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Joshua P. Steele
The Rev. Dev. A pastor-turned-programmer who solves problems with an eye for detail and a heart for people.

Joshua P. Steele

Looking for the following as I consider moving from WordPress to something else: Markdown; integration with Drafts, MarsEdit, etc. (I really hate the WP editor); comments; contact form; images; able to import content from WP (~250 posts, ~12 pages). Any recs? #blogging #website


Joshua P. Steele

Anyone else craving some real mail?? Thinking about starting some kind of pen-pal network…


Joshua P. Steele

@dswanson Lol, too true, too true...


Joshua P. Steele

Wish you were better with money? Here’s a great summary of actionable financial advice:…


Joshua P. Steele

I’ve seen people mention the reMarkable tablet again recently. How does it stack up against the Supernote? When last I checked, I was leaning toward getting a Supernote over a reMarkable. Have the scales tipped?


Joshua P. Steele

6 Things I’m Excited About (2024-08-04)

Joshua P. Steele

PSA: Nazis are bad, actually


Joshua P. Steele

Only. Murders. In. The. Building!


Joshua P. Steele

@vincent What are you using now?


Joshua P. Steele

“When the world zigs. Zag.”…


Joshua P. Steele

Good news! If you’re reading this, God loves you.


Joshua P. Steele

Fill in the blanks from the perspective of your childhood to learn more about your upbringing! “In our family, the one thing you must never do is ___. In our family, the one thing you must do above all else is ___.”


Joshua P. Steele

@JohnBrady glory, glory, Hallelujah! I got to wear a light jacket on my morning walk today and it made me so happy.


Joshua P. Steele

How often have you heard the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70 mentioned in a sermon? Which church tradition are you a part of?


Joshua P. Steele

@jsonbecker I'll be honest, I like the idea, but I've never quite understood what's the best way to dry yourself off after using one...


Joshua P. Steele

@odd it’s what I live for!


Joshua P. Steele

brat summer is over. it’s time for cozy boy fall! 🍂🍁☕️🎃


Joshua P. Steele

Should I keep my Blinkist subscription? y/n. I’ve had it for years and used it often, just not that much recently.


Joshua P. Steele

Does the internet feel (1) more or (2) less lonely to you than it did, say, 5-10 years ago?


Joshua P. Steele

“Lord of all power and might, the author and giver of all good things: Graft in our hearts the love of your Name; increase in us true religion; nourish us with all goodness; and bring forth in us the fruit of good works; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one...

Joshua P. Steele

Where are my people at? “And remember this: There is no more important safety rule, than…” What comes next?


Joshua P. Steele

How good is AI translation from German to English these days? Could it, say, take a PDF scan of an old typescript, and give it back to me in English? #ai #ml #translation


Joshua P. Steele

“How would you react if you learned that a sad and beautiful poem that touched you deeply had been written by a computer?” (Stock, The Book of Questions, 006)


Joshua P. Steele

@toddgrotenhuis Oooh, just curious what the CCM song was!


Joshua P. Steele

“Would you rather lose the use of all motorized vehicles, all telecommunication devices and computers, or one of your hands?” (Stock, The Book of Questions, 001)


Joshua P. Steele

@KyleEssary Thanks! That's helpful


Joshua P. Steele

Somebody tell August it doesn’t have to be like this. We can skip the last few hot days and head straight to fall. I can feel the flannel! I can smell the pumpkin spice! But it’s going to be almost 100F today.


Joshua P. Steele

Any other Harbor Freight addicts out here on the IndieWeb? #tools #harborfreight


Joshua P. Steele

I keep hearing claims that the overall number of abortions tends to decrease during Democrat presidencies and increase during Republican ones. Makes sense to me, given the differences in “pro-family” policies. But what are the best statistics, studies, etc. to look at here? Looking for references.


Joshua P. Steele

My my! What a picture.

Kamala Harris on the stage at the united center. In front of and below her is the back of a young girl with pigtails in her hair.

Joshua P. Steele

Hoo boy, I’m reading “Democracy Awakening” by Heather Cox Richardson and it’s amazing just how much Republicans asshattery was left out of my right-wing history education growing up!


Joshua P. Steele

“Live as if you were living for the second time and had acted as wrongly the first time as you are about to act now.” (Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning)


Joshua P. Steele

@ChrisJWilson that being said, I was quite chuffed when I learned that Joshua and Jesus are identical names in Koine Greek!


Joshua P. Steele

@ChrisJWilson oi, I object to the use of my name as a verb! lol. But, for real, this cause me a fair bit of angst as a child when I learned what “to josh someone” meant! 😂


Joshua P. Steele

@craigmcclellan woah, just now hearing about Plotter. Looks amazing! But, wow, expensive starting points for the binders.


Joshua P. Steele

@eastbrad just preordered a copy! As well as your Church book from Lexham


Joshua P. Steele

@phrequencyviii Ha, thanks! I figure I could help people avoid a few permanently discolored washcloths...


Joshua P. Steele

@jean mmm, also the best college fight song out there! Go Blue! 😊


Joshua P. Steele

@toddgrotenhuis Do it! I'm curious


Joshua P. Steele

@ayjay I'm from NW OH (as is @teedan, if I remember correctly). Is that the Midwest? I say "Ope!" and love cornhole...


Joshua P. Steele

@ChrisJWilson Yep, I hear "gentle reminder" as passive-aggressive


Joshua P. Steele

@tinyroofnail Well now I'm curious, what's your beef with Snoop?


Joshua P. Steele

@maique @otaviocc I'm kind of looking forward to my Apple watch dying so that I can feel good about going back to the G-Shock!


Joshua P. Steele

@mwerickson We read that back in seminary, might have to dig it out again!


Joshua P. Steele

@odd Death, taxes, and COVID!


Joshua P. Steele

@johnjohnston @ChrisJWilson Ugh, I just want an easy way to go from Drafts to! Might migrate away from Wordpress to a static site or something...


Joshua P. Steele

@JohnBrady coveting your beard 🧔‍♂️