Jefferson Burson Avatar
Jefferson Burson
stay curious

Jefferson Burson


I've had pretty good luck with Exporter. Not perfect but good enough for my bulk purposes.​


Jefferson Burson

@ia the new library navigation features are great! They fit very nicely with how I want to use iA Writer. Great job!


Jefferson Burson

Dead Astronauts

Jefferson Burson

@vincent I'm running Safari 18.1 on the Sequoia 18.1 Developer Beta. Under General, I set "Safari opens with a new window" and I set "new window opens with start page." New tab is set the same way.

For me, these settings ​bypass the problem that I think you're describing!


Jefferson Burson


Jefferson Burson

Finished reading: The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson 📚

4 stars


Jefferson Burson

@manton just updated to the new release on both iPad and iPhone. It’s a small UI enhancement, but really helpful! I had no idea you could lookup the book in those other websites! Thanks for the update!

I’ll note that, upon first installation on my iPad, the search seemed almost non-responsive at first. However, that seems to shaken itself out and I’m not seeing the issue anymore.


Jefferson Burson

@mjtsai that's great to hear! I look forward to seeing what evolves. all the best.


Jefferson Burson

@mjtsai out of curiosity, have you considered an iPad version of EagleFiler? thanks!


Jefferson Burson

Smilla’s Sense of Snow

Jefferson Burson

@manton I had a similar experience. I had been off of it for several years. After a bit of exploring, I found that using the Feed filters (in particular, favorites and, to a lesser extent, friends) makes it almost usable again.


Jefferson Burson

Lots of mushrooms on the trails this morning


Jefferson Burson

Finished reading: The Secret Life of the Universe by Nathalie A. Cabrol 📚

4 stars


Jefferson Burson

Excerpt from Kraken

Jefferson Burson

@steve_west if you run the 18.1 developer beta on an iPhone 15 Pro (or Pro Max), you can enable Apple Intelligence. The 18.0 public beta doesn't support the AI feature.

I don't believe the base (non-Pro) iPhone 15 will support Apple Intelligence.

Other than that, I think the mail online article may be in error regarding device support. The Apple preview website for IOS18 lists standard compatibility going back to iPhone 11 and even XS/XR.


Jefferson Burson

Astronomy Photo: The Sun

Jefferson Burson

@Parag it's great to see your astronomy photos! I went out 2 nights ago in central MA to see if I could spot any aurora, but didn't see anything. I have been trying out a solar filter on my telescope over the last month or two. That's been quite enjoyable!


Jefferson Burson


Tell us, they’ll say to me. So we will understand and be able to resolve things. They’ll be mistaken. It’s only the things you don’t understand that you can resolve. There will be no resolution.

excerpt from Smilla’s Sense of Snow by Peter Hoeg

📚 💬

IMDB photo from Smilla’s Sense of Snow


Jefferson Burson

Finished reading: The Catalyst: RNA and the Quest to Unlock Life’s Deepest Secrets by Thomas R. Cech 📚

4 stars


Jefferson Burson

Finished reading: The Book of Elsewhere by Keanu Reeves 📚

4 stars. Much more interesting than the comic source material.


Jefferson Burson

@manton thanks for putting together the survey and collecting user feedback on potential roadmap items. Filled out!


Jefferson Burson


Jefferson Burson

@manton FWIW - I've found it most useful to create a first approximation of a specific function I might need. I'll then go in and modify or adapt the AI-generated code to my purpose. I tend to keep the unit at the "block of code" level, rather than an entire program. This approach has been pretty good at helping me avoid blind adoption. I've also found it moderately useful at finding bugs or logic errors.


Jefferson Burson

@ia I look forward to hearing more about what Library improvements you have in mind! With current limitations in the iA Writer MacOS/IOS versions, I’ve been having to go out to the Finder/Files app to fill in certain shortcomings.


Jefferson Burson

@manton I haven’t installed it on my iPhone 15 Pro yet, but I’m currently using it on my M4 iPad Pro. And guess what? I’m even using the Apple Intelligence writing tool to clean up this post in Safari! (friendly text replacement)


Jefferson Burson

@numericcitizen thanks for the teaser! I’m definitely interested in Craft’s next update.

I’ve been considering switching over to iA Writer documents with wiki links and tags, stored in iCloud. This will make for a harder decision!


Jefferson Burson

Finished reading: The Allure of the Multiverse by Paul Halpern 📚

Four stars


Jefferson Burson

Our time is up

I think our time is up.

I know. Hold my hand.

Hold your hand?

Yes. I want you to.

All right. Why?

Because that’s what people do when they’re waiting for the end of something.

Excerpt from Stella Maris by Cormac McCarthy

📚 💬

Jefferson Burson

Our time is up

I think our time is up.

I know. Hold my hand.

Hold your hand?

Yes. I want you to.

All right. Why?

Because that’s what people do when they’re waiting for the end of something.

Excerpt from Stella Maris by Cormac McCarthy

📚 💬

Jefferson Burson

You have never spoken before

Jefferson Burson

we remain

Jefferson Burson

Astronomy Photo: The Sun

Jefferson Burson

Three Dead Astronauts

Jefferson Burson

Finished reading: The Laws of Connection by David Robson 📚

Three stars


Jefferson Burson

Finished reading: Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead by Rick Riordan 📚

Five stars!


Jefferson Burson

Finished reading: Shift by Hugh Howey 📚

Four stars!


Jefferson Burson

@Migueldeicaza it's also configurable via Display settings Arrangement. That not only covers displays directly connected to your mac, but also the devices/displays accessible via sharing keyboard and mouse


Jefferson Burson

Finished reading: Natural Magic by Renée Bergland 📚

3 stars


Jefferson Burson

Finished reading: To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers 📚

3 stars


Jefferson Burson

@rcarmo "High on a rocky promontory sat an LLM on a bored horse." It doesn't sound quite as awesome as the original.


Jefferson Burson

@manton I like this idea!


Jefferson Burson

@robertbreen I had a similar initial reaction to it, but got over it! by the time I finished the second book, I found the journey so rewarding that it smoothed over those first impressions.


Jefferson Burson

@robertbreen I agree entirely regarding The Road. For different reasons, I also really appreciated his last two linked books: The Passenger and Stella Maris. There are passages and moments in each that I still go back to re-visit.


Jefferson Burson

@numericcitizen I get Guardian VPN "free" with my Eero subscription and it seems to work well enough on IOS/iPadOS. If I were to look more broadly, I'd probably start with Proton VPN.


Jefferson Burson

@ablerism I loved Essex Serpent as well! You'll be glad to know that a few aspects of that story leak into Enlightenment.


Jefferson Burson

@ablerism looking at your linked book list, I'm pretty interested in the Rigor of Angels and The Women are up to Something. Thank you for the suggestions!


Jefferson Burson

@Denny growing up in TX and the Austin music scene, I really enjoyed Poi Dog Pondering! They made quite a splash for the time that they were in Austin. How fun to see their names pop up.


Jefferson Burson

@manton on device semantic index with cloud-based private RAG. Very interesting announcements.