Pete Brown Avatar
Pete Brown
I live in Western Mass, I have escaped corporate IT, and I miss the Web As It Was. I also like pen and paper.

Pete Brown

@bryan She has already endorsed Kamala.


Pete Brown

Here we go, this is it. EVERY SINGLE DAY:


Pete Brown

@amerpie yeah sometimes I think to myself “Do I quoteblog Joan too often?” and then I realize no, the posts are always just that good!


Pete Brown

ð @Westenberg | Fuck Looking for the Helpers. Be One.: "Somewhere along the line, we took this nugget of childhood comfort and twisted it into a coping mechanism for fully-grown adults. We’ve infantilized ourselves, clinging to the idea that as long as we can spot the do-gooders, everything will be okay. We’ve turned “looking for the helpers” into a spectator sport. Reality check: we’re not the wide-eyed kids Mr. Rogers was talking to anymore. We’re the adults in the room now. And it’s time we started fucking acting like it." Yeah, I meanâMr. Rogers was pretty great and all but he was makin...

Pete Brown

I can’t find a screencap of it anywhere and can’t make one myself because of stupid DRM but I feel like the shot of the two train conductors screaming in shock and terror as the bus hurled by Godzilla crashes directly onto the track right in front of their speeding train is all of us every single minute o...

Pete Brown

For “Dress Funky Friday” at summer camp, the 14yo has last-minute decided upon corpse paint, so guess what I am figuring out how to do at 7 in the morning.

I don’t remember this chapter from any of the parenting books.


Pete Brown

Many years ago, I ran across some copypasta/meme theme thing that told a long story, the ending of which was “â¦because snide assholes on the Internet are always wrong about everything” and I feel like that needs to be printed across the top of every screen on every web-connected device as both a reminder...

Pete Brown

During a breakfast-table discussion about farts this morning, the kids picked apart the “Whoever said the rhyme did the crime” comeback to the classic “Whoever smelt it, dealt it” accusation, noting that, as the comeback is itself a rhyme, it implicates the utterer in the original crime. I can’t help but ...

Pete Brown

It really sucks that we find ourselves in a culture where the only place a lot of people have to say “Everything is crazy right now, I feel really anxious and I want to talk with someone about that” is on social media platforms that are specifically engineered to be the worst sort of outlet for those feeli...

Pete Brown

I know they feel like they need to play up the rivalry for the movies and whatnot but the idea that it would even be a contest between Kong and Godzilla is just bonkers. I mean, sureâKong is a giant gorilla and Skull Island was a fun movie, but Godzilla is a force of nature. They’re not even in the same...

Pete Brown

I am watching Larry Cohen’s 1976 film God Told Me To and I can’t help but think that Christopher Nolan lifted the police funeral shooting scene in The Dark Knight nearly directly from the St. Patrick’s Day parade in this movie.


Pete Brown

As long as we have an investor class with stratospherically high mountains of cash that has to go somewhere, anywhere that will keep making them even more cash (rather than, say, making the lives of actual humans better), industry is just going to keep creating more of these made-up schemesâthe financial...

Pete Brown

While I dearly loved The West Wing as television drama, I feel like it has so warped people’s understanding of how US politics work and what is possible that it might be better had the show never existed.


Pete Brown

@jtr I’m no expert and could have this very wrong, but my understanding is that while Macron is to the left of the National Rally creeps, he is basically a centrist, while “the Left” is much farther down the spectrum from him. So it’s a little bit like Biden et al. in the States versus the progressives.


Pete Brown

@maique lol it took my brain a few seconds to process what exactly is going on in this photo


Pete Brown

@iChris Weird! I’m that parent in my town! What are the odds?


Pete Brown

I might be a bit more inclined to take all the high-minded, indignant posts and op-eds about how voting for US President is a choice between two bad options and they refuse to do it if literally any of them ever acknowledged that there are scores of state and local elections in the US that 1) offer a much ...

Pete Brown

On a seven-and-a-half-hour flight yesterday, a person in the row in front of me watched Big Bang Theory the entire time. I do not understand the appeal of that show and have never been able to stand more than about three minutes of it.


