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Dan Alcantara
Husband, dad and pastor in the west of Scotland.

Dan Alcantara

a mysterious grief danalcantara.co.uk

Dan Alcantara

Fridays are usually sermon writing days danalcantara.co.uk

Dan Alcantara

@patrickrhone I’ve got a raincoat, hybrid down coat, and a blazer from them and they’re all fantastic


Dan Alcantara

Reblog – There Are Lions on the Walls! danalcantara.co.uk

Dan Alcantara

The Ten Commandments in schools? danalcantara.co.uk

Dan Alcantara

@maique it’s a bit late but I managed to find the export option by signing into the Overcast web app. That’s been my main obstacle to moving to a different app


Dan Alcantara

@KyleEssary Satellite is no joke


Dan Alcantara

August Family Update danalcantara.co.uk

Dan Alcantara

he gives to his beloved sleep danalcantara.co.uk

Dan Alcantara

spending time outside the church danalcantara.co.uk

Dan Alcantara

@jonah I can definitely understand the sentimental value of that Bible. These books become treasures for us for many reasons


Dan Alcantara

@jonah I’ve found the footnotes really helpful as well. Plus, the NKJV that I currently have was a gift from a church member so there’s some sentimental value to it too


Dan Alcantara

barely scratching the surface danalcantara.co.uk

Dan Alcantara

@ChrisJWilson I’m not Textus Receptus either but there’s a bit of nostalgia with the NKJV because my first grown up Bible was one


Dan Alcantara

@ChrisJWilson It’s been amazing to see what pops out as I keep going back to the book. I’ve been doing the same as you mentioned. I wrote it out in the ESV and then have also been using that book as a sort of journal of my observations; but then I’ve also listened to the NIV and CSB in Dwell. My next listen through will probably be NKJV, I like the narrator that Dwell got for that one.


Dan Alcantara

preparing for a new season danalcantara.co.uk

Dan Alcantara

@ChrisJWilson I’ve been floor-desk curious for a bit but I don’t know if I’d would actually be able to commit to it long term. I also try to work from home as little as possible so that limits things as well


Dan Alcantara

A week in Birmingham danalcantara.me

Dan Alcantara

Something I’m very glad I’ve given myself is an ease-in week after being away on holiday for a week. I have one meeting and a few admin tasks to do this week and that’s all.


Dan Alcantara

나는 집에 있어요. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Dan Alcantara

@philbowell it was a trip surely lacking in coffee but the company more than made up for it!


Dan Alcantara

Preston. 🚊


Dan Alcantara

There will be a fairly big blog post coming this week looking back at our holiday in Birmingham. We’re currently in transit and I deliberately traveled without a keyboard for my iPad. 🗺


Dan Alcantara

@odd If you check the website, it says week one’s runs are 60-seconds. I think it comes to a total of 8 minutes but it is broken up into sets


Dan Alcantara

@DaveyCraney No kidding. My sons wanted to watch the skateboarding and it was just impossible to find it. I think they even did that with the last Olympics so there’s really no excuse.


Dan Alcantara

@ChrisJWilson I think the tricky thing with trying to find a contrast in approach from Paul in Athens and Corinth is the fact that Corinth had a synagogue whereas there isn’t any mention of one in Athens. That being said, it does seem like Athens is the anomaly in Paul’s normal pattern of going first to a synagogue to teach (the other example that comes to mind being Philippi, though Paul did go to where he knew there would be God-fearers and diaspora Jews).


Dan Alcantara

@ChrisJWilson I haven’t seen any of the pushback (probably for the best) but as I was reading some of Acts 17 this morning, even Paul practiced a winsome approach with the Athenians. He was greatly troubled by the paganism and idolatry he saw in the city but as he began to address them at the Areopagus, he praised their piety as a way of introducing them to someone who’s actually worthy of that piety, namely YHWH.


Dan Alcantara

@ChrisJWilson thank you! One thing I forgot to mention in my blogpost is the fact that the feedback I heard the most from church members was “I’ve never heard about this from the pulpit.”


Dan Alcantara

It’s my day off and my son has a friend over which means chaos in the lounge so I’ve retreated to the kitchen.


Dan Alcantara

@ChrisJWilson the Affinity stuff is really powerful but it’s a lot of fun too, I got the full suite for the iPad a couple of months ago


Dan Alcantara

Tolstoy knows what’s up. This week, I’ll be preaching on the theology of work.

My main point: Work is a gift from God for man’s good and kingdom flourishing so work for God’s glory, to bless one another, and to bear witness.


Dan Alcantara

@ChrisJWilson it’s the first time I’ve live-blogged something in years


Dan Alcantara

The chief rule of the Christian religion danalcantara.me

Dan Alcantara

Taxes sorted for now. Always only ever just for now…


Dan Alcantara

As of time of writing, I’ve been on hold for 37 minutes.


Dan Alcantara

Oh the joys of being on hold… with HMRC…


Dan Alcantara

A reason to be grateful: the coffee roaster I order from accidentally sent me a full kilo of their premium roast and told me to keep it. ☕️


Dan Alcantara

@ChrisJWilson cool! This whole series has been quite challenging because I’m so used to staying in one place for a sermon


Dan Alcantara

Preaching on mental health danalcantara.me

Dan Alcantara

We ought to glory in nothing, because nothing is ours. Cyprian


Dan Alcantara

@christopherchelpka definitely! It’s a bit of a winding story but it’s a fun one


Dan Alcantara

@christopherchelpka that’s amazing. I was born in Tucson so it’s always fun to see stuff from there.


Dan Alcantara

@DaveyCraney I should mention I would also need to convince my wife (and my daughters, because my sons would totally be on board)!


Dan Alcantara

@DaveyCraney I wish I could convince myself to do this. All I want is a board to cruise around on


Dan Alcantara

@ChrisJWilson @philbowell It will be recorded, I’ll try to remember to share a link to it once it’s up.


Dan Alcantara

@maique it boggles the mind indeed!


Dan Alcantara

@maique our youngest, now 7, used to do this every. single. time. If it wasn’t just before leaving for holiday it was on the way home from holiday.