okay and served from the CDN, but others are not. I updated my Mb domain earlier this week, but even after updating posts to use new domain on images, some are still 404-ing while others are not. Suggestions? I've toggled the CDN setting & rebuilt.


Jim Mitchell

Scrolling through the macOS desktops from years gone by over at 512 Pixels, I still think 10.4 Tiger is the best looking of all of them…and is the one I’m using today.


Jim Mitchell

@vincent hey man… could you reduce the clutter on that desk? 🤣


Jim Mitchell

My son and I built his new gaming PC today. I’ve never done this before, but I’ll be damned, the thing booted right away. The only thing I had to do was update Wifi drivers for the new motherboard. As a Mac fanboy, I feel pretty darned accomplished.


Jim Mitchell

Today is the last day in office before a full week off from the day job. As it stands, I have 10 meetings on calendar. If past pre-vacation days are any indication, today will be fraught with all kinds of fire drills between those meetings. I’m really hoping for something different, because I woke up in a ... jimmitchell.org

Jim Mitchell

Driver’s licenses and state IDs in Apple Wallet are coming soon to California jimmitchell.org

Jim Mitchell

I renewed my lapsed Apple Developer membership last night, giving myself one year to get a useful macOS app out in the wild again. I have some ideas that could ultimately lead to a refresh of my old app.


Jim Mitchell

Since I see a high enough number of visitors looking for my Yasu page in Tinylytics, I’ve decided to republish the page. We’ll see what comes of it… I’ll probably add some history to it later.


Jim Mitchell

Patreon adds Apple tax to avoid getting kicked out of the App Store – The Verge jimmitchell.org

Jim Mitchell

Updated goal weight met and surpassed. Let’s go for another five, which is really four since I surpassed by a pound without realizing it. This puts me back at my wedding day weight. It’s crazy what cutting refined sugar, controlling portions, moderate exercise, and balancing my thyroid has done.


Jim Mitchell

I’ve let my coffee consumption get away from me again, drinking four to six 12-ounce cups per day. Even though it’s mostly decaf, I need to get back to limiting it to just two. It’s so easy to fall back into old habits if I don’t keep an eye on it.


Jim Mitchell

Writing today’s post about my internet journey has made me wonder if I’d be able to resurrect Yasu in some way. I think I’m going to give it a shot…


Jim Mitchell

My Internet Journey jimmitchell.org

Jim Mitchell

@manton Cool. Of course this is a user chosen image, just like for podcasts.


Jim Mitchell

@manton I think I get what you’re going for here, but my take is rendering an image of a post for OpenGraph might look worse than a favicon itself when displayed on smaller screens. Maybe an option is to set a default OG image in a Mb site to be used if a post doesn’t already have a leading image, which is what I see in practice on other platforms. Of course if I’m missing it completely, tell me so.


Jim Mitchell

@jean Great shot!


Jim Mitchell

@gluon 🫡 At least I have my Gluon t-shirt to remember the good old days with. Thanks for your great work.


Jim Mitchell

@canion I endorse this choice…


Jim Mitchell

@vincent Thanks for the Tinylytics logo shout out. Contrary to what you think, it was a piece of cake to work with you compared to others I've done spec work for in the past. 😂 Glad to know you're happy with the results.


Jim Mitchell

@amerpie Tact is not something that comes naturally to me. I have to watch my words carefully in these situations. I’m known for being blunt as a rock when it comes others’ shortcomings, whether they’re on my team or another coworker. I can’t stand idly by. It’s a disease.


Jim Mitchell

@amerpie Yep... I don't do desk side support so much anymore, but as someone who's responsible for an enterprise app, I get a lot of "X is broken, can you fix it?" asks, usually without any details. Most of those end up being PEBKAC errors, as I'm sure they do for you too.