Pete Brown

@danalcantara @ChrisJWilson the arrival of kids makes finding time to do anythingnot directly related to kids a tricky proposition.


Pete Brown

ð More Thoughts on the Debate and Its Aftermath - TPM â Talking Points Memo: "One idea that is out there is that if Democrats fall in line behind President Biden and put their concerns to one side, theyâre no different from Trump Republicans, ignoring facts, following the leader. Iâve seen a few editorialists make this case and I can see it has some sympathy from some Democrats. This is such an appallingly stupid and bad argument itâs hard for me to even address it. Democrats have no affirmative responsibility to listen to columnists. They donât have to hold a symposium about everything...

Pete Brown

JESUS H. CHRIST why do I even look at the news anymore.


Pete Brown


People taking pictures of the Venus de Milo

Pete Brown

@jsonbecker @pratik Oh, don’t worry—you guys don’t have to sell me on any of that. I’m fully on board with policy solutions and not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, especially at the national/federal level.


Pete Brown

@jsonbecker @pratik I say why not both? 😃


Pete Brown

Holy shit! If you have a chance, don’t walk, RUN to go see DakhaBrakha live. They are fantastic.


Pete Brown

Umbrellas and clouds at the Green River Festival


Pete Brown

@gregmoore Just got back from their closing set tonight and they were great!


Pete Brown

Everything changes and it's really easy to get upset about that.

Pete Brown

🔗 @Westenberg | The $375m slice:

Robot-enabled pizza logistics are (presumably) hard. But that’s not why Zume failed. They failed because, unlike New Jersey’s first Pizzeria, neither Zume nor their investors actually understood food. In their rush to disrupt, to prove that they were the future, Zume’s leaders and funders either lost sight of the humbler realities of running a food service business - the myriad tiny details and unforgiving margins that can make or break a kitchen - or were too arrogant and blind to see it in the first damn place.


Pete Brown

ð AI can’t fix what automation already broke: "This is my great worry with generative AI. I have not lost a single wink of sleep over the notion that ChatGPT will become SkyNet, but I do worry that it, along with Copilot, Gemini, Cohere, and Anthropic, is being used by millions of managers around the world to cut the same sort of corners that the call center companies have been cutting for decades. That the result will be lost and degraded jobs, worse customer service, hollowed out institutions, and all kinds of poor simulacra for what used to stand in its steadâall so a handful of Silicon Vall...

Pete Brown

@jsonbecker Talking Points Memo and PopMatters are the two that come immediately to mind for me.


Pete Brown

@darby3 I am 100% with you on this.


Pete Brown

@odd @goblingumbo That album is 1) awesome and 2) pretty much a pure, 100% uncut nostalgia injection for me. Great stuff!


Pete Brown

@amerpie Book1 (3).xlsDONOT_DELETE


Pete Brown

@anniegreens See, I thought that same thing and then I got a bag of the rye-chips-only, and it was too much. I think part of what makes the rye chips so great is that they’re a special treat mixed in with all the other stuff.


Pete Brown

@jsonbecker Yeah, I’ve become a pretty big fan since starting to use it regularly a few months ago. My use case is basically the same as yours. When I do find myself getting annoyed, it is about the torrent of clickbait headlines but that is the publications’ fault, not that of the app itself.


Pete Brown

@frankm Oh wow—that’s fantastic! It’s great to see that building coming back to life after so many decades of neglect.


Pete Brown

@withers It was so soothing and satisfying watching those little white and yellow blocks and dots move around.


Pete Brown

@bjhess somewhere on Mastodon over the weekend? Of course, now I can’t find the link to whatever I was reading.


Pete Brown

@bjhess Yeah, Album Whale was actually the first thing ("Oh no!") that came to my mind when I read the Songwhip news the other day. Sounds like their whole operation is shutting down, not just the API.


Pete Brown

@JohnBrady Thx btw for your posts about the book—they prompted me to pick it back up again after starting it many years ago and I am really enjoying it.


Pete Brown

@JohnBrady I feel the same way and have also never made it more than halfway through that book, despite several attempts over the course of my adult life.